33.17% Mixed HD / Chapter 144: 105 - 121

章節 144: 105 - 121

Chapter 115 - Don't cry, beauty.


Gu Zexi's soft tongue cracked lewd lollipop easily as she kept licking it non stop! The steam coming from her body made it hot to the extreme which was easily melting Xia Feng's strong will. Holding those twin tails tightly, his eyes were closely watching the beauty's lips as they were more red than ever.

Looks like Miss Gu also put some make-up.

Smearing those lips all over his burning tip, Gu Zexi rolled her while doing so, peeking at Xia Feng from all angles! One could easily see how this beauty was missing him! Furthermore, with how hot her body became, Gu Zexi knew that the little brother was the trigger she needed!

"Truly a prodigy. Cultivating while sucking me off... Ohhh!"


Miss Gu cracked the lewd lollipop yet again, wholy swallong the tip as she drunk the white seed with her eyes closed... The bold beauty had her own charm and Xia Feng couldn't be possible stay still for all this time.


He grasped her twin tails with one hand, setting his other one free! And by putting his hand behind her head, Xia Feng slowly shoved his rod all the way down her throat. Those wet walls were urging him to explode as they kept drenching him with her saliva.

And the beauty herself could hold him for all this time as she kept breathing with her little nose. Those black eyes were like black holes indeed as she rolled them up to look at him!

"Damn, so sexy my Zexi."


Explosion indeed! But how could it end this fast? Xia Feng after exploding made sure that everything flowed down, then with one swung of his waist, he took out his rod out from her mouth, leaving a tip on her lips, then like fucking rodeo shoved it down once more!


"Ohhhh! Keep looking at me otherwise I will stop."


Thrusting in and out with his honed heavenly thursts, Xia Feng got for himself the heavenly garden of pleasure, gushing out the white seed without holding back... Since Gu Zexi had hit the cultivation wall, he had to make sure that she at least can move forward.

But consider that she needs steam and 'good mood'... Xia Feng had the feeling that only he can must find some unique steam or she won't be able to grow in terms of cultivation of course.


Throwing her head back to stop the sexy time, Gu Zexi gasped as her body got all wet from the work! She had to change, but before that, she turned her eyes to all the resources she had with herself, only to see them destroyed!

"Xia Feng, this is no good... I will need to do some missions soon~~"

"Then we will do those together. I must make sure you can cultivate properly..."

"How caring~~ My heart is falling even deeper! Who knows, it might fall so much you will be able to kiss it with your rod inside me~~"

What the fuck?!

"Damn pervert."

"Look who is speaking~~ Ahaha~~""

Miss Gu kissed the rod for last time while sniffing the pleasant fragnance of this erossu cultivator before standing up! As she jumped up cheerfuly, Gu Zexi caressed Xia Feng's cheeks as she told him to meet her father!

"I will take quick bath! Accompany my father, Xia Feng!"



"Huhu! Huhu! Huhu!"

Elder Gu was humming while brewing tea! Xia Feng knew the house of this elder rather well, so he quickly arrived in the main room... Also, Gu Zexi quickly took care of his needs, so the brewing was still under the process!

But Xia Feng still had to step forward into the room!

'Zexi is good lady, even though a bit too perverted for lady. Even so... Yeah... he is my father in-law... Oh, fuck this!'

And as Xia Feng finally steeled his resolve, the old man appeared suddenly in his way. One look was enough to realize that he came here to tease Xia Feng. So what does the old man hold in his mind?!

"No one with yin qi can escape my grasp~~ HUEHUEHUEHUE!"

"You bastard..."



Slapping the old man back to dantian, Xia Feng had no way of retreating from this meeting. In the end, he is father in-law. So stepping forward proudly, Xia Feng took the set by the table and opened his mouth...

"So... how have you been, Elder Gu..."

"Call me Father, Little Feng."

"Ugh... Father..."

The Elder brightly smiled, then took out the red sword from his storage ring! The sword didn't come out normally as this man swung it like true sword cultivator! Everything in the room stood intact except Xia Feng as he felt the qi of this elder going through him like wind.

And while his hair along with his clothes fluttered, the erossu cultivator narrowed his eyes! The qi... was yin... so he had counter to this in the form of old man! But...

"This is new cultivation method, right? And f-father already has cultivated to Soul Creation Realm?"

"Yes, Little Feng! I knew you are rare seed, so allowing you to do missions alone was great success! No need to follow other masters, pave your own path!"

"Yeah, yeah... So..."

Xia Feng felt that this is too strange for old man to come back to Soul Creation Realm this quickly after changing cultivation method... Nevertheless, the elder had his own experience, so if something was wrong, then he should feel it himself.

Ignoring the compliments from this 'father', Xia Feng pressed for more information... He kinda had interest in red sword that had connection to yin qi. Was it because of his Erossu Qi? Who knows!

"It's Gloris Lily Sword! I was lucky enough to get this sword from my friend and begin new life of good cultivation! The treasure with cultivation method is truly amazing and it fits my yin qi perfectly!"

"That's... great to have such friends that can pass down such treasure..."


Xia Feng spoke it mindlessly, but his eyes didn't fail to notice the sadness of this elder! Even though he did his best to hide it, Xia Feng's erossu vision was working rather flawlessly... Well, because of this new appearance, Xia Feng had forgotten... that this elder was victim.

"So is everything fine for father? I am sure that Soul Creation Realm breaking his cultivation is hot topic..."

"Everything is good. Patriach also has supported me, so the progress was quick and flawless. I also have high understanding of yin qi as I prefer this life over my old one!"


"Men aim to dominate and stay strong above everyone else! I have tried to dominate both in status and women! Do you remember how hard I tried to make Madam Mari my personal... ohoho... bitch?"

Do whatever you want and take whatever you want! The way of true man, one would say! Elder Gu was competing with other elders in terms of direct disciples and also in conquering women! Anyway, right now, with yin qi, Elder Gu lost such desires and took everything slowly.

Focusing more on himself, Gu Zexi and disciples that stayed with him, Elder wasn't competing, but wishing for them to grow happy and strong without any hidrances due to his 'competition' and 'arogance'.

"Yin qi is gentle and calm."

"Well, as long as you are happy with your own life, then it's okay. We all should follow our principles."

And true yang qi is explosive and rough by the way! Explosionnnnn!

"I am back! Serve the tea~~"

The queen of this household came back and took the seat closely to Xia Feng... And it was truly as if she matched with the brewing tea as it was immediately ready upon her arrival!

"Alright! We are all here! I have also some cookies!"

"Nice, father!"


It was as if Gu Zexi was truly used to this new appearance of her father! Because Xia Feng still had problems with his high pitched voice and the way he moved... Moving while pressing his thighs tightly, or covering his mouth with straight fingers while laughing and talking... It was hard for Xia Feng, but he fared strongly.

He has just seen the worse grandmas... Yes, he has a lot of experience!

That's why, Xia Feng quickly became used to calling him 'father' and the three of them spoke about various rumors in the sect! Xia Feng also shared some details from his mission and one of greatest treasures from this journey popped out from his robe.

Meow? (Translation: Is it milk time?)

"Oh, you only think about milk! It's cookie time."

Stuffing the mouth of white cat with cookie who had stupefied look upon seeing Elder Gu, Xia Feng turned around to look at Zexi... He wanted to ask for some money, but couldn't choose the appropriate time.

But as Klim popped out, the Elder Gu went 'Ohhhh!' and kept his eyes on eating cookie cat, so it was rather good time. However, the lady herself had another expression! Biting her lips, Gu Zexi tried to hold her feelings.

And with Xia Feng's eyes, it was harder to do so. She, who kept playing with hot steam coming from cup of tea, suddenly gathered this very steam around her finger to make small hearts out from it which quickly got sent towards Xia Feng.


'She is poor beauty after all...'

Xia Feng took out the cat from his robe and put her on the table to let her enjoy the cookies. Then, not caring about Elder Gu at all, he took the beauty into his lap, wrapping his arm around her waist! Gu Zexi easily let him do whatever he wants, but Xia Feng spoke affectionately.

"We will find some special steam... That's for sure. Don't worry..."

He spoke about different topic as he knew that this is not source of her worry! Anyway, Gu Zexi lightly smiled as she went for Xia Feng's hair, burying her little head in his pleasant fragnance! Then, Mr. Father chimed in.

"Patriach has sent core disciples to Western province... And I told him to pass down for his disciples to keep an eye for geysers or any hot lakes."

Western province is known for a lot of nature disasters! It's normal for villagers here to have their houses suddenly burned by thunder bolts or swept by tornadoes! And those nature disasters can be treasures themselves or lead to many treasures!

"That's good, father... If you get more information, then tell me and I will take Zexi here."

"Ohoho! I am glad that you are so caring, Little Feng! Now, now... I have emptied the tea, so I guess it's time to prepare some resources for my disciples. Excuse me."

"Yes, see ya, father."

"Take care, father..."

Elder Gu could read the mood. He left with nice excuse after looking at his daughter who was crying as if from joy. But was this joy from the fact that Xia Feng hoped to help her with cultivation...

"Sorry... I should've known... It's hard for society to accept... to accept everyone."


Still buried in his head, Gu Zexi let out sad 'yes' and tightened the grab! Xia Feng was surprised that he couldn't see through her and that she had hidden her emotions so thoroughly! Furthermore, he had just 'attacked' her instead of soothing her pain...

And the fact that she easily followed and even went a bit overboard meant that Gu Zexi relied on their intimateness to soothe her pain as well.

"Do you have idea who it might've been?"

Elder Gu has lost most of his friends and even disciples... Gu Zexi also couldn't see through the disciples that stayed with her father as she had too much worry! If those disciples just were after 'easy' resources, then she herself would smash them!

Anyway, Elder Gu had a lot of hardships, but stayed true to his new life and kinda enjoyed it. If not the society, then he would be truly happy! Gu Zexi also didn't mind her father being like this and tried to protect him from all the people...

But there was nothing she could do against other elders from the sect.

"I don't know... But as long as father is happy, I am also happy... And when I saw you calling him father, it was... Uweee! So.. relieving..."

Don't cry, beauty...

Xia Feng slid her body down and kissed her forehead! The beauty quickly bent her legs and snuggled into his embrace feeling his support. With sniffing black ball beneath him, Xia Feng was not sure what to do...

The best thing would be to smash everyone who dared to talk behind their backs! He isn't someone from this sect, so if Gu Zexi didn't know about potential enemy, it was more for Xia Feng!

Furthermore, Gu Zexi hadn't gone into any public bath whatsoever to try stimulate herself to cultivate, and kept waiting for him faithfully. She hit the stage where it would be the best to have special steam or environment fitting the cultivator.

As there are different methods to cultivate, so there are different personalities of cultivators, thus, every cultivator cultivate in their own way. In past life, Xia Feng had been 'trained' to cultivate in dark room from very beginning, so he needed dark places to cultivate.

'Enemy... Unknown enemy...'

The eyes of Erossu shone with red killing intent!

Chapter 116 - Second Page of Erossu Book

There was no more lust in Xia Feng's body, only warm heart pounding for Gu Zexi as she clearly heard this sound while laying on his chest. Of course, she also felt his arms wrapped around her body tightly, as if protecting her from all the problems.

"I will find the culprit."

"No need... Father also tried, I am sure of it... All I want is this support you are giving me right now."


Xia Feng had few ideas, so he will for sure check those. Anyway, he hid it from Gu Zexi and made sure that she feels this support as much as possible.

'Since I couldn't see through her cover, then Yiyi, Yaoyao and others also shouldn't... Haaa...'

When Xia Feng asked about others, Gu Zexi spoke that they had few meetings as they had shared the relationship with this erossu cultivator. As if coming back to herself, Gu Zexi laughed saying that she got 'true' friends thanks to him.

"Oi, the so called 'high' ladies also have to be wary of their own image, so-"

"So if image is more important then they can fuck off from this queen."


Well, Xia Feng could only agree. He just wanted to say that everyone has their own problems and stuff, but Miss Gu hit the truth nicely. Then, Xia Feng took out Laetus Flower with yellow tips. It's the main flower that began the circle of other Laetus Flowers, but Xia Feng could already take it out and share it with Gu Zexi.

And he felt like in this situation, she deserved the fully grown one that will only bloom with others!

"Hmm, it's fits the beauty of my Zexi."

"It smells nice..."

The beauty below muttered with slight smile as her nose tickled. Thanks to his mother, Xia Feng also had magnificently done flowerpots with good design, so the present was neatly prepared!

"But I prefer your smell, leave your shirt."

Another one!

"Briefs as well."

"As if!"


Xia Feng exploded and pinched the waist of beauty which was likewise trigger to her laugh. As the mood was getting better, Xia Feng had to share something that he didn't want to... And it was his new women!

In fact, he had to tell everything as Gu Zexi urged with her queen like attitude. Of course, she mixed it with adorable actions! Tapping his chest with barrage of fists attacks, Gu Zexi quickly made Xia Feng spit out everything!

The most shocking was the mother-grandma duo.

"That's so damn deviant. But if it made you stronger... then it's all fine~~ How about you try to comprehend my body? Let's use this flower."

Taking a petal from the Laetus Flower, Gu Zexi used it to wipe her tears. Right now, she had pleasant smell coming from her cheeks as she rubbed it quite strongly! However, it was all planned, because as she leaned up to him...

"Check how the mix of your flower and this queen smells like."

Speaking about herself as queen was normal with Xia Feng in her presence! Xia Feng also didn't mind this as he knew that the bold lady of his thinks highly of herself and her talent... Leaning down to smell her cheeks, Xia Feng suddenly let out his tongue to lick her slightly hot cheek.

"How was it?"

"I am not sure... I guess I need to savor more."

Going for another cheek, Xia Feng began going even more rougher as he began thoroughly feel this soft flesh with his mouth. His lips were clenching her from time to time as he trailed her tears to lick them away!


He was gentle, tenderly feeling her as Xia Feng still felt guilty about his actions earlier! And the beauty could feel those feelings, so instead of enjoying this session of kissing while clinging to his body, Gu Zexi extended her hand for another petal.

"It's fine... to take more, right?"

She was worried about her present!

"It is. I will show you later how to circulate the qi on the soil to nourish it."

Hearing the positive answer, Miss Gu was more than eager to play around with petals. After Xia Feng had his own time with her cheeks, she broke the contact by putting her finger in front of his lips, then placed the petal on her own!

What is she aiming for?

"Smear the petal on my lips."

Puckering her lips in cute way, Miss Gu closed her eyes as Xia Feng leaned down to rub those red and tender lips! Their noses also rubbed and it was rather adorable play as both of them began moving in opposite way while feeling their own lips through the petal.


And after a good session of cute lips touching, the queen pounced forward to invade the erossu mouth! Like tiger! Learn, Klim!

Meow... Meow. (Translation: Typical.... Time for nap.)

Wait! Fuck, learn!

Xia Feng who wanted to be gentle quickly lost this good intention as Gu Zexi led him to be aggresive with her own approach. She bravely licked his lips and tongue, intertwining it in pleasant battle.


And those red lips of the queen had new taste, so Xia Feng quickly immersed himself in her body! The grip was also becoming more tighter, breaking the contact from time to time as she let out those pleasant to ears moans...

"Looks like those petals are edible... Haha~~ Just like you."

"Oh, Xia Feng~~ It's been so long time, you must check thoroughly if everything is fine."

Poh! Miss Gu took another petal and let it flutter on the air as it slipped down her chest next!

"Here? In your father's home?"

"Yes, what's wrong with that? Have you already forgotten about our first time in public bath? We really must visit it soon~~"

Slap! Quite weak one... Oh, so emotional!

"Instead of public bath, I am going to visit your garden..."

"Then feel lucky as you don't need coupon here!"

And so, Xia Feng who didn't need the coupon visited the juicy garden after sliding down her body from the top. As his little brother shared his feelings... He tried to be gentle, but it all broke as Miss Gu was too clingy, too tight!

Explosion! Explosion! Explosion.... Oh? Ah! Explosion! Explosion! And another one! Explosion!

Looks like Xia Feng was all ready for the queen as he kept filling her insides with his hot liquid! Right now, she will truly feel the warmth and support, ready to smash everyone who comes up to her!

How caring, how erosssssu!


Xia Feng spent the night in Elder Gu's house. He had the room with Gu Zexi and after one night in dorms without soft body, Xia Feng quickly regained his not so lost habits!

'Fuck, I have became addicted to sleeping with woman's body.'

It felt like something was missing when he couldn't feel the soft bottom pressing against his sleeping rod in the bed! Of course, it was the very bottom itself that was missing, but Xia Feng felt it more than he thought.

It was as if he lost piece of himself...


"Xia Feng... Thanks for coming."

Hello, Miss Gu!

"Ah, please. Why do you thank me for such stupid thing?"

"It's not only for coming. I have clearly felt your feelings... so... mmm..."

The queen suddenly got so red that one could mistake her for little tomatoe! With steam coming out from her head, the so usual hero would think that the Miss Gu suddenly comprehended something or some stupid shit like that.


Xia Feng bumped her forehead while the Miss Gu indeed seemed like tasty tomatoe! Feeling the hotness of her body, the erossu boya let out the chuckle as he knew what is on her mind. Thus, he already responded with...

"I love you too. Let's support each other for eternity... Your fluffy gentleman's heart always has room for you."

"...It's only the beginning, Feng! I am going to take the biggest piece of your heart."

The queeeeeen strikes as she became more affectionate. Giving the last hug for Xia Feng, she sent him back, waving her little hand with huge smile!

Bye bye, Miss Gu!


Bonjour, gentlemen.

The fluffy gentleman was too fluffy, so he couldn't ask for money. In fact, he had forgotten about this problem with all the events happening in Gu's household... Anyway, the queen was all fine and ready to cultivate as he had given her Erossu Love Nectar as well!

Thanks to that, Gu Zexi easily could let herself get into the mood that was needed for her to cultivate! But Xia Feng was keen on gaining some unique steam source for the lady as well.

She grew nicely as he has checked her body, so as the beauty has grown for him this good with love, Xia Feng had to respond to this love and make her cultivation rise. After all, while the Erossu Love Nectar can keep her strength rising, it can not give her comprehension.

Work hard, Xia Fenggggg! The ladies are worth it! They can smile in fluffy way!

"Alright... Second page."

Xia Feng was in his dorm... Oh, another night without soft flesh of lady? At least you have cat who works hard for you! Hug her tightly, grandmafucker!

Anyway, Xia Feng's body was only in dorms as his mind was active in the dantian. Standing slightly below the black erossu book, Xia Feng exhaled!

'Problems are everywhere... No need to think about it. This is what makes us strong, and I will break all of those.'

Ahrisha will have beautiful blue hair without any poison in her body! Nodding to himself, Xia Feng forgot about such important thing as he had whole book of problems... Not whole, but okay. One would forgive him if one knew about his hardships!


Shuuuuuu! The book became larger, growing at tremendous speed... Old man!

"Erossu! It grows just like every man in the morning. Eat healthy, spray healthy!"

The erossu book became quickly big like huge portal! Xia Feng who stood in the middle of the group closed his eyes. This time, he didn't want to look at her information whatsoever! He knows the concept of privacy, alright!

Soon, the figure popped out from the book lifelessly!


It was as if the book spitted out the dead body! The way the beauty came out was totally different from Ahrisha's as she fell from the sky, then rolled on the ground for good while... But even after all this rolling, she was still quite far away from Xia Feng and the rest.

Big world, good foundation! Good job, Xia Feng!

The body of lady stopped with her back facing the group... Although Xia Feng couldn't see her front, the round ass of the lady was superb quality indeed. He felt something in his heart trembling! Heavens! The shit starts from the ass again!

But just slightly above this ass, the lady had small, orange tail coming out!

"Uhh... Are you alive?"

The beauty didn't answer! In fact, she was quite good at feigning the death! One couldn't see her moving even an inch! So Xia Feng just slid his eyes thorough out her body to look at her more thoroughly! Her legs were long and thighs quite wide.

'Her legs look strong...'

It wasn't because she had nice ass and wide hips. It's because Xia Feng could feel that the beauty had quite strange flow of qi in her legs which wasn't the resul of her inexperience, but rather opposite.

Her long feet and orange toes were all looking good and alluring as well... Since the bottom was good, it was time to up. The long, orange hair was like horse's mane as it flowed down absolutely widely... Well, it was rather flowing down in not so nice way.

Looking at her back, Xia Feng couldn't find any flaws. The beauty had nice shape and alluring bottom, so there was only one question.


Why isn't she moving?

And as Xia Feng turned to the side to look at Ahrisha... he immediately noticed her dead eyes...

'So she knows her... Alright, the time will do its work'.


'Another deviant has been chosen... Tsk! I can feel his gaze on my ass... Damn Erossu Masters, fucking perverts! Every one of them just look at my ass! Gosh! Fuck! He is moving down... Not enough? Does he have legs fetish? Tsk!'

While her body was looking dead, the insides were quite alive. Her mind kept cursing and cursing as she coud clearly feel the gaze of Xia Feng!

Lass, you are lying down all naked. Everyone would look at you, see, even water lady is looking.

'Hah! My hair is in your way, so you already given up on top? Ahh, my poor tail... It would be better if he got angry at my hair, so he would leave you alone...'

Second Lady's weak point - the tail.

"Uhh, are you alive?"


The lady immediately answered, albeit, inwardly... Then, she expected Xia Feng to get angry and touch her all over the place... It's not like she wants to be in Erossu Book, it's not like she will come out and present her body to the erossu master with smile on her face.

So why bother? Let's just lie.

'He will fuck me anyway. No need to bother... Just don't touch my tail... Tsk, he just looked at my tail!'

The old man and Ahrisha were quiet, all had their own reasoning. Old man - simple. Xia Feng didn't read the information regardning the lady, so why should he tell him about her? Ahrisha - simple. She was water spirit and the second beauty had clearly qi related to fire.

"Oh, well. Since you don't want to speak, then I guess I can do nothing, but wait."


"If you want to beat the old man, then you are free to do so without any problems at all. Erossu Chains won't stop you."

Yes, she also has chains. But who would look at the chains on her body? At least she didn't have any wounds compared to Ahrisha's appearance.

'Eh? Really? I can beat this fucker how long I want for?!'

So damn fucking happy! This sentence was enough to describe the emotions of the second lady! She even let out smiles appear on her face as she heard those words! Even though it might not be true, it had nice sound!

"And I am Xia Feng. While I like to pierce the heavens...'

'Tsk! He is still erossu!'

"I also like to pierce through the erossu chains, so be ready for me."


Eh! Tsk! Eh! Tsk!

Looks like the lady can not decide, but the situation was rather confusing for her and kinda new. Instead of going into the play, the master of erossu book limited himself only to words, speaking without any lust or threat.

'Pierce through erossu chains? Tsk! That's clearly a lie...'

"Hey, Ahrisha. Don't bully her."

"I won't get near her anyway... No need to worry, Xia Feng.'

'Ahrisha? Ah, the water dwarf...'

Oh, shiet!

Xia Feng also passed some words to the old man and those words affected the heart of the second lady as she heard him clearly mentioning about Ahrisha already beating him. It sounded truthful, but Erossu Master still had control over the ladies.

There was chance that it was all play and Ahrisha was ordered to be silent. But even though it all seemed so strange and unbelieveable, the second lady rolled to the side to face Xia Feng.

Well, the man himself was ready to leave, so she was the one to look at his back now.

"I am Scarlet."

"I see... So, Scarlet... I will tell you one thing. The chains can be broken, but the method is the method you sure hate the most... But even though you hate it... I must grow stronger with this Erossu Body."


Miss Scarlet saw the chains on Ahrisha's right wrist being slightly shorter, becoming silent and stupefied was inevitable!

Chapter 117 - Let me look at your face

What is fluffy girl? If one thinks of fluffy girl and mother pops out, then go to church! If your sister, then go to church with cross. If your girlfriend, then good job, stay silent. If aunt... that's doable, no?


Anyway, there are a lot of types of fluff and one can not comprehend it fully!

Shu! Shu! Shu!

Scarlet was sitting on the ground, her butt buried in the Xia Feng's world soil as it was kinda pleasant to sat at... The Erossu Qi had its effect, but the foundation was wide and strong. Feeling this soil, the lady knew that he had done his cultivation properly...

'Meaning he fucked and fucked till he couldn't hold up!'

Hold up the qi and the white seed!

Shu! Shu! Shu!

Folding her legs, the lady hit her knees with her chin as she took rather comfortable position! Since Xia Feng hadn't touched her, Scarlet couldn't use her qi and the world also couldn't bloom with her qi, so right now, there wasn't any place specially for her.

Shu! Shu! Shu!

So what?! There was something more important than that and one could easily hear the sounds of her delightment. It was horse tail that was moving non stop, blurring due to high speed... Without good eyes, many would think that the lady here has three or more tails.


Blooming with smiles, it looked like the lady was self-sufficient to feel the happiness! But if one looked into her past, then one would understand the reason for such happiness.

Horse bitch, if you want your tail, then shake that ass for me.

Ahahah~~ Little Horseeee, if you keep showing me such face, then say goodbye to this tail.

Spread your legs wide! I have more beasts whores, so show me some play... Or we will begin my own fun... with this tail of yours...


The lady blinked few times, then her tail that had freedom shook off all the memories that suddenly popped out from nowhere. The former masters could easily seal her tail with erossu chains which was one of the most brutal things one could do for Scarlet.

From this point onward, it was easy to break her mind and after years and years, the lady already accustomed herself to being imprisoned.

Shu! Shu! Shu!

But now, ever since the beginning, Miss Scarlet could move her tail for as long as she wants!

'Not spreading.'

Burying her head in her own knees, the lady enjoyed the sensation of her tail brushing her back as she pressed her chest into her knees... The front is also nice, one should note.

'What should I do? Miss Magdalene...'

Of course, she was clueless as to what to do. The master clearly told her that he must fuck her in order to grow stronger. It was the usual, so Scarlet was far from surprised or annoyed... What was the most surprising was the freedom.


Turning to the side, she saw the lake that was already in nice size. Not big, not small, the Ahrisha's lake was glittering with good quality water as Xia Feng spent some time comprehending here. One also should know that it's deep as hell!

There was private room inside after all.

"Ahrisha, let's talk."

Everytime Scarlet came out from the book, there were already a lot of ladies related to the fire and hot qi, so they took her in and supported. But now, she was actually the first of all fire related...

'Miss Magdalene already had huge territory for herself...'

The ladies with the same or similar attributes had their own factions and territories that were interacting with each other. Such thing could help them in comprehension and as the master was strong, the ladies also could cultivate while circulating the qi.

Right now, Ahrisha was digging, so we know that Xia Feng ain't strong.

"Oh, it's Ahrisha's lake, so you are as egoistic as usual. Your nickname came from your circle of water women, so no wonder..."

Dwarves think of themselves and their weapons only, alright!

"It's my and Xia Feng's lake."


"And for my Xia Feng, you better spread those legs."


The orange-haired lady stomped the ground and left the water spirit alone as she floated on the water. Ahrisha herself could just ignore Scarlet as during their first meeting, she indeed was egoistic to most of the ladies.

Tap! Tap!

Passing through the old man's head whose whole body was burried in the ground...


Scarlet quickly took the farthest place from Ahrisha's lake...

She got catched by the erossu master when she was sixteen and mainly due to her naiveness. So being supported for all those years, Scarlet had lived her whole life with support of many ladies as they encouraged her to stay strong.

Scarlet, focus on your qi and comprehension. Even one simple understanding can make your fire more burning and devastating.

Miss Magdalene was first lady that took the place of Scarlet's mother and led her for all those years. Even after masters changed, Scarlet always had the support of this lady after rough treatments of new masters.

'It's my job now to make a territory for Miss Magdalene and others to grow stronger.'

I will set us free.

Although Miss Magdalene hadn't had support of all fire ladies, everyone who was under her respected the lady as she indeed was strong and had huge chances of setting them free. The confidence in her voice was genuine and convincing.

Thus, the second lady convinced herself. Since she is now the first fire lady, she will make territory for her family and wait for Miss Magdalene. With her comprehension and power, the lady she respects the most will quickly rise.

Poor lady had no way of knowing that Miss Magdalene was no longer in Erossu Book.

'My Xia Feng... Even though he isn't Soul Creation Realm Cultivator, he still can use those chains to control her... I...'

Of course, the problem of not being able to use qi was still here. Xia Feng's understanding is what makes the the whole world(dantian) bloom with various qi, so...

'I must... let him fuck me!'

The ladies can add their share of understanding, so that the master can have easier time comprehending along with his erossu, but Master is still the most important!


Xia Feng slept in his dorm without any lady... The cat's fur is nice, but that's not what he seeks! Without any soft body of lady, Xia Feng felt exhausted and didn't really want to stand up from his bed...

Meow... (Translation: Milk...)

She kept mumbling while sleeping! Heavens!

'Let's visit Scarlet.'

There is new lady inside, but just from her act of playing dead, Xia Feng didn't feel like pushing his D inside her... It was like she was laying on the ground, not caring about anything at all! And Xia Feng hit the truth perfectly as Scarlet no longer could care.

The worst thing for her was that she had no one to support.

"Oh... so far away..."

Waving his hand to his Red Erossu Cape, Xia Feng let the Erossu Equipment to put itself on his shoulders before flying to the orange-haired lady. Of course, before that, he rubbed the hair of water spirit as she left the lake immediately upon his arrival.

The cape might seem useless, but that's where the epic soundtrack comes from! Furthermore, Xia Feng simply hadn't met the enemy that required him to use this. So after few practices in the dantian, Xia Feng became used to this equipment and right now, it's going to be his main transport to move for ladies.

Shu! Shu! Shu!

The source of this sound is already known! Scarlet was swinging her tail at huge speed once again, her eyes looking at the blue walls of Xia Feng's dantian as if comprehending something... No one knew what was in her mind.


"Ah! W-what br-brings M-ma-master here? Perhaps... you w-want..."

So embarrassing! Scarlet always had the masters violating her before she could notice and it was first time she actually had to offer herself... She did her best to sound natural, but it was hard to hide the awkardness and... some disgust as well.

"I want to talk with you."

'Only talk?'

Xia Feng didn't want to rush things, but there must be certain advances if he wants things to progress. She was once again facing him with her back, her long her was truly like horse's mane as it spread widely, covering most of her skin.

So much hair was working well with her beauty.

So Xia Feng, from behind, sat down as he settled himself in a way he could feel her ass pressing against his crotch... Actually... he was truly missing the nights with ladies, so it was rather unconscious move.


Bitting her lips, Scarlet could only wait for Xia Feng's next move! Her head was still buried in her knees, but the lady wasn't cursing like yesterday, but asking a questions as she knew that in order to move forward, she must let him have her.

"S-so... what d-does master... want to know?"

"First, don't call me Master. I have name and well, how about you tell me about yourself?"

"I am... from Raging Fire Horse tribe."

The lady was horse indeed. When she was born, her mane and tail lit like beautiful fire, so her family took great pride in the child who had a lot of potential. Her mother was always combing her mane and tail, and since one of those were her weak point, Scarlet had always 'adorable' expression!

Many would protect such adorable lady and her talent also made her treasure in whole tribe, so Scarlet had no days of being alone! But after living in such nice tribe while cultivating the best and completed methdos, the lady who grown up tall and cute had also began to seek the world.

Being treasured by everyone, the lady wanted to meet someone who didn't know her.

"And I met... the... erossu... cultivator..."

Sniffing, Scarlet reached the point where she has been caught up. She herself didn't know why she was comfortable around Xia Feng and told him everything with details. But there was no lust even though she felt his crotch scratching her naked bottom.

So she went along with this feeling. And fluffy gentleman could only slowly wrap his arms around her stomach.

"He hit my body.... till I appeared in my human form... then, he, he, ripped.... my clothes..."

Erossu Master was sensitive to yin qi and even Scarlet's horse form also has femine parts, so as he saw the beautiful beast, the master immediately went into action as his lust exploded within his body! The Erossu Touch was mixing her senses with pain as he kept smashing those dirty hands into her body...

"It hurt... hurt... so much..."

The lady who was the treasure of tribe felt the pain for the first time. Then, even worse pain struck her whole body as she felt the erossu master entering her body. She could only yield to him as he obviously wasn't alone.

The chains locked her whole body and after the torture of his rod ended, Scarlet whole body disappeared into his dantian as another page.

Sniff! Sniff!

Adorable tail already stopped moving as it became weaker due to the lady feeling sad. She kept crying out loudly, hiding her head in her knees even more than before.

"The world is full of shit and bastards, so we all must grow stronger to keep our homes and closed one alive..."

Scarlet knew about this very well, and she likewise knew why Xia Feng is saying this. Following the warmth that was coming out from his body, The lady turned around to look at Xia Feng who was likewise looking at her.

'Grow stronger, yes... I must grow stronger for everyone who supported me. So... the usual...'

The usual was clear. Scarlet locked her eyes with Xia Feng and strangely puckered her lips instead of leaning down... She was just following her feelings along with the fluffy gentleman's warmth, so it was also unexpected for her.

And she, who thought that Xia Feng would ravage the hell out of her mouth quickly became surprised for who knows what time already as the man himself only lightly touched her lips.


"I have only seen your back for the most of the time, so let me now thoroughly look at your face, Scarlet..."

Miss Scarlet had nice front indeed. Her hair was cut neatly just before her eyes so the forehead was covered fully. The bangs were falling down to her chin line, but enough of her hairstyle as the most beautiful part of her face are those two eyes shining like autumn fire!



The duo kept looking at each other for a while! It was pleasure to look at the beauty who suddenly got nervous! The fact that she had to take initiative and invite Xia Feng for sex was too much for Scarlet, but now, she had yet another problem.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Her pounding heart.

"Is it comfortable in my embrace?"

"Not bad...But I must work hard, so at least... stick in... Tsk! So embarrassing!"

Scarlet hid her face using her hands as it was so damn shameful. For the first time in her life, she has said 'stick in' by herself and her voice also seemed rather weak which was shocking. Curling up in his embrace, Scarlet became like her past self in the tribe which was fucken adorable.

"So fucken adorable."


"Tsk... No need for words play..."

"I am sure you can feel it through your body, that this wasn't play."

Little brother smashes!


Chapter 118 - Dense, tsundere and ingenious little brother!

The monster awakens.

Heavens rumble and hell scorches!

Scarlet lightly flinched as she actully felt the latter! Simply because Xia Feng's rod escaped the grasp of pants! No one knows how could such thing happen... Was it because Xia Feng's crotch couldn't stay still with her ass touching him or because this is dantian of erossu cultivator?!

Who gives a fuck! The most important thing is that the little brother became free, already poking the forbidden second garden! Thus, the hell scorches.

And heavens rumble as Scarlet felt her garden convulsing from simple touch! What was that?! He wasn't even aiming for her garden yet she was feeling so hot and sensitive like never before!

"It's strange feeling..."

Muttering to herself, Scarlet sent her hand to her bottom to feel and catch the rod that was pressing against her pink hole. The burning tip of Erossu was slowly overheating her body! And the effects become worse as she touched it...

The touch of new lady was always pleasant experience. Xia Feng, who was looking over her shoulder to look at the front of second lady, groaned as Scarlet didn't touch it lightly, but grasped with full force.

"Can I touch your chest? I can't really see it properly with you being this naughty."


'Erossu Master just called me naughty! Tsk!'

She was doing this to get stronger and repay for all support from her closed ones. Anyway, Xia Feng getting into mood was good for Scarlet as it was the very first step to grow stronger... But what was that?

'It's hotter than ever before, and I can't stop... looking at him...'

Miss Second was experiencing something she has never experienced before. Her grip was strong as she wanted him to get into mood as soon as possible... But maybe there was other reason for this?

'If you want to keep that play, then keep doing this. It's not working at all. Just take my fire qi!'

While it's harder for Scartlet to believe in Xia Feng's words, her body was more than eager to believe in him. As she mindlessly locked her eyes on his face, the hand below was going in reciprocating way.

And quite fast, one would say!

"So... can I?"

"Y-you can. Why are you asking?"

"Because your body is treasure that has yet belong to me."



One can think, what the fuck? Wasn't his intention to save all beauties from the book? To set them free and let them live happy life? Of course, that's how it is... It is.. Yes, but happy life is going to be with him!

Accepting Erossu Destiny was also what made Xia Feng accept the ladies. If they are free, meaning, lost pages, then they are all left for themselves, but in his grasp, the ladies are going to be his unless he fails to do so.

That's why, Xia Feng moved as he got confirmation. He could only go with one hand as the right side was shaking a bit too much! Anyway, with one hand slowly caressing the underside of her left breast, Scarlet also felt something else fluttering.

Oya, oya? What can it possible be?!


Knowing that her moans will make the things faster, Scarlet let it out completely not caring about Ahrisha as it already should've reached her lake. Moaning from even the slighlest touch, the horse lady stomped the ground with her long legs while keeping her hand rubbing the likewise long shaft!

"Quite heavy, but you are strong lady, right?"

"Ahh! Ahhh!"

Xia Feng leaned down to make their contact closer. His hot breath was ticking her ear with was already red as well! And the erossu cultivator himself could kinda feel her emotions as the tail was wriggling as if it had it's own life.

Not like he minded it!



The answer didn't come out, so the erossu hand that was weighting the breast, lightly clenched it to elicite the ear-piercing answer! As he felt the soft flesh pressing against his hand, Xia Feng slowly let it go and began making circles around her aureola...


Then, the hard and ready to play with red pearl began getting rough treatment as Xia Feng twisted it in all directions while rubbing! And as he kept close contact with lady, she could feel his breath non stop that was like yet another attack at her will.

"Haaaa! Hnnnnn!"

"Scarlet... who will come first?"


It was hard to not notice those two plump thighs rubbing each other! Two nice pairs were glistening with her love juices as she kept gushing out her honey due to Xia Feng's gentle hands. The tender touch was the first for a lady who used to be treated in most humiliating way possible.

Those erossu hands could touch her body, but also feelings!

"It would be bad if I came outside though."


It indeed would be bad. The body of horse lady twitched as those words rang out in her head, letting out arcing stream of love juices that was like highlight of this close contact! She had to make Xia Feng come inside her, so that she could grow...

But it seemed so hard with her body twitching and breathing as if fighting for the air... The orange-haired lady couldn't open her eyes that became shut due to her climax. Like little girl, the lady actually curled back to her former position, letting go the rod that was very satisfied with her touch.

"Scarlet... I can feel that you want to get stronger and I can't help, but feel happy. Even so, if we do it here, then it won't end up with one connection.'


'Yes, he is erossu cultivator... He will fuck me till he gets bored of my pussy.'

While Scarlet still had some mistrust left, Xia Feng bumped his forehead into her hair... The pleasant and quite wild fragnance of hers, mixed with sweat had similar effects like his breath on her ear before!

"I want to comprehend the mysteries of fire with you. As Erossu Cultivator and... Haha~~ How hot you body is, the best way to do so is by staying close to you, don't you think?"

"Y-you are right..."

The answer seemed so weak, but Xia Feng kept shocking her with his attitude... In fact, she agreed thoughtlessly, as his words and atittude were free from any violence and roughness... Compared to others, his hands clenching her breasts were soft like feather!


And as she lost herself in her thoughts, Xia Feng turned the meaty body of second lady so that she could face him... The full view of her sweaty body as she kept breathing with her head in the clouds was side to behold.

Scarlet also had a funny face as she had her mouth lightly opened.

The rod of erossu which had just experienced her tender hands was close to explosion as Xia Feng had no way of taking his eyes off from her. Furthermore, it would be bad if he exploded upon touching her garden, right?

So he gave her time to think and laid himself on his world's soil. Since he has erossu qi, the soil wasn't stinging or prickling, but was rather comfortable to lay down. Of course, there are better things to lay at, but it's not like his dantian had any of those.

Except Ahrisha's lake. Sex while flying in the water was good as he also began comprehending the water's qi. The comprehension made a few things more spicy and he also had more white seed, hoh!

But it's no good to think about other lady while having one atop his crotch. Xia Feng lightly smiled on laid his head on his arms as he folded them behind.


She woke up as the little brother made quite violent movement. It was getting more impatient, but it's not like Xia Feng could do anything to it! Anyway, Scarlet woke up after a while as she comprehended the warmth she has felt.

'It's mystery, so I must comprehend it.'

Yawn~~ Yeah, love and affection is mystery indeed. Have fun~~

As she decided, Scarlet looked first at Xia Feng and his grin which wasn't really that annoying... Of course, she kept comparing, but such thing is inevitable. The lady is comprehending! Then, she moved her eyes to the little brother who was completely veiny...

Heavens! Dear ancestors!

The rod was so damn angry! Any lady would comprehend the thoughts of this little brother with her eyes alone.

Give me flesh, wet flesh and some spicy fire qi! EROSSU!

Heavens! Looks like little brother is eager for some fire qi! Maybe he has plans to make his already hot seed even hotter?! HOLY! The little brother is so damn smart and clever! Applause, please.

Clap! Clap!

"I want to support everyone, so I am going to swallow you whole."

It didn't seem more embarrassing than she thought it would! Scarlet collected her thoughts rather nicely and slowly crouched above the impatient little brother! Her love juices were dripping down on it, lubricating the weapon with her hot liquid.

It was so hot that Xia Feng held breath. His chest puffed while doing so, and Scarlet leaned down her fingers on it as she began swallowing the rod with her juicy garden! The kiss was brief as little brother trembled violently upon feeling her entrance.

Then, as she swallowed the tip whole...


In the name of father and son, what the fuck are you doing?

"Y-you came? Just... just like that?"

Lass, save him some pride!

Xia Feng stuffed his mouth with his lips as it was indeed embarrassing. The Erossu Cultivator came, but it was his little brother who was too eager and couldn't handle the pressure of the hot and juicy garden!

Looks like the road to ultimate white seed is long and tough. The little brother must survive a lot of various fire's qi in order to grasp the greatness!


She laughed.... Loser... What a fucking loser! The lady laughed as Xia Feng's face was too funny right now. Not even a bit of his lips could be seen and the nose of this erossu man went wide as he breathed every bit of shame!

"Do you want to take a break?"

Heavens! Stop attacking him! He is already beaten thoroughly! Xia Feng turned his eyes to laughing beauty! If she didn't laugh, then it would be even worse... At least he could elicit the pleasant laugh which was likewise her first laugh.

Anyway, Xia Feng couldn't let her poke his chest for long time!

"As if. Go and do your job."


Immediate answer! Scarlet raised her body and the fun began anew! The hot burning garden was slowly swallowing the rod while the lady herself locked her eyes on Xia Feng's face! Of course, he already took the 'master' position.

Folding his arms behind his head, Xia Feng laid himself like master he is and those erossu eyes followed his diesire as they latched each other on the lovely body of Scarlet... And as he felt her eyes, Xia Feng slowly opened his mouth.

"Not bad."

TSUNDEREEEEEEEEEEE! Xia... Oh, Xia... You have forgottten to let out 'hmpf' as well! Anyway, Scarlet knew how good she is as little brother became swollen inside her as if ready to explode once more! She began jumping up and down, letting her wet folds suck him dry!

Pah! Pah! Pah!

The sound of lady bouncing is delightful to listen to! Furthermore, to accompany this pleasant sound of meat smashing, Xia Feng extended his hands to caress her hips before grasping those tightly!


"I shall pierce the heavens."

With his claws on, Xia Feng buckled, unleashing those heavenly thrusts that made many fall! He had his eyes closely on Scarlet this whole time, and with his little brother help, the erossu cultivator had found her weak spots as if naturally.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Nnnnnnnn!"

The burning tip rubbed those sweet spots not so gently like his hands had touched her body, so Scarlet began losing the strength as her mind flew to the heaven of pleasure! The domineering wet folds lost the dominating aspect as the love juices gushed out in huge tides!

Xia Feng himself felt the upcoming explosion! Pressing further, the erossu cultivator changed the angle and reached the deepest parts of Miss Scarlet! The kiss in the deepest parts of her insides was marking the beginning of her fall.

"So good! So good! Ahhhhh! It's nothing like before! Mmmmmmmmm! I am cominggggg!"

"I am coming!"

Exploding inside, Xia Feng quickly raised his body to catch the falling lady as her mind was definitely not here. With rolled eyes, Scarlet could only let her body move by itself, and as she done it, the lovely arms wrapped themselves around Xia Feng's neck!

"Scarlet... Good job, you are such hard working lady. I am sure that you will be able to support many of your closed ones in the future."


The lady answered by rubbing his shoulder with her cheek! Xia Feng who had still his rod nested inside her, patted her shoulder, then slowly began moving his waist... He repeatedly rubbed her pink walls as if doing it to awaken her from her climax.

"Ahnn! Mmmm."

Suddenly waking up from huge pleasure, the horse lady buried her head in his shoulder while feeling the scratching inside. Xia Feng already knew that Scarlet is back, so he once again patted her back and asked question that was simple curiosity.

"What are you going to build with your fire qi?"

"Since Ahrisha has lake, then I will dig the hottest cave."

'Digging again?'

"Hmm, so let me help you. Ahrisha had my hands working for her as well... in both ways, haha~~ So don't refuse."


It was hard to refuse with his rod rubbing her inside. And Scarlet already felt his hand prints all around her body, causing her mind to go wild...

'It's not that bad... Since it's so hot, the mystery is really deep! If I comprehend it, then I will have definitely more burning fire!'


Scarlet has never thought about red trails on her body as she found them disgusting! But it was all different now, as she was being held by fluffy gentleman! The lady was thinking about 'hotness' which caused her to have such thoughts!

And it was not that bad... as it's indeed the step to become stronger.

Chapter 119 - Klim fights! Meowmumumu!

Because of Scarlet, Xia Feng spent a few days in his dantian! It meant that he was just laying on his bed like corpse, but since he had to feed Klim, Xia Feng had to let out signs of life, so roommates weren't worried!


And he also couldn't hear those cute noises!

Anyway, Xia Feng was now with Scarlet as it was his job to help her with building her cave... Well, it was digging for now... Of course, Xia Feng already had experience, so the job was going on nicely.

Furthermore, Scarlet feeling his presence also felt the 'unknown fire qi' in her body, so she went along with this emotion and became really talkative. She shared the stories about her closest friends and how they had worked together to create a fire domain in the dantian.

So that they won't die on the battlefield as master use them!

'Miss Magdalene, hmmm.'

Of course, this lady had frequent appearance in Scarlet's story. Xia Feng was sure that this Miss Magdalene has huge influence of little pony as she has the face filled with admiration while muttering this name.

"It's good to have someone to lean on."

"You are right."

"But it's also not good to rely on someone for too long."

Xia Feng spoke the words of truth as he chuckled at the horse lady. She was rather clumsily digging, so he closed the gap and grasped her fingers to lightly caress them before showing the honed technique.


"Hmm. Your body cultivation makes your legs quite strong, but aren't you neglecting your other parts of body as well?"

"It's focused on my legs."

"But the qi flows throughout your whole body. And in your horse form, you also use the front legs, so think of your arms like those and dig."

Scarlet blinked at her arms that were quite dirty from all the work. Nevertheless, she blinked at those slender weapons and began following Xia Feng's words... Soon, the fingers of Miss Scarlet got slightly red and one could feel the strange flow of qi at the tips!



"Good job. But look at this."

Xia Feng chuckled yet again, then in the midst of his digging, the erossu cultivator unleashed his technique! It was Erossu Tip Explosion that shook the ground more louder and stronger than the beauty next to him.

The whole ground was already dug quite deep enough! But Scarlet couldn't possible lose or show that her cultivation method is weak. Shouting look with adorable expression, Scarelt found herself competing with Xia Feng before she could realize it herself!

"Tsk, tsk! Then look at this!"

Raising her leg, Xia Feng once again marvaled at her body, but then!

Boooooooooom motherfucker!


The ground shook violently and Xia Feng himself lost balance as he fell onto his butt! The stomp was definitely at another level as huge cracks spread around them like spider's web! And as Scarlet heard the huge roar, she let out satisfied sigh!

"Umu! Good! Now it's also easier to dig!"

Crouching, Miss Scarlet snuck her fingers into the cracks, then using her qi on her finger's tips just like before, she began taking out huge amount of earth's stones that were the product of her stomp. Throwing them at huge speed, Miss Scarlet was quickly forming a tunnel to her cave...

"Xia Feng! How was it?!"

"Amazing, amazing... Scarlet is definitely from strong tribe."

And the results of 'sudden competition' sent her heart ablaze as the compliments from Xia Feng rang out in the ears of little pony. She didn't know why, but this new fire inside her was getting more stronger the more she talked and worked with him.

'So mysterious! And I already feel stronger just from few days of working with Xia Feng!'

Oh, the name of erossu cultivator is already spoken with such ease!


"It's going to be tough with more ladies in the future. Haha~~"

Xia Feng laughed as he stroke the licking cat as she herself was immersed in tasty milk. And the reason for such words was simply because Xia Feng could feel that jealousy of water spirit. So, leaving Scarlet alone, the erossu cultivator also spent some time with her, comprehending the mysteries of water qi.

"I could stand on the water for five minutes while moving, but that's because of her clinging to me."

He was talking to Klim, gentlemen. Anyway, Xia Feng could fell her emotions and support by the touch, so the comprehension was indeed going nicely. And the concept of working together is kinda cute, right?

"Soon, you will meet Scarlet, my little cat. But for now, it's time for yet another reunion."

After Klim licked the last drop of milk, Xia Feng grasped her small body and put her on his shoulder. It was already natural movement and as Xia Feng feels empty without lady at night, the same can be said about that cat on his shoulder.

Animal lover. Pfff~~

Right now, the erossu cultivator was going to Su Aya, the chef! She is currently the strongest lady if one look at the cultivation only, so she should be free from any problems and Xia Feng hoped for some nice time as well.

But if lady herself doesn't have problems, then the others around her have!

"Who are you? Why should we let you in?"

The guardians didn't recognize Xia Feng and he himself only worked here for a month! But even though it was month, the fact that he was with the chef for whole time should be memorable! So it's probably the looks of Xia Feng that became too dashing!

"Haa... You have forgotten me or what? Anyway, pass down the message to chef-"

"No need."

While Xia Feng sighed with annoyance, the sudden voice rang out behind the guards. The young man popped out and invited Xia Feng in! It looked like he had good status as guards didn't dare to argue with this young man!

One sentence was enough to stop the two guards that had stronger cultivation than him.

"I will keep an eye at him. And it's not like he can touch me. Hey, my master is Yuo Shichu, so behave around me."

The young man felt so good damn proud as he muttered the name of his master! This is the power of status, shuting down others with words alone! And seeing Xia Feng not reacting, the young man already felt the swelling satisfaction inside his heart.

'Who the fuck is Yuo Shichu?'

Xia Feng didn't know this dude, but this brat was acting so proudly and mighty that Xia Feng had to take appropriate action! Smiling brightly without any 'fake' emotions going across his face, Xia Feng agreed with the young man and congratulated him!

Buttering this dude up, Xia Feng quickly learnt that this young man name is Niang Nushi! Not like he cares tho...

"You are cooking cultivator as well, right? How about we exchange some recipes?"

'Ah, so that's how it is...'

The proud bastard! He wants to boast about his recipes and achievements while also comparing himself to this young cooking cultivator who is around his age... As to why he has thought about Xia Feng as cooking cultivator is simply because of Klim.

Niang Nushi also has 'beast' around him, so Xia Feng coming here with beast on his shoulder was potrayed in wrong way!

Apparently, every cooking cultivator has beast companion! Depending on the beast, it can help with their cooking and cultivation! Xia Feng hadn't seen Su Aya's companion, but considering that she is Soul Creation Cultivator, there was high chance that her companion has become soul type beast.

"Sorry, but I have urgent bussiness with the chef, so I am going. Thanks for the help~~"

Of course he has urgent bussiness! It's his lady, so the affection must be shown! But Niang Nushi had different thoughts as he blocked the way of erossu cultivator!

What a fool! Blocking the path of erossu means only one thing!

"I can't let you go! Right now, my master is meeting the chef of Sous Sect, so no one can interrupt them! You already known my master, so behave!"

Wow! What a good disciple indeed! The young cooking cultivator had stern expression and to not let anyone disturb his master's work, Niang Nushi spread his arms wide while shouting at Xia Feng with the pride he just felt a while ago.

"My master is Soul Creation cooking cultivator and his name is known by everyone! If you aren't scared of him, then you can try and force me out of this way! But as his disciple, I am also obviously strong and mighty!"

"Oh yeah..."

"Yeah! Let's fight using our companion beasts."

Meow? (Translation: Eh?)

Klim reacted as she felt Niang Nushi's finger pointing at her! She is the very reason this man thinks of Xia Feng as cooking cultivator, so it was also normal for them to compete with their beasts!

"Our companions are part of our skills and strength. Properly raised beasts just shows the skills and seriousness of cooking cultivator! Now! Yuyu!"

Niang Nushi's beasts is small, yellow fish. The fish was floating next to his head and of couse had water bubbles spiralling around her! The mysterious and strong fish had glittering scales that exactly show the care and love of Niang Nushi!

Tatu! Tatu!

She flipped her wings and slowly descended! It was slow and glorious descend of lovely fish!

Meow? (Translation: I have to fight her?)

Klim has no experience regarding fighting! She only knows how to go sleep in one second, lick and eat! But Xia Feng wasn't really worried! Because Klim has seen him fighting, accompanied and furthermore, she knows how to move her tail!

Turning around, Xia Feng took her into his embrace and crouched, facing the Niang Nushi with his back right now! And the new opponent of his grimaced at such sight! Why was that so?!


Oh, he saw the heavenly ass' valley of erossu cultivator! Pffff! Feel the powah!

"Klim... don't worry. Look at this fish! So small like Du Shung's rod. No need to worry..."

Meow... (Translation: I am not worried...)

"Oh, please. I will give you a lot of milk, more than usual. So, go and make me proud!"


Klim descended as Xia Feng lightly threw her at the battlefield! The beast's eyes met and the staring contest began! Klim eyes were obviously much more cuter as she had one blue and one green! Futhermore, after beast's core evoluuuution, those eyes become more beast like adding another charm!


But the cat's body looked really tense. Klim's tail wasn't moving and she leaned down as if trying to actually jump away! It was instinct of cat that was telling her to be wary!

"Klim! Have you heard her name? Yuyu! What the fuck is Yuyu?! Pussy! Fucking pussy! Such sissy nickname!"

"Bastard! And what the fuck is Klim?! Sounds as if you didn't even care about her name and named her on spot!"

"PFFF! This name is perfect for my lovely cat! It's after what she loves the most!"

While the two 'cooking' cultivators were fighting with words, the beast's starting contest ended! The yellow fish made a move first as she fluttered her wings to move forward! Around her, the bubbles responded immediataly floating her to the cat!

Meow! (Translation: I got this!)

The fish was slow, so Klim moved forward! Xia Feng was so proud as if he was looking at his child first battle! The extended paw was already so close to the fish... then the change happened!



MEOW! (Translation: OH SHIT!)

The fish's head became so damn large that Xia Feng's whole body could be stuffed inside! The huge mouth was overshadowing the small paw that was so sure of victory a moment ago! Xia Feng herself got tense as he felt the huge roar fluttering his hair and clothes!

"KLIM! From the side! Attack from the side with your tail! It's only the head that became bigger!"

Meownnn! Meownnnnn! (Translation: Xia Feng! Xia Fenggggggg!)

"Clench the body of this Yuyu just like you had clenched my rod during the grandma's accident! Now! Tail's attack!"

What are you? Trainer?

But the words of Xia Feng were very effective! Klim's paws let out shadow qi that came from the beast's core and she could attach herself better to the ground! Skipping like nimble cat she is, the cat dodged the roar and those teeth as she has been boosted by Erossu!

Erossu Qi responded to those lewd words of her Xia Feng! And with the intention to clench the fish just like she had done to him, Klim got herself beneath the fish in shadowlike movement! And her tail... went up like morning explosion!

Splash! Splash!


The tail... was strong indeed! That's the tail that can make the erossu cultivator come in loads from the very touch itself! And as she clenched Yuyu, the water began losing its power, slowly dripping down in huge loads.

The bubbles couldn't withstand the pressure!

"Good shit! Now, end her! Clench harder! Think of me and my cock!"

"What the fuck are you shouting?!"


Heavens! Klim was able to win easily thanks to Xia Feng speaking about Erossu! Of course, Niang Nushi was all disgusted and sad by Xia Feng as he spoke such obnoxious words!

Splash! Splash!

Fluttering her wings, the fish was looking pitiful as one could think she is drowning in her own water! Niang Nushi quickly threw himself to hold her and save from this perverted cooking cultivator! Who knows what he is forcingh is cat to do!

And as Niang Nushi moved, so Xia Feng!

"Yuyu! You have fought well, I am proud of you- Blurgh!"

The human and beast! Such lovely show of affection was now displayed by the duo! Tu tu! The fish likewise answered with affection on her master's hands, but then Xia Feng comes.

"Yeah, yeah. Get the fuck out from my way."


Motherfucker slapped the human-beast duo all the way to the other side of the corridor, getting a lot of room for himself and Klim! Crouching down, Xia Feng stroked the wet hair of his cat as he felt prouder than ever before!

"Klim! You have worked hard and showed our love and affection to this young man. I also didn't hold back and shared our lovely stories."

Yeah, tell everyone that you had cat pleasuring you... Oh well! Klim is very intelligent, human like and her human form is inevitable, so yeah... Go and tell!

"So now, tell me your wish! I will reward you!"

Meow! Meow! (Translation: No need! I have everything I love the most!)

"Oh, you greedy cat! I will give you a lot milk then!"


Chapter 120 - Evolution goes further!

The whole place was quiet!

So quiet that Xia Feng couldn't help, but think of Niang Nushi as someone with balls! The atmosphere for workers in kitchen was so tense that they were scared to let go their knives and other things to go and check on the situation!

Right now, Xia Feng could move without any problems, his eyes wandering around Su Aya's place that really hadn't changed!

'It's that... Yuo Shichu fault.'

Someone with the same cultivation as Su Aya, but from different sect! Anyway, Xia Feng slowly approached the chef's kitchen! The place wasn't blocking him from interruption like any other workers as he is her man, alright!

That's why, he had leisure to look at the man who was 'handsome' and 'charming' indeed. The main points of this man were long, blonde hair fluttering behind and ravishing blue eyes that were trying to take ladies into whirpool of love.


'Fucker, he looked at her chest ten times in thrity seconds!'

Erossu Vision On! Xia Feng could easily see this handsome fucker looking at his lady's chest, when she blinked or turned to the side. And with Su Aya sitting in the front of this man, the duo both had looks that would make many gasp to say 'they fit each other'.

Well! Xia Feng is still young cultivator and although his looks get better, there is still a tinge of youthness on his face and body left, so no one can blame him! Anyway! While the atmosphere around them might look good, Su Aya was cursing inwardly like usual.

'Just get the fuck out from my kitchen already, fucker.'

Good lass.

She kept looking to the side or trying to shoo him away with gestures indirectly! Well, Yuo Shichu has brought nice present with himself, so even stern and bossy chef couldn't shoo him away! But those gestures only let the other chef to look at her body more thoroughly.

'Fucker... Fucker.... Fucker...'

The strong motherfucker had leisure to look at Su Aya without any problems which made Xia Feng to feel like entering and digging out those blue eyes! But, he knew his limits, which were just like in patriach case, so he held all those feelings inwardly...

While the erossu vision kept telling him the amount of times this man looked down.

'It's fine to look once... in a while...'

Make others jelaous, feel the powah and stuff! The gentlemen surely understand what Xia Feng meant as he kept looking at the duo with slight killing intent. If this man extended his hand to suddenly catch the beauty's chin, then the red erossu demon would appear!

'Why am I so angry?'

Xia Feng who believed in his ability to control the emotions pondered about this, ignoring the small talks between the duo. They were talking about cooking, recipes and ingredients. The topic about beast companions also appeared, but Xia Feng ignored all of this while his mind was debating on his own problem.

Soon, Yuo Shichu opened his cursed mouth to speak about the main reason of his arrival here.

Finally, fucker.

Oh, the erossu duo thought the same! Cute, cute.

"The invitiations to the Royal Blue Chef Meeting has been already sent! They have decided to hold it in their Royal City in our southern province and I was lucky enough to possess your invitation. Seeing you is pleasure, Aya."

"Give it to me."

The man smiled as it was the chance! Passing down the invitation, the blonde gigolo aimed to catch the soft hand of beauty and begin the attack! But to his fucking surprise, Su Aya was fucken fast as she could feel the intentions of this fucker.


"Thanks and as you know, the meeting is important so I must go and meet the patriach. That's why..."

'That's why, leave you fucker.'

"Ahaha~~ I know, I know. But I would like to suggest something as well. Since our sects are close, how about we go together? I can pick you up along the way. We have new model for carriages with is comfortable, futhermore, I have a lot of strong cultivators-"

"Are you looking down on Sous Sect?"

The furrowed brows of this lady were no laughing matter. Yuo Shichu laughed out awkardly, then stood up with slight bow. Leaving the beauty with nice words like gigolo he is, the foreign chef left the beauty alone.

And as he passed through the corridor, the young man who was hiding himself was right now listening to his... lust! Erossu Ears activate!

Someone has touched her yin qi! Someone defiled my Ayaaa!

'Hah, she is my woman, faggot.'

Xia Feng felt satisfying feelings as he heard the emotions of this dude. Since this was Su Aya's place, Xia Feng could use her arrays to hide himself and... listen to this man's feelings which were like raging flames of lust!

Someone has defiled the beauty indeed and it was Xia Feng! And he didn't even need to be strong cultivator to do so! Xia Feng himself didn't know that he was also experiencing such satisfaction due to another reason.


Yuo Shichu was moving through corridor with enraged emotions. He has already asked several workers here about their chef's relationship and what came out was simple 'I don't know'. So either Aya sold her yin qi or she must have someone hidden.

'Fuck... If I find this fucker, I will destroy him.'

The Erossu Destiny trembled!

Basking in the admiration of Aya's workers, Yuo Shichu who was about to shout for his disciple froze. He saw Niang Nushi crying like little baby while holding the wounded body of fish. It was so small, but one could see straight trails going across its body!

"What happened?"

"Master! Master! You must avenge Yuyu!"

Niang Nushi shot up like rocket and immediatey begged for his master to unleash his beasts at Xia Feng who had beaten him rather fair and square... And as Yuo Shichu heard about the whole battle, he also thought about it like that.

"It was fair and square battle, so instead of crying, focus on healing this wound."


"And tell me his name..."

"I... I don't know..."

The veins appeared around Yuo Shichu's temple as he heard such words. Knowing his disciple, Niang Nushi probably boasted about his status proudly, not caring about other party! That's why, he smacked his head and asked for Xia Feng's appearance.

Although he didn't believe someone who was around his disciple age could touch Su Aya, Yuo Shichu couldn't throw away such possibility.

'If he is hers, then he will appear in the meeting.'

Yes, he will appear as Yuo Shichu moved the erossu destiny.



Xia Feng happily stepped forward after waiting for Yuo Shichu to leave the building. There could be unlucky moment of this man suddenly coming back and so on, so Xia Feng waited for a while. Of course, the lady herself also knew about his presence as this is indeed her place.

"How did your mission go?"

Going straight to the main topic, Su Aya asked while cleaning the table. She also let out some perfumes to mask the disgusting smell of other male! And as she turned around to put dishes in the dishwashes, Xia Feng run his eyes across her back while kicking away the chair Yuo Shichu used.

"I 'killed' the beast, grown up by cultivating with my beautiful grandma and mother and also destroyed the sect that used my father's body as puppet."

"Looks like bastard has finally realized that he is bastard and accepted the 'destiny'."

"Oh, please. You know I am fluffy gentleman."

Su Aya hit the truth while sitting herself comfortably on the chair. With those two seductive legs crossed, she put two strawberry cakes on the table with slight smile on her face... The smile that 'strong' Yuo Shichu couldn't bring out!

And as Xia Feng saw her sitting, he also took out the flower! The Laetus Flower let out its presant fragnance upon its appearance and Su Aya looked at it with curiosity.

"Is that souvenir for me?"

"Of course, I haven't forgotten about my lady. As you like strawberry the most, I have the one with slightly pale red tips."

The lady took the flowerpot into her grasp, then lightly leaned down to smell it!

"I can feel that its smells is unique... But that's it?"



Such answer elicited the laugh of the chef as she laughed without caring about Xia Feng at all. The reason for that was that Yuo Shichu has brought good present yet the treatment was as cold as usual.



Shine! Tutututu!

It was golden cucumber, gentleman! Xia Feng who looked at this cucumber felt strange. This motherfucker literally gave her long cucumber and knowing this man's feelings, Xia Feng could swore that he heard 'My D is bigger' while looking at this special ingredient.


"Properly made, it can extend the lifespan by ten years. Eating it raw will extend your lifespan max from three to five years."

"It's... valuable then..."

"Yes, I will keep it for you if you hit the wall in your cultivation."

More years, more chances. The strong cultivator could find any lucky chances with new years, so it was indeed valuable. Xia Feng knew that the patriach also would be glad to have this, but yet again, she was keen on keeping it for herself if the wall happens in Xia Feng's cultivation!

"That's pretty much impossible, Aya. I have this destiny along with complete cultivation method, so don't worry."

Xia Feng's mother was worried about her lifespan, so such treasures were indeed valuable. Xia Feng already had plans to attack this Yuo Shichu in the future! While the lady got surprised by this complete cultivation method, Klim popped out from the robes.

She always know when to leave!

Meowmumu! (Translation: I am hungry!)

"Oh, look! My greatest treasure woke up. Do you have any milk, Aya?"

"I have... Come."

The chef took out the special milk indeed! It was slightly pink as well and as she told that this is milk from beast race related to cows, Klim and Xia Feng's eyes went wide! This is indeed special! Xia Feng urged Klim to leave his robes as she herself must thank for this milk!

Meow! (Translation: I must first taste!)

While Klim leaned down for her first lick, Xia Feng explained how Klim is valuable! She has helped him when he had trauma and she also has strange evolution going on in her small body! It piqued the interest of the lady as her everyday life is like any other, cooking for elders and respected figures while being safe from any danger.

"She is cute, so you can leave her together with this flower."

"Never~~ But we will visit you frequently now."

"You better do, bastard."

Speaking of evolution! Klim felt something inside her changing! The special milk from beasts' race was more tasty than usual cold milk, but far from the hot milk coming from Xia Feng! And with her tail specialty, Klim had her share more frequently.

Anyway! The evolution can not go with Xia Feng's milk alone! It began with the combo of erossu seed and beast's core, so there are also another things needed for the cat lady!

Milk... This milk is one of those.


Heavens! Holy shit! My ancestors!



The cat spoke in human language as she let out pleased voice! And speaking of her voice, it was soothing and sweet-toned! The twenty years old cat finally can show that she is at least around this age by this very voice.

"Thank you for the milk! Not good as Xia Feng's hot one, but more tasty than usual cold! I would like to thank-you with more than words, but I know you can not understand me! Xia Feng who loves me the most also mostly doesn't!"

She sounded so sweet and nice that Aya relaxed immediately upon hearing her! The chef extended her hand to rub the cat's head while peeking at Xia Feng who was shocked!


"And I am sure you know that Xia Feng's everyday is filled with fucking, so I don't know how I really can thank you. I don't really have useful information other than his ladies names. Nyaaaa~~"


She turned around! Klim knew that her meows sound cute, so she spoke what was laying on her heart, then snuck into Xia Feng's robe.


Chapter 121 - Maomu, another victim!


As Klim settled herself in Xia Feng's robe happily, the erossu master awakened and looked down at the fluffy cat. After good quality milk, sleep is even more heavenly! So she wanted to sleep, but Xia Feng had one important question to ask!

"Klim, who do you love the most?"

"Xiaaa Feeenggg! Nyaaaa!"


Being sleepy, Klim answered immediately which made Xia Feng bloom with smiles! Even though she said it already, he asked again and feel the pleasure! The white cat's voice was also soothing and relaxing!



Bruh, you have the lady in front of yourself!

Veins appeared on Su Aya's temple as she saw Xia Feng rubbing and kissing the white cat! The hell! He has this cat with himself all time, but couldn't resist the urge to play around with his cat even in her presence.

That's why, the chef closed the bottle with milk, then pushed it towards Xia Feng! She also took the flower to her storage ring. Then, as the bottle lightly grazed Xia Feng's robe, he looked away from the cat and took the bottle.

"Thanks, Aya- Blurgh!"

Without anything valuable on the table, the chef kicked the poor table from below, sending Xia Feng flying as he puked the blood! The lady's kick ain't laughing matter when she is at Soul Creation Realm!

Of course, Su Aya knew that Xia Feng would protect the cat, so she kicked with full strength.

"You are going to help me with my cultivation. Unlike you, I must work, so don't slack and change clothes."

"Y-yes, yes..."

Xia Feng came here to spend his time with the lady, so he will help her, that's for sure! Standing up from the piles of destroyed table and plates, Xia Feng quickly cleaned himself while laying the cat down on the other table.

Using his robe as pleasant bed, Xia Feng let the Klim enjoy the satisfying sleep while he went to work!

"Alright, alright. So I guess I will chop some cucumbers..."



"Aya, you also have beast companion, right?"

Xia Feng asked while keeping with the ingredients! The chef herself had leisure to talk as well as Xia Feng could keep up with her speed without any problems at all. And as this question popped out, the lady turned around while waving her hand.


The sheep appeared.

"Oh, you are truly a woman of fluffy gentleman."

The sheep had red wool and quite a lot of it. Her long horns were also looking scary as they scorched upon feeling the eyes of erossu! Rather than erossu eyes, the sheep herself looked angry for no reason at all.


Letting out angry roar, the sheep opened her mouth releasing the fire that burned out the whole ingredients to her right side! No one knew why this beast companion is so angry!

"Her name is Maomu and I have gotten her from Royal Blue Kingdom... so you know how valuable she is."

Sous Sect is pledged to Royal Blue Kingdom! Well, every sect from each province surrounding this kingdom is pledged so one can guess how strong they are. And Su Aya's reaching the Soul Creation Realm with her cooking cultivation at young age was celebrated by this kingdom as well.

By giving out this strong beast companion.


"Fucking sheep! Stop spitting out those fucking flames and use them to boil the sixth formation instead!"

Sixth formation had pot.


"She is... quite rebellious..."

Xia Feng also was surprised by this sheep. She seemed strong and useful for cooking, but all she did was spewing out flames to annoy her master while stomping the ground! The appearance of sheep halted the cultivation of Su Aya, so Xia Feng could approach the rebellious lady.

"Little Sheep, Little Sheep."

The beast companion become more annoyed as she heard such voice! The voice of unknown male who was mere Nature Realm Cultivator! She tried to run away from this fool, but surprisingly, the weak cultivator could catch her and grasp her wool!


It was pleasant! The erossu touch had soothing effect on this sheep who was fuming and trembling in anger! She quickly relaxed as one could see her horns losing its heat!

"Yes, yes~~ Good Little Sheep."

Xia Feng's voice also became more pleasant to listen to! As he stroked her back, Xia Feng tried to listen to her emotions through erossu ears or look into her mind by erossu vision! But all of this ended in vain!

'Maybe there is no lust... I wonder what's the reason...'

Xia Feng's guess was correct! He can listen to the lust! Anyway, the reason for little sheep anger is simple!

How can lady speak such vulgar words?!

"Finally fucking calm? Then do your work! Heat the fucking pot!"

Oh! Su Aya's disposition is not fitting this sheep lady! She stomped the ground even more and each stomp was louder and louder! Xia Feng who was close realized that she stomped the ground stronger when the word 'fucking' left Su Aya's mouth!

"Oh, so that's how it is.... Little Sheep is high class lady."

Hearing such words, the hope glimmed in the eyes of beast! She also suddenly remembered the words 'fluffy gentleman', so with high hopes, the beast tried to turn around, but...

"But, you see... I am fluffy gentleman, but I also do it in the ass."



How can woman do it with her ass?! Heavens! The sheep lady got so angry that her back legs immediately went up! With huge force, the beast of Soul Creation Cultivator shot her joined legs at the... Heavens! DON'T, LITTLE SHEEP!



Another victim of heavenly gems! The poor sheep broke her legs, screaming in utmost pain! Losing the balance, pah! She fell onto her face, losing all pride and elegance from royal kingdom! One could easily see her tears as her body trembled in shame!

She just lost to Nature Realm Cultivator!

Maomu who lost her faith in Xia Feng also lost her faith in herself as she felt the erossu hands carrying her to the table. The cat was already here, and soon, the beasts were laying on the table!


One of them was happy while other dejected... The eyes of Su Aya were also looking at the sheep as if she was an idiot and curses were slipping from chef's lips from time to time... The lady sheep couldn't withstand this!


"Alright, alright... Let me apply medicine, then I will show you something amazing."

Xia Feng was gentle and fluffy gentleman. Even though the beast was aiming for his precious gems, he still treated her wounds and even reassured her.

"Just lie here and keep your eyes open."

The sheep was angry, but not like she could do anything! Furthermore, she was also jealous of Klim's easygoing attitude! It was as if robe of this man was enough for her to live! But that's impossible for a beast from royal kingdom!


Xia Feng came back to Su Aya's cultivation formation, then the duo began working once again! The dishes were made with utmost perfection and the duo seemed as if knowing each others heart! The sheep had to agree that they fit each other as the cultivation like this also shows their trust and potential.

BE! (Translation: What?!)

Here we go, gentlemen!

Maomu saw the boiling pot release its hot water! The water's flow was definitely controlled by someone as it moved straight at Su Aya who was sitting in the core of her formation with closed eyes!

BE! (Translation: Be careful!)

High class lady shouted with care as the hot water seemed very dangerous! However, the goal of this boiling water was simple - the clothes of the chef! It was water that had a bit of erossu qi, so one can already know what had happened!

The erossu cultivator soaked his finger inside the boiling water without any damage as he has comprehended some mysteries with Scarlet! Furthermore, with Ahrisha's water control, the bastard has easy time corrupting this water!

"Aya, I haven't forgotten our first time... Back then, your cultivation kept the work while we... were one."


BE! (Translation! Impossible!)

How could she serve the dishes made during sex?! The high class lady couldn't accept that! She tried to stand up, but then, the sudden tail stopped her as it nimbly coiled around her front legs! Klim knows what is the best for her Xia Feng!

"Nyaa~~ Stay here! It's the usual routine."

Oh! Klim is already accustomed to this very usual routine!

"While I love to look at your calm and serene face during cultivation, I also can't miss the opportunity to have you all red for me."

"Bastard! You think I felt good back then, serving the dishes made during sex?!"

The chef shouted while feeling the hot water heating up her whole body! The clothes were slowly melting, showing up more and more of her soft and glistening with redness skin! Xia Feng's rod was likewise melting... the cave that was holding him back.

Oh, shiet!

"It pains me, Aya... But as my woman, you will end up fluffy and erossu~~"


"Just get used to it. Isn't it exciting?"

Get used to it! Heavens! It was so for Xia Feng to say those words after accepting his destiny that he couldn't help, but nod to himself! This very nod was seen by Su Aya who also was on the brink of accepting her destiny.

She is erossu! Erossu woman! Accept the destiny!


The soft moan left her lips which stupefied the sheep! She has never seen the chef muttering such cute sound, so she locked her eyes on her flushed face and kept looking... and looking...

"And I am sure that the effects are much better. Your customers don't think about the dish process making while experiencing such great effects, right?"

Xia Feng crawled on the ground and kissed the chef who was all red and steamy. The hot and erossu water had done good job and the only thing left was to give the affection that was definitely longed by the lady.


The chef's muffled moans shook the heart of the sheep once again! Xia Feng also didn't resist his desires and knowing about Yuo Shichu visit, he was more rougher than usual, sucking on those soft lips like never before.

It was anger of erossu!

BE! (Translation: What a barbarian!)


While barbarian was wreaking havoc, Su Aya answered those emotions with her body. She coiled her arms around his neck, and slowly laid herself on the formation pulling down the erossu cultivator with herself.


And soon, the contact had to be broken for small rest. Both of them breathed roughly and while doing so, Su Aya's storage ring shone brightly as she took something from it. The control over this was perfect, so the thing didn't appear near her hand, but in her lips.

It was list of dishes she has to make.

"If you fucker have enough vitality to make all of those, then we will go with your cultivation every time you visit me."

"Does that mean My Aya has accepted the destiny?"

Xia Feng asked while chuckling at the beauty beneath him.... And to this cheeky smile, the lady answered with the grab onto his rod... Positioning it just before her juicy garden, Xia Feng had easy way to visit back the tight private place of strong chef.

"How shy."

"Shut the fuck up."

Kissing the entrance, Xia Feng's little brother slipped inside, savouring the tight and burning for him insides! The hot garden was already damn wet and with the little brother spreading its pink walls, the more and more juices began oozing out.

"Ah! Ah! You fucker! Fucking big and hotttttttt!"

BEEEE.... BEEE?! (Translation: Why... why does it sound c-cute?!)

The shocked sheep couldn't comprehend how the vulgar words could sound so cute! She kept blinking her beast's eyes at the duo who was too immersed in the pleasure! Xia Feng had his whole arms wrapped around her mature body while Su Aya herself was inviting him more deeper with her legs coiled around his back.

"Fucker! Fucker! Fucker! Ahhhh!"

BEEE! (Translation: No! I can't listen to this!)

What a cute fucker, oh momma!

Su Aya's voice was no longer strict or serious. She was moaning and screaming cutely, her voice piercing through the common sense of Maomu who tried to seal those ears of hers! But nothing could stop the erossu!

"Harder! Xia Feng! Fucking harderrrrrrr! Mnnnnnnn!"




The huge tide appeared in the sacred garden of lovely Su Aya! The amount of this was so huge, where the fuck is captain?!

I am here!

The cause of this tide is here! The captain unleashed his hot white seed to paint the pink walls white! The love was carefully taken by the captain, firefighter and god knows what else as the little brother is smart and ingenious individual.



Oh momma! The little brother sprayed his white energy to save the burning garden incessantly, nesting this heavenly liquid inside Su Aya in huge loads!

Furthermore, the firefighter had to reach everywhere, so the kissing in the deepest parts was inevitable! Chuuu!


Reaching the deepest depths, Xia Feng exploded once more! That's his job, yeah. Good firefighter.

BEEE! (Translation: How can this be?! The dishes... are popping out as if already made?!)

Maomu was very surprised by the firefighter! He really could cultivate while sex, and the dishes were filled with rich qi and pleasant smell that was tickling her non stop! But it was only for a while, as the whole room reeked of rather musky smell.



BEEEE.... BEEEE! (Translation: So cute... Aya is so cute!)


Xia Feng had shown his abilities thoroughly! He had produced enough seed to keep up with the lady cultivation and they have made the dishes from the list even faster than Su Aya would do with her cultivation.


He might not be Sex God, but he luckily had survived through the battle. Anyway, the most important part of this was the beast companion, Maomu!

She had lost all reasons to be angry and cursing didn't seem that bad anymore.


So right now, the kitchen had sheep moving around with plates as she also worked hard.


Pah! Pah! Pah!

BEEE! (Translation: Aya is so cute!)

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