89.65% Unknown Family / Chapter 26: In the Air

章節 26: In the Air

While Jack was stretching and had his back to Seraphina, she stole a few glances. He looked very similar to Lucien, but his eyes were a different shade of green. They were more like a blue than a green, but they still had enough green to be considered green. He also had broader shoulders and a thicker frame. He was incredibly handsome and she couldn't believe she hadn't noticed before.

Maybe she was so caught up in the whirlwind that was going on around her, she couldn't notice. Completely zoned out Sera hadn't realized her subject of admiration was now admiring her much like a predator admires its prey. "Getting a good show?" Jack teased. Sera jumped up at the sound of Jack's voice near her ear.

"Sorry I was zoning out and wasn't paying attention . What now?" She blurted quickly hoping that the lie wouldn't be caught. Jack gave her a look of skepticism, but decided to drop it and observe her. He backed away from her and cleared his throat, "We should get to today's lesson before it gets dark." She nodded and went towards the area that seemed set up for today. There was a blanket, pillows, and candles set up in a ceremonial type of way. "What should I do? Should I lay down?" Sera asked while looking toward Jack. He nodded and gestures for her to lay down on the blanket and pillows.

"Once you're comfortable I need you to clear your mind of everything. Then when your mind is blank imagine you are immersed in white." Sera let out a deep breath and then slowly closed her eyes, allowing herself to follow the directions precisely. As soon as she cleared her mind she could feel her burdens being lifted like weights that were keeping her down. The less that was on her mind the lighter she felt. Now was time to immerse herself in white. She imagined that she was in the most luxurious white cloud-like blankets and pillows and it felt like she was flying.

Jack was surprised at how fast she became weightless. Since she easily left her mind clutter the next part should be easier. He leaned close to her ear and whispered the incantation she needed to be able to fully levitate. She repeated the words aloud and suddenly whoosh, she was in the air. Normal people would be slightly scared at the difference in atmospheric pressure, but Sera was excited by it. The pure pleasure she felt from the wind that whipped her face and the crispness of the air. She felt free and clear of anything that held her back before. Now that she was midair she could see things in a much clearer way and even feel things better.

At that moment the thoughts and feelings from earlier today came crashing into peaceful bliss. When this happened she came crashing down onto the pillows below.

Jack watched the entire thing unfold and couldn't react fast enough. Her face was full of beauty and freedom, but suddenly it changed and he saw her dropping. As she was falling all he could think was catch her. The plan was to catch her in the air and gently bring her down to the ground. Reality was he managed to get the pillows in a large pile under where she was to land.

"Ouch" Sera screeched. "You didn't keep your mind clear." Jack said with a panicked look. Rubbing her butt Sera seemed embarrassed and looked down at the ground. " I thought that I was clear and then these embarrassing things came into my mind and I lost focus."

"What embarrassing things? Do you feel like talking about it? Maybe that will help you to keep your mind clear." He smiled a warm and enthusiastic smile, hoping to coax her into opening up. She looked slightly distressed and lightly but her lower lip while debating whether she should share. "Well, something happened with Lucien today and I'm still really self conscious about it." At the sound of Lucien's name Jack's calm demeanor melted away and an icy fire bubbled to the surface. "What did he do?!" Jack boomed in an uncharacteristic way. Seeing the look on his face and hearing the anger in his voice made Sera more nervous.

Sera slowly backed away from Jack, but tried to hide her worry. 'Why is he so angry? He acts as if he hates his brother. What would make him hate his brother?'

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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