34.48% The Way We Were / Chapter 10: Sure, Why not

章節 10: Sure, Why not

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co.

Last time: He pointed at the door before he spoke again. "Dada?"

Her mouth ran dry and gapped like a fish at the adolescent boy. Had Malakai just asked if Sesshōmaru was his father? How did he know? Was it a yōkai thing? It had to be because if he had not been yōkai but a human, then it would have never crossed his young mind.

Well, the puppy was now out of the bag, so it was best just to reveal the truth. She took in a deep breath and answered honestly. "Yes, baby. He's your dada."


The sound of an alarm blared, causing the lump in the bed to twitch and moan in displeasure. A small hand shot out from underneath the covers and slapped the snooze button on the annoying box. The sleepy teen buried her face into the fluffy pillow and tightened the blanket around her body as she floated between the grogginess of sleep and the awareness of her surroundings.

Groaning into the soft pillowcase, then twisting her head to the side, the teen cracked open one eye to spy the big red numbers on the clock's face. 'Ugh. Six,' thought Kagome as another groan broke loose, and she closed her tired eye to block out the sight. It was way too early to get up. Plus, as long as she was out the door a little before eight, it should be fine. With that in mind, sleep began to lull her under its hypnotic spell once again.

It wasn't long before the miko was pulled from the slumber by something tickling her earlobe. Hot and moist air hit the sensitive appendage, and a deep chuckle echoed in her eardrum.

Kagome's blue eyes snapped open only to come face to face with the demon that had been plaguing her waking life. What the hell was he doing here? Rolling away from the man, she reached out, grabbing the decorative pillow, and whipped it in his direction snarling as she did so. "Go away."

He caught the throw pillow before it connected with his face and tossed it onto the bed. "No. It is time to get up."

She glared fiercely at the irritating man and shook a finger at him. "Um. No. I still have time, so I'm going back to sleep. You can go and harass someone else."

Sesshōmaru ignored the rude gesture and her words, slyly smirking as he spoke. "Not possible. I harass Mikos, and you seemed to be the only one in the vicinity. Sucks to be you. Now get up, woman."

"Leave me alone," whined Kagome before dropping back onto the pillow and groaning.

A snort permeated the room then a persuasive offer followed. "I cannot, but if you get up, I will buy you some Melon Pan and a boba tea," coaxed the demon with some of her favorites.

Ooh, Melon Pan, boba tea and he'd pay for it. Kagome had to admit that was a sweet deal, but she wanted to see if she could push it a little further. Sitting all the way up on the bed, the Miko fluttered her lashes innocently and eyed the demon in question. "Can I eat in the car?" This would be the key factor here because he never has ever bent one of his rules. Would he do so now to get her to come with him?

The yōkai made a weird face, clearly thinking upon her request, then he released a defeated sigh running some fingers through his lustrous mane. "Yes, but if you make a mess, you are cleaning it up." Counter the inuyōkai pointedly.

Blinking owlishly, Kagome stared at him for a few seconds before realizing she had been gawking with her mouth embarrassingly open. Snapping it shut, she forced the rosy blush that wanted to spring forth until her mind traced back to the root of the cause. The man in front of her had broken his own rule. Why the hell would he do that? It was not like him, yet here he was telling her that she could. He had to be messing with her. "You're letting me have food and a drink in your car?" asked the teen in disbelief, brows rising high and fingers toying with the edge of the blanket.

Annoyance twisted his angelic features while the yōkai tossed her a look that clearly stated, don't push it or I will change my mind. "That is what I said," retorted Sesshōmaru dryly.

Studiously ignoring the sarcasm, Kagome carefully considered his offer: a free meal and a ride to school. Granted, she did have to be in his presence, though yesterday hadn't been that bad, so maybe she could handle a little more of him. Plus, it was food, a ride, and a chance for her to see how far he'd let her get away with things. Even if he didn't bend any more rules, it was a win all around.

"Deal." said the eager teen smiling as she pulled off the covers and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

Her smile dimmed when she considered something and eyed him cautiously as she spoke, "How did you get in here?"

His silver brows went up while his words loaded with a hefty dose of sarcasm. "I believe it is called the front door."

Haha, he was so hilarious. Oh, how she enjoyed his dry humor. "Really captain obvious, and here I thought you climbed in through the window." She quipped, then grabbed the small pillow again and launched it his way.

Sesshōmaru caught the object rolling his golden eyes while ignoring her sarcastic comment and continued. "It seems your brother and mother are the only ones up. She was the one who let me in."

"Oh..." She mumbled embarrassingly. Scratching at the back of her neck, Kagome suppressed another round of blushing and silently berated herself. 'Of course, Mama is up. Kamigami. It's passed five after all, and now I sound like a total baka.'

The distinctive sound of the connecting door drew the duo's attention from each other, and they watched as their son wobbled into the dim area.

Rubbing his sleep crusted eyes, Malakai scanned the room and brightly smiled when he spotted Sesshōmaru. "Dada!" He called out and toddled quickly over to the man with hands raised high. "Up," ordered the small child.

Gazing down at the little inuyōkai in shock, Sesshōmaru blinked at him several times in silence. He continued to stare as the pup reached up on his tippy toes and ordered again. "Up."

The demand snapped the older demon from his daze and had him reprimanding the child with a gentle growl. "Please."

"Pwees," copied the small boy and dropped his arms to wait for his father to act.

A low growl of approval rumbled from Sesshōmaru, and he inclined his head then bend down to scoop the quiet child into his arms.

Malakai rested a chubby cheek against his father's large shoulder while a little hand clutched at his uniform. Sesshōmaru reached up to lightly rub the pup's back, softly rumbling as he did so. The toddler's tired eyes slid closed, and his breathing began to slow, indicating that he was drifting back to sleep.

Swallowing the lump that developed in her throat at the endearing sight, Kagome blinked away the onslaught of tears. To a stranger, it would have looked like they have done this many times before. A simple family moment between father and son. It's funny how looks can be misleading. If only they knew how complicated it was. Blinking some more, she climbed off the bed and swallowed another lump. She tipped her head so that her bangs obscured her emotional gaze as she tentatively approached the duo. "Here I can take him," offered the teen holding out her hands to relieve the man of the dozing child.

Sesshōmaru made no move to pass the sleeping pup to her as he adjusted the toddler into a more comfortable position and declined the suggestion. "That is unnecessary. He is fine where he is. All you have to do is get ready. Once you are done, come find us in the kitchen." He started walking to the open doorway only to stop in the threshold and turn back to her. "Do hurry, I wish to leave as soon as possible," he said, carrying the dozing child out of the room before she could get out another word.

Mouth hanging open, Kagome wondered why she wasn't that incensed with the Inuyōkai. The man was bulldozing into their life, and she wasn't the least bothered by it. Okay, that was a lie. She was a teeny bit bothered but not by much. A part of her was kind of relieved that he was bearing some of the load. It would help immensely and shift some of the responsibility off her mama. This would leave the older woman free to focus on her brother and grandfather instead.

'This could be good.' She told herself and glanced at the clock, noticing that she had been standing there for a few minutes. Running a hand through her raven mane and taking a deep breath, she chased away the complicated thoughts before hurrying to get dressed.

Throwing on some clean undergarments and her school uniform, Kagome sat on the edge of the bed, putting on some socks before getting up to brush her tangled locks. Heading to her messy dresser, she grabbed a brush and ran it quickly through the knots until smooth. Once free of tangles, she chucked it back on the cluttered surface and made her way out the door.

In the hallway, the priestess hurried toward the stairs and nearly bumped into her baby brother. "Geesh, sis. What are you in a rush for?" asked Sōta as he sidestepped the woman and eyed her questioningly.

Her face flushed with color and scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry. I'm just in a hurry."

"In a hurry to meet a very tall Inuyōkai in our kitchen." His brows waggled teasingly and cocked his head towards the downstairs.

Her gaze flicked in that direction and questioned her brother, "What's he doing in the kitchen?"

"He got Malakai ready to eat breakfast and helped mama set the table. Mama tried to tell him to sit, but he refused and insisted on helping." Sōta sounded rather impressed with the demon downstairs, and his lips twitched into a smile. "Mama seems to like him, and…so does Malakai."

She sighed deeply then asked her brother what his thoughts on the yōkai were. "What about you, Squirt?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. "I'm on the fence. If he doesn't hurt either of you, we'll be good."

Kagome broke out into a grin and laughed heartily. "Neutral, huh?"

Sōta puffed out his lean chest and beat a fist against it while popping the p, "Yep. Unless he messes up, then I'll have to put the little brother smackdown on his demon butt."

Kagome punched his shoulder lightly, and her smile warmed. "Aw, baby bro got my back."

"Damn straight, sister dear." He agreed with a sharp nod and puffed his chest even more.

The way he was all puffed up reminded her of fugu and had her laughing again. Even with his resemblance to a bloated fish, Kagome genuinely appreciated the support and let him know before turning to go. "Thanks, Sōta. Now I'm off. Have fun at practice."

"Have fun with your yōkai." Joked her brother, who began to laugh as he made his way down the hall with a wave. "Bye, sis."

Her feet faltered on the steps at hearing her brother's words. 'Her yōkai.' Thought Kagome, frowning as a rush of longing overwhelmed her. He hadn't been that in a long while. The feeling increased, causing Kagome to plunge it into the remote corner of her mind for another time. It wasn't the time nor the place to sort through her jumbled emotional state. She blew out a few calming breaths then continued down the steps to the kitchen.

Entering the spacious room, her mother looked up from pouring herself a cup of tea and smiled fondly. "Good Morning, honey." She said, gesturing at the vacant seat next to the younger yōkai then picked up the steaming cup. "Come sit for a minute. Sesshōmaru tells me you two are going to the Sweet Spot for breakfast."

Plopping down in the spot, Kagome nodded happily, thinking of the delicious sweet bread. "Yes, to go get a melon pan and a boba tea before school starts."

"Sounds nice," commented her mother with a knowing twinkle in her brown eyes and a humorous quirk of her lips.

Why was her mama looking at her like that? She didn't think it was a date, did she? It wasn't, nor would it ever going to be one. Like she said yesterday, that ship had sailed, and there was no way it was going to dock anytime soon. For some reason, that thought made her feel uneasy and the feeling from a few minutes ago to slither back to the forefront of her mind.

Kagome peeked at Sesshōmaru, who smirked slightly then went about placing some sausages on Malakai's tray. He clearly saw the look and found the whole thing amusing. She fought the urge to throw a sausage at his smug face and turned her attention to their quiet son.

Malakai sat between them, his golden eyes bouncing from her to his father as he munched on the food given.

She reached over and ruffled his dark hair, smiling as she greeted him. "Morning, baby. Is that good?"

He flashed some white teeth and bobbed his shaggy head about. "Hai." Pointing his little finger at Sesshōmaru, the tot smiled wider and exclaimed excitedly. "Dada!"

She glanced at the older inu demon then back to the child and acknowledged what he said. "Hai, I see that."

Pleased, Malakai stuffed a sausage into his mouth before he turned his focus to his father. "Dada?"

The shock from this morning no longer seemed to be a problem as Sesshōmaru passed the child his sippy and responded to his new title. "Yes."

The young yōkai directed his finger to the large window with pleading eyes. "Pway?"

Sesshōmaru shook his head while trying to let down the tot as gently as he could. "No play right now, little one."

Malakai's toothy grin disappeared, and in its place was the protrusion of his lower lip. It slightly quivered when he spoke to the older demon. "No?"

'Oh no, here came the waterworks,' thought Kagome while watching Sesshōmaru frown at the unfamiliar sight. This was a test; would he give in to the pouting pup, or would he stick to his guns? She waited to see what the yōkai would do.

A soothing rumble released from the older demon, and he reached over to ruffle the dark curls of his child's crown. "Enough," Sesshōmaru said firmly and tousled his hair once more.

The little quiver ceased, then a sniffled sounded from the tiny Inu as he shook his head and peered over at his father. "Pwease?"

Caressing the tot's soft curls again, Sesshōmaru sighed but held strong. "No."

Malakai's tiny shoulders slumped and lowered his head, poking lightly at his food. Sesshōmaru frowned with brows crinkling and appeared to be unsure about how to proceed. It was then that Kagome decided to give the dog a bone. She repressed the snort that wanted to come forth at the pun and called out to their son. "KaiKai."

He looked up for his tray with a small frown and sniffed. "Pway." The teen nodded while whispering sympathetically to the toddler. "I know, but mama and dada have to go to school. Maybe dada can come over later and play."

Her eyes flicked in Sesshōmaru's direction, hoping he would understand what she was trying to convey. Thank the Kami that he did and quickly agreed with her. "Yes. Later we can play. Okay?"

His comment seemed to brighten the wilted yōkai, and a toothy smile returned as Malakai bobbed his head and reached for a sausage. "Otay."

The disaster was diverted. Sesshōmaru was saved from his first toddler meltdown, though Kagome could have sworn she heard the large inuyōkai releasing a relieved breath and eyed his stiff form relax some. The woman guessed the man wasn't expecting the pup to resist after his first reprimand. He had much to learn, and Kagome was going to enjoy watching him stumble through it.

The teens sat there for a few more minutes before deciding that if they wanted to get to the bakery and the school on time, it would be best to leave now.

Kagome bid both her mother and son goodbye with an affectionate hug and a kiss then the couple left the kitchen. Heading down the hall, she gathered her stuff and followed Sesshōmaru out the house to his car.

Reaching the vehicle, he opened the passenger door allowing her access. Kagome thanked him as she slipped by and tucked herself into the seat. He shut the panel with a snap and hurried to his side.

Her gaze followed the yōkai as he slowly walked around the front end and flashed her a lazy smirk. The action caused her fluttering heart to speed up and face to flush slightly. Hiding the sudden color, she shifted her focus to the seatbelt, reaching out for it when Sesshōmaru slid soundlessly into the vehicle.

Lips twitching with amusement at the sight of the mother of his child trying to hide her flustered reaction, Sesshōmaru started the car and pulled away from the curb. The cab filled with an awkward silence as they made their way to the small bakery that would be open by the time they arrived.

As usual, the traffic was crazy during the morning rush, and it took them several minutes to get to the area. The couple found a spot to park, and Sesshōmaru filled the meter before they made their way inside the bakery to wait in line.

When it was their turn, the girl behind the counter welcomed them with a bright smile. "Hi. Welcome to the Sweet Spot. What can I get you?"

"Hi," greeted Kagome cheerfully. She briefly studied the broad menu for a second before giving the girl her order, "I will have a Melon Pan and the Milk boba tea with a dash of simple syrup, please."

"Okay." The cashier tapped something on the screen then turned to Sesshōmaru. Her interested gaze slowly scanned his form and leaned in slightly, flashing a small amount of cleavage. Smiling even brighter, she batted her long lashes and purred. "For you, sir?"

The urge to smack the bold employee suddenly overcame the raven headed teen. She had to force her arms to stay at her side and tried to push back the large amount of irritation. Kagome missed the brief twitch of Sesshōmaru's lips or how his chest puffed with pride as he noticed her reaction to the flirting woman.

"I will have the plain Matcha tea," stated the yōkai, not even glancing at the menu and ignoring the brazen human's clear advances.

Realizing that the inuyōkai wasn't taking the bait, the worker's smile dimmed and punched in the rest of the order in disappointment. "For here or to go?" she said in a more subdued tone.

Kagome jumped when Sesshōmaru's clawed hand rested against her lower back and stepped closer as he spoke. "To go."

The girl frowned at the gesture and sent Kagome a quick glare. "Sure." She tapped some more at the screen and failed to hide her displeasure. "That will be sixteen hundred yen. Cash or credit?"

"Credit." He responded coolly and scanned his card in the reader.

Handing them a ticket, the miffed cashier pointed to the other side of the counter. "Take this number and just wait over there. They should have your order ready shortly." She flashed them a tight smile and turned to the next customer.

It was clear to the couple that they were dismissed. This had Sesshōmaru growling sharply at the boorish behavior, causing the employee to stammer over her words and eye the inuyōkai nervously. He looked rather satisfied with the result and led Kagome to the other side of the room away from the shameless woman.

The pair didn't have to wait that long before the number given was called. "Number 15," shouted another employee with a large smile plastered on his face.

"That is us," remarked Sesshōmaru passing the man their ticket.

The man accepted the receipt, pitching it in the trash and continued cheerfully. "Here you go." He passed them their drinks then the paper bag filled with Kagome's sweet bread. Smiling once more, the employee bid them goodbye. "Have a nice day."

Nodding, the yōkai started to lead the Miko out of the local bakery shooting a dirty look at the rude woman as they passed. Once outside, Sesshōmaru conveniently carried the disposable bag and his tea while Kagome punched a large straw into plastic film and took a swig. "Mm. This is good. How is yours?"

He sipped the hot tea cautiously and shrugged. "It is satisfactory."

The duo got into the vehicle, and silence swamped the cab once more, as Sesshōmaru passed her the paper bag then reached into his pocket pulling out his keys. He went about starting the car and carefully pulled out of the space weaving his way into traffic and heading in the direction of the school.

Kagome set the bag on her lap before reaching for the seat belt and clipping into place as they slowed in the heavy traffic. It was a good thing they left when they did Sesshōmaru must have considered that. Sitting the cup between her legs, Kagome opened the bag and grabbed out the Melon Pan. The paper-wrapped sweet bread looked so yummy, and she couldn't wait to sink her teeth into it.

Before the teen did, her voice cut through the silence and thanked the yōkai beside her. "Thank you." She held up the Melon Pan and smiled when he glanced her way. "You know for breakfast."

"Daijoobu desu yo," returned the yōkai as he flashed the woman his pearly whites. His golden eyes mischievously twinkled while carrying on, "Just remember if you make a mess you are cleaning it up."

Snorting unladylike, Kagome rocked her bright gaze to the roof of the cab and waved off the demon. "Yeah, Yeah. I remember what you said." Naturally, he had to remind her of those absurd rules. Even though he was the one that said she could eat and drink in the car.

"Also, set your drink in the cup holder and not between your legs." He threw out, not even bothering to take his luminous eyes off the busy road.

"Right. I wouldn't want to spill," snarked out the sarcastic teen and picked up her drink to place it in the cupholder between them.

His lips quirk with delight as he agreed with her snarky comment. "Indeed. Cleaning it would not be fun." he retorted cheekily, chuckling when her face scrunched up in annoyance.

Kagome bit into the sweet bread, chewing it while she considered something. Swallowing quickly, she then carefully waved her breakfast at him. "Anyone ever told you that you are a killjoy?"


"You're a killjoy. See now you have." She smiled at the demon then took another bite of the Melon Pan happily munching on the bread.

Sesshōmaru gently shook his head at the sharp-tongued woman and returned to the road. It wasn't long before his deep voice disturbed the stillness. "You told Malakai that I was his father. Why?"

Kagome's stomach sharply twisted as she sipped on the icy drink. The teen didn't think the feeling was from the milky tea. She figured he would be asking as soon as Malakai called him Dada but hadn't known when that would be. So it shouldn't have surprised her. Sesshōmaru would have wanted to know why she had changed her mind so abruptly. "He asked, and I couldn't lie to him. It was like he knew who you were before I even said anything. I think he just wanted me to confirm it." she said earnestly, nibbling on the straw, and staring out the window.

The vehicle wove through the heavy traffic while the inuyōkai confirmed her assessment. "Yes, it is our instinct to be able to identify our parents just by scent alone. It makes sense that he would want the person he trusts the most to confirm his suspicions."

"Yeah, it does." It made tremendous sense and caused her heart to ache with regret. Shit, she was the worst. When the yōkai didn't say anything in return, a heady rush of relief swamped her thin form. Kagome wasn't sure if she would have been capable of talking without bursting into tears.

They both stayed quiet the rest of the way to school until they reached the doors where they muttered a goodbye then went their separate ways.

Hurrying to the locker area, Kagome spotted the tall figure of her best friend. Slowly approaching the woman, she sucked up her wounded pride and tapped the larger girl on the shoulder. She stepped back just in case her friend was still angry.

Sango whipped around, looking relieved when her brown eyes landed on the other teen. Instantly, the brunette's hands went to her hips as the relief flipped to anger. "Where in the hell have you been, and why weren't you in school yesterday?"

It was a good thing that she had backed up, or Sango may have shaken her wildly. Kagome reached up to rub the back of her neck and shifted anxiously from foot to foot. "Well…" she bit the bottom of her lip and releasing it to let her best friend know she had finally listened to the advice given. "I had a run-in with Sesshōmaru yesterday morning. I decided I would give him a chance. We spent the day playing hooky with Malakai. I have to admit it was nice."

Sango's anger seemed to disappear at the sound of her confession, and the woman eagerly questioned the other teen. "You spent the day with Sesshōmaru? With Malakai in tow? Plus, you had a good time?"

"Yep. That is what I did." Kagome confirmed with a wobbled of her dark mane swishing about.

"Why?" asked Sango, the single word appeared to be loaded with a large amount of curiosity and confusion.

"You told me I should give Sesshōmaru a chance and that it wasn't fair to Malakai." Dragging some manicured fingers through her raven locks, she expelled a deep breath and continued, this time admitting she was in the wrong. "Well, you were right. I was being a total bitch and put my hurt feelings above Malakai. So when the opportunity arose to try and fix it, I took it." Explained the young mother in hopes that it would clear up some of the bewilderment.

Sango seemed to be a little stunned initially, then quickly snapped out of it and summoned a shaky smile. "Okay. You said it went pretty well."

"Surprisingly, it did. The two had a blast with each other; it was as if they were never apart. Also, Malakai recognized who Sesshōmaru was before I could even say anything. He asked me last night for confirmation, and I couldn't lie, so I spilled the truth to him instead." Kagome grabbed onto the strap of her messenger bag, twisting it around her fingers as she laughed gleefully. "Though I think Sesshōmaru was bowled over this morning when Malakai called him dada. You should have seen the stunned look on his face. It was priceless."

A hand came up to stop the teen from continuing, and brows shot high as Sango eyed her questioningly. "This morning?"

Kagome's cheeks reddened in embarrassment. She sucked in her bottom lip gnawing on it nervously then released it. Her blue gaze stared at anything other than her friend and rocked on the balls of her feet before chuckling nervously. "He came over this morning to take me to breakfast and drive me to school. Honestly, I think it was just an excuse to see more of Malakai."

Sango opened her mouth to say something then quickly snapped it shut, apparently deciding to keep whatever she was going to divulge to herself. Instead, the brunette turned to grab her books, slamming the locker closed and changing the subject altogether. "Come on, skipper, let's go to your locker." She smiled fondly, grabbing the now silent miko and hauling her away to drop off her things before going to class.

The hours had passed rather slowly for the teenager, and thankfully the day had finally come to an end. Kagome was glad that it was over with, and now all she wanted to do was cuddle on the couch with Malakai and watch a movie. It didn't matter what it was. Hitching her pack higher on her shoulder, she trekked up the many shrine steps to her family homestead.

A sigh left the tired miko as she opened the front door, sliding her loafers free and dropping her bag on the floor; she'd pick it up later. Listening for the sounds of her family, Kagome realized that it was too quiet in the house. Normally it was busy with some type of activity but now it was silent as can be.

Making her way down the hall, Kagome peeked into the kitchen and was surprised to see it empty. Her brows furrowed as she wandered around the quiet house. Where is everyone? Did something happen with grandfather again? Was there some type of emergency? If so, why hadn't anyone notified her? She felt some panic at these thoughts as she made her way towards the living room.

The young mother stepped into the room and froze. Her almond eyes widened at what she saw and blinked several times. There on the couch that she had been hoping to crash on were her ex-boyfriend and their beautiful baby boy, sprawled out and dozing peacefully.

Creeping stealthily closer to the sleeping duo, she couldn't help but think on how perfect the two inu looked together. 'This is the way it should have been.' she thought sadly as a flash of guilt shot through her. This was all her fault. If it hadn't been for her selfishness, they should have had many moments like this one; she robbed them of it all. Her sad eyes glazed with unshed tears, and the teen quickly shook them away. No, she would not cry. It was no good dwelling in the past, especially when the future was right in front of her. He was trying, and so would she.

"Are you going to continue to stare, or were you planning on waking us up anytime soon?" inquired Sesshōmaru, his baritone voice laced with sleep.

It caused her to snap out the silent musing and jump. She watched as one eye cracked open to peer up at her, his lips twitching in mirth. Spotting the amusement, Kagome narrowed her blue eyes, and petite hands went to rest on her hips. Scaring the living daylights out of her was not funny. Kami, he was such an asshole sometimes. "Why are you here, and where did my mother go?" asked the woman while her foot tapped against the matted floor in irritation.

He closed his eye and yawned widely before responding, "My club was canceled today, so I was able to leave early. On my way home, I decided to stop by to see Malakai. I did promise him this morning that we would go out and play. As for your mother, she had to run some errands and pick up your brother from soccer practice; I offered to watch Malakai for her. I did not know your brother played soccer. Is he any good?"

The question threw her off-kilter for a few seconds, and the irritation was swiftly replaced by surprise as the yōkai enquired about her family. Was he genuinely interested, or was he merely trying to stay on her good side? Kagome didn't know, and she didn't want to think about it any longer than necessary. The truth would come out sooner or later. Blowing her bang from her eyes, the teen answered his question. "Yes, he is quite good. He has a big game out of the city this weekend."

"Are you going?" He asked without opening his eyes and lightly rubbed the toddlers back.

Yes, they would be going. It is a very important game for Sōta and one that she did not want to miss. "Yeah, we are going." She said, eagerly watching the yōkai in interest and pondering why he wanted to know.

"We will go together." He declared from his position on the couch, still rubbing their son's back but now looking at her clearing waiting for a response.

The man in front of her wasn't asking if it was all right for him to come along, no, like always he was telling her what they would be doing. If he couldn't simply ask to come along instead of bullying his way in, then he wasn't tagging along. "No, we are not going. Malakai and I are going with my mother and brother. You are staying here in Tokyo." Sniffed Kagome and smoothed out the imaginary wrinkles in her pleated skirt. Why did he have to be so pushy? Was it because he was an alpha? Did he always have to be in damn control? Couldn't he just ask instead of being a dick?

The inuyōkai ignored her outburst as he calmly replied with logical reasoning, "Your mother will have her hands full with your brother and his comrades. We will go together. I wish to see your brother play as well as you say."

Well, when he puts it like that, it does make sense. Obviously, her mother would be busy since she was a chaperone. It never occurred to her that the older woman may have her hands full with a bunch of rowdy teenagers. Maybe it would be better if she and Malakai went with Sesshōmaru instead. He could help her with Malakai so that her mother didn't have to try to juggle both responsibilities. Plus, it wouldn't be so bad to go with the inuyokai. Granted, he was a pushy asshole, and he could have asked if they could go together, but Kagome knew that was not his way. Even if she stuck to no, he would most likely not listen and show up anyway. "Fine, but you know you could have just asked if we could go together. No need to demand to be in our presence."

"Hn." Was his reply as he closed his eyes and said nothing more.

"I hate when you do that," muttered Kagome under her breath as she shook her head and hurried to the doorway. Sesshōmaru must have heard the words because a deep chuckle of amusement followed her out of the room. "Not funny, asshole." The grumbling miko called out to the yōkai as she stomped down the hallway. Gods, he really was a dick.

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Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
Stone -- 推薦票








寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C10
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

總分 0.0

評論發佈成功! 閱讀更多評論
Rank NO.-- 推薦票榜
Stone -- 推薦票


