100% The Dark lady [Harry Potter fic] / Chapter 3: Summer Part 2

章節 3: Summer Part 2

Lillian was lounging lazily in one of the comfortable chairs in Malfoy Manor's vast library, reading one of their many books about dark arts. The things she found in the book were so much more interesting and insightful than those, in comparison, really superficial books she read in Hogwarts.

It fascinated her just how deeply into a person's mind and body magic, especially dark magic, could reach. From blood magic to mind magic, the possibilities to wreak havoc on someone were absolutely endless. It was utterly fascinating.

The young girl was also interested in becoming an Animagus. She thought it could be useful for her upcoming spying jobs for her Master. At least she hoped that there would be jobs for her soon.

As she kept on reading, she heard someone enter the library, the soft clicking of dress shoes on the floor giving her an implication of who it could be. Glancing over the top of the book she was holding, she saw it was young Malfoy, his eyes not positioned on her face but on her soft thighs, displayed as the hem of her summer dress had ridden up a bit.

"As flattering as it is, Draco, please refrain from staring at my legs so blatantly. It makes me uncomfortable."

Blushing, Draco cleared his throat. "I was sent to ask you if you had finished correcting our…exams."

"I have indeed." Lillian answered, her gaze still locked on the book as she finished reading a page and leafed lazily to the next.

"And when are you going to tell us how we did?"

Slightly irritated, the raven-haired beauty took a small piece of parchment from the table next to her chair to place it in the book, marking the page she was at. "During your next lesson, obviously. I assume you didn't really come here to ask me foolish questions?"

Scowling, he snarled at her. "Look, Potter; I don't trust you. I don't know what you think you are doing, but you are not one of us and definitely not worthy to be the Dark Lord's apprentice. I don't like the way you walk around in our home like you own the place. I don't like how you disrespect us in our own home, I don't like that you of all people are supposed to tutor us. I want you to leave and pretend you never were here to begin with."

A small smile toying at her lips, Lillian crossed one leg over the other as she made herself comfortable on the chair, directly staring at his eyes. "Do you think that you should be his apprentice, Draco? Are you jealous of me?" His furious glare was answer enough for her, so she let out a chuckle. "Draco…do you know what the difference between you and me is?"

He resumed his silence, his glare fixed on her.

Lillian tapped the side of her head with a finger. "It's the brains. I am not saying that I am smarter than you, even though I actually am. I am smarter than you and your whole entourage put together. But you are not stupid, you know." She gave him a calculating look. "I don't understand how you don't understand that you actually could be above average in your schoolwork. I assume you simply are lazy on top of being spoiled and arrogant for no reason whatsoever."

"It's fascinating how you still manage to insult a person while giving them compliments."

Lillian let out a short laugh, before smirking at him. "I didn't compliment you, Draco. Insult you- yes. Compliment you- no. You'd have to be exceptional at something for me to compliment you, which you are not." Stretching her back on the chair, resulting in a few satisfying pops, she got up to her feet and took the book with her. "I'll have to go see our Master now. After I've finished this book I'll place it back."

She left the room, not glancing back at Draco as she exited the library and went back to the foyer before making her way to Riddle's quarters. She passed Daphne, a girl whom she wasn't too sure about what to think of. As far as she knew, the Greengrass family wasn't as radical about blood purity as the Malfoys, Crabbes and Goyles were, not even like the Parkinsons who were blood purists but not as vocal and radical as the aforementioned trio of families. So, she wondered what Daphne was doing here and what her family's alignment with the Dark Lord was.

Upon reaching her destination she pulled herself back from her thoughts before knocking on the door.

"Come in." The deep and commanding voice of the Dark Lord answered.

Opening the door, she was startled to see both the head of her house and the Dark Lord waiting for her.

"Enter, my dear apprentice." Riddle commanded her so she followed.

Once inside she marched up to the Dark Lord and, not before giving Snape a quick glance, kneeled in front of him. "My Lord."


Again, glancing at Snape, she saw him looking at her impassively but she could almost feel his confusion radiating off him. Raising her chin defiantly, she returned her attention back to her Dark Lord, focusing solely on him now.

"I assume you are confused about why Severus is here."

"Yes, my Lord."

"He is our spy. He is close enough to Dumbledore and his Light to gather important information for us. He also told us that, despite you selling our cover story quite impressively, he has reformed his Order of the Phoenix."

Taking all the information in, she cast yet another glance at her Professor, her eyes narrowed this time. "I don't want to presume anything, my Lord, but how can you be sure that he is not double-crossing you?"

Snape stiffened slightly next to them but Riddle gave her a big smile, almost looking proud. "A very wise question, Lillian." She perked up at that, her Master addressing her with her first name for the first time. "Of course, one can never be sure. Severus here is a very accomplished spy, so good in fact that no one, not even me, can be sure of his alliance. Isn't it so, my old friend?"

Her Professor, for the first time directly spoken to since she joined them, nodded in assent. "Indeed, my Lord."

"Then how can we be sure that you won't let me being here slip to Dumbledore and his little followers?" She asked Snape, foregoing any decorum usually necessary when addressing one of her teachers.

"Because the Dark Lord threatened to kill me should he ever find out that I did so." He drawled out, his gaze piercing her.

Satisfied with the answer, she nodded. "I can accept this for now. Thank you, my Lord, for taking care of this."

"You are quite welcome, apprentice. Now tell me, how did the children fare with your exam?"

"It was mixed, really. Greengrass doesn't do badly in school but she can be much better, as her exam showed. Malfoy, who is below average in school can also be much better. I don't understand how they do as poorly in school as they do, in comparison to the marks they got in my exam." She shrugged her shoulders. "It's not like I made it easy. Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson were as I expected. Very poor and not of much use to your future endeavors, if I may say so, my Lord."

"Severus, how would you rate the difficulty of Lillian's exam?" Riddle asked the Professor.

"It was thought out very well, the range of questions reached from first to fourth year material and the difficulty should indeed have been challenging enough for the students."

"Very well. I will have a talk with at least Greengrass and Malfoy about their performances. You may leave for now. Should I have need of you I will call upon you." Riddle dismissed the dour potions-master before returning his attention back to his apprentice. "What is this book you are carrying, my dear apprentice?" Her Master asked her, genuine curiosity lacing his voice.

"It is about the differences and varieties of the Dark Arts, like blood and mind magic, my Lord. I find them utterly fascinating." She couldn't help the excitement coloring her voice.

"Ah yes, blood magic is indeed a fascinating branch, especially when it goes into sacrificial blood magic rituals." Riddle replied, nodding in approval. "It pleases me to see that you keep widening your horizon. Knowledge is what grants the most power, so your thirst for it is something that will help you keep growing and strengthening until you will seem undefeatable to others. Never waver in the face of knowledge, no matter how disturbing that knowledge might be."

"Yes, my Lord." She immediately made a mental list of more topics to research.

"Good." He motioned for her to sit on a chair at the large table, which she immediately did. "Now, onto your first lesson for silent spell-casting."

Her eyes widening slightly at the prospect of being taught by none other than Tom Marvolo Riddle, she leaned forward ever so slightly and focused her whole attention on the powerful man before her.

"It is not something that is hard to learn. In the end, accidental magic can be classified as silent spell-casting, for it works in similar ways. Accidental magic is triggered by an overwhelming wish for something to happen."

"Like running away from someone, wishing to be far away from them and teleporting yourself away?" Lillian asked into the lull during her Master's explanation.

"Indeed." He eyed her curiously, feeling that this as something that had happened to her during her childhood. "Silent spell-casting works very similarly. Instead of loudly yelling the incantation, imagine screaming it inside your head. While accidental magic relies in focusing on a general thing to happen, silent spell-casting focuses on a specific spell you want to cast. Try it."

He silently conjured a dummy for her in the middle of the room, causing her to awe at how effortlessly he conjured something out of nothing.

She got up and focused on a blasting spell with all the intensity she could muster, aiming her wand at the dummy. While she did manage cast it, it was significantly weaker than the usual power she could pour into it.

Riddle still looked pleased enough. "Well done. This would have earned you five points for your house." He chuckled lightly. "It was obviously weaker than what you are usually capable off, but you did bend the dummy's arm. Now, you need to manage to pour your usual power into your silent spells. All you have to do is to reach a point where you stop feeling the difference between silent and vocal spell-casting. Try it as often as you can until you reach that point. I expect you to spend at least one hour each day during this week to train and then I will see you again to examine your process."

She felt severely disappointed that this was all there was to her time being trained by the Dark Lord himself, but nodded nonetheless. "I will, my Lord."

Looking amused, Riddle looked at her with a smirk. "You look down, Lillian. Why would that be?"

Blushing furiously, she glanced away from his gaze. "I, uh, thought that my private lessons with you would be…longer. I can't help but feel…disappointed, I guess, that this was all there was to these private lessons."

Laughing loudly, he went up to her, cupping her cheek and causing her eyes to widen. Her face was heating up rapidly just as she was recovering from her first blush. "M-my Lord?" She stammered.

"My dear apprentice," Riddle began. "I have to admit that it still baffles me that you, Lillian Potter, the-girl-who-lived, are here with me and practically begging me to teach you my darkest knowledges. I promise you that I will teach you all I can, but for now you have to be patient."

"I apologize, my Lord." She whispered as she stared into his dark eyes, unable to look elsewhere.

"Don't. I am most content with your devotion to me and your submissive nature towards me. I feel great loyalty, a desire to please me every time I look at you." He traced his thumb across her soft and slightly parted lips.

"My Lord…do you…want me?" She asked clumsily, partially afraid that she was reading his behavior completely wrong and partially afraid that she was right.

"I can't help but notice that you are growing into a beautiful woman, apprentice. But I know that you are still scarred because of those filthy muggles." He spat out the last word. "How would you feel if I would want you?" He suddenly asked her, not really thinking.

" I…I don't know." She muttered honestly. "On one hand…I'd be honored. On the other…I don't know if I could please you…because…" She shrugged helplessly.

"Lillian." His voice was firm and commanding, calling upon her attention. "I do want us to join our bloodlines in a marital union." He stated bluntly. Originally wanting to wait until the end of her fifth year, he felt that she needed to know now about his plans so she could start getting used to the thought. She was obviously shocked if her wide eyes were any indication. He also was amused how she paled at first and then started blushing soon after.

"Me? Really?"

"Yes, of course." He looked at her with his head cocked in amusement. "We both share the ancient blood of Salazar Slytherin, which should not be sullied by joining with other and, in comparison to ours, lesser bloodlines. You are also fairly pleasant to the eye. As am I, if I may be so blunt."

She couldn't help the small and demure smile forming on her lips at the compliment she received from the Dark Lord. He basically called her pretty! Maybe even beautiful!

"Thank you, my Lord."

"So, what do you say?" Riddle asked her, though he was expecting for a certain answer. He was pretty sure that she knew what he expected and as submissive to him as she was he was sure he knew which answer she would give.

"Whatever it is you want of me, my Lord, I am willing to give." She looked up at him, her gaze firm and back straight, showcasing her utter willingness of becoming what he wanted her to be.

A pleased grin formed on his face as he again cupped the side of her face, causing her to lean her head ever so slightly against his head, her eyes full of utter devotion for him. "You and I together, we will both destroy Dumbledore and bring the magical world back to its glory days." Her face formed a sadistic grin at the mention of destruction, causing his loins to stir. "I give you one year to heal and free yourself of what your filthy relatives did to you. Then I will expect you to be ready for us to further our relationship from master and apprentice to a marital one."


"Seek a mind healer. I can search and provide you with the best. You can also start to try and explore yourself. Replace the pain you felt at intimate touches with experiences of pleasure in your private time." He graced a hand lightly over her exposed collarbone, causing her to gasp slightly. Removing his hand with a grin, he lead her towards the door with a hand on her lower back. "Now go. You have children to teach and your own tasks to master."

"Y-yes, my Lord. Thank you, for…I-I promise, I will be ready." She stuttered and stumbled over her words, but her message was clear all the same.

"I know you will." Riddle told her, pleased with himself but even more so with Lillian Potter, soon to be Riddle.

She was so powerful for her youth and under his tutelage, bound to him by marriage, she would become a force even he wasn't sure he would be able to handle, but she was so devoted to him, hung on his every word and was so eager to please him and gain his approval, he wasn't really worried.

He was looking forward for her healing process to end. Yes, Riddle could pretty much demand their union to be completed immediately but he wasn't a complete and utter monster. He would never rape a magical woman. Yes, he would kill them if they opposed him but no matter if muggleborn, half-blood or blood-traitor, as long as they had magic in them and were capable of wielding it they were safe from his desires. Besides, he wanted Lillian to want him. When the time came and he showed her the pleasure of sexual endeavors, once he could claim her as his young wife, her devotion would be absolute.

Never before felt he so sure of his victory and the former champion of the light was the key.

Leaving her room after putting away the book and taking the corrected exams with her, Lillian was still distracted from her conversation with her Master. Tom Riddle found her desirable enough to want to marry her! Her mind was still reeling every time that thought came to the front and her skin was still tingling from his touches and caresses. She felt a slight damp heat between her legs and she wondered if this was how it was supposed to feel after a man touched her in such an intimate manner.

Just last summer she remembered how dirty she felt every time Vernon would lay his filthy, meaty and sweaty hands on her bare skin, how she felt the bile rising in her throat every time he entered her, the painfully burning sensation between her legs and his stinking breath coming out in pants.

What she felt now though was so foreign, so unfamiliar, but so pleasant. She wondered how different it really would be if the Dark Lord claimed her as his; not just as his apprentice, not just as his weapon but as his permanent companion, as his partner in bed and as his wife. She wondered if his touches could make her forget about the humiliation and degradation she suffered under the Dursley's roof and under Vernon's fat body.

Releasing a shaky breath, she tried to calm herself as she entered the room for her tutoring sessions. Putting on her I-am-better-than-every-single-one-of-you-face, she glanced around and saw everyone present.

"I apologize for my lateness." She began, glancing at the clock and seeing that was indeed fifteen minutes late. "I had a private session with our Master and got caught up in a conversation with him." She walked up to every desk and handed the exams to her 'students'. "With some, I was genuinely surprised at how well you did. With others, you did just as poorly as I expected." She stated before returning to her place and sat down. Now, before we start actual tutoring sessions, I want to ask all of you one question that has been bugging me the whole time I was going through your exams." Giving each of them a piercing look, she spoke. "What the fuck is wrong with you morons?!"

She glared at them, her frustration clear as day. "You idiots have such potential to be great personalities in our future! You have money and influential parents! You have the advantage of your bloodlines! But you don't use your heads!" Her piercing green eyes locked on Daphne. "Greengrass is the only one who I allow to be an exception. She did quite well in the exam and is just above average in school as far as I could tell. Am I wrong?" She asked the blonde.

"Uh, no." The bewildered Greengrass heiress answered.

"You can still be so much better. You can be under the top five of every class if you would just put some effort in it! Why did you try so hard on this meaningless exam?" She gestured with her hand at the parchments lying in front of the children. "All it is good for is to give me an idea about where to put the most emphasis in during this summer!"

Turning towards Draco, she glared at him too. "The same goes for you. Get off your arse, stop milking the comfort your parents provide you with and become more than this spoiled, annoying toddler you seem so intent on being." Turning her attention to the others, she calmed down a bit, almost feeling bored. "Theodore, Tracey, Blaise…you results were mediocre here as they usually are in Hogwarts. I'm not sure what to expect in the future of you. Show me and our Lord that you can have a place in our future. Crabbe, Goyle…well, muscle is always needed I guess." The two gorillas just grunted and smirked stupidly at each other, flexing their biceps, causing her to roll her eyes in the process. "Now, my favorite part…Pansy." She smiled sweetly at the pug-faced girl, causing her to scowl at her. "I know you don't like me. You can be sure that I feel sick if you are even remotely in my proximity and I have to fight the urge to just kill you on the spot every single time I see you." She kept smiling, even as Pansy paled at that statement. "But, alas, me being the most loyal servant and apprentice to the Dark Lord, I heed his wishes with the utmost dedication he expects of me. That means to teach every single one of you." Standing up, she slowly made her way towards Pansy, stopping just in front of the girl, glaring down at her, her voice low and dangerous. "My Master expects me to get results in everything I do. If I don't show results for my private sessions with him, I will get punished. If I don't show results here- meaning you putting in effort during these sessions and filling the emptiness in your head with something useful instead of which blowjob technique pleases Draco the best- I will get punished." Ignoring the furiously blushing teens and the chuckles hidden behind coughs, she continued. "If you answer one more time to any of my questions-and I don't care if it is during sessions or on exams I make for you- I will crucio you until you beg me to kill you. If I get punished because you fail in any class at all this year, I will dismember you and keep you alive during it so you can watch as the beasts in the Forbidden Forest feed on your body parts. I will not get punished because of your insolence. I promise you that."

"You are sick." Pansy muttered, feeling scared because she could feel Lillian meant every word she just said.

The Dark Lord's apprentice merely answered with a manic grin.

It was getting late at night and Lillian wasn't sure if what she was about to do was a good idea. She was confused in so many ways, the events earlier in the day causing her to lose her cool in a manner she was vastly unfamiliar with.

She was about to tread in even more unfamiliar territory as she was about to do something she never ever did before.

Lillian Potter, a self-proclaimed sadist, a still freshly made murderer at fourteen, the apprentice of one of the- if not the- most dangerous and powerful dark wizard in the history of Great Britain, was about to ask someone for advice.

So, there she was, pacing back and forth in the garden of Malfoy Manor, she was waiting and hoping that the person would come but also hoping that the person would just ignore her message.

After a few more moments of waiting she heard muffled steps in the grass and turned around, half relieved and half nervous to see Lady Malfoy advancing towards her.

"Potter." Her voice was full of annoyance but also a hint of curiosity. "What is so important that you had to call me here this late into the evening?"

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience, Mrs. Malfoy but I didn't know who else to talk to." She began. "I…have a problem with something I am vastly inexperienced in…or at least, the only experiences I ever had were…" She stopped, taking a deep breath, avoiding the Malfoy matriarch's curious eyes. "They were…extremely…unpleasant." And painful. And humiliating. And disgusting. And traumatizing. And scarring. "Today though I was…I experienced something…more pleasant than I was used to. Just a hint of how it could be. I was approached with…well, pretty much a proposal I suppose." She muttered softly and had to fight hard to fight the smirk that threatened to break through.

"A proposal? From whom, if I may ask?" Narcissa sounded genuinely curious.

"You will know when the time comes." Lillian waved a dismissive hand at her. "Either way, I accepted but it won't be official until I am…well, ready. And I don't know how. I want to be, I want to be able to please him and…you are the only woman here I feel I can turn to with this, no matter how uncomfortable I am with talking about this."

It slowly dawned on Narcissa what the Potter heiress was talking about and, despite herself, she felt her heart break. "Lillian…" She couldn't help but use the girl's first name. "Were you…raped?"

Lillian raised her chin in defiance and took on a haughty tone. "I don't want anyone's pity. All I need is advice on how to…teach myself the more pleasurable aspects of having breasts and a vagina."

Narcissa had to hide her smile. Maybe she was wrong about this girl, whom she always saw as more of an annoyance than anything else. She didn't feel the same displeasure her husband and son felt towards the girl but she still never particularly liked her.

She felt humbled that the young girl sought her out for a talk about intimate issues as exploring one's growing body. "Child, there is no textbook or such things for exploring your body." Lady Malfoy began gently. "I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must feel at the thought of sexual things, considering what you must have experienced before." She placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "What you need first and foremost is a mind-healer. Someone to really talk to, share these things with, finding closure for what you went through."

Lillian huffed in annoyance. "He said that he would find me the best…but I don't really want to talk about it."

"It can only help." Narcissa shrugged delicately. "But still, if you feel excited for whatever reason then don't hesitate to explore your body. Find out what pleases you most. But go slow and stop when you feel uncomfortable. Be gentle and understanding with yourself."

"I suppose…" Lillian muttered, not entirely pleased with the conversation. Very much was vague and even more was identical with what Tom told her. "Thank you for your time, Mrs. Malfoy. And I assume I don't need to press just how badly I want this talk to be private and only remain between us?"

"Of course. My lips are sealed." She smirked at the young girl. "And you are quite welcome."

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