Gu Shao stood up and took a deep breath. Before he got a word out of his mouth, he was catching a pillow. She threw a pillow at him. "I get the bed. You sleep on the ground." She demanded.
He scrunched his brows and stomped over to the bed and sat down.
She glared at him. "What are you doing?"
"Look here Xie Mu Yi. Let's settle this like normal adults. It's clear we don't like each other but I'm willing to compromise."
For once she was listening.
"I promise not to touch you." Then he paused. "And you can't touch me either." He added. "And we share the bed."
She rolled her eyes at him. Who would want to touch him.
Mu Yi thought for a moment before agreeing. This was going to be a never ending war if she didn't agree.
After what seemed like eternity, the two finally lay in bed. Of course with the long pillow as the wall between them.
Gu Shao had been laying on his back staring at the wall when he suddenly turned and propped his hand on the side of his head and looked at her mischievously.
Mu Yi had her eyes closed but Gu Shao knew she wasn't sleeping. Who could really sleep in this situation.
"Tell me Mu Yi. Have you ever had a secret admire?"
"Go to sleep." She told him off.
"I just want to know." He probed her once more.
He nodded his head. "As expected."
His little remark made her turn her head and glare at him. "Go to sleep. Don't make me put you to sleep." She threatened.
"Not lovable one bit." He clicked his tongue at her. Before she could tell him off again, he immediately said "Okay I'm done." And turned away.
I'm sorry, super short today. But I will be busy and will not have access to my laptop for a couple of days. Will see you guys next week.
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