When Yichan vigorously, Ning cupped his face and asked, "Yi, are you really okay with me seeing Roger?"
When Yichan shook his head, Ning sighed, "Then why did you tell me that I can see him?"
"Because I didn't want to stop you from doing something that you want to. I just don't want you to feel tied down because of me. We are married now but that doesn't mean you don't have the liberty or right to stop doing what you want to." Yichan really didn't want to stop her from doing anything. He didn't want her to feel suffocated or chained with him but little did he know that sometime things didn't work that way.
Staring at him for quite some time, Ning asked, "So you want me to see Roger though you are not comfortable with it? I mean, you are ready to feel uncomfortable but you don't wanna tell me that you are."
When Yichan nodded his head, Ning added, "Yi, how does that make sense? What happened to our talking and solving things before things turned messy?"
A chapter before I set privilege up :)
Happy reading:)
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