Well, for anyone who doesn't understand what a lotus pattern looks like here is a picture. And it is the same as Hanako's Eternal Mangakyo Sharingan pattern, but only with the petal layers being blue, silver, blue, and silver.
And this is his Purgatory Susanoo. And to clarify, his Susanoo is fundamentally different from every other Susanoo as it is purely focused on attack. And yes I know, Susanoo means absolute defense so that's why I added purgatory in front of it because of the demon in the picture would look like something that was made in purgatory. Btw in Susanno, everything is silver white and the arms are unbound. Two spears are wielded in all three demons so 6 spears total. Everything else is the same.
=--=-3rd Pov-=-=-=
Sasuke: [Susanoo!]
Hanako: [Purgatory Susanoo!]
On Sasuke side, one could see a gigantic purple titan that closely resembles a samurai, but had a long nose, while carrying an unsheathed katana in one hand and two gigantic wings on the back. But on Hanako's side, one could truly see a demon. A demon befitting the name [Purgatory Susanoo].
Hanako's [Susanoo] was something that was entirely different than anyone's else. Whereas all [Susanoo] have a samurai type to them, Hanako's was entirely different. His [Susanoo] was the personification of a demon. A demon that had six different horns on his head with a pair of titanic wings that extended from his shoulders. The [Susanoo] had a total of six spears with two smaller winged demons wielding two spears each. The two smaller demons were hoving on both sides of the bigger demon and were each above his head by at least 5 stories higher. They connected to the original [Susanoo] by two chains that are connected to the original's back.
(AN: I know I suck at explaining, but just look at the picture above but without bound hands and they had spears)