In the basement of the Nameless guild's guild house, a young man sat cross-legged on the floor as his Qi swirled wildly around him. His upper body was exposed, his posture was composed, and he was sweating from head to toe. The young man was none other than Xiao Fang.
For the past few days, he had been doing nothing but practice his [ Solid Clone ] technique, and in that time he was able to make a considerable amount of progress.
His Natural Qi gradually changed into Illusory Qi then it began to mold into a familiar shape. Within seconds, a clone of him began to form, and it was sitting in front of him. At first the image was hazy, but then the clone began to gain some substance. Slowly, the Illusory Qi filled in the gaps. Before long, the clone became identical to the real Xiao Fang.
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