Walking up towards his new fathers door Lucifer knocks twice
King"Come on in" Lucifer walks into the room inside was full of books and a desk
Lucifer"What do you need me for Father" the king blushes
King"I want to test out your abilities starting today you are going to take multiple tests the butler will take you to the test room" the king rings a bell .Lucifer bows and exists behind the door is the butler
Butler"Come with me" Lucifer just follows the man not talking the entire journey to the room Lucifer walks into the room inside the walls are white the only thing in the room is a desk and chair on top of the desk is a paper and pen
Butler"Begin" he shuts the door three minutes later lucifer knocks on the door
Lucifer"I'm finished" the butler looks annoyed but is smiling
Butler"Are you sure you could get a terrible score?" he says arrogantly Lucifer ignores him and walks straight past him and goes to his room where he sleeps suddenly he gets a knock at the door he goes to open it behind the door is the butler
Butler"The king would like to see you" Lucifer walks straight past him again and heads to his fathers office knocks on the door
King"come in" inside the king looked very serious and had his arms crossed but it doesn't bother Lucifer
Lucifer"Yes father?"
King"Well done you got one hundred percent on that test you took" smiling
Lucifer "It was very easy I completed it in exactly three minutes" all smug
King"The next test is very hard again the butler shall escort you to your destination"
Licifee walks out following the butler again not saying anything all the way there when they arrived they was outside at some sort of training ground
Butler"Here you will fight against ten elite guards" he chuckles
Lucifer walks into the training ground where there was the elite guards with swords and in armour and a referee at the side
Refferee"Begin" he shouted
The guards ran at Lucifer but he does most of them he jumped on top of one guard
Lucifer"Lights out" he whispered
and snapped his neck had turned around a guard printed at him with his sword ready to impale him the guard slashed down his sword aiming at lucifers should but Lucifer simply put out his pinky finger to block against the sword (it worked btw) then he flicked the man on the head sending him flying then turned to the rest which he finished of easily without a weapon or a sweat shocking the butler again.
Lucifer"Im going to fathers office" he went inside the castle knocked on the kings door again
King"come in"
Lucifer"Ive finished and I'm bored" this also shocked the king because Luicfee was here without a scratch and a sweat
King"Your last test is a ball held tonight at nine pm at the castle"
Lucifer nods and how's to his room where he takes a nap he wakes up one hour before the ball and goes to Earth c14 2019 through his Linnean abillites to go buy a tuxedo and comes back to his dimension wearing a white slim tuxedo, black pants and black shoes which haven't even been invented yet .During the party, all the important families and more important people showed up to the ball the huge doors open up
Man"Introducing the King" the king comes through the doors wearing blue suit the other party guests now politely.