The scene at Melvin's table was admittedly a chaotic one. Three tables had been pushed together, and it was hard to keep track of all the conversations going on at once. Tasha chatted with Shelly and Tina; Bridget chatted with Joey and Brenda and Richie; and Courtney and Melvin chatted with each other and every one else.
Shelly kept laughing at everything, bits of rice flying out of her mouth like tiny white missiles. One flew across the table and clung to Tasha's face which she wiped away gracefully with a disgusted look.
But the food was delicious and everyone seemed to be having a good time, even Brenda who was coming around and enjoying herself. She laughed loudly at a joke Joey told about a Rabbi, a Catholic priest and a Southern Baptist at a Mexican brothel. Melvin, personally, didn't get it.
The hardest part about dinner was deciding what they would do next. Melvin hadn't planned on so many people, and his original thought was to separate from Bridget and Richie and their respective dates after dinner, ending up alone with Courtney. Unfortunately, the trio of young hotties: Tina, Shelly, and Tasha wanted to keep the group together and go somewhere to continue the party; they were just having too much fun to want to separate yet.
"The more the merrier," Shelly kept repeating, her brown pigtails bobbing. Melvin couldn't have disagreed more, but he didn't want to cause a scene and be the one labeled as a "party pooper."
"There's an awesome club just down the street from here, like in walking distance. We could go there for awhile and get some drinks, maybe dance," Courtney suggested, and the matter was settled.
Even though the last time he'd attended a concert his ear drums had burst, Melvin would have agreed with anything Courtney might say, and if she had told him that she thought that they should all drink poisoned kool-aide and set themselves on fire, Melvin would have been the first to do so. It was her dimples, he decided; they were hypnotically cute.
The others seemed to agree the night club was a good idea, and Melvin flagged down their waiter for the check. In moments, they walked out of the Chinese restaurant and savored the cool night air.