We came across a few more guards on our way in who also turned hostile the moment they saw us. Thus, they were added to the human pile that Gamma was pulling as well.
Eventually the guards learnt their lesson and stopped bothering us, all of them looking at our procession from a distance away.
We finally reached the doors of the palace and I alighted the carriage with my disciples. The guards there were all looking at me like they couldn't decide if they should try to stop me and join the pile of bodies we were dragging along; or let us pass and risk insubordination.
Before they could decide which of the two decisions to make, the grand, double doors of the palace entrance opened up.
A scholarly looking man stepped out with the poise of a man who believes himself to be the most important person in the room.
He took one look at us and sighed, "You're the ambassadors from that… What was that place again? Bei-something country, yes?"
The disciples were having the time of their lives beating down the idiots since it was an order given by MC himself.