Dylan POV (DREAM)😠😡
"Dylan where are you going?" The voices sound so lustrous. *I look down to see a girls having straight, curly, long, short, red, blonde, black, and brown hair with all different colored eyes. All of them trying to grab my leg and panting so sexy like a cute puppy*. Their faces are too sexy for me to handle. "Even if this is a dream this girls cant be doing this.....wrong!" After saying that for them to get the hint to leave me alone, the girls remain the same like I've been saying a different language. *I look around to see nothing but white clouds everywhere on my feet but I dont feel the floor. The feeling is like I'm falling but I'm not, I'm somewhat flying but I cant move. I look up to see nothing but dark, pitch black clouds. "What the hell!"
Mysterious voice😇😈
You call this hell, I though you would be happy. I know you have questions but this place is nothing." "I have seen what you have been doing lately the good and bad. The GOOD out weighs the bad even though you have been through so much. Your dad died in the Army, your mom is struggling with 3 jobs, your little sister cant be a kid anymore like the others her age now becoming depressed, and you yourself became the man of the house at the age of 14 always worrying about you responsibilities instead of the life you are suppose to have. Dont get me wrong, the bad I see in you is so much hate and jealousy of others having fun. You now start fights, skip classes and now smoking. I rarely give this gift to people but this GIFT will teach you to be a better person. The gift will start tommorow.
DYLAN POV😠😡 (Dream)
*The girls all get up and stand up counting almost 30 or more. Their faces turn from playful and sexy to all serious. Their faces gave me chills. They quickly make a straight line like what I've seen solders do.* "This doesn't look good." *I quickly turn my head trying to make a run for it. My legs are stiff my head is now slowly turning me towards the girls.* *1st girl steps up and slaps me hard.* "Ouch!!" *2nd girl steps up and slaps me harder* "I cant take it anymore." My face is too heavy it hurts I want to sleep. *I close my eyes.*
This is the chance to know the character DYLAN backstory.
Dylan is a no body at school for his family structure changed when his dad died in the Army. Dylan became a highschool delinquent starting fights for his temper, skipping classes for something, and picked up the habit to start smoking and drinking. The mom is never paying attention to the kids for her jobs to support them. The little sister matured and because of her dad she became depressed
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