"Did you kill Silver?" asked The Chameleon. "The job is done," answered Veil. The Chameleon began smiling. He turned his back on Silver and said: "I owe you again." "What a minute where's my fucking money?" The Chameleon halted, clenching his hands into fists. "What money?" Look we had a fucking agreement!" " I am not leaving here without my money!" The Chameleon turned around with a serious expression on his face. " Things didn't go as plan Veil." Veil began to understand. He began laughing. " You never was going to pay me?" "Weren't you?" The Chameleon began smiling. He suddenly snapped his fingers. As he snapped his fingers, a couple of dead elite officers burst out of the ground like zombies, groining and screeching. They all were equipped axes, daggers, and machine guns.
Their bodies were covered in dirt and dried up blood. The Chameleon knew Veil could easily slaughter the undead elite officers. He didn't want to give him the benefit of the doubt. The Chameleon went into the same pile of mud he came out from disappearing. One of the elite officers leaped towards the Veil. Veil quickly turned around waved his fingers towards the elite officer's neck. The elite officer's head was removed from his body. Blood splattered everywhere. Seeing the official death of their comrades made the other elite officers pissed off. They unleashed their machine guns and began rapidly firing after Veil. Veil scoffed and stuck his hand out. The bullets suddenly bounced off the thin air. Veil placed an invisible wall in front of himself. The elite officers tired to continue to fire but ran out of ammunition.
Veil dispersed the invisible wall, beginning to strange incantations with his hands. Veil turned his back on the confused elite officers. When they ran towards him they suddenly were sliced to pieces, causing blood and limbs to splatter everywhere. He began laughing. He began running over 130 mph. He jumped into the air and drove his hand into the muddy ground, pulling out a 4-foot lizard. The 4-foot lizard ripped a piece of his flesh off. This made the Veil made. He tossed the lizard into the air. The lizard suddenly turned into a clown, The Chameleon"s second favourite form. He landed perfectly on his feet. " How did you know where I was?" Veil didn't answer The Chameleon. He fired his aura os a sword at The Chameleon. The Chameleon grabbed the sword, crushing it to pieces as if it was a fluorescent light bulb. The Chameleon began smiling.
" Is that the best you can do?" asked The Chameleon. Veil began doing strange incantations with his hands again. However, The Chameleon punched him in his chest, ruining whatever Veil was trying to accomplish. Veil vomited up blood and crashed through 2 trees.
The Chameleon walked towards the Veil and grabbed him by his hair. "Once I kill you I won't owe you anything." The Chameleon's mouth enlarged. He made his teeth sharp and pointy. Veil abruptly fired a beam into The Chameleon"s mouth. The veil was tossed to the side. An explosion occurred. Veil landed on his feet. When the smoke and fire dispersed, The Chameleon was seen. His head was gone Black aura began rising out of was his head used to be. Blood splattered everywhere. The Chameleon could regenerate, Veil drove an aura spear into The Chameleon"s chest, pinning him into a rock. Veil slowly backed up away from the Chameleon. The black smoky aura suddenly formed into a head.
He was no longer in his clone form. He was in his favourite form. He wore a black suit with black and white stripes. He had black spiky hair, yellow and black eyes and sharp black fingernails. Veil blowing off his head made him furious. He would no longer joke around. He ripped the aura sword out of his chest. No blood was seen. Veil paid no mind to these actions. He placed his hands on the ground shouting: " Invisible Cube!" An Invisible Cube suddenly appeared around The Chameleon"s body. The Chameleon noticed that the cube was getting smaller and smaller.
The Chameleon grinned and lashed his tongue out, which was like a snake. He generated white aura around his right fist, punching the Invisible Cube to pieces, surprising Veil. He was the first person who broke through his Invisible Cube. He kicked the air, unleashing a white sword beam. Veil tried to dodge it, but some of his faces were removed, causing him to scream. He flipped over five times before crashing on the ground like a sack of potatoes. The sword beam not only wounded Veil but also chopped countless trees and a mountain in half. Even though half of his face was gone, he still had unbeatable strength and attacked as if he didn't feel any pain. He picked the piece of his face, folding it shoving it in his back pocket.
Veil clasped his hands, generating white aura around his body. High fearsome winds began picking up. The ground began shaking and rumbling. The white aura began formed into a guardian angel with wings, carrying a bow. The Chameleon could rapidly feel Veil"s power rising. His power grew to 10,000,000,000,000. The Chameleon began smiling. He wouldn't dare to challenge him even though he could make his power level rise to 96,000,000,000,000. The Guardian Angel was Veil"s 2 greatest attacks. The Chameleon opened a portal with his white aura and said: Only a fool would challenge you." The Guardian Angel"s power level was 120,000,000,000,000. The portal disperses as he walked in.
Veil took out his fragment of face, pulling out a needle he always carried in case he ran into times like this. He sewed his face on and touched his face with his hand which was wrapped in aura. When he removed his hand from his face no blood or no scars was seen. It seemed as if no harm ever came upon his body. He began walking away from the woods.
Jon"s Royal Throne Room.
Since Claudia and Cheetah were deceased Jon decided to find someone else for the job to bring back Cross dead or alive. In front of him stood Isaac of The Industrial Elf Army. Isaac had a cup of whiskey in the right hand. " I know you and Victor has had differences in the past." " I am right?" " Isaac placed the cup of whiskey on the ground and clenched his two jaws together. " Yes." " He is my mortal enemy." " I will not stop until I taste his blood in my mouth." Forget about Victor." "That's very hard for me to do." " I want you to either bring this man to be dead or alive." Jon handed Isaac a sketch of Cross. Isaac examined the picture of Cross. "It will not be a problem." Isaac froze the sketch, crushing it in his hand. Isaac turned his back on Jon and walked out of the throne room, the doors closed behind him. He walked towards the balcony and saw a splash of water. He touched the splash of water on the marble balcony, suddenly an ice bridge was created. Isaac jumped on the ice bridge and began walking. He licked his teeth and pulled out a candy bar. He ripped open the packet of candy, jingling it in his hands for some reason. He did this with all his food. From candy to pizza.
Ferris was ready to unleash the clones to the city of Malar. So far he had made over 30 clones who all had the power level of 20,000,000,000. They would follow all his commands. The leader of the 30 clones was his first clone, Mr.Samuel. He had a power level of 240,000,000,000. His first plan would be to kill Feng. He also hates Feng he also envied him. Feng was the strongest under his leader Jon. Only one person knew that their leader was the traitorous Jon. This was Feng himself. He gave the clones suits of modified armour based on Malar technology he reinforced.
Feng"s Chambers.
Feng was in his chambers doing push-ups as usual. His entire body was saturated in sweat. He stood on his feet and looked out the window. Night had fallen. Feng was about to go to sleep until he heard his stomach growl. He hadn't eaten anything for 12 days. He could go a year without eating food but chose not to. Next to his bed stood a small brown private fridge. He opened the fridge and pulled out a cheeseburger even though he grew up in Chinese heritage. He didn't like the same thing all the time. In fact, it was a salmon burger prepared by one of the finest chefs. The meat was well cooked, tender, juicy, sweet, and spicy. The chief used all kinds of spices. Curry, cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg.
The cheese was a lot of fat and barely was saturated in any of the cow's natural oils. He took a big bite out of the salmon cheeseburger. It felt as if a brick dropped in his stomach. Feng purposely starved himself for 2specific reasons. One reason was so he could get more training done and the other reason was that having a stomach full slowed you down and made you not want to move. After taking 4 bites out of the salmon cheeseburger, he placed the leftover remnants of it in the fridge. When he was about to help himself to some vanilla and strawberry ice cream, one of the Lynx clones came crashing through the ceiling, holding an assault rifle. The Lynx Clone wore a mask over his face. Only the eyes were exposed. The Lynx Clone's eyes began to flash red, analyzing Feng. The eyes turned green as the process was over. When the clone was about to open squeeze the trigger, Feng suddenly appeared behind the Lynx Clone. "Who are you?" asked Feng. " Are you with the intruders?" "No, you couldn't be."
The Lynx Clone quickly turned around and began rapidly firing bullets from his assault rifle after Feng. Feng, however, caught all the bullets, without flinching over moving he tossed them to the side, placing a smile on his face. The clone grew furious pulling out 2 plasma swords. The clone dashed past Feng. The clone looked at his left plasma blade and saw tiny droplets of blood leaking from the tip. The clone turned around and saw a scratch on Feng's cheek. The clone was terrified. The clone stumbled into the wall and dropped to his knees. Feng grabbed the clone by his neck and drove his left pinky finger into the clone"s temple, piercing through its thick armour.
The clone's eyes turned all white. Feng placed the clone's body on the ground. His pinky finger was stained in blood. Suddenly a green scaly clawed hand burst through the ground, pulling Feng in. Feng was tossed into the wall. This was also a clone that was accidentally modified with lizard DNA. The lizard clone was screeching exposing its sharp teeth and long tongue. The lizard clone began running towards Feng. Feng sidestepped out of the way and turned and punched a hole in the lizard clone's chest splattering blood everywhere. The lizard-like clone died instantly.
Feng perched down and examined the clone's body. He noticed the number 5 marked on the neck of the lizard-like clone. It was like a tattoo. He stood on his feet and looked to the side and saw one male and one female Malar guard butchered with bite marks and scratches all over their body. When he was about to vacate the premise, the door was kicked off the hinges. Feng tilted his head to the side. The door was pinned into the wall. This clone was much bigger and taller wearing a full suit of armour and was equipped with a flamethrower. The clone squeezed the trigger of his flamethrower, engulfing Feng in flames.
The clone began laughing. When the clone turned the flamethrower off, Feng stood in the same spot. A white barrier was seen coming from his right palm. The clone was stunned. When the clone tried to squeeze the trigger of the flamethrower, it malfunction. Feng jumped towards the clone's face and punched the helmet into pieces as if glass. When the clone's face was exposed he began repeatedly punching the man in the face. Feng's fist resembled a Gatling gun. After he finished executing this power punches the clone's face was a bloody mess. All his teeth were gone, his nose was broken, his jaw hanging from his face, and the skin on his face was gone.
The clone dropped to his knees and began laughing. " "You.. are truly a man full of surprises." "Who do you work for?" asked Feng. The clone began laughing. He took the flamethrower gas tank from his back and said: " I will never tell." "I am to fateful to my leader." When Feng was about to deliver the killing blow, the clone pulled out 2 grenades. The clone began laughing. The clone pulled the pins and said: " I will take you to the underworld with me." Feng quickly broke the clone's neck. Both grenades including the other grenades on the clone"s waist went off. A powerful explosion occurred, causing Feng to fly through the window. Fire and smoke surrounded the air. Feng landed on his feet. Half of his face was covered in dirt. Feng began laughing. As he continued to laugh he heard footsteps approaching behind him.
He turned around and saw 10 clones equipped with plasma rifles. He engaged in a different fighting stance. After all, he had been through worse. A lot worse. "Stop." The clones placed their plasma rifles down by their waist and parted the way. Samuel walked in front of the clones. He wore black and white gloves and an all-black suit. His black spiky hair was placed in a top knot. He had a goatee and a scar on his left eyebrow. He had a gold watch and gold rings on. He had a serious expression on his face. " You must be Feng Zen. "Am I right?" Feng didn't answer. " I will take that as a yes." "Who do you work for?" "No one." " They work for me." "So why do you want me dead?" " I have my reasons." "I want to know what you know about this city." "What if I don"t tell you?" said Feng.
"I will have you killed." Samuel snapped his fingers and out came more clones. One clone had a Gatling gun, 4 had rocket launchers. "So be it," said Feng. Samuel shook his head and turned his back on Feng. He turned into green toxic, seeping into the grown. Feng went in a different stance. The Way Of The White Tiger. His fingernails suddenly grew sharp and long as veins popped out from his hands. "Come at me if you have the balls."