39.13% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 81: Ace VS Hudson pt2

章節 81: Ace VS Hudson pt2

"Ready for round two Ampharos?" I asked him after he had freshly evolved.

"Am!" He declared resolutely.

He was still injured where Poliwrath had attacked him, and he hadn't regained the energy he had already expended earlier. But his evolution should have juiced him up quite a bit, and he should've learned a new move or two.

That won't be enough to ensure victory though.

With the Assault Vest Poliwrath was wearing Ampharos would need to get in close to deal physical damage, but that would put him right into the optimal range for Poliwrath to deliver its fighting type moves onto him.

Ampharos didn't have the experience necessary to take on a fighting type Pokemon in direct combat, but I did.

"Relax your body Ampharos, and don't fight what I'm about to do." I told him, while Hudson and Poliwrath waited to see what it was we were going to do.

"Am!" Ampharos declared in affirmation, before I closed my eyes to feel out his aura. I was going to attempt something I had only done with Lucario, and synchronize our auras together.

Though I wasn't even really sure that I COULD do it with any of my other Pokemon, I believed I could since I was able to communicate with them via aura anyways. This was just the next level of that, so to speak.

I focused all of my intent on Ampharos while matching his breathing and the subtle movements of his body, before opening my eyes to see that my vision had doubled.

I breathed in, and Ampharos breathed out.

We were synchronized.

Without any more delay we shot forward at Poliwrath with one fist raised, electricity crackling along our entire arm as we prepared to use Thunder Punch.

Poliwrath raised his glove-like fists in preparation to receive us, but we moved with a fluidity and grace that Ampharos hadn't possessed a second before to dodge around his fists.


Thunder boomed as our fist connected with Poliwrath's body, pumping a powerful electric current into him that did significant damage.

"WRATH!" It cried angrily as it tried to deliver a Reversal, but it missed as we danced out of its range, before rushing in to deliver another Thunder Fist.




Over and over we hit it with a Thunder Fist, which rapidly drained our energy even as we delivered a number of strong attacks.

"Wrath..." Poliwrath groaned after the fourth one, before falling forward.

"Poliwrath is unable to battle! Ampharos wins!" Daisy declared as I canceled the synchronization.

"Fee fee!" My remaining Flaaffy cried out as she rushed to her mate's side, excited for his win.

"Ros!" He declared while raising a fist up for everyone to see, making them all cheer even more from the exciting battle.

"Come back here and take a rest buddy." I told him, letting him recuperate in case he'd need to be sent back out later. For the moment though, I planned to use another Pokemon.

"Well done, especially there at the end. But let's see you you do against THIS. Go, Blastoise!" Hudson declared, before sending out ANOTHER massive Pokemon compared to their usual counterparts. And I knew this one was an alpha as well, since I'd already seen an alpha Blastoise back on the island where I'd caught Wartortle.

The fuck Hudson?!

But, it just made my next choice all the easier as I automatically reached for my next Pokeball.

"Go, Parasect!" I cried out, before a massive mushroom-crab appeared on one of the platforms across from Hudson's Blastoise.

"What is that!?!" Hudson exclaimed when he saw my Parasect, giving voice to what was probably going through everyone else's minds at the moment. Not that I could blame him.

Even professor Oak had been having a field day for the last week with Parasect and all the Ditto I'd sent him.

But my Parasect wasn't just for show.

"Parasect, use Bullet Seed!" I commanded immediately.

"Sect!" It roared in response before spewing massive cannon-sized seeds at Blastoise.

"Use Withdraw!" Hudson hurriedly ordered his Blastoise, to which it quickly withdrew its head and limbs into its shell. Normally this would protect it from nearly any attack, but it hadn't taken an attack from my Parasect yet.

The sound of cannons hitting a hard surface sounded throughout the Gym as the Bullet Seed hit Blastoise, sending the giant turtle skittering into the mostly cleaned waters beneath them.

"Build up some speed, and then use Skull Bash Blastoise!" Hudson ordered as his turtle disappeared beneath the waves.

I could sense it moving through the water with my aura as it swam to the other side of the pool before coming back around, and charging at Parasect. But neither of us were worried.

"Wait for it..." I uttered to Parasect as Blastoise approached him.

Then, there was an eruption of water as Blastoise shot out like a massive battering ram aimed directly at Parasect.

"Cross Poison!" I commanded.

"Sect!" Parasect cried as both of it's claws turned purple from concentrating poison in them, before slashing them at Blastoise right as it hit him.

The result was both getting hit as Parasect was pushed all the way back to the edge of the platform, making it tilt dangerously, while Blastoise was severely poisoned from the attack it took.

"Now! Hydro Cannon!" Hudson declared urgently.

"Blast!" Blastoise cried in affirmation as it aimed the two cannons on its shoulders point blank at Parasect, before a blast of water so powerful that it could've destroyed several buildings erupted from them.


Parasect meanwhile didn't even seem to register the attack, other than acting as if he were receiving a nice shower.

"Damn it!" Hudson swore as I watched the understanding dawn on his face. My Parasect had the Dry Skin ability after all.

Even if it was a blast of water so powerful, that it was taking out chunks of the mushroom covering it's back, Parasect was simply regrowing it and refreshing itself from its contact with the water. Dry Skin rendered them practically immune to water type attacks after all.

"Now, give it another Bullet Seed!" I commanded Parasect, who readily responded as it sprayed large cannon-like seeds at Blastoise.

"Follow it with a Dragon Breath!" I ordered to end it, as a blast of draconic energy erupted from Parasect's mouth at Blastoise, battering it even more before the turtle fell back unconscious.

"B-Blastoise is unable to battle! Parasect wins!" Daisy exclaimed with shock in her voice, while everyone was still awed at the display of my Parasect. Not only had he battled a powerful alpha Blastoise, but he had done so without taking any real damage at all.

Instead, his body had seemingly grown even LARGER from all of the water he had absorbed from the earlier Hydro Cannon.

He was the perfect counter to water type Pokemon.

"How will Leader Hudson respond to this seemingly unbeatable Parasect!?" Daisy asked the crowd dramatically, who responded with an enthusiastic cheer.

"Go, Golduck!" Hudson answered, sending out the first Pokemon so far that was normal sized compared to the others.

"Gol!" Golduck declared as it appeared, the supreme swimmer amongst Pokemon. And a complete surprise to me.

I thought Hudson would send out one of the water Pokemon that shared an ice typing, like a Dewgong or Cloyster. But Golduck would still be a challenge to beat specifically because it was a smaller target than Blastoise, and would be much faster.

"Quick Golduck, get in the water." Hudson readily ordered, and his duck complied as it before dawn a beautiful swan dive in the now clean waters.

"Keep your guard up Parasect." I told him warily, while also sharing my aura sense with him. It would at least help us keep track of Golduck as it swam under the surface.

"Now! Payday!" Hudson declared, right as Golduck erupted from the water below.

Everyone watched as it sailed over head and, faster than Parasect could react, hurled a mass of coins at him before diving back down into the water. A moment later...

"Now Psybeam!"

"Duck!" Following the same pattern as before, in a different spot, Golduck erupted from the water before assaulting Parasect with a barrage of psychic energy. The result was Parasect reeling as he grew confused from the psychic power, and nearly ending up in the water.

"Don't move Parasect! Don't do anything but listen to my voice!" I declared urgently.

Parasect may be immune to water type moves, but that pool was pretty deep. If he fell in due to his confusion then he'd drown unless I recalled him.

"Mega Punch!"

"Zen Headbutt!"

"Ice Punch!"

Over and over Hudson and Golduck used hit and run tactics to steadily whittle down Parasect's defense, all while he tried to recover from his confusion. Even his Effect Spore ability did nothing to help, since Golduck would just dive into the water after each attack and wash the spores off of itself.

Even when he was no longer confused, Parasect was unable to keep up with Golduck's speed despite knowing where it would attack through my aura.

"Hold Parasect..." I told him as we both waited patiently, with me closing my eyes to focus entirely on Golduck's movements.

"Hold....hold...." I repeated even as he took a few more attacks.... Until.....


"SECT!" Parasect roared with indignation as he swung one of his massive claws around, slamming it into Golduck right as it erupted from the water, and was unable to change its course.


With the impact from the powerful move, Golduck was sent flying out of the pool and roughly crashed into the ground.

"Golduck is out of bounds! Parasect wins!" Daisy declared before the crowd cheered yet again.

This was what everyone loved in Pokemon battles. No matter how the battle was going, it could see a sudden reversal at any given second.

"Golduck, return." Hudson said grimly as his fourth Pokemon was eliminated, while the only one I was down was Sharpedo. And that was only because Tentacruel flooded the pool with poison earlier.

"Looks like you're up, Lapras!" Hudson declared as he sent out the next Pokemon.

"Laaaaaaap!" The Pokemon trilled as it appeared, making everyone coo over it.

"Go ahead and rest up a bit Parasect. I'll call you again if I need to." I told my Pokemon, who groaned in affirmation as I returned him to his Pokeball.

I then automatically grabbed the next Pokemon I planned to use and tossed it out. "Go, Grovyle!"


Remaining silent, as always, Grovyle appeared opposite Lapras as the two stared each other down.

"Lapras, Ice Shard!" Hudson ordered immediately.


Using my aura to copy Grovyle's silent act, I watched as Lapras created numerous chunks of ice to send at him, which Grovyle avoided with minimal movements before rushing in.

Energy Ball.

At my command, Grovyle began forming a sphere of green energy in each hand as he rapidly approached Lapras, before shooting both of them at it from point blank.

"Laaaaaaaaap!" Lapras cried from the attack, recoiling from Grovyle as it slid towards the water.

"Lapras, Ice Beam!" Hurons hurriedly ordered.

"Lap!" It cried in affirmation, before shooting a beam from its open mouth at Grovyle.

With his agility though, Grovyle was able to easily avoid the beam as he followed my will to chase after Lapras. There was no way we were going to repeat the earlier shit show that Parasect went through.

And right as Lapras reached the edge of the platform, Grovyle hurriedly leapt forward and grabbed onto the its shell before it could disappear beneath the waves.

"Get it off, Lapras!" Hudson cried out worriedly, to which I could feel that Lapras tried to perform numerous underwater acrobatics to get Grovyle to let go. As if that'd work on my tsundere ninja.

Channeling my aura to make sure he could still feel my will, I ordered Grovyle to deliver as many Leafage and Leaf Blade attacks as he could without losing his grip. The result was Lapras accumulating so much damage, that it even began creating large chunks of ice in the water to ram Grovyle into, which would only hurt them both from the impacts.

Then, right as Grovyle was going to have to let go anyways to come up for air...

"Lapras, give it a full power Body Slam!" Hudson ordered in a last ditch effort, to which his Pokemon suddenly shot towards the surface.

We all watched in awe as Lapras shot out of the water with enough force that it soared no less than twenty feet in the air, even with Grovyle on its back, before it began to fall back down at one of the platforms below. With Grovyle underneath it.

"Now Grovyle." I said at a mere whisper, my smirk wide as I awaited what was going to happen next.

Now free of the water, Grovyle cocked one of his fists back before electricity began to crackle along his entire forearm, before he punched the Lapras with as much strength as he could muster.


Thunder roared within the Gym as Lapras was enveloped within the flash of light, before Grovyle landed elegantly upon the platform, followed shortly by an unconscious and crispy looking Lapras.

"Lapras is unable to battle! Grovyle wins!" Daisy declared amidst the cheers from the spectators, while Grovyle slowly walked back toward me with his chest heaving, he'd had to hold his breath for quite a while after all.

"Good job buddy." I told him while patting his shoulder.


He said nothing of course, but that was the benefit of using aura. I could tell he was really pleased with himself from that battle.

"Now we are at what could be the final matchup of the day! Hudson is on his last Pokemon, but it is also his strongest! Will Ace continue his amazing winning streak, or will he choke at the final hurdle?" Daisy announced dramatically, hyping up the battle to the spectators.

"She's showboating, but Daisy is right about this last one being my strongest Pokemon Ace Ketchum. I suggest you respond in kind." Hudson said as he held out his final Pokeball.

"I was already planning to do that." I stated back to him while glancing to the side, where Lucario was meditating throughout this entire time.

"Oh?" Hudson uttered as Lucario made his way out to the platform, still wearing his Ranger jacket along with Power Anklets on each ankle, a Power Belt around his waist, and Power Bracers around his wrists.

Each one was the maximum possible weight that I could order, while he was also wearing a Macho Brace under the jacket. It meant that his movements were being considerably restricted and weighed down. If he fell into the water, Lucario would simply sink to the bottom like a stone.

"Are you sure you want to send him out there like that?" Hudson asked somewhat worriedly

"I would worry about my own Pokemon if I were you." Lucario answered instead.


Not just Hudson, but everyone within the Gym aside from the girls and I were shocked to hear him speak.

"A talking Pokemon!?!" Daisy exclaimed into the mic, confirming to everyone else that they had heard correctly.

But as they were coming to terms with a talking Pokemon, Lucario and I were busy synchronizing our auras like I had with Ampharos earlier.

We rolled our arms and stretched out legs as we waited for the Pokemon Hudson planned to send out, which we could already guess what it was. And sure enough, when he did our guess was correct as he cried out,

"Go, Gyarados!"

The second he threw out the Pokeball an ear-shattering roar made the entire Gym vibrate as a truly massive Gyarados appeared, before it glared down at us angrily.

Apparently, Hudson made it a point to collect alpha Pokemon.

We couldn't help but to think that together since this Gyarados was more than ten feet longer than the typical Gyarados, making it well over thirty feet long.

Well, I couldn't really complain about that since I also had a fair collection of alpha Pokemon with Pidgeot, Wartortle, Parasect, and possibly my newly caught Nidoran.

But we had to put such thoughts out of our head as we focused on the opponent before us, even as the Gyarados apparently began to use Hurricane automatically as the winds began to whip up around us, and the waves in the pool began to grow intense.

The corner of our mouth curled upwards in a smirk at the display, our body remaining completely still even as the Gyarados then swung its massive tail at us. But, right before it could hit, we moved.

Using Extreme Speed, we moved faster than the tail as we raced directly at Gyarados' head, using our aura to create footholds beneath our feet as we ran past the platform with our fist cocked back.

We watched as if in slow motion as Gyarados just barely managed to follow our movements, it's eyes widening in shock as our fist crackled with electric power, just like Ampharos and Grovyle.

Arriving at the spot directly beneath its head, we launched ourselves upwards while simultaneously raising our crackling fist, before planting it right in the bottom of Gyarados' jaw.


With an exposion of electric power and strength that rattled the windows and made the lights flicker, we sent Gyarados's head reeling backwards before kicking off its body to return to the platform, and watched as it splashed back into the water before falling still.


Silence descended upon the entire Gym as the Hurricane died down and everyone fell silent.

No one knew how to react.

"G-Gyarados is unable to battle... Lucario wins the match, and Ace Ketchum wins the battle!" Daisy hesitantly exclaimed after a moment, when it was apparent that Gyarados was NOT going to get back up.

A moment later a deafening roar assaulted all of our ears as the audience cheered, all of them singing praises to Lucario for being so powerful. Hudson meanwhile remained staring at us in disbelief. Not that I could blame him.

"Good job partner." I said to him as he returned to my side, raising my fist as I did so.

"Right back at ya, bitch." Lucario responded while bumping my fist with his own.

"Did that really just happen?" Misty asked in awe. I could feel her fear of the Gyarados when it appeared, but most of that had evaporated now that it had been defeated.

"I think so." I replied humorously to her disbelief.

"I can't believe it either..." A new voice said behind me, which I knew to be Hudson even before I turned around.

"I've been raising that Gyarados for decades, and yet some snot-nosed brat just comes along and knocks it out in a single hit from his Lucario..." Hudson then looked Lucario up and down before adding, "He could've wiped my entire team singlehandedly couldn't he?"

"Where would the fun be in that though?" Lucario answered instead of me, to which Hudson nodded in agreement.

"Very true."

He then turned back towards me, and stated, "Ace Ketchum, I wasn't sure about you at first when I heard you were going out with my daughter, but now I'm convinced after battling it out with you. If you treat her as well as you treat and raise you Pokemon, then I'll have no complaints."

I nodded while offering the older man my hand, which he took as I said, "I'm glad to hear it. And I promise to do my best to take care of Misty."

Hudson nodded in affirmation at me, and said, "good. Now then, I'm also pleased to present you with this, the Cascade-"


Suddenly the wall exploded inwards at us, followed by numerous screams from the spectators as a massive mechanical construct entered through the newly made hole.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make that double!"

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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