45.83% Killer of MC’s / Chapter 44: Rebecca's kind gesture

章節 44: Rebecca's kind gesture

Alexander and Luffy both entered the coliseum under a fake name. Behind them, the toy was trying to persuade both of them to not enter the tournament, but failed to convince them both.

"Dammit! How can they let an old man and a kid enter the competition like that?!"

Franky just stood there not doing anything.

"Why do you have a pillow?: Asked Luffy.

"It's my weapon." Responded Alex.

"How can you fight with a pillow?"

"It's easy, watch." Alex hit luffy with his pillow, which sent him back a few meters. Alex held back his power, otherwise he would be kicked out.

"Ow! No wonder that pillow is your weapon." Luffy did not think that a pillow could be so strong to sent him flying back.

Alex continued to walk with his Chastiefol on hand. There were many fighters with buffed bodies all warming up for the fight.

There were some people he recognized, Rebecca. Don Chinjao, Cavendish, Bartolomeo, and so on.

Luffy was just fascinated with all the armor and weapons on display.

However, a giant man stood in front of Alex. This was the giant that appeared for like 20 seconds in the anime and got his ass handed to him by Luffy.

This time, he wasn't picking a fight with Luffy, he was picking a fight with Alex.

"Hey, you! Why is a measly little kid doing in this tournament?" He asked in a deep and angry voice.

Alex looked up. Why are the people in One Piece so tall?

"Go back home to your parents, kid. Or else I will gladly send you back to them in a body bag."

"My parents are dead… I hope." He responded.

"Even better." The giant man took a swing at Alex. Luffy was about to help him, but was shocked at the sudden turn of events.

Alex dodged his attack, then knee'd him underneath his chin and sent him flying to the clouds with just one attack.

Everyone's eyes popped out. A teenaager managed to sent a giant with a single kick so high? That was unbelievable.

Even those outside of the arena saw a huge figure getting launched up high, just like Team Rocket always blasts off.

Alex yawned. He was by far the weakest man he has fought in this world.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" The same man came back and was about to crash down on Alex.

But, Alex raised his right hand and caught him on his back. The sudden impact on his back caused his spine to break in 2. And yet, he was still alive, but barely.

Alex launched his body to the ground.

"I didn't kill him, but he will never walk again." Alex left the scene with his pillow on hand.

Everyone couldn't believe it. They thought that Alex was weak, but he did something so terrifying and merciless.

Luffy was shocked at first, but he just laughed it out.

"Hey, Grandpa, who is that kid?" Sai, one of Chinjao's grandsons asked.

"Don't know."

"Will the fighters of block A make their way to the front gate." A voice of a woman resonated throughout the room.

"Oh, that's me." Alex quickly ran to the place where the fighting will be held at. He somehow got into block A.

There was not a lot of strong fighters worth mentioning there. The only one worth even mentioning was Jesus Burgess.

Upon entering, he got weird stares from everyone in the tournament. He was by far the youngest fighter they had ever seen.

Of course, if they really knew what his age really is, they would be newborn babies compared to him.

"WHAT? WHAT IS A KID DOING HERE?!" The announcer named Gatz, said out loud.

The spectators started to talk amongst themselves. How could anyone let a kid be in such a fierce tournament?

The toy and Franky looked at Alex, shaking their heads. In their minds, Alex stood no chance at winning.

The fighters all looked at him with smiles. Since he was a kid, he was gonna be easy to kill, right?

They couldn't be more wrong… they weren't there when Alex broke the giant's spine in half.

The members of the Donquixote looked at each other. Maybe they should have put an age restriction to prevent their reputation getting ruined. But, it was too late now.

Gatz looked at one of the Donquixote members and talked to him in private. Afterward, he said. "It looks like everyone is here! Now as you can see, there are over 170 people fighting in this round alone.

Whoever dies or gets knocked off first is eliminated from the round. The last one standing shall be deemed the winner and will advance to the final round."

Alex already knew the rules. The Dressrosa Arc was probably his favourite arc, second being the Fishmen arc.

Gatz also mentioned that there were giant, man, eating, fish on the water surrounding the battle arena.

"LET THE FIRST ROUND OF THE TOURNAMENT BEGIN!" Gatz declared loudly, which was followed by cheering from the crowd and fighting from the battle arena.

Alex just stood there, doing nothing. No one wanted to even touch him, because he just wasn't worth their time fighting.

Alex didn't mind and just continued waiting. It's not like the fire fruit is going anywhere.

After 20 minutes, Jesus Burgess, who was wearing a mask, unleashed his power and knocked out everyone from the arena. The crowd cheered loudly for the masked man.


"Ahahaha!" Jesus Burgess laughed out loud. This was way too easy for him.

"Hold on! It looks like there is still one more left! It's the kid!" Gatz realized that Alex was the only one left aside from Jesus Burgess.

Alex just stood there with a blank expression.

Jesus turned to see Alex, and he was just smiling. He did not take Alex as a threat at all.

"Just because you're a kid doesn't mean I am going to go easy on you. But, I will show mercy to you if you'll jump off the stage, or I will kill you." He cracked his knuckles. He looked down at Alex.

Alex didn't say anything. He just looked at Jesus Burgess. He was in a deep thought.

"You asked for it!" Jesus punched Alex in the face launching him back. He didn't even hold back.


Jesus continued to wave his hands and laugh. But then, he heard a voice behind him.

"Is that the strength of the Blackbeard crew?" Alex stood up with a blank expression.

Jesus turned around in shock. His punch was strong that it could break even bones, so how is that kid still walking?

"How incredibly disappointing." Alex returned the favour by punching him in the face, therefore removing his mask.

Jesus Burgess rolled several times before coming to a complete stop.


The people were shocked, but then started to cheer for Burgess. Blackbeard was now one of the most famous people in the world, and that also made Burgess famous, people started cheering for him.

Jesus Burgess stood up and spat out several of his teeth that Alex knocked out. Just as he thought this fight was too easy, Alex appeared.

"Now you will die!" With an angry roar, he once again charged at Alex with full intent to kill him.

Alex grabbed his hand and flung him to the ground. Alex then punched his chest and stomped on his body pushing him deep into the ground.

Burgess spat out huge amounts of blood.

The crowd had their eyes pop out of their sockets from the pure shock.


Alex stood on top of Jesus Burgess he was applying force on his chest area.

"Tell me, what would happen if I were to kill a member of the Blackbeard pirates? Would Blackbeared himself come for me?" Asked Alex as he applied more pressure on his chest.

"You bastard! We won't let you get away with this!"

"I'll take that as a yes. You know, with enough pressure your bones will break, then your heart will get crushed, then you will die."

Finally, Alex put a lot of pressure on Burgess's chest that his heart shattered and died.

Everyone was now shocked. A member… of the Blackbeard pirates just died in front of their very eyes.

Even Luffy couldn't believe it.

"HE- HE- HE- THE CRIMSON FUCKR IS THE WINNER!" Gatz announced. The whole crowd started to cheer.

Alex walked out of the stage. He didn't even need to bother using 1% of his power. The rest of the fighters looked at him with fear. Alex just killed a member of the Blackbeard pirates despite knowing the consequences.

On the spectators seat, was a certain admiral watching the entire battle. It was none other than Fujitora.

He left the seat and walked out of the coliseum.

"Sir, should we take into account the number of criminals in the competition?"

"No. I want everyone to evacuate the colosseum… no, get every single citizen to evacuate the island." Fujitora started sweating bullets.

"Every citizen, sir?" A marine asked to be sure.

"There is a man here that is too powerful. He can destroy this entire island as if it were nothing."

"But, sir, there isn't anyone like that here. Not even Doflamingo can sink an entire island."

"I know, the one who I am talking about is 'Alexander Anderson' call everyone here and tell them to help evacuate the citizens first!"

"Yes, sir!"

Fujitora then started to make some calls. He recognized Alexander Anderson because he had the same aura as the twins he met not too long ago.

And also, Alex's aura was way more powerful and purer than the twins' so there was no mistaken in, that kid was none other than Alexander Anderson.

After making several calls, he started to march to Greenbit island, where Doflamingo and Law were.

Alex just smiled. This was going well according to his plan. Although he doesn't know that his identity was seen through by an admiral.

Once he entered the building, he saw Luffy being chased by Cavendish and Don Chinjao. Alex smiled, this is the reason One Piece is his favourite anime.

He could just take the fire fruit now and move on, but he had a plan, a plan that he must execute at all costs. If this plan of his succeeds, he will earn more than 100,000,000 SP. The rewards for accomplishing this plan of his are way too high to ignore.

Alex just watched the other fights from the window.

Block B finished, Bartolomeo won. Alex was not sure what he felt about Bartolomeo, but since he was a funny guy, he is going to let him live.

"Say, you're pretty strong." A feminime voice sounded behind Alex.

Alex turned, and it was none other than Rebecca. The woman Gladiator, the Granddaughter of king Riku and the daughter of Gyros.

Since this was Alex's favourite arc, he remembered her character well. Her backstory is tragic, but who doesn't have a tragic backstory these days?

"Rebecca." Said Alex.

"You know me?"

"The better question is who doesn't?" According to the series, her character was quite hated among the people for what the people think her Grandpa did to them 10 years ago.

Rebecca frowned. Sometimes she forgets just how badly she gets treated.

"You need something?"

"No. I just wanted to meet you, that's it." Rebecca started to walk away but Alex said. "You entered this competition to kill Doflamingo, right?"

Rebecca stopped. She looked at Alex in shock. How did he know that?

"If you think you can kill Doflamingo after winning the Fire fruit, then you're wrong."

"How did you know that?"

"I just do. But, you cannot win against someone like Doflamingo."

"Why do you say that? With enough power I can kill him!" Somehow Alex touched her sore spot.

"I'm not saying you're weak, you're indeed very powerful, but you're still at the bottom of the food chain compared to someone like Doflamingo, or in his family."

Rebecca wanted to refute, but he was right.

"But, winning the fire fruit is my best shot at taking him down!"

"Tell me, do you think Doflamingo is stupid enough to hand over such a strong and rare devil fruit like that? Wouldn't it make more sense to have someone he trusts to eat that fruit instead of handing it over to a possible enemy?"

Rebecca shuttered. He was right. How did she not see this?

"And let's just say that by some miracle you do manage to take down Doflamingo, what then? I can tell you that there are worse people than Doflamingo. Like that Madara Uchiha guy, the Yonko, the Celestial Dragons and that Anderson guy whom everyone is talking about."

Alex was referring to himself. He has killed way more people than Doflamingo. Like the time he sunk an entire Continent, or killed innocent ninjas, or let an evil demoness take over the entire world, or killed a giant elephant who had an entire tribe on it's back. And there was much more to mention.

Some of these weren't on purpose, but others were on purpose. Either way he doesn't care.

Rebecca could not find the words to refute what he just said. Even if she were to take down Doflamingo, another one will appear, then another and so on.

"If I don't do something, Doflamingo will just get away with all he has done. Everyone in this village doesn't know what kind of terrible man he really is!" Rebecca started crying tears, she cries easily.

"You're right, he is an asshole who deserves to die. But, I can tell you that Doflamingo's reign of terror will soon come to an end."

"Wh-what? Are you saying you're gonna kill him?" Rebecca asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. I do what I want. If I want to kill him, then I will." Alex then started to walk away, before Rebecca reached to grab his arm.

"Wait. Let me help you take down Doflamingo."

Alex smirked. He doesn't need her help at all. If it were not because he was plotting something to gain a huge amount of SP he would have already killed Doflamingo long ago.

But, seeing her determined will to take down Doflamingo, Alex couldn't help but feel pity for her. She reminds him of him when he wanted to kill his parents. Ah, such good memories indeed.

"Why would you trust a stranger you just met? Didn't you just see me brutally murder someone in front of hundreds of people?"

"Yes, but anyone who wants to kill him is my ally as well."

"Do whatever you want. But, remember this, Rebecca, there are worse things than Doflamingo. Don't be surprised if you see something like that." He said in a threatening tone.

"Okay. Just, let me buy you dinner." Rebecca said.

"Why?" Alex was about to yank his hair out. Did she not get the threat?

"We can't fight on an empty stomach. Now come." Rebecca the pulled Alex to the nearest food station. She thought he was mentioning people like Lao G, Blackbeard, and didn't think he was mentioning himself.

'I do not remember her being like this…'


Linlin and Lili stopped in their tracks while in mid-air.

"Sis, why do I feel that Saviour is being taken from us?" Lili asked. They had been the only girls in Alexander's life that had ever given him dinner, but they felt that Rebecca was a threat, even though they don't know who Rebecca is.

A girl's natural instinct is scary indeed.

"I felt that too. Should we go to him and protect him?"

"Maybe we should. But right after we destroy the Celestial Dragons."

"Sure." And just like that, they started to fly to the holy land of Mariejois where those bastards reside.

The reason they are taken so long is because they had to find the location for it first, otherwise they would be flying around blindly on the sea.

As for Madara, he was on a small boat, with two kids just rowing to the holy land of Mairejois.

What are the odds they were going to the same place, for the same purpose, at the exact same time.

-Back with Alex.

Alex tried to push her away, but she either didn't want to or didn't get the message. It was too much of a pain to push her away after such a long attempt.

Just like she promised, Rebecca bought him food after spending her entire savings on him leaving nothing for herself.

This time she did not try to assassinate him, as she had done to Luffy in the original series.

Alex took it as a kind gesture by heart and ate the food, which was very good.

Luffy had won the block C match easily. There was a 15 minute wait because he destroyed the ring.

Rebecca was nervous. She knew her strength well but those people she was gonna fight were monsters.

Alex noticed she was shaking. He was not one to help everyone he meets, but because she bought him food, he will help her this once.

He wanted to help her out of pity, but didn't know how. She wins the D block round. And she didn't have much flaws in her fighting style.

'Whatever. I will repay her later when the time is right.'

"Well then, i'm off." Her round was about to start soon, so she had to get to the arena.



"Be careful of that Cavendish guy." He knew what was about to happen, so maybe Rebecca might win with less injuries if she took his advice.

Rebecca did not know what he meant by that, but she will take his words by heart.

"Hm." She nodded then ran away. After she left Alex's sights, he was finally alone.

"Now, how is everyone doing?" Alex extended his senses to the edge of the island.

Usopp and Robin were with the small people.

Trafalgar Law was getting raped by Doflamingo and Fujitora.

Sanji, Nami, Chopper and the Samurai kid barely got away from Doflamingo's grasp.

And the rest were doing exactly what they did in the original series.

However, extending his senses a bit further away from the island, which he can do now that he perfected haki.

He sensed varies powerful people coming to this island. They were all marines. The ships they brought was no more than 50 and all of them were Warships.

Alex frowned. If those marines get here then his plans would fail. He cannot let that happen.

He cut a piece of the wall and escaped from the coliseum. If he can make it back in time before the final round then he can still accomplish his plan.

The one who was leading those 50 Warships was none other than Admiral Kizaru.

"Fujitora sounded pretty worried. Is this Alexander guy really that strong?" Kizaru asked.

"To be fair, his crewmate killed Kaido and the fleet Admiral. And also, he seems to have taken down Big Mom not too long ago." One of the Vice Admirals said.

"Hm, yes, you're right. Oh?" Kizaru was surprised that there was a kid floating on the air in front of them.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Alex asked.

"Kid, run along, this island is dangerous-"

"Admiral Fujitora send you? Damn! How did he figure out my disguise so easily?" Alex wondered. He was sure that no one would be able to see through his disguise.

Alex had already peeked into their minds and that was how he knows why they were here.

"Your disguise? Are you Alexander Anderson?" Kizaru asked. His guard was up.

"In the flesh. But, I cannot let any of you get to Dressrosa that easily." Alex made a series of hand movements. A strong gust of wind was produced from his hand and all 50 Warships were pushed back.

"What the hell? He can create winds?" A vice admiral said in shock. They knew that Madara could produce water, but the leader can create winds. Do all the members of the Ten Commandments bend the elements?

Kizaru used his speed to kick Alex. But, Alex easily blocked his attack.

"Too slow." he grabbed ahold of his leg and dragged him to the bottom of the ocean.

"That fool. Doesn't he know that devil fruit users are weak to water!"

Even if Alex could create winds, he would be weakened by the water and they would be able to restrain him using seastone cuffs.

But, moments later a figure emerged from the ocean with a soul in his hand and a devil fruit in the other.

"Kizaru's soul is not worth much, but his devil fruit goes very well with Linlin's speed." He ate his soul and stuffed the devil fruit in his storage.

'But, now I will need to get a devil fruit for Lili so she doesn't feel left out.' He thought.

The marines were shocked. How is he able to fly? And more importantly, what happened to Kizaru?

Alex was not a devil fruit user. Even if he was, he would be able to get rid of those weaknesses devil fruit users have.

"I just got this ability, so don't blame me for being harsh." Alex once again made weird movements, but the water then started to move itself.

The ships were being sunk deep under the ocean. The marines did not have time to react before their ship was engulfed in the ocean along with them.

Alex drowned the entire 50 Warships in one fell swoop. Maybe being able to bend the 4 elements is a little too unfair. But it was so fun.

He did not want unnecessary trouble in this island. Not until he accomplishes what he wanted to do. After collecting their souls and making sure that all the evidence was erased, he relaxed.

"Hopefully I am not too late for the tournament." Alex flew back as if nothing had happened.

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