93.47% The Uzumaki and Kurogane Clan / Chapter 43: Chapter 40 Battle Against the Three Tails Isobu (end)

章節 43: Chapter 40 Battle Against the Three Tails Isobu (end)

Mei saw Isobu gathering Chakra to his mouth and immediately scream "DODGE!!!!" She immediately run to the sides. Kira and the others heard her warning and did the same.

Isobu close his mouth then opens it shooting a pure pressure laser-liked water beam, destroying everything in his path. Everything that the laser-like water beam touches turns into instant rubble. The place the attack passed through were the area where Kira and the others were standing.

The destruction the attacked made left them speechless. If they didn't heard Mei's warning, they would have died instantly. Everything was obliterated in a huge straight line commencing in front of Isobu. Kira and Naruto even believe that in their Four-Tails State, they still wouldn't have survive that attack.

"Guys..... We need a plan to take him down" Naruto sweated seeing the destruction Isobu's attack made. Honestly the blond and the others hasn't even fought a Tailed Beast before so he's really out of ideas now.

"Hehehe...." He heard Kurama's smirking in his mind. Naruto raised his eyebrows "I have no idea what are you smirking for but i don't have time right now." Kurama stops smirking and began talking to him slowly "Kit. That's not even his full power. If he was serious from the start, then you and your allies would had been in a worse state." Naruto open his eyes in shock. "Are you joking with me?" he asked in shock. Truthfully he has a hard time believing the Fox's word after seeing the destruction Isobu's attack made.

"Of course i'm not joking with you Kit. I am the strongest of all of my siblings so i know their strengths. Isobu hasn't even tried to eat anything to multiply himself and he hasn't even used his Hallucinogenic Mist too; Hell. The bastard also knows Space-Time Ninjutsu and he still hasn't use it" Kurama yell in anger and pride when he said he is the strongest but became serious when talking about Isobu.

Naruto is in extreme shock. 'Illusion, Multiply and even Space-Time Ninjutsu.' He was honestly in great shock. He was counting his lucky stars Isobu hasn't done anyone of those.

"But i will tell you one thing" Kurama said in a slow but deep voice. "Something is wrong with Isobu. Out of all of us. He's known has the laziest Tailed Beast and prefer to pass time lazying around doing nothing. But ever since the start of this battle, i began having this feeling like something or someone is holding him back. What that Mei woman or your future mate, whatever you want to call her, say something that was true. Isobu's weakness is his eyes. It's the reason he keeps one close all the time. But what she doesn't know is that he has another weakness. And that weakness is the middle of his stomach." When Naruto heard the Fox naming Mei his mate his eyes twitch in annoyance but became serious when he heard about Isobu's other weakness from the Fox.

"Then we have to strike hard in the middle of his stomach right? When we flip him over." Naruto said in hope. Kurama nodded "Yes, but it has to be with a Lightning Jutsu. Remember that Lightning Jutsu increase in power when it's use in conjuction with a Water Jutsu and Blood is also water. If you hit him in the middle with a Lightning Jutsu, then the attack will travel inside Isobu's body, frying his brain and killing him and the host." Naruto nodded in all seriousness.

A similar but different conversation is happening with Kira and Fenrir.

"You are really lucky that he's been control by Obito's Sharingan. Otherwise, Isobu would have been able to waste you and your friends easily." Fenrir said. Kira nodded hearing her words. "At least you now know another of his weakness." Kira nodded again then immediately told the others.

"Then we flip him and hit him with a power lightning jutsu through his stomach right?" Asked Mei. Kira and Naruto nodded at her.

"Then i guess we have our plan."


Isobu roars and hammer strike them, forcing them to dodge. The attack broke the ground into tiny rubbles again leaving a huge crater on the ground. Kira used that and jump into his left hand and began running up.

"I'll distract him! You guys tip him over!" Kira yell at them and his hand began giving *Crackle* sound. Naruto prepare to use one of his jutsu to tip Isobu over and Mei prepare to hold him down.

Kira reach Isobu's shoulder and jump, creating a Lightning spear in his hand. Isobu watch him then Kira stab towards his only open eye. Only for Isobu to cover his face with both Upper and Lower Jaws, completely negating Kira's attack but before Isobu could counter, he felt something pushing him on his left side of his stomach.

Isobu saw multiple huge tree trunks pushing into his left side of his stomach. When Isobu was half tilted, he used right hand to hold himself but Killer Bee appear and with Gyuki's tentacle, he swipe his hand off the ground fully tilting him over with his clear stomach for all to see.

Isobu roar in anger and tried to get up but his hands and even tails were shackled by Mei's Earth Jutsu. "Oh no you don't!" Isobu's hand kept being shackled all the way until his shoulders, and some part of his stomach were also shackled. But Mei began having a hard time trying to keep him still.

"Go! Now!" Mei while struggling to hold Isobu down yell towards Kira and Naruto. Both of them nodded and ran towards Naruto's tree trunks and after reaching the top. They jump high towards Isobu and both made a Rasengan at the same time.

Isobu instinctively knew where the attack and began struggling more, cracking little by little the earth shackles. Kira and Naruto fuse their Rasengan while falling from the sky and give it a Lightning Chakra. The Rasengan began crackling. The Rasengan grew into a massive size.

Isobu broke his shackles from his tails and intercept the attack.

"Lightning Style: Massive Rasengan!!" Both yelled at the same time. *BANG!!* The Masssive Rasengan hit Isobu's Tails and began a struggle between both of them.

Mei saw what happen and immediately began making handsigns. "Lava Style: Lava Wave Jutsu!" She spits out of her mouth a wave of lava towards Isobu who began screaming in pain when it fell in his face weakening Isobu's Tails strength allowing Kira and Naruto to push back more but not enough.

Killer Bee appear next to Isobu's face and with Gyuki's tentacle, he spins hitting him down. Isobu protected his eyes but the attack still weaken his tails and Kira and Naruto pushed through even more.

"Naruto!! Put everything we have on this attack!!" Kira screamed in the middle of the Massive Rasengan crackling with lightning. Naruto immediately nodded "Aaaahhh!!!" Both of them yell putting everything on this attack and behind them a fifth tail appear, increasing their power even more.

Isobu's Tails couldn't hold out more and was pushed aside and the Massive Rasengan hit square in the middle of his stomach.

*Crackle!!* *Bang!!!!*

Isobu roar in pain feeling his inside getting fried. Lightning course through his insides and then it went to it's brain.

The Lightning Rasengan fully engulf Isobu. Kira and Naruto jump back from the Lightning Rasengan, losing their Tails Beast State and then an explosion happen.


Kira and the others cover their faces because of the explosion and after a few minutes only smoke can be seen.

"...Is it...over?" Mei said gasping for breath. "....We have to wait and see." Naruto said.

Everyone kept watching on any sudden movement from inside the smokes but after a couple of seconds, nothing happen. The smoke began dissipating, little by little showing what's inside.

"Let's get closer and see." Kira said and the others nodded at him. They began walking closer towards the crater that the Lightning Rasengan left. Getting closer they still don't see movement. Once they got even closer, they see the inside of the crater and see a body in the middle of it.

"...I can hear his heartbeat.... Its faint but there...." Kira said looking towards the body. They realize that Isobu returned inside Yagura and his body is in the middle of the crater. When they get close, they see his bloody body, his Shinobi gear is just rags due to the damage we gave him, his face has blood in the majority of his face.

Yagura barely opens his eyes and looks at us. We stand close to him and look at him.

"Th..ank....yo....u." He barely said with a smile before his body gave up.

Kira sighs knowing why he thank us but Naruto was in shock.

"Why did he thank us?" Naruto asked in confusion with Killer Bee also wanting to know the answer.

Mei sighs knowing that her guess was right. "Yagura was controlled." Naruto and Killer Bee open their eyes in shock. "Controlled? Are you telling me we kill an innocent man?" Naruto asked in shock and distraught.

Mei looks at Naruto and bitterly smile. "Yagura in the past wasn't an evil person. He was always calm in situations and always desire to make Kirigakure strong so they could compete against the other Hidden Villages." She said thinking about the past.

"Yagura was kind-hearted with all the people in Kirigakure, hell. When he became Mizukage, the entire Kirigakure was happy and a festival was thrown in his honor, but little by little he began changing until he became the person he is now."

Kira, Naruto and Killer Bee looks at her, hearing about Yagura's life.

"Ao and i believe that he became controlled by another person but we never had proof. It was worse when he started the Bloodline Purge, believing that Bloodlines shouldn't exist. Because of that, we couldn't concentrate on our investigations about Yagura and was forced to leave the Village to create a Rebellion against him."

Naruto looks at the floor in pure shock. His hand gripping in anger. Naruto was sicken at killing an innocent man. From the very beginning he thought Yagura was a bad man and by killing him, Kirigakure could heal from all the damage he brought. But after knowing that Yagura was a victim of an outside source and that he had a hand in killing him, he realize that he killed the wrong person, he killed an innocent man.

Suddenly someone knock him in the head.

"Ow!" Hurt, Naruto cover his head. He looks up and see Kira looking at him with narrow eyes.

"Naruto, i know what you are thinking. You feel disgusted with youself for killing an innocent man right? Well don't. Didn't you hear him say 'Thank you'?" Kira said.

"But still, we ended a innocent life, he didn't deserve that!" Naruto yell in anguish.

"Naruto! He desire to be killed. Tell me, how do you feel when you are controlled and force to watch as the one controlling your body hurts those that are closest to you over and over again? How do you feel not being able to do ANYTHING to protect them?"

"That's how Yagura felt. But Yagura was controlled for a longer time. He saw how the controller force him to order the deaths of thousands of innocent and the only thing he could do is watch."Kira said with anger in his voice.

Naruto kept looking at the ground, gripping his hand.

"Naruto....We save him from himself. He was happy about dying. He was happy about the pain ending and we end it for him. So don't feel like that, feel happy that he doesn't have to suffer anymore." Kira looks towards Naruto with a smile.

"He's right Kit. You free him from his pain. By killing, you allowed him to finally rest. If you are still angry then find the person who controlled Yagura and end him." Kurama said

Naruto kept gripping his hand in anger but after a few moments he calms himself. He looks towards Kira and nodded. 'Thanks Kurama' He said towards the fox. Kurama only 'Hmph-ed'

"...But who was controlling him?" Killer Bee asked, looking at Yagura's body with narrowed eyes.

Mei only shake his head and said "We still don't know.... Whoever did it, he was controlling him over a decade. Just imagining someone controlling your body for that long and hurting the village you swore to protect must have been a nightmare. Death was a release for him. A release from all the pain he endure." Mei sadly sighs just thinking about it but mentally she became more angry against the person who did it.

"I might know who." Kira said after a thought. Mei, Killer Bee and Naruto looks at him with surprise in their faces. Mei's face became cold.

"Who?" She said in a cold voice.

Kira sighs "I don't know who exactly controlled Yagura but i know it was an Uchiha."

Naruto, Mei and Killer Bee's eyes became wide.

"Aren't all Uchiha's dead.... Well except the "Last Loyal Uchiha" on Konoha and the Missing-Nin, Itachi Uchiha. Wait.... Was Itachi the one who did it?" Mei looks at Kira waiting for his words.

Kira shake his head "No. It wasn't Itachi. Yagura was a good mizukage until he fell into an Uchiha's control. That was long ago. It couldn't have been Itachi but i DO know that there is one more Uchiha alive." Kira said in a serious voice. The others are looking at Kira, waiting for him to finish.

"The only one that could do it, is the same person that killed our parents. Naruto." Kira said, looking at Naruto with a serious face. Naruto's eyes widen and remember the memories of the night of their parents death and he realize that one of the masked men in that night did have a Sharingan showing on his only eye socket of his mask. When Naruto remembers it, he grips his hand again.

'So it's them again.... It wasn't enough to take mine and Kira's parents but they are also hurting more innocent..... and for what?' Naruto though in anger but then began questioning their motives. He wakes up from his musing when Kira began talking again.

"hah...Let's leave this information for another time. Let's just be happy that it's already over." He said with a smile. Naruto and Killer Bee are happy that it was over and Mei is thinking now about the future of Kirigakure and the huge work it needs to recover. But she isn't the type to just give up. No. It only encourages her more.

"Kirigakure can now heal from all the problems that it has. But for now. It's best to return to the others and stop the fighting." Everyone nodded at his words. But before they could leave. Everyone's eyes bulge after seeing what happen to Kira.

A sword pierce Kira's stomach, shocking him and everyone else.

Kira's was not only in pure shock but also in pain, blood began driping from his mouth and his wounds. Fenrir's screams were getting lower and lower until he stops hearing her altogether and he also felt his higher recovery due to Fenrir working less and less until it stop. Then he realize. He was in a extremely bad situation.

Kira_Aurelius Kira_Aurelius

Canon is irrevelant so some information might be wrong. But this is a Fan-fic, so it doesn't have to follow canon.

I'm a amateur writer so i'm sorry for any errors.

Yea, i know. It's cliche the way they defeated Isobu but the majority of the stories release have some cliches or even is full of it so bite me.

Isobu's weakness is only his eyes but just for this story, i gave him another weakness. The middle of his stomach.

This is Wednesday, December 11, 2019's Chapter.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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