100% To Be: Reborn as a Worldmaker / Chapter 8: Template Omega. Oh, snap!!!

章節 8: Template Omega. Oh, snap!!!

Template searching, listing available from knowledge base.

Dragoinilica Monstronous

Bioloionus Monstronous

Monomanus Pangeaus

Diversmanus Pangeaus

Omega World

So, how do these templates work?

Didn't you read the book?

Yeah, but I could hardly understand it.

Seriously, when I had first started reading them I had understood the basic gist of things, at first, but then they became more and more complex. in short terms, universal truths, contradictions, paradoxes, and general insanity causers. how was I supposed to operate a universe and much less a world, when I couldn't even understand the general physics. I was an Ubivan Driver, only had a high school education.

<Sigh>, "I'm gonna have to take this from the top Aren't I?", Esi asks listlessly.


<Sigh> "Fine,", after a brief pause Esi adopts her most serious teacher voice, "open "How to Make a World for Dummies", Chapter 5 pg. 1."

"Yes, Ma'a-Sir!!!", hastily correcting myself.

"Eh, Ma'am's fine for right now, they say unfazed, I'm a girl at the moment."

"Uhm… okay.", I won't question it for now.

Summoning a desk and chalkboard from somewhere, she gestures too me too sit down.

After explaining the basic of how my "magic eye-candy worked", the basics of my job, which was basically everything in the other books and first four chapter, and a bunch of hard to understand descriptions, we get to the world templates.

Well for simplicity sake, the templates represent what starting conditions- your world's species, general features and conditions, and geography- will be like, as well as their. Simply think, or say, "World Status Updates" to set your template, and to monitor genral features.

World Staus Updating...

{World Name: [Blank]}

Size: adjusting...

Atmosphere: Adjusting.....

Geography: Adjusting...

Water Bodies: Adjusting...


Species: [N/A]

Population: 0 [N/A]


"Uhm... how does I work this again?", already have trouble working out what I was supposed to do.

More patient this time, "Simply tell the system what you would like the world to be like, and it will come up with the best possible match.", Esi explains. Finishing with, "It's only not working because you keep saying 'Uhm, What, What is this, and etc.'", is still there though.

While striking a really, cool pose, I shout,"Alright let's do this, <World Status Update>!"



<Hahahaha, just messing with you. Try not to shout next time.>

{Please select Template from available list below.}

Dragoinilica Monstronous

Chaotic landscape, weather, and conditions. Survival of the Fittest type world, species limited to specially evolved, extreme conditions resistant lifeforms. Dragons, Drakes, Sea Serpents, Dinosaurs, Wyverns, Drakons, Kobolds, Insectoids, etc.

Bioloionus Monstronous

Chaotic landscape, weather, and conditions. Survival of the Fittest type world, species limited to specially evolved, high, and extreme conditions-resistant lifeforms. Orges, Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds, Insectioids, Specific species of Plantoids, above list, etc.

Monomanus Pangeaus

More stable conditions. Medium world, with multiple continents. Species types of all conditions can occur, but nly one sentient race makes it out on top at the end.

Diversmanus Pangeaus

More stable conditions. Medium world, with multiple continents. Species types of all conditions can occur, and multiple sentient races makes it out on top at the end.

Omega World

A mix of orderly and chaotic conditions occurs at all times. A large world, with multiple continents. Species types of all conditions can occur, and while there are multiple sentient races, there is usually only one god-level race that makes it out on top.

After thinking about it for a little while, I rule out the top two worlds, as they seem high maintenance and rather deadly. Plus I kind've would like to be able to hold a conversation at some with any sentient eraces that could develop. With those to=wo worlds, it seems highly iunlikely. Next i rule ot the MOnomanus world, because lets face it, it would probabkly be a lot lke earth, which is fine, but their is still a limited feel to it. Finnally, after weighing the options, I go with the Omega world because it seems like a mor fun version of the Diveresemanus one.

"Alright, selecting <Omega World> template. Let's go.", smiling.

"Wait did you say Omega world... oh snap.", already having finalized my answer, I turn to Esi concerned.

"Is there a problem? And oh snap?"

"Don't judge me, I have a curse word limit.", karate-chopping my head. After collecting themselves, "And anyway's, no," sighing, it's just that that one's a bit, how might I put this gently,", she stops to mull over her words before responding, "It's just that that world has-." she didn't finish.

Right as she was about to say the issue, it appeared. The issue being, that a tiny spiky-haired child suddenly showed up. And I kid you not, the first thing they say is, "Bow before me, I am awesome.", Before throwing fireballs at me.

"What?", while dodging.

<Sigh>," I tried to warn you. The Omega World creates a sub-race of the world makers species template, to dominate the world. Which at the moment is just you and me!!!", before grumbling, "You just had to make another god, didn't you.", while we are running, somehow in space, from the flamechucking little tyke.

"Oh snap.", a mouth.

Esi just smirks... before narrowly being blown up by a fireball.

After running in circles for a little bit, we witness the first rule of children come into play, "Come... back... here... I... must.. win.", before collapsing. Must come down.

Flying over I bend down towards them, "Hey you good down there.?"

"Don't pity me," they gasp, "one day I will rise again, and when i do you will rue the day you messed with..... yeah me!!!", seeing my extended hand they refused and right as they finished saying that, they bit off my hand.

"Hahahaha, seeh!!!!", while my hand is in their mouth.

Ah, no you don't.

And with that comes the world's first spanking.

"For someone who worked in hell's torture department, that was brutal. , Esi responds to the little flaming nut job's punishment.

"Heh, tough love.", maybe next time the kid shouldn't bite off my hand. speaking of which,

"I won''t forget this, whoever you are.", they say while holding their butt, making the cutest angry face ever.

Ah, their cute.

No, focus.

"First off, you shot fireballs at me, and when I offered to help you back up, what you do? You bit off my freaking hand.", which I had now just reattached.

<Gulp>, "Well, when you put it that way.", they mumble nervously.

"Ah, go easy on her, she learned her lesson.", Esi called over from one of the stars the little guy had made from his fireballs. I'm sorry, "her."

"Yeah, couldn't help notice seeing certain parts, or lack thereof while you were busy god spanking.", they smirk.

"Uh?", oh sh*t.

And that was when he realized he f*cked up.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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