65.9% Path of Creation / Chapter 58: The underground

章節 58: The underground

The trio found themselves in a crowded city without much idea of where to start beyond a name and Dr.Stein's work which involves horrible chimera monsters.

Since it involves a good deal of crime to procure the body parts and the fact that a lot of his work was brutally gruesome they decided to try and start looking in some of the seedier parts of the city which Darick was against bringing Gè Míng to due to his age but the kid would have none of that as he wanted to practice his fighting to keep up his training.

This lead them to a club in an ugly area in one of the outer regions of the city. They took off their wigs for this and the bouncer didn't want to let Gè Míng in at first but after the kid jumped from the ground onto Darick's shoulders the security would have had to stop Darick which wasn't going to happen as his simply didn't stop walking while Tral passed them a few extra coin telling them to ignore the midget.

Inside was pretty rundown and full of a lot of spiky short haired people either drinking or dancing to pulsing electronic music.

The trio was looking for someone who knew the streets around here well enough to point them in the right direction. It was Tral's idea to get a drug dealer as they know people and Gè Míng gave his blessing that Tral could drink their blood to learn the details quickly.

Darick who had little practice in that department quickly spotted a small operation at one of the tables on the side. A smaller crew of punks and devas clustered around a table hectically chatting away.

They immediately stopped talking as the group came up to them. Tral open up the conversation by putting his hand up to his nose to sniff really hard before claiming "We're looking for some serious product to move out island to our buyers, you fine fuckers wouldn't happen to know where we could get something like that eh?" He flashes two gold plates from his jacket before quickly putting them back.

The leader of the crew appears to be a bald man with several face tattoos who speaks up "Oh ya and how do we know you're what you says you are?"

Darick responds with ripping the table away from them. One of the punks jumps at him to stab him with a knife but Darick simply stares at him after the knife breaks on his chest before Gè Míng does a front flip to ax kick the fool in the head followed by leaping at the leader to press the broken tip of the blade he grabbed out of the air to his throat.

"You going to get serious or waste our time? Our employer wants a new source do you have it or do I gotta make you pretty?" Gè Míng sounds serious despite his young age as he uses his qi to control his voice giving it a little more force.

The leader laughs at this despite the kid with a blade to his throat "Settle down little man before you do something you'll regret. I was just testing you but if you're serious and have the money I know a guy but we will have to meet up some where more personal." He slowly reaches into his jacket to pull out the card for a dockside warehouse to hand it over to Gè Míng who jumps back onto Darick's shoulder.

"Be there at midnight and I don't want to see anyone else with you crazy fuckers, got it?" The punk demanded getting a nod in reply. The trio walked away with Tral leaving a couple gold behind for their service.

They went from the club back to their boat to prepare. Tral made sure to remind Gè Míng "There is a good chance that this will be a set up to take our money but either way we will get a better understanding of these streets after I drink the leader."

He made Gè Míng some battle armor just incase things went wrong. They took the boat since it would make sense for smugglers and went out early to make it there just after eleven.

As they pulled up the bay doors opened to receive them and Tral scrunched up his face for it smelled as if someone had just opened a can of wet musty dog stank.

"Something is definitely wrong here guys" Tral told the others when they pulled in. The group was welcomed by a booming voice.

"Well look what the cat dragged in, a freshly minted mosquito a couple of cultivator snacks. Did your sire send you to test the waters out here ya undead punk?" Yelled a large excessively hairy beast of a man who's dark skin and bloodshot eyes could barely be seen under his thick facial hair.

There were many other very hairy characters in that warehouse, even the women were pretty hairy. The trio found their ship surrounded on all sides as these people paced around them with anticipation.

"Gè Míng you need to get out of here and meet us at the dock we came in at right now!" Tral said as his sense of danger was freaking out. Gè Míng tried to protest but Darick got the picture and grabbed the kid by the back of his clothes to swiftly throw him as far as he could out of the warehouse into the water.

"Awe he's trying to save the runt from the big bad wolves." One of the thugs taunted to the laughter of the others.

Tral kept eye contact with the evident leader and responded to his question "Yes my sire will be headed to the island soon. He is ancient and just woke up so his hunger is at its peak."

The leader chuckled at that "Oh me and my pack are sO scared, since we're going to get eaten soon might we request a last meal… I'm thinking the the big one looks like a good meal and the bloodsucker will fetch a good price with the doctor" As he says this the others howl passionately removing their jackets before their bodies start to contort grotesquely with fur ripping through their flesh.

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寫檢討 閱讀狀態: C58
  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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