
章節 3: Chapter 3

'Why couldn't you have chosen Batman or Spiderman? They are great heroes with their own specialities.'

'You will know when the time comes.'

"Danny, does it hurt?" Sam helped him walk home since Danny was still feeling woozy after the fight

His face hurt so much that his left eye was closed while his back was also in pain after the adrenaline wore off.

This day was the worst since he had never experienced such brutal beating before and this was only a shadow of what was to come since he had been saved at the last moment.

'Just make it hard for them to bully you. Nobody wants to spend time on something so pointless. It's your fault for making it so easy for this long or they would have moved onto someone else. Learn from your sister. You have been a disgrace of a man since day one and have zero excuses since your sister also lives in the same situation.'

Danny wanted to ignore his words but they loop inside his head, making it impossible to run away from such scathing comments.

It wasn't something that had missed his attention as Jazz was his older sister, the perfect daughter of the Fenton household with all the talent and confidence.

To Danny his sister had always been someone that could do anything she wanted without any difficulty except find a boyfriend.

She had been accepted to high class University on scholarship bases for engineering course since the Fenton blood coursed through her veins and creativity flowed through naturally.

Thinking about it, he was the only average among these abnormal people but it only made him depressed.

'Well now i can definitely fit in.' Danny commented sarcastically

"Of course it does, look at my eye." Danny replied as he looked ahead as this situation was so damn awkward

He remembered the scene from the rooftop and felt shy about it plus he didn't want to hurt Sam by telling her that it was a joke.

'She is cute'

Now that Danny had seen her soft side, his opinion was slowly changing. His type of girl was beautiful and girly so Sam had never really entered his sight before.

Sam felt bad hearing his words as she couldn't think of a way to help him but soon remembered something and made him stop.

"Danny, stop. Let me make it comfortable." Sam said as she held his head making him blush

Sam was concentrated on his eye that was closed so she didn't notice that this Danny was not the self confident one that had made her submit.

Danny watched as Sam blew onto his eyes slowly, her beautiful purple lips in his vision along with the mint smell made his heart beat increase.

No girl had ever been so close to him before and it was really nerve wrecking but soon he calmed down a bit as the pain lessened from her attempts.

"Sam, I feel better now so let's get home quickly." Danny muttered as he increased his speed so that he wouldn't have to converse with Sam now

'Right choice, you don't have to face the problem head all the time because you can't have the solutions available every time a problem comes up.'

Sam was worried about his well being and her happiness was dampened a bit since Danny wasn't being lovey dovey with her but she reasoned it was because of the beating.

'Or there is something wrong?' She had felt this from the moment Danny confronted Pauline but it was beyond her comprehension.


"Relax on the sofa and watch carefully since we will discuss our futures." Naruto dragged Danny to the white zone and threw him on the sofa while taking over

"Damn you demon" Danny wanted to scream but he could only whisper because of his fear of retribution

"I heard that but next time try screaming, who knows that will happen."

Danny heard the voice as his body was electrocuted slightly increasing his fear as the voice teased him. He didn't dare utter a word and sat down obediently.

He was a long way from becoming heroic and self confident.

Naruto could force him to take action but that was not his own choice.


"So i am happy for you guys but why invite me as the third wheel. Did you want to rub it in?" Tucker sat on the carpet and leaned against the bed while Sam sat on the beanbag on the right and Danny sat on the chair near the computer

They were inside his room and some drinks and snacks had been laid out.

"I thought you knew me bro. I feel so hurt by those thorny words. The thought of hurting my friends would kill me but i definitely brought you here to feel the pain of being a single dog."

Tucker was moved by his words and threw chips at him by the end.

"Okay, enough playing around." Sam calmed the situation before it peace broke down

Naruto could easily talk to them in a formal manner but that would give him away and he liked playing around. There was no way he would spend his time helping the kid without enjoying something.

"Ahem, this is going to be a serious topic and the subject will be our future." Naruto started in solemn tone as he looked at them seriously and they both quite down

"I have decided to change and become a model person with fighting skills and high life skills for the goal of becoming a hero."

"Like Batman?" Tucker asked since Spiderman had powers while Batman didn't

"Yes, and for this i have been training hard and fixing my personality as courage is required to fight against enemies in a dangerous situation.

I intend to create a team for this task since one man cannot achieve this task nor do i believe that i possess invincibility.

This path of heroism requires sacrifice of our time and enjoyment plus it puts our life at risk. I have chosen you two as my close ones and for your qualities but i will not hold it against you for denying this request since we all have one life." Naruto finished with this and waited for their answer before he could elaborate on what he wanted them to do

Their answers were within his expectations since people were easy to read.

Tucker would have made a joke about it if he didn't hear it personally and see the look of utmost seriousness.

'I never knew Danny had such complex thoughts inside his head. When did he become so heroic?' Tucker couldn't remember his bro ever acting heroic for someone else or going out of his way to help anyone not even old grandma's crossing the road

'Living like Batman is definitely dangerous and we don't have his resources. How is he going to do this?'

"We have been together for years bro. I am in, what do you want me to do?" Tucker decided to go with it as he trusted Danny to not put their lives to risk without any reason

"I trust you" Sam replied with a smile as she stood behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders

"Thanks guys i will make sure not to let you down. Now, this is something long term so we are not starting now because we need to build up our strengths and cover our weaknesses.

None of us has successfully gone though a fight and will obviously feel the pressure, which would inhibit out thinking capabilities so we need to cover this up quickly.

All of his learn fighting skills that suits our style. It doesn't have to honest and straight forward. Winning is all that matters since we are not athletes.

I will write down the instructions tonight and pass them to you tomorrow but the basic gist is that we will all focus on some physical training and also keep our mind energetic as it will be our main tool in this fight.

Tucker will focus on the tech side, hacking building gadgets etc and i will provide the help before you apply your own capability.

Sam will focus on bio-chemistry, which is your subject of interest and can be used in our path as Poison Ivy has demonstrated." Naruto explained slowly with some details so that they could imagine and understand what he expected of them

"What's our team name?"

"We will take one once we start."

"How did you get information on poisons?" Sam questioned as her mind thought of many wrong things about this situation

"My parents have tested many things so i picked up what could work on humans and listed it down." Naruto replied, which wasn't a lie since his parents did test many things that was affective against humans same goes for Danny's

"Okay, i find your idea appealing. I never thought about using my knowledge about plants like that. It sounds so fun." Sam smiled at the thought as she rubbed his hair while Tucker also felt excited and unsure since he was the tech guy so when did Danny learn how to make anything

'Did he hide it from us?' Tucker thought maybe Danny had wanted to go solo in the starting but decided against it as that could be the only reason he might not have shared such things as it would give away his identity


The trio continued to talk for an hour and ate and relaxed as the next day was going to be hectic plus Naruto had given them a task for the day.

It was a basic workout and nothing impossible but it was followed by running one kilometre in the morning while knowing that their bodies will be aching since they didn't work out.

The duo didn't make noise about it since the goal was serious business and filled with excitement, some pain was acceptable.

Giving a goodbye kiss to Sam, Naruto returned to the room and sat down while Danny was feeling conflicted.

This demon had taken over his life and now his friends were also walking this damned path.

They were doomed.

Plus why did he have to suffer more than them.

When a friend gets a bad mark, you will feel better but when they get good marks while you got bad marks then life losing its shine.

It was a similar situation as he was suffering more than both of them. More training and the demon directly in control of his life.

"You have rested enough. Stretch like this." Naruto showed him the images inside his head while Danny moved according to the instructions as pain was a great driving factor

After that he was made to start with 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, 5 pull ups, 30 sec planks, and many other basic exercises to build up his physique and focus.

This went on for an hour as he dropped to the floor unable to continue, his stamina had left him and his breathing was heavy.

'I have never felt so tired. My body is killing me.'

"Well done, rest for now. I will call on you after some hours."

Seeing that he was free, Danny lay on the floor with his body facing the ceiling.

After two hours of rest, Danny was tasked to go through the history book that had been marked by Naruto.

He wanted Danny to actually learn something from these books so had read them personally while writing his instructions.

Danny spent two hours reading the boring book and good shocked at least twice for losing focus.

'Damn you demon!'

He had been forced to do such an unholy thing.

"Now we will fight or more accurately, you will get beaten for an hour so that you can grasp some skill from what you experience." Naruto dragged him in while his body slept on the bed

Danny knew this was going to be a terrible day but there was no choice since there was no escape so all he could do was hope it wasn't too painful.

Naruto beat him up so badly that all his body had been hurt at least once while explaining the techniques and methods to counter them.

Danny knew he was being easy on him since Naruto wasn't moving fast at all but at a pace that he could follow easily but lacked the skill to make use of it.

After get thrashed for an hour, Danny found himself back in the library.

"Now live through the day again and act like i did. There are two parts today, Pauline and Sam so do your best or experience an extra tasty shock."

Danny groaned as he wished to cry but tears couldn't come as his body shuddered at the thought of getting punished for crying.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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