79.61% Battlefield Restart (Dropped) / Chapter 74: The Mistress of Fiery Power’s Perspective

章節 74: The Mistress of Fiery Power’s Perspective

My younger sister once said that love is like a boundless ocean: infinite and without limits.

Even when Mother and Father would ignore me, an understanding voice from her mouth would tell me:

"Freedom of expectation is also a form of love."

It was only after growing and learning more of the world did I learn of the word 'neglect', something I hesitate to bring into my family life's matters because of how preposterous it was. Mother and Father loved me dearly, I know they did...!

I can't remember when we lost contact with each other, but my dearest sister assured me they are fine. They are living a peaceful and comfortable life away from the prying eyes of other Dark Nobility.

Keeping up appearances was hard. Maybe there will never be a day where I can show them how hard I worked in perfecting myself as a lady of our household... Still, I am satisfied with what I have.

I have a lover now... I've finally became able to accept the torch of the Power Head and become one of the true powerhouses of Cerberus, and even now I am, as always, still doing my best!

Looking at my little girl who I had put to sleep with medicine with love in my heart. Giving the same kind of love I've always known, and yet, on top of that, choosing to pay more attention to my love.

Madeline has always been a kind and attentive child from a young age, unlike her playful father who was always acting how he pleased. She is truly a girl with a Water Affinity, no doubt about that~

My hand patted her adorable little head as my fingers went through her hair, tidying it up for the big event I've planned tonight. From this moonlit night forth, I won't ever be alone anymore...!

"You are confident about this surgery, right?" My eyes shifted towards the man at the side.

It wasn't easy finding prehistoric bones of a now long-forgotten 'Fiend', one still in good condition.

The records I've read spoke of their terrifyingly high Dark Affinity and abilities that far surpass regular Beasts. What they were capable of was veiled by mysteriously after their era had ended...

Even now, the overwhelmingly solid power of darkness still within the ancient remain of them.

"Even failure won't have serious consequences on the patient. She will be completely safe."

"As expected of the rising 'Dark Doctor'."

"You're words embarrass me, Mrs Power. I can't be compared to someone of your stature." He spoke in a deliberate manner to get on my good side, as his life was dependent on us 'Heads' being happy.

"You underestimate your wisdom. I find the fact that you were able to overcome your fears very intriguing." As someone who was thrown into that abyss called Cerberus, he was too calm.

"My dad always told me to 'man up' when the going gets tough." This was all I needed to hear.

I could feel a 'stoic masculinity' from this former biologist. No one needed an mind reading skill to figure out that he most likely cut himself off from impulses and emotions in order to survive here.

"You are truly 'strong'." I felt some empathy towards his plight, as I had done something similar.

This kind of detachment was brought from showing no sign of possessiveness towards the things that he loved, or those he cared about. Even if there was someone in his life before he became subservient to us, he must let it go to survive.

On the other hand, I have consciously chose to both love and be detached from the childhood lover I now 'possess'. I love him deeply, and therefore I will do what I think is best for him.

It feels like only yesterday that I felt that sublime current of emotions when I first realised that my childhood friend would be my future husband. It was at that time I knew... that I was truly in love!

My heart beat faster, and I wanted to know more about him. So that one day he'd also display the affections that I rightfully deserve. My lover's say on the matter doesn't matter when my affection drives me to want to see him all the time~

I know for a fact that we are destined, so my lover should just shut up and accept it rather than playing hard-to-get all the time. I become more impatient and 'dominant' whenever it's a problem.

He should feel flattered, as there's no other man who picks my eye as much as this lover of mine.

My dear's agreement wasn't necessary. As I know the best for my loved ones, and I only do what I do out of love. They can hate me, but I will always do what is best for them. As that is my love's nature.

It's my lover's fault for not desiring me that I had to take extreme measures towards him. I had heard that a woman will always stay by the side of their beloved once they had a child, so what was the problem? Why did my lover reject me for so long...?

He is a wolf that NEEDS to be tamed, and I am just doing him a favour for giving what he deserves.

Though I truly wonder... how is it that my partner didn't 'compromise' when I first started to actively show my affection? As my true soulmate, it isn't as if I WANT to put my lover into difficult situations.

Our situation is quite nuanced. As it is me who is the 'alpha' in our relationship and the decision maker. My lover's own thoughts are unnecessary as I am a capable woman who can handle anything.

Ah, I remember how we 'made' Madeline as if it was yesterday. How great it felt to be 'the man in charge'. I didn't know how truly men felt about women until I delved deep into this fantasy.

Putting my lover in his place was exhilarating to say the least. Oh how I hated that 'feisty' side of him that couldn't understand my affections. That's why I turned him into a damsel for his own good. There was no other way to assert control over him.

It was absolutely necessary to let him learn how to submit to his better half. Though I have to say, who ever expected him to constantly seduce me by his vain struggles? It wasn't my fault everything turned out unexpectedly when I was holding down my lover and embracing him in my arms. Oh how sweet were the teardrops running down his face.

After realising what I had done, coercion and threats were a necessity to keep my dear child safe from harm. Who knows what he might have done should I have gave him complete autonomy? He might have erased the proof of our love ignorantly.

I found how he squirmed to be quite adorable. No wonder they say a woman's tears taste the best~

To ensure that no one would feed him any kind of foolish notions, it was easier to keep him isolated for the time my child was 'incubating'. How else would I get him to slowly sympathise with me?

How idiotic that he still never understood my good intentions no matter how much time has passed.

I eventually got bored with dressing him up in nice clothes and treating him like a doll... He should be doing that with me, not the other way around! It's only a pity that my lover it too dense to figure out such a simple thing. My life is such a misery...!

Suddenly, I was broken out of my daydream:

"...Are you sure about this though?"

"What is there to think about?" Nonsense!

"This is the first time I'm messing with someone's body without their explicit permission..." How girly.

"Look here, she will thank me in the future for giving her 'immortality'. Don't this too much about negligible things." What a funny joke. Does he think we can abandon the operation at such a time?

It wasn't easy finding someone with an Intrinsic Art that could be used for this surgery. He might be the son of 'that guy', but that doesn't mean he can get away with this. My daughter WILL be eternal!

"...I understand." He pried his eyes away from my own and looked towards my daughter adorable arm. Ah, she truly does have my beauty. She will surely grow up into a fine woman for her own man~

Wait- How dare he touch her?! I slapped his hand away from my adorable little girl and grabbed him by the collar. He looked shocked by my actions, as I am sure this man thought he'd get away unscathed after laying his filthy paws on my girl.

"You can do whatever you want, but NEVER touch my child. Her skin will be sullied by you." There's no need for any man my daughter doesn't have an eye on should touch her, even if he's her surgeon.

Who knows if he might start desiring her...?

"...Ummm, how am I supposed to do the surgery if I can't touch her?" What a useless question to ask.

"Your Intrinsic Art should be able to liquify the Fiend's bone marrow and separate the material from the immaterial, the corporeal with the ethereal. After doing that task, the only thing you need to do is feed her." Wasn't this obvious to do?

"She won't be able to digest the foreign Mana into her body. The reason I needed to... 'open up' her arm was to apply it directly to her bones. This will allow the Mana to naturally see her familiarly before peacefully blending into her own. This child won't be able to handle directly trying to tame such an ancient power head on, that's why I was going to use this trick." How dare you talk back to me!

"Are you ignoring my words?"

"You are ignoring the patient's safety." How dare you talk back to me again! You will regret this!

Did you misinterpret indifference with courage?

"I know you are trying to turn her into a Dark One out of 'love', but this is going too overboard."

"You think you have a right to disagree?!" The powers I had acquired started to awaken within me.

It was then I was interrupted by the sounds of battle coming from outside. Although there was talks of an intruder before as my servants headed out, who could have expected they would take this long capturing one intruder? I went to have a look.

I could see Jordan looking relieved once my Mans stopped pressuring him... However, he better not get too comfortable. I'll be coming back to deal with him after I've dealt with this intruder.

"I'll never give up on my love." I muttered as I walked to the balcony to see the fighting below.

Underneath the moonlight where we Dark Specialists were at our most powerful, I saw a skeletal figure fighting against the black whirlpool of blades that was the result of synergistic tactics.

This Sword Formation would normally be able to carve up any living being into a chopped pile of meat paste. Unfortunately, the opponent they were up against didn't have a 'life' their swords could take. It ignored the blades consistently hacking at it and threw out accurate strikes to hit my servants despite the cover of darkness as well as the fake shadowy figures they used for dodging attacks.

Despite my extensive knowledge, I couldn't put my finger on what exactly this entity was. The skeletal frame along with its wisdom seemed to suggest this intruder was an 'Undead Skeleton', but its display of proficiency in Dark Arts used by Beasts showed a level of competency extremely rare of such a low-level Undead. It's martial arts also seemed beyond what was expected of a 'Skeleton'.

The joints seemed like they were functioning at a pace beyond human capability and was able to show off a fighting style no living human of this world could replicate. Hmmm, I am actually impressed. This 'thing' is going into my new pet!

"Back off! I'll take care of this." I jumped down from the balcony and landed in front of my house's front door. My highly-skilled servants nodded their heads before vanishing back into my mansion.

"So the Final Boss is finally here~" My eyes widened as I heard a familiar voice from the skeleton. Out of my expectations, the Undead seemed to have a clear consciousness inside it.

The body of the skeletal figure trembled as it slowly transformed into someone I had met back at my lover's house. Flesh grew onto the skin of this strange Undead before being covered by a plant-like dress of supernatural origins. On its right hand appeared a gauntlet while on its left hand appeared a knuckle duster. If I didn't see this myself, I would have never believed this bimbo was so 'unnatural'.

"Heh, so you weren't even a 'woman' after all. I'm curious: What should I call a monster like you?"

Did this bimbo come here to get rid of her rival in love? How fitting~ I am all for breaking her apart and grinding her bones to dust so the researcher of Cerberus could find out what exactly she was.

"The identity of body is Lilith, while the identity of my 'self' is Harmony. Pick whatever." Don't think you can convince me with such nonsense. What a conniving woman... trying to split us lovers up!

"You think a freak like you can take my future husband from me? Just be content as a mistress already!" I spoke while releasing the strength of the powers I attained, my whole body invigorated!

When my fist filled to the brim with energy hit her body, she didn't react one bit. Not even as her stomach caved in from the overwhelming power of my 'Yang Aura'. The greatest of all combat arts!

"I heard you did some sick things to my friend." An eerie voice entered my ears as if the damage to her stomach could be blown off. A strange chill entered my heart as I looked at her eyes, but I still relented:

"You are only trying to take him from me!"

"Don't be so hysterical. You misunderstood."

"Don't try your trickery here. I can already tell you have 'good feelings' for him." I trust my intuition.

"Hah..." What's with that sigh? In fact, how are you even able to act so 'lively' when you're an Undead?

"I won't say 'he will be mine'. I'll say: I wish we can come to a mutual affection for each other. I don't care whether we become friends or lovers, as long as we're both happy with our lives by the end of it all." How naive! Is she some kind of child?

Relationships like that don't exist!

"Here's an animal that needs to be tamed by my love. I'm sure my feelings will change him!"

"That's NOT gonna happen." She threw a punch back at me... Not that I bothered enough to dodge~ After attaining these powers, I'd already noticed my immunity physical attacks. My next action was to instead ready my fist to counter.

No matter how powerful she thinks of herself, there is no way she'll ever be able to beat- Huh?

My field of vision swam after the fist broke through my defences and smashed my head to the side.

"You should learn some common sense if you're going to get so kinky. I myself would only take control if he asks me to... when he feels he can't it and wants me to take the 'lead'. How about I bash your brain out of the gutter? You psycho!" What...?

"No wait, what I meant to say was 'how dare you touch him'? After all, you need consent to do these things." Huh? I couldn't keep up as a sharp pain assaulted my head and blurred my consciousness.

"How dare you not keep this story PG!" What the hell is she going on about? My eyes focused a little.

It... hurts! She grabbed had and planted her other hand that wore a knuckle duster into my beautiful face! How dare you ruin my face, you bimbo! I'll chop up your entire family and put them in a box!

I head-butted her to push her back before giving her a very genuine smile, my fingers touched my lips as I realised she hand Metal Mana within those weapons on her arms. Her whole body was pushed back as I planted a front kick into her body again.

"He'll admit it himself one day. That he secretly wanted me as well. That he desires me!" I licked the blood off my lips as focused my Yang Aura to augment my body even further. The blood that spears out of this bimbo's mouth staining my clothes as I rushed at her. She couldn't even resist my absolute dominance in power as we fought!

Who cares if you got skills? All techniques are useless when the difference in physical power is so great. She managed to keep a stoic facade, but I know that you can't take too much of a beating even if you're an Undead. I'll smash you up until not even your mother will recognise you. I promise that not even Bob will recognise you when I'm done.

"Stop." Hahaha, are you finally begging for mercy?

Who cares?! I still- Wait, why won't my body move anymore? This blood... You tricked me again!

"Seal." My Mana was suppressed by her one word.

For the love of God... How the hell do you know a Darkblood Art...? One strong enough to seal?!

They she opened her right hand that had been closed throughout my pummelling of her to reveal a small marble-sized ball of darkness that had been concentrated to the limit. A destructive force emanated from the 'marble' as soon as it appeared.

My servants, save me! She's crazy...! That's an authentic Doom Blast! I'll die, save me!

FlowingWaves FlowingWaves

The beliefs shown by characters are not to be taken as critiques, but as different ‘expressions’. How they interact with each other is what brings out whether they are good or bad. Considering Dorothy is a ‘bad guy’ and Jordan Darby is only on the ‘dark side’ for the sake of survival. Their thoughts aren’t supposed to represent good expressions of masculinity and feminism but rather how rare people like that exist.

This chapter SHOULDN’T make you feel good.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C74
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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