55.55% The Almighty Voyage / Chapter 5: Kingdom trouble’s   

章節 5: Kingdom trouble’s   

The story opens up one day back in the kingdom of Obadiah. It shows the Queen Candace walking to go an see the Councilmen. Councilmen, she says to the group.  For I am bored, Its been 3 months since my husband left for his Voyage and since that time I have been confined to these castle walls. I would like to leave the castle some times. My fair Queen one of the Councilmen speaks up. I truly understand what you are saying and where you are coming from. Just then 3rd Royale  knight Capt. Sir Drake walks in. But right now the kingdom of Obadiah needs a ruler the Councilmen says to the queen, and you are its current ruler. You must take caution my queen, you must think about what if something were may to happen to you, then what?! Then the Royale knights, will do their duty and protect me, but also the kingdom of Obadiah. I'm sorry my queen,  but the Council must deny your request to leave the kingdom grounds. The queen gives a menacing glare at the Councilmen and storms out. 3rd captain Drake, a Councilmen cries out. Yes Councilmen drake says as he kneels before them, go after the queen make sure she's safe, at the end of the day she is still in charge of the kingdom until King Orion returns. As you wish Councilmen sir Drake says as he stands up and exits. One of the Councilmen sighs what are we gonna do?

It then cuts back to the queen, she's walking down one of the castle hallways when suddenly a voice cries out. My queen,  my queen its sir Drake, but the queen ignores him. Sir Drake then races to catch up with her. My queen he says as he grabs her arm, where are you going? He asks her. Get your hands off me she demands, sorry Drake says as he lets her arm go. Why do you care its none of your concern. Or did the Councilmen send you to be my babysitter? She asks him in a frustrated tone. My queen I'm truly sorry but I honestly know  how you feel. It may not seem like it, but the Councilmen truly have your best interest in mind. They have a lot on their plate as well. With our beloved king gone they must ensure everything gets done as well as ensure the safety of all residents living inside the kingdom walls. Like you I want to venture outside the castle walls from time to time but I can't. Why because I have a sworn duty to uphold, and I am gonna uphold it. The queen then looks at sir Drake and smiles fine you win. How about this, she then whispers something in sir Drake's ear. My queen, I never thought of you to be so daring. The queen laughs come on she says as she grabs drake arm and the 2 run down the halls of the castle. 

It then cuts to another Royale knight, 12th captain of the Royale knights sir Geoffreyhes just so happens to be roaming the halls when queen Candace and sir Drake run into him.

Ahh Sir Jeffery, just the Royale knight I was looking for! Candance says, I have a mission for you. Mission? The 12th Royale knight captain asks in a confused tone rubbing his head, sir Drake nods his head as the queen informs him by whispering it to him. 

The three then head out to the stables to fetch a horse and wagon, out there is lady Agnes, 6th captain of the Royale knights. 

she's tending to the horses when the queen and the other knights barge in starling the 6th captain. My queen lady Agnes says in a starling tone freaking out knocking over buckets of water an oats, she then kneels before the queen. Arise lady Agnes queen Candace says, for this is great that you're here in the stables, for I have a mission for you. Yey my queen I'm ready, Agnes says as she bumps her chest with her right hand. Candce smiles, Great to hear! the queen says in an uppity tone. 3rd captain Drake and 12th captain Geoffreywill be accompanying you on this mission. Ok, what's the mission? Agnes asks. Well… Queen Candace sir Geoffreybegins to say, but is suddenly cut of by 3rd captain Drake.

It's an escort mission he says, the Queen here has become restless and wants to venture outside the walls of the kingdom. The Councilmen have denied her request to travel outside the kingdom walls, so this will obviously have to be a covert mission. 

I see Agnes says as she turns and face Drake. But if we do this we will be disobeying the Councilmen she says as she points her right pointer finger in the air. Punishment for this could get us expelled from Obadiah or even stripped of our royale rank and knightly title as well as kicked out of the castle force to live life as regular citizens. Don't forget get the Councilmen have just as much power as the king Agnes tells them. Sir Drake frowns her and turns his head crossing his arms.  It wasn't my idea, it was the Queen's he says to Agnes. I mean that in the most respectful manner my Queen Agnes says as she bows her head. Yes, I completely understand your position and know why you don't want to go on this mission Candace says to the 6th captain as she puts her right hand on her left shoulder; believe me if you choose to say no it won't be any hard feelings. No it's fine my queen, I just wanted to let everyone know how serious this is, Agnes says. Sir Geoffreyand Drake nod their heads. Ok my queen what do you want us to do? Sir drake asks.


       It then cuts to the 3 Royale knights, they've  loaded up a wagon with barrels and other wooden crates. Agnes is driving the wagon, while Sir Geoffreyand Drake  walk alongside it walking through the streets of Obadiah headed to the Main gate. Once at the gate the knights must check in with the guards that guard the entrance to Obadiah. Ahh lady Agnes, sir Geoffreyand sir Drake it's an honor to see you he says as he bows before them, what brings you three to .here to the gate of Obadiah? Gotta mission the guardsmen asks. Yey, supply mission my fellow guardsmen Sir Drake tells him, it's been a recent famine in a few towns outside the kingdom of Obadiah and the queen wants us to take some of these supplies to the towns. To keep the people from starving. The guardsmen then looks at the back of the wagon and sees all the barrels loaded up. Boy, that's a ton of supplies he says as he taps the top of one of the barrels. Well I don't wanna hold you three up any longer have a safe journey the guardsmen says as he signals for the gates to be raised. He then waves bye as the caravan leaves the kingdom  walls. 

After a little while the wagon comes to a stop and Queen Candace is let outta the barrel. The coast is clear my queen you can come out now sir Geoffrey says to Candace as he opens the top and lets her out. That was pretty quick she says as she steps out of the barrel and onto the grass and stretches. Are you sure we're far enough? Yes my lady sir Drake says, the Royale horses are much faster than the average horse, we're actually miles away from the kingdom, so you should be safe. Ahh, It feels so good to be outside the kingdom walls, to smell the fresh air, its oh so nice. She then sits in the grass and begins to gaze at the sky.. The other knights soon surround her and begin to talk about King Orion and the other knights. I wonder how the king and the others are doing lady Agnes asks out loud. I think about him every day Queen  Candace says. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever see him again. Don't think like that my Queen, lady Agnes tells her; for king Orion is as strong as he is wise she says as she puts her left are on the Queen's right shoulder. I'm sure he'll be alright. Not to mention hes being accompanied by the Royale knights of Obadiah. They will be just fine. Sir Drake then speaks up. I'm still upset at the fact that the king didn't choose me as ones to go on the expiration. I'm by far one of his strongest knights…. did he find me unworthy? not this again, sir Geoffrey says. Don't keep beating yourself up about it Drake. Like I said before your not the only one, and look at what you were left behind to protect. Not just the Queen, but the entire kingdom as well as the residents in it. you know Drake, Geoffrey is right Lady Agnes says., stop looking down on yourself. Not talking bad about the king or the others,  but what if they don't come back. Sir Geoffrey quickly sits up. shut your mouth! I will not hear anymore talk like that especially in front of Queen Candace! Geoffrey, calm down it's fine Candace tells him, I know Agnes was only speaking the truth. the truth is, I think about that everyday Geoffrey says. Drake then looks at Geoffrey, Candace then stands up. I have an idea, let's play a game of hide and seek. ouuuu that does sound fun Lady Agnes says in a cheerful tone agreeing with her queen. what the hell I'll play Geoffrey says, what about you Drake? Ye gunna play? nay, ye can count me out Drake says as he crosses his arms. I knew it Geoffrey says as he closes his eyes. Common Drake Agnes says begging him, don't be such a grouch, learn to lay back an have some fun. Fun, how is playing such a childish game fun? He asks in a grumpy tone. Now drinking contest, arm wrestling and wrestling are fun. Agnes rolls her eyes, your hopeless. Candace chuckles and then walks over to 3rd captain Drake. She clears her voice 3rd captain of the Royale knights of Obadiah Drake Hentsworth. Yes my Queen he says as he kneels before her. I Queen Candace have a new mission for you. Yes my Queen, what is it he asks her. To play in a game of hide and seek with me and the other 2 royals knights. I accept the mission he says bowing his head, he then stands up. Agnes just stares at Drake in confusion. What he asks her. I'm never gonna understand men. Candace begins to laugh sometimes you have to just use your rank on men and the two laugh. I'll play, but I don't wanna be the seeker Drake says. no worries Candace says, we can draw sticks, the one with the shortest stick is the seeker. Sounds like a good idea to me Agnes says. Geoffrey ends up picking the shortest stick an is seeker. Man I had to draw the shortest one. The two girls laugh, well little ol Geoffrey I guess your the seeker Agnes says teasing Geoffrey.  Shut it Agnes. Ok Geoffrey count to 60 and then come looking for us. This tree is the safe spot. Candace tells him. Ok Geoffrey says he then begins counting: 1...2...3...4. The three then quickly run off finding hiding spots.  


It then cuts to Queen Candace,  shes running thru the forest when she suddenly bumps into a person.  Oops, my apologies she says I was running and wasn't paying attention. As the person turns around Candace face changes from happy to fear. The person she had bumped into was a dark elf. The elf just briefly stares at Candace before smiling. It's quite alright the elf says as he brushes himself off. So you said you was running? Yey, me an some friends are playing a game of hide and seek, in fact I must be getting back to them, so you have a nice day. As she turns to walk off, the elf grabs her left wrist and stops her. Well since your playing hide and seek, let's make them come and seek you…. Queen Candace of Obadiah.  

How do you know me, you see Queen we've been watching you. He tells her. We've Candace asks in confusion. Yes you didn't think I was her alone, even now my brothers are watching  your 3 Royale knight bodyguards, ya see us dark elves have silent footsteps and give off no sense which makes us hard to track or be noticed. Is that right Candace says as she smiles,  she then takes a deep breath and screams at the top of her lungs; HELP, IM CAPTURED BY DARK ELVES THEY KNOW YOUR HERE. shes then shut up by dark elf.

 It then cuts to cuts to Geoffrey,  that scream; it sounded like it came from this direction he says as he takes off running. I gotta get to the Queen before something bad happens to her he says sprinting. Queen Candace, where are you, he calls out, but he gets no reply.  Damnit, this isn't good he says to himself as he stops to catch his breath and think, when suddenly a black flame is coming towards him. What it in the hell?! He says in a freakish tone dodging it. Where'd that come from he says as he draws his weapons, dual maces. I knew this wasn't good he says out loud standing in the middle of the woods. 

It then cuts to Agnes. That sounded like the Queen she says as she comes from out of her hiding place. Damnit dark elves have taken her hostage, I didn't think that there were any dark elves around this area she says as she begins to sprint in the direction of the scream.

 Those dark elves better not have laid a hand on her, when suddenly a female dark elf/elfess jumps from out the canopy.  And what if we did the dark elfess asks. Agnes quickly jumps back creating a 7yard gap. She smiles then imma have to punish you. The dark elfess draws her chakrams. Is that right, show me. With pleasure Agnes says as she draws her spear. Now this is gunna be fun the dark elfness says as she begins to throw the smaller chakrams on her arm at the 6th captain. Haha is that all you got 6th captain Agnes says as shes able to deflect every chakram.  Now tell me where Queen Candace is for one and two why are you in this area. The Dark elves do not be in this area around this time of season she says to the dark elfess. She then smiles, wouldn't you like to know she says as she creates a blackhole underneath herself and sinks down into it. No Agnes cries out as she quickly throws her spear towards the dark elfess, but it's too late. Damn she says as she jumps an does a front flip to get her spear. Now where did you go? She asks as he scans the wooded area.

We then pick up on 3rd captain sir Drake, already in pursuit in trying to locate Queen Candace. Im on my way my Queen he says as he begins running towards the direction of the scream, those damn dark elves made a Dyer mistake! When I find them, imma: he's suddenly stopped in his tracks by a dark  elf. 

 Haha you gonna what the dark elf cochle asks the 3rd captain as he steps to him. Imma personally have to discipline you he says as he pulls his gun shited out. Hahaha you discipline me don't make me laugh. Drake then smiles, I told ya he says as he then pulls the trigger firing a .44 caliber bullet at the dark elf. Ha that shut him up, dark elf bastard, he says. Me a bastard, the dark elf says. What! But how are you still standing? Haha easy human, its because I'm not human he says as the bullet wound heals, he then quickly dashes towards captain Drake to punch him. Drake blocks the elfs punch using the gun shield, the impact sends him flying back slaming him very hardly on a tree. Uh he says say he gets up. Yeah, that maybe true, but let's not play. He says as he wipes the blood from his mouth. We both know where all your power came from he says as he spits blood outta his mouth. He says to the dark elf looking directly at him. The dark elf smiles, you must mean the Great Dark Lord, well your right. Naturally us elves are already superior to humans, we're faster, stronger and even smarter.  But once you give your life, your body, your soul to the Great Dark Lord; you get back power, and lots of it. He says to the 3rd captain. Ha, looks like imma break a sweat today after all; he then gives a devilish smile, just what I wanted. He then swaps ammunition, loading his gunshield with different bullets. Try these, dare a bit bigger, Sir Drake then takes his aim. Eat this, he says as he fires 3 .55 caliber shots at the dark elf. This time the dark elf feels the impact of the bullets, he drops to a knee. Haha what's the matter, your body need more time to heal he says as he fires 3 more shots. Now outta shots sir Drake quickly reloads. Now try these he says as he fires 1 incendiary bullet at the downed elf. Ahhhhhhh! It burn the dark elf screams. Haha it does sor Drake says taunting the elf. Here let me end your torrent he then fires a .69 caliber bullet at elf killing it. Haha the 3rd captain laughs as he spits, now to find Queen Candace and the others. He then takes off running. 

 We then pick back up on 12th captain Geoffrey, suddenly a Dark elf appears before Geoffrey via black hole. I'm only gonna ask once, where is Queen Candace he says to the dark elf swordsmen in a firm demanding tone., with both of his faces out. Simple, she's hiding the dark elf says to him. Don't you play with me you damn dark elf he says as he goes to charge at the elf. So hot headed the elf says as he sinks into the dark hole. Damn he disappeared into that dark hole he says out loud. Now, what if I told you I know where she is the elf says as he reappears behind 12th captain, Geoffrey turns around. I swear if you have harmed her in any way possible, he tells the elf as he tightens the grip around his maces. Relax Royale knight, for your Queen is safe, shes in the dark realm.  What is dark realm Geoffrey asks. The dark realm; its a realm only accessible by us dark elves, it is an unseen realm identical to this one. so much so that it looks the same he says as he flicks his long flowing black hair. This is what allows us to teleport he tells the 12th captain. Ok, now bring her back he demands. Fine the dark elf says as he summons forth a black hole, and out of it arises Queen Candace. Shes been tied at her wrist and ankles.as well as her mouth. MY QUEEN! Geoffrey yells no fears, my Queen I will rescue you from these elves. Release HER NOW ELF! He demands in a now angry tone as he stares at the swordsmen dark elf. He snickers; Do you really think imma do that just because you asks? Fool he says to him. Geoffrey then goes to charge at the swordsmen, but is stopped by the right hand of the dark elf swordsmen. How bout this, since your looking to do battle so badly. Geoffrey quickly cuts him off, YOU know it! Sounding eager. The dark elf smiles, then how about this, we make a wager? If you can defeat me, then I'll give you your precious Queen, but if you cant you must give your soul. The dark elf says to the 12th captain. So those are the terms and conditions huh sir Geoffrey says to the swordsmen. You Dark elves and your dark cult practices he says as he spits. Fine then I accept. The dark elf grins let the duel begin.

I hereby summon the flames from the underworld, to take possession of my sword he says as he lifts the sword in the air. Just then the dark elfs sword turns into a black and white fire sword. Geoffrey takes a step back. The dark elf swordsmen then aims the dark flaming sword at the 12th captain.  Now Royale knight burn. hellfire he says, just then a blast of dark flames are shot from the tip of the sword. Not good he says as he jumps outta the way. Haha what happened to that eager spunk you had earlier the dark elf says as he continues to blast his sword at the Royale knight. Crap, I cant do anything dodging like this, but dodging is the only thing I can do to stay alive he says to himself in his head. The dark knight suddenly stops, what's the problem Geoffrey says breathing heavily, your arm get tired? No the dark elf swordsmen says, I'm just tired of this game, he then opens up a portal beneath him. I'd much rather play this one he as he sinks into the hole. Great, this just keeps getting better and better he says as he stands in place. Just then a black hole appears behind the 12th captain. And out pops the dark elf, Geoffrey quickly turns around and bashes the elf with is mace sending him flying. Ahhh he screams as. He creates a blackhole and falls Into it. Alright I hit him he says out loud. How dare you a voice cries out. Suddenly a blackhole in front of him appears and out comes a blast of dark flames. Geoffrey quickly jumps back and throws a mace into the blackhole striking the elf knocking him outta the dark dimension. 


Ha Geoffrey says, looks like I knocked you back into my realm now. He then pauses and smiles. It seems that this game has come to an end. The dark elf looks at him puzzled. Don't get cocky foolish Royale knight he says to the 12th captain. But you are right though,  let me show you my ultimate move, hellfire blaze he yells when suddenly the sound of a gun is heard and the dark elf drops to the ground. 


Geoffrey let's out a sigh of relief, I appreciate the help Drake Geoffrey says, no problem  Drake replies as he walks over and untied the Queen. My Queen are you alright he asks as Candace gives him a hug outta relief,  she then gives him a kiss on the fore head. Thank you 3rd captain for your help. Twas nothing my Queen Drake says as he blushes. My Queen,  Geoffrey cries out as he runs over to her. I'm glad that you are fine. Geoffrey Candace calls out as she gives him a hug as well. You were so brave back there, she says as she gives him a kiss on the forehead as well. Thank you for giving up your life to protect me. Twas nothing my Queen,  it's a knight sworn duty to insure the safety of the Royales. He says to her.

Just then Agnes shows up. You guys alright she asks, my Queen she says as she rushes over. Are you alright? Yes, for sir Drake and sir Geoffrey protected me. That's good, I'm just glad everyone is ok Agnes says in relief., Geoffrey then looks up into the sky. Hey guys we should start heading back as soon as possible,  the is starting to go down and I don't wanna be caught out here at night, knowing dark elves are in the area. Right Agnes and Drake say in unison. The gang heads back to the wagon and loads Candace back in a barrel. Candace and the Royale knights head back towards Obadiah keeping their extrusion a secret just between them

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