Zhang Yu Han glanced at the person beside him and frowned when he saw that she was unusually quiet. Although the two of them rarely had a conversation while he was driving, Zhang Yu Han could still tell that the girl was not in a good mood.
As the Cayenne stopped at the red light, Zhang Yu Han glanced at his girlfriend and hope that she will turn her head to look at him rather than looking out the window.
The red light turned green again, but the person beside him continued to stay in silence.
Zhang Yu Han finally pulled over his Cayenne to the side road and stared at her with worry. His brow furrowed. "Qin Yao," his voice was a whisper. "What's wrong?"
When she did not answer, Zhang Yu Han reached for her hands which was rested on her thigh and held tightly. "Do you want to go for a walk?"
There was a brief silence between them until Li Qin Yao finally nodded her head.
Thank you for reading~