71.68% Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1 / Chapter 119: V10 - Chapter 119 Two Tales

章節 119: V10 - Chapter 119 Two Tales

--- Trading town of Populis, between Italica and Rondel, Appia Highway, Prance Palace Tavern ---

Date: December 20th, 2025

"Another day under the sun…" Milhay Anem said to himself.

He lifts this barrel of beer and hauls it up the stairs to his bar. Once there he hears all his customers talking and partying inside the tavern.

He takes the barrel and puts it on the table and then grabs some glasses and begins pouring. "Who was next for the three beers?"

He turns around and sees three hands go up at this table.

He sees them and knows them well. Five people are at the table, heavily armed. Not wearing standard Imperial weapons but custom weapons. They are not soldiering of the Empire or part of some Knighthood but Adventures.

Populis is a medium-sized town but a major stop on the Appia Highway, which links up to the Orgo Highway down south. From here you either go to Bellnahgo, Rondel, Italica, Valtris, and Etlia. But the Adventure Guild has a decent outpost here because of its location. Very profitable and easy to get to major cities.

He walks over to the table and sees five adventures. The party leader Karther Jagith, swordswomen Lillie Hauroth. He sees the High Elf Vauo Durgu and a rare sight a lizardman with a name that he can never figure out how to say so he calls him Liz. He is the party mage and unlike the others, he is from the Magic Guild. The last one but the oldest is the paladin, Gorgth Braoen.

"About time Milhay," Lillie yells as she jumps up.

But she is forced back down as Gorgth grabs her by the belt and forces her back to her seat. "Calm down. Thank you very much Milhay."

"No problem, you all are my most interesting customers," He said as he passes their drinks. "Just not my best-paying customers. By the way, where is Harthdru?"

Hearing that they all laugh at that and cheer.

"You know him, enjoying your upstairs brothel," Karther replies with a chuckle.

In his time traveling around Falmart, he has grown to dislike the Adventures as a whole. Soldiers fight for their country; Knights fight and protect their Counts and Kings houses. Adventures fight just for their own personal profit.

Yes, he has given them quests at the local Adventure Guild Post, you must if you have a job you can't handle. He has been able to put them into three groups. The good honest ones who actually want to do good but didn't want to do that through the Army. The middle ground where they just do it for personal glory and wealth. The last group is more like bandits.

Not like Mercenaries though. While they fight for the highest bidder and usually fight in wars, the Adventure Guild is more of a civil institution, like the other seven main guilds. They do the petty tastes for money like clearing out goblin dens, killing bandits or protecting trade routes.

Since the Empire cannot be everyplace at once, they allowed civil-military to be established four hundred years ago to act as a self-contained policing force. They do the basic chores of keeping the peace so the Imperial Army can focus on high-intensity threats.

"We are sorry that we haven't been paying our taps. Work has been hard in recent days." Karther says with a chuckle.

"I have noticed," He responds as he collects their dirty dishes.

He has noticed in recent weeks. Since these so-called Other Worlders invaded Alnus and Elies, trade and travel to the south have become risky. Many businesses have seen their profits driven down sense Italica and Elies was cut off from the rest of the Empire. Since he is thinking about it, both Adventure and Mercantile Guilds are not pleased by the recent drop in business and have publicly supported the Empire in the war. That loyalty sounds great in public but its more about the money.

Even if their profits are in decline, that does not mean they can stop paying their license duties to the Empire. And in war, he never met a government who enjoys losing taxes.

As he walks back to the bar to clean the dishes, he listens to their conversation.

"Did you hear about Mirguth party?" Lillie asks her coworkers.

"Only the rumors," Liz replies.

"Karther, you explain," Lillie said

"You are always annoying. You know, that right? Why did I allow you to stick around?" Karther said.

"Because you need some beauty in this sausage fest," Lillie says as she drinks.

They all chuckle and take a drink. "Anyway. It is only rumors, but that party went down south to Elies. Looking for quests."

"Yup, I heard that from a passing traveler," Vauo comments. "They said that they wanted to go to Havcristen and see if these Other Worlders bring jobs with them. He also said they were all killed with this powerful flame spell that fell from the sky."

"That is rubbish Vauo," Lillie responds as she slams her mug down. "Flame spells that fall from the sky."

As he listens, he knows of the rumors they are talking about. Everything they heard about these unknown invaders makes no sense. The things people say they can do and how fast they are moving and their ability to wipe out full legions with easy. His experience in the Imperial Army says most of it is untrue.

The Empire are masters at propaganda, control the flow of information across the continent. That is one of the main reasons why the Empire been able to maintain control, the speed of information. By horse and Wyverns.

So far, the Empire says they been holding this enemy back. Alnus was lost early in the war and the word is that two hundred thousand soldiers died in that campaign. Italica, Elbe has been enslaved and used as forced labor. Whatever freedoms and safety they had has been stripped away and now forced to serve the enemy. Anyone who resists they murder in mass, which falls in line on how on the rumors, that these Other Worlders can kill thousands with their weapons.

He knows you shouldn't listen to what the Empire says about the enemy. The first step in warfare is to demonize your enemies. It makes it easier to kill them. But this seems different. The body counts are stacking up faster than ever before. His old commander, General Krysist marched down here from his banishment and led the fight against these people and now Legrath has fallen. The situation has clearly changed.

The other problem is that he has heard mix stories from travelers. Some travelers confirmed the rumors that these Other Worlders are brutal killers, set to destroy the natural order of this world. Others say they came to help and that they are helping Italica and Elbe.

"Well that is the problem," Vauo replies. "We have no idea what is going on."

"What do you think Gorgth? You once served in the army before becoming an adventure." Lillie asks.

Gorgth takes a drink to think. "I think we just do not know enough. The guild in Elbe was torn down."

"To be fair," Vauo adds. "The Elbe Post was on bad turns with King Duren after the scandal four years ago. Paying bandits to attack villages to drive up the quests. More quests, more work, and more money."

"Yes, so it makes sense that post was disbanded," Gorgth said. "It is upsetting that the Mirguth were killed though. But they did choose to go to an active battleground."

"So?" Liz said. "Were adventures, not soldiers. It is not like they were going to aid the Empire. If they just hired them then maybe they might help. All we want to do is our jobs."

"You are assuming they know that." Gorgth counters.

"It is adventure law, everyone knows that." Lillies said, confused by what he said. "We avoid sides, as a rule. We protect the common folk!"

Karther puts his mug down. "He is correct. We are assuming they understand us."

"What are you saying?" Liz asks.

"He is saying is this," Gorgth starts. "You are at total war against the Empire and you see a well-armed group of soldiers coming down to territory that you just conquered. It is easy to see them as fellow soldiers of the Empire attacking you."

"That makes no sense," Lillie said. "Were not soldiers. That is breaking Guild law targeting Adventures like that."

"It is also against Guild Law in siding with anyone against the Empire," Karther said. He then turns around to face Mihaly. "What do you think friend?"

He puts down a glass that he was cleaning. "I think we should be very careful about these people. This is a dangerous enemy that we know nothing about. If the Empire is struggling against them, we should be careful. But as long as they leave me alone with my daughter and tavern then I do not care."

"Even if the Empire falls?" Lillie asks. "The Empire falls that will be bad for business, for everyone."

"Actually, that might mean good business. We could triple our rates." Vauo points out. Everyone laughs from that.

"Adventures…" He mumbles and he shakes his head. While they can be more fun and less regimental, their loyalty is to the status of the job, and the pay.

But what Lillie said shocked him. The Empire has fought many wars and lost a few, like the Arctic Wars and the war against The Ticaret Conglomerate. But never once has anyone thought the Empire might fall. Even during the thirty-year wars against the Dark races, the bloodiest wars in the Empire history no one ever questions the might of the Empire.

Now that invincibility seems to be gone. Stories of passing travelers and soldiers saying how easily the Legions are slaughtered. Most never seeing the enemy. As he thought before, nothing makes sense about these people.

Then he remembers something he saw a few weeks ago. A small caravan of peasants, some Catgirls, Faries, a few Warrior Bunnies, a Siren and other hybrids humanoids. Mostly women and children but some men among them. One being a Volraden as a guard. All heading to the enemy-occupied territory. The Human leader said they were told that they would be safe and free there.

It sounds like the people who have an invested interest in the Empire winning think this enemy is pure evil while the ones who are not represented within the Empire think these Other Worlders are goo.

Interesting days indeed. He then looks to him. "If you enjoy the business, why don't you go there then? Payback some of that debt."

"You are kidding me?" Lillies asks loudly.

"He has a point," Vauo said.

"You always say that," Liz points out.

"I mean if the Elbe and Italica Posts have been disbanded. That means there are no Adventures down there. That means there is no competition for quests." Vauo explains.

He knows what he is saying. Here around Populis, there are not more Adventures then quests for work. They can't go south for work and he has been told that the enemy has been doing the Adventure work. In short, the Empire economy is in deep flux and no one knows what is happening.

"Well, the guild headquarters in Rondel said they will be sending an expedition to Italica to figure out what is happening. And to bring justice and payment for them closing the Italica Post. Maybe we should go with and see for ourselves. If all this is a misunderstanding, then we could become rich," Gorgth said.

"What about the Empire though? We cannot take up arms against them and I don't betray them. Not until the Guild says it's ok." Karther said. "Still, I will ask the Populis Post Headmaster and see if we can join the official delegation. It's better than staying here getting poor and fat."

He sees them get up and head out, waving goodbye. He returns the goodbye and gets back to work and returns to serving his customers.


--- Sadera, Royal District ---

Date: December 21st, 2025

"Sherry, can you open the door?"

Sherry hears her father speak from the other room. "Ok father."

She walks over to the house door and opens it. She sees Senator Casel El Tiberius standing there. "Good evening Senator Tiberuis."

"Good evening to you Miss Tyueli. Your father requested me?" Tiberius said.

"Yes, he did. About recent events. Please come in and make yourself at home." Sherry said.

She then escorts him through the house. It is a decent size home compare to the other Noblemen.

"Where is your father?" Tiberuis asks as he sits down.

"He is in the other room right now. He will be right here. Let me get you something to drink." She said as she walks away.

In recent months her father and Tiberuis have been meeting a lot. The topic is usually about the war and the new Emperor Zorzal. With the recent defeat in Elies and Legrath, a lot of recent changes happen in Sadera, which Zorzal and his loyalists used to grab power.

She walks back out to Tiberuis and set some tea on the table. "Here you go."

"Thank you, Sherry," Tiberuis said. "Have you been continuing with your studies?"

"Of course. Top marks like always." She responds with a big smile. "I will be an intelligent queen one day."

Tiberuis chuckles hearing that. "I bet you will. That is assuming this war doesn't destroy the Empire."

"If that happens, I will just have to become the queen of the Other Worlders," She said semi-joking way.

"That is interesting," Tiberuis states as he takes a drink.

"I was joking sir. I meant no offense." She responds.

"I know, but there was some truth in your voice," Tiberuis said. "Please have a seat while we wait for your father."

She smiles and sits down. She has listened to their conversations many times and has a good sense of what's been happening. "What is it?"

"You have been paying attention to recent events?" Tiberuis asks.

She thinks about that question. She has no idea where to begin. Since the war started everything has slowly become chaotic. Never before the Imperial Army has seen so many defeats and death. Even the casual Elites who normally don't care about small losses of life are concern about casualties now, sense there that high. The economy is starting to falter seen the Empire is nearly cut into two.

"Yes, I have," She responds.

"Tell me what you think of things," Tiberuis asks.

She thinks about his question and looks up at him confidently. "Easy. I think we are witnessing the fall of the Empire. We have won so many times and expanded so far, we thought we were unbeatable. So, we decided to travel to another world assuming we would win. We were wrong."

"You definitely are your father-daughter," Tiberius said with a neutral tone. "Why do you think that? Is it because of how powerful the enemy is?"

She shakes her head no. "I think we will fall because of us. I am only a girl, so I don't know what's been said in the Senate, but everyone is only worried about their own power and wealth."

"Interesting," Tiberuis comments as he sips his tea. "But there are some Senators who make a good point. If we lose the war, then the world will go into darkness. Like the days before the Empire. The kingdoms and City-States will rebel and fight each other. The Dark races will spread this darkness and slaughter everything in their path. The Falmart economy will fall apart."

"Maybe," She responds. "But I don't think it will be that dark." She said and thinks. "If this was during any other time then I might agree with them. But the other thing is the Other Worlders. I think most will just submit to their rule for security. And I think if those people truly fear that, they will support peace."

"Even if that means we surrender our ways?" Tiberuis asks her smiling.

"I bet we would have to give up some things. Like the slave trade," She said. That is only a guess but since the Other Worlders went crazy when they found out the EMpire had their people as slaves. And the stories about Italica and Elbe pushing to outlaw slavery.

She finds it interesting that these Other Worlders are so against such an idea. It only makes sense and it is a very profitable industry, so she has been told. Her own family has a slave, a Catgirl name Dallikos. But unlike Zorzal, her father treats her well and decently. It is one of the dozens of subjects she wishes she can ask the Other Worlders.

"But even if we have to give up some things, I do believe the Other Worlders will want to Empire to stay together." She said.

"And why is that," Tiberuis asks.

"Well, when the Empire invades other lands, we turn the government there into a puppet government. Otherwise, we would have to garrison a full Legion there to maintain control. I assume they might do the same thing. They would need the Empire to maintain control of this world." She said.

"And how did you come to these ideas?" Tiberuis asks.

"Because she listens to our conversation my friend," Tyueli said as he walks in. "I am sorry for my delay, but I was busy."

"All if fine my friend," Tiberuis says. "I was just enjoying the insight from your daughter."

"Yes father," She said with a big smile. "I was trying to say is that the enemy is too powerful to fight."

"Is this your judgment or your fathers?" Tiberuis asks with a chuckle.

"A little of both," Tyueli said. "But she is right. The Other Worlders are too powerful."

"Let me make a correction," She said. "When I said the enemy is too powerful, I meant the throne. Not the Other Worlders. I should have been clearer."

She sees both look at her, a little surprised. She came to this idea by herself, listening to them talk and the world on the street.

She concluded that one of the main reasons why the Senate is so scared to challenge Zorzal is not because he is wise but because he is a people pleaser. For decades he has been making friends with the right people and most of them are in positions in power. If he was willing to murder his father, there is no reason why they wouldn't kill members of the Senate.

And she found a secret truth, everyone who could challenge him is dead or gone. Prince Diabo is smart and could deal with the current crisis but many in the Senate think he is weak and strange.

You can say what you want about Zorzal, he made friends in high places, usually with brides and corruptions but Diabo did neither. Always staying in the library studying. He missed out on the most important part of politics, its building friends and alliances.

And then there's Princess Pina. It has been a long time last she has seen her, but the Senate did disown her and her Knights because they sided with the Other Worlders. That is the problem, she is not here to contest the throne which limits the Senate options.

While she never met the man and that might be why she doesn't have such a negative opinion but the only true challenger of Zorzal was General Krysist. She assumes that is why Zorzal sent Herm to Elies, not to stop the Other Worlders but to stop him from threatening his rule.

"Interesting statement Sherry," Tiberuis said. "We must be careful in calling our people traitors for difference of opinion."

"Yes, my dear," Tyueli said. "While I disagree with the Senate and the Emperor. We can't see them as the enemy. That leads to civil war."

"I fully understand father," She replies. "But isn't it coming to that? You allowed them to kill the only man who could challenge him and bring the war to an end."

Both men go quiet when she said that.

"I told you not to mention his name darling," Tyueli said. "He is a traitor of the Empire. He rebelled against us. We told you this already."

"I am sorry father," She said. "It is just, I think all of your anger stopped you from siding with the man who could have stopped Zorzal." She then looks up at her father. "Civil War started in Legrath. The Rose Knights are with the Other Worlders."

"I see your daughter very opinionated my friend," Tiberuis said with a chuckle. "I happen to agree with her though. I think we made another miscalculation in the Senate. I have a feeling that many Senators will side with us however we do not have the power to remove Zorzal from the throne."

Tyueli sides down and think. "I see. He controls the Imperial Army, the Centurion tribes, The Knights of Talis and the Oprichnina. Basically, the military and many of our vassals. And now he is looking to forge new alliances with our other enemies."

"Maybe we have been looking at this wrong," Tyueli said. "He is smart enough to try and build bridges with old enemies."

Tiberuis looks to her. "Sherry, what happens when you give a Goblin an apple?"

She thinks about that. It is a quick story to help make a point. "The Goblin will take the apple while he stabs you with his blade." It means that there are some people you can never trust.

"Correct," Tiberuis said and looks back to her father. "You don't really believe this is some grand master plan?"

"No," Tyueli said. "I am just trying to see around the hill. It is best not to assume other motives to blindly."

She nods hearing that. While it makes no sense for the Empire to continue waging war, the people in power want to. That is why her father been trying to find new options.

"Yes," Tiberuis said. "That's probably why Baron Monterey has been staying neutral in all this. I have been having meetings with him since the takeover and I can see that he wants the war to end. But is afraid of Svenhard Lupus Moon."

She knows of Svenhard and she never heard anything good about him. He rules over the Oprichnina, the Empire secret police. It is common to hear stories of people disappearing who speak out against the State. Noble Houses are usually safe from their rather but there always is that threat.

Just like Zorzal, he keeps around both male and female slaves for his pleasure and torture. She has noticed that Zorzal attracts a certain kind of people. They seem to align more to the god Siflies than Idos.

Some say Emperor Molt had him murder all Zorzal bastard children from all the slaves he had raped. If true, the scary part is that it happened under everyone's noises and no one knows about it.

Once someone goes into their lair, they are never seen again. All kinds of hell are said to happen there. From what her father said, he is someone who enjoys his work too much.

"Anyways my friend," Tiberuis said. "Did you invite me here to speak what has been spoken a hundred times now or was there something new to speak of?"

She looks to her father, already knowing the true intent of this meeting.

"Ahh yes," Tyueli said as he sets down his tea. "Sherry, what is your opinion of the Other Worlders?"

She looks at her father and then at Tiberuis. "Well, I think they are brutes. Using their strength to change other people's way of life. They think of themselves high and mighty and look down on us, thinking we are barbarians because we believe in the natural order of strength."

She takes a breath and smiles. "But they are not as bad as they say. I think the Princess's head is full of air, but she never would have sold out her country so easily. She is loyal so she must think they would be best for the Empire. And when they attacked our great city, they came only to save their people."

She leans back, feeling pride in her answers. "Even now, with all their strength they hold back. Striking carefully. Pina said in the Senate hall that they love their people, right? That they help and protect their people. That is something we should learn more about. They attack our city but they limited to the royal district and they left once they tool their people. That was a long time ago now and they haven't attack since."

She then looks up at Tiberuis. "From what I understand, they are like you."

"Like me?" Tiberuis asks confused.

"Yes," She responds. "You have made many enemies within the Senate by pushing for your reforms. Wanting to create a baseline of right for all subjects of the Empire. Wanting to bring more power to the Senate and less expansionist. More importantly, bring more power to the people, like it was in the early days of the Empire."

She knows Casel El Tiberius is an idealistic man, always trying to represent the will of the people. Not just in Sadera but all the Empire. He was close friends of Colt Formal, the ex-leader of Italica.

Colt wanted to bring basic rights to slaves and bring more law and order to the Empire, just like Tiberuis. It was sad when Colt died in the invasion of the Other Worlders home, losing a great man.

Tiberuis chuckles hearing that. "I see you have been paying attention. As you said, people care more about their own power and wealth."

"And yet, the Other Worlders seem to embrace your ideas." She said.

That is just a guess but one she is confident in. She has thought about this a lot. Normally when armies invade new lands, they burn cities to the ground, slaughter hundreds to thousands and enslave the woman and children. Complete destruction of a civilization. So far, these Other Worlders have yet to do the most basic of warfare and yet their winning. That must mean Pina was right and they must have some level of care of people.

"Where is this going?" Tiberuis asks, seeing that something is wrong. "Please speak truth, why am I here?'

"I am sorry my friend, but I had to be careful," Tyueli said. He looks over his shoulder. "Dalliko. Please bring in my other guest."

The Catgirl walks over and bows. "Yes, Master." She then walks away into the back room.

She gets on her knees and looks behind the couch. She sees Dalliko bring in one of the three American spies that she found in Akusho. It is their leader James Garcia, an agent of what he calls the Central Intelligence Agency.

"What is the meaning of this?" Tiberuis stands up looking at the man, scared. "How did he get in here?"

"I invited him," Tyueli said. "We need new options and we need to learn more about these people. The reason why the peace process failed was because of a lack of understanding."

"Hello Senator, I mean you no harm," Garcia said. He then goes to explain who he is and what he is doing here.

She has been sitting there and listen to the three talks. The conversation went from the basic interdiction of each other and trust-building. Tiberuis seemed nervous through the conversation and she understands why. If anyone found out any of them are talking to the Other Worlders, they could be crucified or given to the Oprichnina.

"I want this war to end but I won't become a traitor," Tiberuis states.

"No one is asking you two," Garcia said. "But who are you loyal to? The Empire or its ideals? From what I understand they are no longer the same."

She was shocked by how much this Garcia man knows about what happened in Elies. He knows more than anyone else in Sadera. Somehow their little talking box allows him to talk to his friend's thousands of leagues away.

He explained that they have General Herm Fule Maio as a prisoner, defeated by Princess Pina in battle. He also explained that many of the defenders of Legrath rebelled against Herm and sided with their people, including the Guardian of Legrath.

Her theory seems to be correct. As always when a new ruler takes power, they remove anyone who might threaten their rule. In doing this during a bloody war, he made enemies within the Army.

The Imperial Army is known to never disobey the Empire, they live and die for it. Rebellion is unheard of within its ranks. She can see that news shaken both her father and Tiberuis.

"I am not going to agree to anything tonight," Tiberuis said.

"I said the same thing and still don't agree to anything," Tyueli said. "But I think it is important to build a dialogue."

"I understand," Tiberuis said as he thinks.

"Look. We want this war to end too. But we have no issue in wiping out the Empire if they continue this war. I don't care who was on the throne, your people attacked us." Garcia said, making clear the situation.

She looks at the American spy. She can see that he is withholding his thoughts, a part of diplomacy. "I think we should take this slow. If we rush this, the Oprichnina will find out."

"Then we should meet again," Garcia said as he stands up. "My intention in this meeting was to make a presence and see where the chips lay. If things went well then I would give you my insurance pitch."

"What is insurance?" She asks, confused by that word.

"I will tell you, next time kid," Garcia said.

"Sherry, mind letting him out the back door?" Tyueli ask.

She looks to her father and smiles. "Of course."

She gets up and grabs his arm. "Follow me, we do not want to go out the front door. They will see you."

"You are pretty confident for your age," Garcia states.

She turns around and looks up at him. His people sound scary when you only read the reports. But in person, they seem far nicer. They don't seem so demonic. "Thank you. I am a Noblewoman of a proud family. We have been leading the Empire for generations."

She takes him to the back door. "I will come and get you the next time my father wants you."

"No," Garcia said.

She looks up confused by that. "Then how will you know we are ready for the next meeting?"

Garcia puts on this black cloth that covers his head. He then takes out that black box and hands it to her. "This is called a radio. It is set to this channel. Do not change it." He then goes on and explains the basics of it and how to use it.

She takes it, lighter than she expected. She looks up and he explains that he doesn't want a girl her age to be wandering around in the city like that. She smiles thinking that is adorable. "Ok Sir Garcia man."



Alnus Map: https://www.wattpad.com/846518959-gate-wotw-pictures-alnus-regional-map

Elies Map: https://www.wattpad.com/887963010-gate-wotw-pictures-the-greater-elies-regional-map

Discord: https://discord.gg/xe7nNHS

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