Title: Hidden Soldier
OC: Jenna Desson
Ship: Jander / Alexna (I'm clueless when it comes to ship names, people.)
Notes: Alexander is lonely during the war. Then they find the girl in the soldier's garb and everything changes. When George Washington attempts to throw out the girl, will Alexander stand up for her and risk his neck or will he stand by and watch his superior kick out the best fighter in the American army? Pre Battle of Yorktown / Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down). More like right in the middle of Stay Alive, before Laurens shoots Lee and all that. Lee is still throwing dirt on Washington's name.
I glared at John. "Yeah, okay, fine," I snapped.
His glare was just as frosty as mine. "Alexander, if you don't believe me you can get out."
"Then I will!" I snapped. I gathered my few possessions, stuffed them in a knapsack, and stormed out of the tent. Though I didn't know where I was going, anywhere was honestly better than that tent.
John Laurens and I had gotten into another fight. I don't even remember where it came from or what provoked it or event the details of the fight. I just...knew we were fighting again.
Fights like these have been happening more often in recent months. I think our tempers are all high because of Lee's stupid going around and slandering Washington's name and we can't do anything about it.
Come to think of it...that might be the whole thing about this recent fight...
I plopped myself down on a rock, watching a few of the soldiers train. One of them stood out, a teenage boy named James Desson. He'd been with us only about a month, but his fighting skills were beyond anything most of the recruits could do. He certainly impressed Washington and that meant he impressed me, even though I'd only seen him fight twice before.
Currently, he sparred with Lafayette.
I watched him closely. Desson's parries and thrusts and jabs, all his defense and all his offense were perfect. I couldn't spot a single mistake once.
Lafayette caught sight of me. "Ah! Hamilton, mon ami!"
Desson froze, pale, and Lafayette easily disarmed him. Desson, blushing angrily to himself, picked up the sword and stared at me and Lafayette.
"Lafayette," I said. "You seemed to be evenly matched!"
Lafayette grinned. "Oui, I'm thinking so, aussi."
Desson's blush only reddened. "Oh, I'm not that good," he said. "I'm just doing what I can to support my country."
I smiled. "We all are, but not all of us are as good as you."
He smiled tentatively. "Er, thank you, Hamilton, sir."
"Washington speaks highly of you," I said. "I'd expect a promotion within days. What are you now?"
I grinned. "Wouldn't surprise me if I'm looking at a future general, the way he speaks of you."
Desson blushed furiously. "Oh, er..."
I laughed. "Don't worry about it, kid."
Lafayette turned to the soldiers he was training. "Dismissed! Get some sleep, guys."
Desson and his other companions trudged off.
Lafayette turned to me. His eyes fell on the knapsack. "Ah. You and Laurens fighting again?"
I nodded sullenly.
"Hey, don't worry. He'll come around. Do you remember the reasons for the fight this time?"
"Not really," I said. "But I think it has to do with Lee."
Lafayette snorted. "Wouldn't surprise me."
I sighed. "I'll need a place to stay for now."
"Laurens kicked you out?"
"Well, kind of. I left...after he said if I didn't believe him I could leave. So I left. I don't know what I didn't believe though, now that we've stopped arguing."
"Desson has a free spot in his tent," Lafayette said, snapping his fingers. "DESSON!"
Lieutenant Desson came running back. "Sir?"
"Hamilton is in need of a place to stay for the time being. You have a free spot in your tent, yes?"
Desson nodded. "It's just me and Lieutenant Garber."
"Will you allow Hamilton your extra bed?"
Desson nodded again. "This way, Hamilton, sir."
"Thank you," I said.
I couldn't sleep. Hamilton was on the bed next to me, rolled onto his side with his back facing away from me. Garber had fallen asleep instantly, but I was having a heart attack.
Hamilton was one of Washington's most trusted men. If he found out about me, then Washington would and then...
I'm not an ordinary soldier. I'm a woman going by the name James Desson. My real name is Jenna Desson.
I will not deny that Hamilton is handsome. But there is no place for love in war, especially not when he does not know who I really am.
I will have to somehow deny my heart it's girlish longings.
I bounced on my heels nervously. Today I had gotten my usual monthly...er, womanly bodily function. Of course it was the day after we brought Hamilton into our tent!
I snuck out, a cloth folded in my hand and hidden in my palm. I hurried to one of the small rivers not far from camp but far enough to the point where I shouldn't be found.
I did my business quickly. I didn't want to be found on some freak accident. But, just as I finished up, I heard my name.
"Desson! Desson! Where'd you go?" Garber's voice. "Monsieur Lafayette is looking for you!"
Uh oh... "I'll be there in a moment, Garber!" I called back. Then I realized calling back would tell him where I was. I tried to move faster, but I fumbled.
"Dess—" Garber started, appearing on my right. "Ah!" He stared at me as I covered myself again, redfaced and too late.
"You're a woman?" Garber gasped.
Slowly I nodded. "Garber, please! Don't speak of this!"
Garber turned and ran. I ran after him, running as if my life was in question.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't that far from the truth.
Desson and Garber both arrived late. Desson's eyes flicked to Garber constantly, nervously, throughout the whole lesson. Though his fighting was as immaculate as usual, he seemed distracted.
I wondered what had happened between them both.
After the lesson, Garber came up to Lafayette and me.
"Sirs...can I talk to you?"
"Of course," Lafayette said.
"What is it?" I asked.
He took a deep breath. "Lieutenant Desson...is a woman."
Hamilton and Lafayette both came to me.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Lieutenant Desson, Lieutenant Garber came to us, claiming you are a woman," Hamilton said. "Are these accusations true?"
"They are," I said quietly after a moment.
Hamilton stared at me.
"Well, we'll take you to Washington and let him decide what to do with you," Lafayette sighed. The two of them escorted me to General Washington and explained the situation. Then they left and Washington and I stared at each other in silence.
Lafayette sighed. "It'll be a shame to lose such a good fighter..."
"I know," I said softly. "You would have never known she was a woman."
"Not at all!" Lafayette cried. "She hid her femininity well!"
"Do you think I can convince Washington to keep her around? I mean, she can handle herself pretty well... I don't think she'd have a problem in an actual battle."
"No, she wouldn't," Lafayette said quietly.
The news of James Desson really being Jenna Desson flew around camp quickly. Laurens called a truce with me to find out all the details. Lee's comments got worse, focusing mainly on Desson now.
"A girl, Lafayette? Your match in battle is a girl?" he sneered. "Guess you aren't much of a fighter anyway."
I grit my teeth. Don't shoot him, don't shoot him, don't shoot him...
"We've got to do something about it," Laurens said one day, firm in voice but hesitant in his eyes. He was afraid of starting an argument again.
"Yeah, we do," I growled. "But I'm waiting until after Desson is dealt with."
Laurens nodded. "I hope she makes it out okay."
For three days Washington grilled me about my choices to join the army, disguising myself as a man to do so.
On the fourth, he called me back to his tent. When I arrived, Hamilton, Lafayette, Garber, and a few others were there.
"Jenna Desson. Sit," Washington said.
I sat.
I was numb as the others started debating over what to do with me. I snapped back to attention when Hamilton and Lafayette both vouched for me. Garber was alone in trying to get me out of the army.
Washington looked at me. "Jenna Desson, you are one of our best fighters. It would be foolish to force you out. You get to stay, Lieutenant Desson."
I beamed, tears pulling at my eyes.
I got to stay!
A few months have passed and just yesterday Hamilton had the guts to ask for my hand in courting. I said yes, of course, and I've immediately noticed how much easier everything is. I don't constantly look around, wondering if I'll have to defend myself from the guys around me. Now the guys stay clear of me.
Because no one encroaches on Alexander Hamilton's girl.
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