41.37% Reborn as Vegeta / Chapter 36: Cell Games Part 5

章節 36: Cell Games Part 5

Krillin seemed a bit nervous as he stepped up to fight. He then stood in his traditional stance while preparing to strike.

Every once and awhile, Krillin would sneakily take a few glances at Lazuli with a blushed face.

Cero raised an eyebrow and said, "Well, what do you have in store for me?"

Krillin took a deep breath to calm down and thought, "I can do this. I've gotten a lot stronger since then. This Cero guy is just another fight on your path to becoming the strongest, Krillin."

Krillin powered up and shouted, "Kaio-Zenken Times 150."

The young monk's Ki burst out of his body with a vibrant orange aura that raged into the skies.

Vegeta whistled as he saw the calming and controlled orange hue. The variant Kaio-Ken surrounding Krillin slimmed down to a paper-thin aura as Krillin took a deep breath.

Even Goku had to nod his head with an impressed stare.

"He, actually managed to tame that crazy technique?" Gohan shouted in surprise, the last time they saw Krillin demonstrate the technique, they could tell he was far from gaining control over it.

Krillin once described this technique as like trying to reign in a wild stallion the size of a planet.

They could tell he spoke the truth by the constant spontaneous outburst of his Ki that eventually led to damaging his body. However, Krillin never gave up, especially after Lazuli started to join him in his training.

Every time he bled and pushed through the pain, it made Vegeta respect him all the more.

When he lived as Leon, Krillin, was actually his first favorite character, but he wouldn't deny that Vegeta tied later in the series.

Vegeta always had respect for the young, unsung hero. His presence alone saved the entire dragon ball series from being canceled.

Without Krillin, there would be no Dragon Ball Z, no GT, no Super, and no movies. Yet, Krillin was always on the receiving end of the worse side of the writing.

Marring Android Eighteen is just about the only highlight of the young martial artist's life, despite how much he's grown.

There was no Super Human form or God Form, no way for them to keep up with the Saiyans.

Sure Dragon Ball Super gave everybody general power-ups, but there was no substance to them, no way for them to stand at Goku's side as an equal once more.

That's what people wanted to see, or at the very least, that's what Leon wanted to see. Krillin saves the series again.

Instead, we got; Krillin is somehow able to fight against Goku as a Super Saiyan God Blue. How? Nobody knows.

What Vegeta wanted to witness now was the explosion of all the Z-Fighters' potentials and powers.

Even though Vegeta became his favorite character, he never forgot about how much wasted potential the remaining fighters had. How the writers had overlooked the potential of the other Z-Fighters.

However, things were different now.

Vegeta was living in the Dragon Ball realm, and anything can happen. Not to mention, if it really comes down to it, Vegeta isn't above using the dragons to grant Humans the same method of transformation that the Saiyans have.

Krillin stood across from an impressed Cero, "Incredible, you're only human, yet your power had breached into the Realm of Gods."

Krillin smiled, "You haven't seen anything yet." Krillin began shouting as his Aura surged into the sky. One of the moxibustion burns started to glow as Krillin emptied his mind.

His eyes became focused as he shouted, "Kaio-Zenken Times 400!"

By stacking his Kaio-Zenken and his regular Zen state of mind, Krillin's Aura changed from dark orange, into a luminous sun-orange color. Not only did the aura look somewhat similar to a Super Saiyan's Aura, but it also managed to achieve the same strength as a basic Super Saiyan Three.

"I can't hold this state very long. So, I'll make my attack quick," Krillin warned before he raised his hands into the air.

Krillin focused all his strength into the palms of his hands, in response to Krillin's unmoving stance.

Cero tilted his head in confusion. When all of a sudden, a large shadow began to grow overhead and his eyes widened in terror.

Cero couldn't feel it, nor could he sense it. Krillin had hidden a uniquely powerful and deadly technique from the Android.

Above Cero's head, was a massive spinning disc that overshadowed the entire planet.

As it started blocking out the sun, Krillin transferred all of his Ki into a single attack, making the strain of the Kiao-Zenken less straining in the process.

The bald one wasn't joking about making this a quick match as he unleashed a Kaio-Zenken Times 1,000 and sent all the energy into the supermassive Destructo Disk.

With just enough energy left to control the attack, Krillin smiled as he said, "This is going to hurt a lot. If you die, I promise to revive you with the Dragon Balls."

Cero sweated as he let out a gulp, "I'm glad your cells are running through my Veins, Earth's mightiest Human."

Krillin blushed a little and said, "Aw, shucks, you're going to make me feel guilty about unleashing this attack on you."

"Fear not, Krillin, for I am one of the few beings capable of surviving this. But I can easily dodge this attack, so please don't hold back on my account," Cero shot back.

"Krillin is amazing," Vegeta complimented Krillin, surprising everyone around him.

"He managed to create a technique that allows him perfect mastery over increasing his strength. Just what did you learn at the Orion Temple?" Vegeta commented with a pondering expression.

Goku agreed, "Yeah, it is as powerful as our Mastered Super Saiyan Three forms, but he has to expel all that Ki instead of putting it to good use."

"That's not what's truly impressive. Tell me Goku, can you sense his attack?" Vegeta pointed to the disc in the sky.

Goku tried hard, but no matter how much he attempted to sense Krillin's Ki, Goku failed.

Vegeta smiled, "Not only has he hidden his Ki, but he also used up all his strength to avoid exploding from the Kaio-Zenken's backlash. If Krillin attempted to force the energy to stay inside his body then...well you know better than I do Kakorot."

Goku's eyes widened, "Man, that's crazy! One misstep, and KABOOM! It's all over; no more body!"

Lazuli's eyes widened in worry, "The technique is that dangerous?!"

Vegeta nodded his head, "If I had to put it into simpler terms, then I would say that it's similar to walking on a very-thin and eroded wire over a Volcano; oh, and that Volcano is in the middle of exploding."

Lapis let out a whistle, "That's simpler terms? Little man is braver than I thought."

"Don't call him that!" Lazuli said frowning.

Lapis froze, "Aw, man. You, really fell for the guy? Didn't ya, sis?"

Lazuli stared at him in anger, "Shut it."

Those two words alone sent shivers down her brother's spine, "Sheesh, touchy!"

"Super Destructo Disc!" Krillin shouted as he threw his hand down towards Cero.

Flying up towards the attack, Cero sought to destroy the technique before it ever touched him. However, the moment the Android closed in on the disc, Krillin shouted, "Swarm!"

The giant Destructo Disc broke apart into millions of tiny and sharp fragments and charged towards Cero like a tidal wave.

Cero went from calm to panicked in a snap. In response to the oncoming threat, the Android quickly placed up his most stalwart shield before reinforcing it several times over.

"'Aigis!'" Cero shouted as his body was surrounded by an incredibly dense sphere, of Devil God Qi and Saiyan God Ki.

Bracing himself for imminent peril, Cero paused for a second and wondered if this was going to be it for him.

As he was engulfed by the storm of razor-sharp rotating Ki discs, Cero's entire figure was overrun and completely blotted out from sight. All that could be seen was a flock of glimmering rotating Ki discs, resembling a flock of moving insects.

From far away, Krillin's attack looked crescent-shaped wave that was cutting a path through the entire planet.

Goku's jaw dropped at the sharpness of Krillin's Ki. He then shivered, thinking of what it would do to him in Cero's place.

Everyone felt the world shift beneath them as saw that the ground lifted up and formed new half smooth-cut mountains formed as a massive fissure cracked all across the planet's surface.

Everyone felt they were sinking while the other half was rising. It was at that moment, everyone noticed that Krillin had severed Mars two.

It took only moments for the planet to heal itself, only with a bit more material and some different landscapes.

Vegeta grinned, "I don't think I could take that attack at all. Its sharpness and the fact I can't sense it coming far surpasses what I thought Krillin capable of."

"Do you think Cero is dead?" Lazuli asked.

"No, I can sense his Ki, so I know he's still alive, but, he must be hurting," Goku commented.

As the smoke and dust cleared, Krillin saw Cero's most powerful barriers effectively torn to shreds. It was littered holes as massive gashes.

Cero's body condition was in a similar state as his Aigis technique. It looked like he was put inside a blender and forced to go a few dozen rotations.

Lacerations and deep groves were carved into his flesh, his neck was hanging on by a thread, and several of his body parts were missing too.

Like a river, a constant stream of blood gushed out from the Android's body, making all the Z-Fighters look at Krillin and gulp in fear.

Vegeta let out a cough to break the tension, "Ahem! If this was anybody other than Cero, it would be an instant disqualification for the offender."

Cero coughed up a mouthful of blood in response to Vegeta's announcement. He then stared over at Krillin and felt a deep sense of fear that was etched into his being.

Without wasting any more time, Cero shouted in pain as he regrew his lost limbs and repaired the damage to his body. Not without a cost though, Cero's power had taken a huge and dramatic nosedive.

Krillin sighed and said, "I lose."

Cero was panting and staring at him like he was a monster. Krillin didn't have the sheer power or the physique of a Saiyan, he had to use his wits and create techniques to keep up with their insane progress.

Vegeta clapped his hands, "Well done! Well done indeed!"

Everyone else started to cheer.

Krillin blushed as he pulled out a Senzu Bean and recovered his strength by eating it. "Thanks, guys!"

"That was awesome!" Goku shouted as he flew over to his best friend.

"That technique was crazy cool, Uncle Krillin!" The two Saiyan children laughed as they ran up to him.

"I never knew Ki could become so sharp," Gohan said as he joined the crowd.

"Very, good, Krillin." Tein nodded his head.

Krillin enjoyed the moment when he saw Lazuli occasionally glancing at him. He then performed a mental fist pump as he saw her blush a bit.

Vegeta then looked to Gohan, "You're up, runt."

Gohan rolled his eyes and said, "Thanks, Vegeta."

Goku placed his hand on his chin as if he were thinking of something important, "Wait a minute!" Goku shouted while reaching for something in his pocket, "Cero, eat this!"

Goku threw Cero a Senzu Bean, "You're running on fumes."

Cero quickly placed his hand out and caught the bean. He stared at it for a few seconds before he started sniffing it.

Tossing the object inside his mouth, he gave Goku his thanks and began chewing it up.

Cero was very intrigued by the mythical healing effects of the Senzu Beans. The bean's medicinal properties gave him quite the surprise as it spread throughout his entire body.

The Android's wounds instantly recovered and his body inflated for a second. After he healed, it was clear to everyone that could sense him that Cero's base-form experienced a dramatic increase in power.

It caused Cero's ego to soar quite a bit as well.

Seeing the look of utter confidence on The Android's face, the whole situation rubbed Gohan's fur the wrong way.

He frowned at Cero and gripped his fists while saying, "Underestimate me because I'm a kid, and you'll die."

Gohan powered up to True Super Saiyan God Blue. His energy surged out of his body and formed into a massive pillar of God Ki that stretched out into space.

Goku's eyes sparkled as he sensed his own son's Ki, "Wow, Gohan, sure has been training hard! His Ki is incredible!"

Vegeta nodded his head as he said, "And he still hasn't tapped into his true potential."

Cero looked at Gohan in surprise, "I'm impressed; this will be a good fight. Come, Gohan, show me the might of a True Super Saiyan God."

Gohan disappeared from Cero's sight in a flash of incredible speed.

Reacting as quickly as he could, Cero raised his arm to defend.

Gohan feinted and stoped his spin mid-way and spun the opposite, landing a direct spinning heel kick to the Android's face.

Cero grunted as he smashed into the ground and sent large chunks of earth flying in every direction.

Shooting out of the crater, Cero flew towards Gohan with arms pitched back.

As the two started to throw hundreds of punches and kicks at each other. Countless shockwaves appeared across the Martian sky while they blinked in and out of sight.

As Cero flew back from one of Gohan's kicks, the Android pointed his index finger towards the teen and gathered an immense amount of energy within his fingertips.

Using expert accuracy, Cero began to eject hundreds of Death Beams at his target.

Gohan flew through the bombardment of Death Beams, blinking in and out of sight as he dodged every laser that came across his path.

He then broke through Cero's defenses and started to exchange blows once more.

Cero punched out at the rapidly approaching Gohan, only to see him doge pass it by the skin on his cheek. The teen Saiyan then punched out to hit to the bottom of his chin.

The force from Gohan's fist sent out a massive shockwave that rocked the universe.

As Cero flew back Gohan chased after and hit him in the stomach with a falling double stomp kick to the gut.

"I told you not to underestimate me," Gohan said as his feet sank into Cero's abdomen.

Cero's eyes bulged as he coughed up a mouth full of blood. Gohan's foot pressed against his stomach and sent him flying to the ground.

Cero managed to stand back up and looked down to check the damage. When all of a sudden, Gohan appeared in front of him while saying, "Bad move."

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