50% Ominverse Clan System / Chapter 002: The Human

Chapter 002: The Human

The boy looked around the room and asked: are you all ready

Other entities looked at each other and then at the boy and nodded

The Boy then swept his hand creating motion in space and a tear form. A bust of energy was released and a body was thrown out.

The body was wrapped in bandages and lying on the ground. Laying there after being thrown like a ragged doll he waited for the pain to come but he felt nothing.

The person through even the last companion of his pain has left him but then he suddenly heard a sound.

Katsu said in a sarcastic tone: How long are you planning to pretend to be asleep?

The person could feel the sarcasm in the voice but he didn't care all he cared about was that he could hear again. It's been long too long that he had heard anything that the last thing he heard was the love of his life having sex with the one who put him in bed. Thus he broke out in tears he then again suddenly realizes he can see he can cry again. he then tried to move his hand and it moved slowly making way toward his face he touched it and realized that he is covered in bandages slowly moved bit by bit of it and finally touched the skin.

The person then looked at his hand in disbelieve as he realizes that they were attached to him in the first place. Last he remembered they have turned into vegetative state long before the rest of his body failed. then again he heard a sound realizing he was in middle or somewhere thus he raised his head and saw the most beautiful and pure embodiment one could ever imagine. A girl who was younger than his sitting on a throne-like structure.

The girl looked at him staring at her and started acting shy. his cheeks turn reddish and she lowered her head.

The boy seeing this turn dumbfounded he has experienced love-hate betrayal but never such mockery. Seeing the girl in front of his act like this he realized she was too dangerous and decided to look around more. He moved his head a bit to the right and saw a giant towering over 7 ft in human form he had muscles everywhere on his body ready to come out engulfed in the aura that he will kill him any second without a second thought. feeling afraid to offend the Gaint the human lowered his head and turned one again. He saw a kind-looking grandpa smiling at him. The smile he saw this time was vastly different than the smile one the girl had. this smile radiated a though that everything will be alright.

while looking at the grandpa he realized that grandpa was constantly trying to tell him something his eyes were, again and again, going in the right direction thus the person once again turn right and saw a boy so beautiful that even if he tries his wildest imagination he won't be able to create anything like him. He had silver hair his eyes were closed like he was asleep while his head was supported by his hand.

The old men looking at this realized that the boy wasn't interested in explaining anything to the boy thus decided to do this himself.

The old men or Rei: My son I don't know if you have realized it or not but you are currently in the process of dying.

Saying that the old man swept his hand and a video of him dying in the hospital was played all machines were going off making various sounds but no one came to his rescue. some a mint or so he died when a man in a black suit came and looked at this body and took out his grey colored soul and eat it.

The person at this point was horrified as his hand fading and the same happened with his leg. he turned to the old men and screamed: Save me please I don't want to die please I will do anything, please.

As he was pleading he realized a loud laughter voice coming from his left he looks toward it and saw the giant laughing as if he had said that funniest thing in the world. he didn't pay much attention and kept bagging to the old men. He suddenly heard a loud clap sound he turns to the right and saw the boy awake with eyes open with bright red.

While looking at the boy he realized the boy pointing at something he followed his direction and saw it was pointed toward his legs which have stopped fading. He heard the sound of the boy

The silver-haired boy: Why do you want to live? Your whole life was nothing but pain and suffering all your happy memories have long turn into a joke you have no family no friend no one to protect even after seeing the worst of humanity why do you want to live?

The person knew that the question might seem simple but it was all his entire life had lead to. He looked around old men smile was still there as if everything will be okay the giant was still looking at him as if he will kill him the next second and the girl hiding behind her hands taking occasional peeks at him and smiling. He then moved his head to the boy and said: Because I believe in Humanity.

The old men on his right shake his head and said: Boy if you can't be truthful to yourself then even I can't help you.

The person knew his lying was caught so he decided to speak the truth and leave it to destiny: I'm afraid to die, Humanity might have been cruel to me but I don't want revenge I just was to live a simple and fulfilling life when I saw that my hands are working again and I can move all my pain all my hatred wasted away I realized all I needed to be happy is myself and to love myself.

After which silence engulfed the room.

The person was afraid he will die if they didn't like his answer so he decided to go on his knee and beg for forgiveness if he has said anything to offend anyone while doing so he didn't dare to look at anyone he first

begged the old men then the giant then moved to his left then begged girl lastly he moved to the silver-haired boy and went on his knees but suddenly he was stopped He look up and saw the boy smiling at him.

He was captured by the smile and just kept staring at the boy. finally, he gained attention when the boy started talking

The boy: Don't worry about anything. Your life was full of tragedy and grief. even while facing the worst of humanity can offer you kept your belief I'm proud of you thus I have decided to make you my heir.

The person Just kept blankly staring at the boy as he listened at the end he didn't hear or more like understood anything. He was too busy admiring the beauty of the boy.

The boy smiled and said: Do you understand?

The person only then came back out of the daze and bowed and asked: Dear supreme entity kindly explain to me where am I? Who are you all? And why I was present here before my death?

The boy smiled and said: Who we are is not important. who you are is. Do you understand why does an heir mean?

The person: Like Successor?

The boy: In some sense yes but no too it all depends on you.

The person: How?

The boy: Ansure me this who are you?

The person: A human?

The boy: Your human self just died didn't I saw you, now answer me who are you?

The person realized from the beginning this now only he has been called an heir and nothing else so he answered: An heir

The boy smiled and said yes that right you're an heir you can be whatever you want to be

The person: Why me?

The Boy: Because I said so.

The person: ..........

After some silence, the person asked: What do I need to do? and why not do it yourself?

the person asked after all the entities sitting in front of him all were so powerful so if they could do it they how can he.

The boy smiled and said: You were created with part of me so they why you're chosen. what you chose to do will be up to you. As for why we don't take part is simple we are too powerful we simply don't care what happens.

The person was confused: Okay can you guide me? Is this like one of those novels when I did meet a good he offers to give me some wishes and to act as his entertainment or something? why can't you simply say that trying to act all mysterious and shit?

The person without realizing said out loud what he was thinking only after realizing what he has said he looked around and saw a silent atmosphere. he again went on his knees and start begging.

But before he can start a burst of laughter start reverting though out the room the boy was laughing then the old men and girl too started. The giant just kept staring at his. But he didn't care he too started laughing it's been long since he has laughed out loud it felt weird in the beginning but then good.

The boy looked at him laughing and chuckled: You can be at ease and can talk in a normal manner. Yes, it's one of those situations. Ask what do you want?

The person also stopped laughing and he heard what the boy said and replied with a smile: How many wishes do I have?

The boy: How many do you want?

The person: Can I have a system?

The boy: What kind of system?

The person: Any you're lord this is good enough for me

The boy: Your entire life was a joke, and the saddest part was that you didn't have anyone so I will give you Clan AI system.

The person had read various novels on fanfiction on web novels and many other sites but never heard anything regarding Clan AI system.

so without being shy he asked: What's the system about?

The boy just smiled and waved his hand.

Gokruto Gokruto

Might be able to publish one more chapter today. Kindly comment and send review.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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