32.14% Wrath Of Nature (Naruto X Percy Jackson) / Chapter 9: Chapter 9

章節 9: Chapter 9

Naruto lay on the ground peacefully but his dream was out of the ordinary once again. In the dream world Naruto floated in the sky as he saw an old traditional city enter his sight, he seemed to move towards the center of the city where the largest building was located.

There to his astonishment, Naruto saw Kaguya sitting in the garden while behind her he could see maids taking care of two children. She looked so different and gave of the feeling that she was kind and generous.

'Then what happened?'

As he looked on with curiosity, Kaguya who seemed to be lost in thought as her face was scrunched up in concentration. She seemed to be worried and didn't seem to find what she wanted. She looked into the distance and sighed with her hand on her forehead, "How do I fight against the clan? I don't know when they might found about this place?"

Her tone was filled with worry and frustration but as he watched she suddenly looked up and fear could be felt from her. She looked around with her opened and power operating, "No, I will not comply?" She seemed to be answering someone through gritted teeth.

'Someone has power to influence her mind and she is resisting.' Naruto felt like he was at the point of truth as he saw that she fell to the ground holding her head followed with painful groans.

"I will kill you all; no body touches what is mine." Naruto heard her scream but he could sense madness had taken place inside her mind

Suddenly she directly looked towards him, "No one."

Her hand was about to move and he felt danger but fortunately he woke UP thanks to Gaea.

"Huff, huff" He breathed heavily trying to calm down his nerves

'That was too dangerous. Damn these visions might end up killing me someday.'

Gaea looked at him with worry as he seemed really relieved to have woken up, 'What did he see? Curses, now I have to tell him of another worrying detail.'

"Are you okay?" she said in worrying tone

Naruto looked at Gaea with his mood calmed from the fright and smiled, "No worries, just a nightmare." He didn't want her to blame herself for it so he didn't want to talk about it and he didn't need her input in this as it had everything to do with his own world.

Gaea looked at him with suspicion but kept herself from pushing him, "Okay, I won't ask. I believe you will share it if necessary."

"Thanks for understanding"

"That's fine but we have got a problem. There are other dragons and they most likely would come around to check for Albion so we can't stay here anymore."

Naruto didn't let this information get to his head and nodded while contemplating his actions, "It's not a problem, we were already planning to leave so we can just go today."

"Ah" Gaea just seemed to have realized that they were intending to actually protect the place but the nymphs and they would have left most likely in a week.

'I am letting my annoyance and disgust affects my mind' she thought as she sat down on his shoulder

Naruto felt like laughing somewhat as even Gaea could react like that but kept it to himself while he called out to the nymph leaders.

"Yes, how can we help" The water nymph asked with respect in her voice

"We need to leave as other dragons might be coming sometime later to find Albion. I will have Albion make noise out of the city and leave clues so they won't come this way. I enjoyed your reception but this goodbye for a time." Naruto said in slow and gentle manner as he did enjoy their presence

The nymphs felt bad as their savior was being forced into this situation because of them and they were powerless to help. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Just some fruits for now and you can provide me information later when I come by." Naruto said as he got and walked towards Ella.

The nymph nodded and she went to her friend to gather the best fruits for them to enjoy on their journey. They ended up gathering a large amount which filled up two bags.

Naruto looked down on Ella's unconscious body and saw the damage done, 'She needs rest.' He decided not to wake her up and walked towards Albion.

"Get ready to leave. I hope you will change sooner or later." Naruto muttered while holding back his annoyance at the backstabbing lizard.

"Hmph" Albion harrumphed and transformed back to his original form which had healed form its injuries and only some marks were left.

As Albion walked behind him, Naruto went towards Ella once again and picked her up. She was light so there was no problem carrying her, his inadvertently went towards Alice. She was sleeping as she had expanded more energy than anyone, he wanted to bring her along as she was really helpful but he knew she had her own life.

'I can't bring others into my problem.' He thought as he walked towards Albion as the little wind nymphs circled him crying and begging for him to stay.

They were really cute little creatures and with their tiny amount of strength they all held onto him to stop him from mounting Albion. This experience made him feel touched but also encouraged him to leave faster.

"Calm down, little friends we will meet again. I am not leaving forever." Naruto said with a smile to cool them down but they were children so they did not understand the situation

Naruto had to be rescued by the leaders as they brought along a big bag filled with good stuff.

"Don't disturb the champion, little ones" The water nymph said as she had the older nymphs get them away

Naruto didn't like the look of sadness on their faces but he ignored as it was best for them and looked at the leaders.

"We are sorry that you have to suffer all this because of us. We will never forget this favor and help whenever possible."

"You are my friends and I do not like seeing good people get hurt so need for thanks."

Nymph felt a lot better after hearing his friendly and humble opinion, so she nodded to her friend beside her who brought Alice.

"Please take her along, we can continue without her and she wanted to help you as much as possible. This is her desire so please grant us this request and it can make it easy to provide information to you through Alice." The water nymph said in a begging tone

Naruto wanted to deny but he could feel that she was not lying and everything was genuine. As he was struggling with the choice, Gaea gave her own opinion, "You should take her along. With her help we can finish the quest at a faster rate with lower difficulty."

Naruto looked at Alice and remembered the feeling he had when they combined, they were compatible and there was low resistance.

"Okay but if there is much danger I will send her away." Naruto said with a sigh as he remembered that Ella was also in the same situation

With the gang on his body, Albion took flight and as instructed when he had had arrived out of the city he roared to make the monsters remember his presence. He moved faster and as passing by some mountains he blew flames on it and smashed it with his tail.

"Good enough" Albion loud voice rang

"That's enough" Naruto shouted

"So where are we going"

Naruto thought a bit before responding, "Camp Half Blood."

'I still haven't seen what kind people are they so what better place than their base'

Albion was confused why this being would want to go there, 'Is he working with the demi's? Doesn't matter, I will definitely be free'

As Albion started flying towards their destination Gaea wondered what his decision would be after seeing the children.

'Hope he does not hesitate when the time comes, the children might be sad little existences but they made their choices.'


A.N I hope you enjoyed and comment.

Excuse me for this short chapter as i need to think over this more. I am not completely sure yet so i will need some time to think it over.

Will add some other monsters and the conflict with Jason gang

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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