A boy, who seemed to be merely eleven years old, was standing by the bank of a river on his own. He had his black orbs fixed on the shimmering clear water as he watched the fishes moving around, immersed in their own little world. His unwavering attention was disturbed by a loud shriek of a girl which was followed by a splashing sound. With a troubled expression, he shifted his attention in the direction from where the sounds were coming from, only to be greeted by the sight of someone struggling to stay afloat.
He let his eyes wander around to check whether or not the child was accompanied by an adult. To his dismay, there wasn't a single soul in his line of sight. Shaking his head at the carelessness of the child's parents, he walked in the direction from where the shrieks for help were coming with hurried steps and a hastened pace.
Sorry for the slight delay, internet problems :(
the last chapter will be out soon after I am done polishing the draft of it after my lunch (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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love you all ❤