53.92% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 110: Chapter 108: Giving Favors, Confessions, and Breasts, Part 2 (Kalline and Erizora)

章節 110: Chapter 108: Giving Favors, Confessions, and Breasts, Part 2 (Kalline and Erizora)

[Author's Pre-Chapter Note: Sorry for taking so long getting this chapter out and kind of rushing it to the end. I didn't want to dwell on this any longer so I could move on to the main story. Honestly, writing sex here can be difficult at times. It was especially complicated here, trying to think about what it would be like doing it with a Centaur.

[If you aren't freaky enough to have this as your cup of tea (as well as the developing S&M with Erizora), then I'd say the point where things heat up with Kalline may be a good stopping point for the chapter. Aside from the serious moment with Erizora after that, there really isn't much development from that point.

[Since I'll be focusing getting back to the main story, I'll try to update on a weekly basis. Until then, please enjoy the chapter.]

Ever since Sue and I started our fondling/blowjob session, Erizora, Kalline, and Mametama have been sitting on the floor at the foot's side of the bed, seeing an exposed pair with the oppai loli at the same level as the man's dick in front of them. They look to be in a daze before realizing Sue called out to them.

"I-I am so sorry! I did not mean to … I will just step out for a while!"

"While looking like that, Kalline?" Mametama points out calmly, stopping Kalline just as she was about to stand up.

"Though, if you're looking to get disgusted, distasteful looks from the other patrons and innkeepers, all while in a hot and bothered state and dripping for some shameful action, I can sympathize with those feelings," Erizora comments with arms crossed and nodding with eyes closed.

"I am not hot and bothered!"

"I may not have Ren's nose but I can practically smell your arousal from over here, and you're definitely dripping right now."

"Being a magical beast myself, I can confirm with Erizora's statement."


I noticed nothing as my attention was on Sue up to now. Since Erizora and Mametama pointed it out, I could smell a different scent in the air from my enhanced olfactory senses. From Erizora mentioning other patrons, I realize then that I forgot to put up the [Soundproof] spell and others outside of the room might hear us. I quickly chant [Soundproof] to fix that and make a mental note to [Clean] everything in the room and not give housekeeping more work to deal with later.

"… I am so sorry for thee to see me in such a state, Master Jinma," Kalline apologizes while drooping. "If getting humiliated after thou orders me to leave the room is my punishment for disgraceful behavior, so be it."

"I-I will accept the punishment as well!" Erizora exclaims while shooting her hand straight up, though she looks more excited for her 'punishment' than desperate to save her companion.

"Calm down," I say firmly while sitting back down on the bed's edge. "Neither of you did anything wrong so you won't get punished for it. There's that, and I forbid you two to show yourselves wearing that lingerie to anyone else but myself and the companions in our party. The same goes for stepping out in the nude without me there. Public baths are the exception depending on circumstances, however. This is a rule all girls in my harem must follow at all costs, understand?"

""Yes, Master/Milord!"" Erizora and Mametama (for whatever reason) respond dutifully.

"W-Wait, this 'rule' is for all the girls in thy harem, yes? B-But am I not …?" Kalline trails off.

Sue sighs and rubs the cum off her face while standing back up. "You denied this over dinner, too, and this is getting painful to watch. Jinma, be honest here. What do you think of Kalline?" she asks while turning to me, arms resting under her breasts too large for her small frame.

I don't know if it's the afterglow that's making me this relaxed but I knew where Sue's going, and I think it's about time I be honest with myself, too.

"… Kalline, despite my lingering concerns, when it comes right to it, I am interested in learning more and getting closer to you … as a woman. I see you more than a woman I want to know more of than a servant, knight, or whatever you see yourself as."

"H-Huh?!" Kalline yelps in a fluster while getting red.

"You're devout, intelligent and creative in your battle tactics, passionate about your job as an adventurer, have a powerful drive to achieve goals, and great courage. I really respect that, and I find them charming on you as a woman, along with the cuter sides of how you present yourself. I may not be a 'stallion' like the other Centaurs, but I'd be happy if you see and want to know more of me as one of the opposite sex."

"… If I may ask, what art these 'lingering concerns' thou possess?" Kalline asks.

"Well, being able to satisfy you as a woman, for one. Putting race aside, our bodies are so different, and I might not … be big enough to please you, if you know what I mean."

"O-Oh." Kalline looked down toward my half-erect cock for a moment, then realize where she's looking before quickly averting her gaze with blushing cheeks.

"I have heard the Centaurs' genitals resemble horses, and from thinking back in my experience as a slave, it's on point, especially Kalline's when I helped her clean herself and braided her tail for tonight, but it's kind of pretty," Erizora describes.

"I heard some Centaur mares prefer smaller penis sizes," Sue adds while looking over to me. "Some have even said a stallion's dick was just too intimidating looking, and they'd rather not describe how their first 'experience' went."

"… From what I had been told from my few Centaur female acquaintances in Dondegarm, even as an experienced adventurer, I admit the thought of a male from the same race making such advances still frightens me," Kalline says while averting her gaze. "I have heard and read how such moments between human couples was a beautiful thing, something that both of them enjoyed. Then there were the few books I read involving human-Centaur relationships where the … fornication, was like those from fully human couples. It might have been a dream, but 'twas the bond I had longed for from my significant other, be he Centaur or human."

"And what do you think of me?" I ask, slightly on edge.

"After thou saved my life that night, I gained a high admiration and respect for thee. Whilst serving under thee to repay my debt, I too wished to learn more of thee as an individual. Thou seem to keep getting more incredible in my eyes the more I watch thee from the side. Then there was when thou stood up for me to confront my uncle …"

Kalline then slowly approaches me, her hoof steps small and light despite her size, perhaps out of shyness as she lowers herself slightly to my level. The blush in her face while having difficulty maintaining eye contact seems to show as much, too. "Not even the stronger and more experienced stallions would even dare rub him the wrong way, as if risking their lives fighting a monster was better than to challenge him. Master Jinma, if it were not for thee doing what they could not, I do not think I would have near the amount of courage I have that thou like of me, especially now as I say these words …"

She takes one of my hands in both of hers, the firm yet soft delicacy of the fingers that contrasts her knightly character never ceases to surprise me, but I can still see the passionate fire that burns in her hazel horse-like eyes as she stares into mine.

"Master Jinma, I want thee, and only thee … to make me a woman. Wouldst thou doth me that honor and let me join in thy harem?"

"… I think it's safe to say that you've been a part of it a long time ago."

With that, I hold Kalline's chin and start my assault with a soft, yet passionate kiss.

"Mmh!" Though surprised at first, Kalline quickly welcomed the gesture as she sighs through her nose, breathing out most of the concerns and worries lingering inside her. She returns the kiss in kind, noises of our lips smacking become more apparent. I must have kissed with the others enough to know that this is Kalline's very first from how clumsy she is, but her happiness and excitement are apparent, and her lips are more pleasing to the touch than I thought from their soft and smooth texture. I wonder if she used lip gloss of some sort beforehand, if that even exists in this world.

We only break away for a moment to catch some air before getting right back into it with Kalline getting more aggressive. It didn't take long before she has the bed creaking and groaning with agony from the additional weight as the front half of her horse body has me completely pinned. I had heard that horses' regular body temperature is higher than humans. I guess that applies to the Centaurs in this world as I'm mostly enveloped by the impressive heat Kalline's upper half emits through her lingerie while it rubs against my bare skin. My cock was already getting back up for another round once we started our make out. Now it's fully erect and getting squeezed in a sandwich between us.

Kalline, whether she was getting eager or got too hot for her own good, broke away from the kiss and practically ripped the part of the lingerie that covered her human torso. She's now halfway free from her fabric prison as the womanly curves of her human half bares itself to me. I only saw glimpses of it a few times at the baths we shared as a party, but it's the first time I've ever seen a woman's body so flushed with heat.

The view was short-lived as Kalline went right back on the offensive of her kissing onslaught. Now hotter and more intimate than ever with her bare skin touching my own, her smooth and firm breasts—though not as big as Ume's or even Sue's, they were still impressive—press against my chest as she sidles me. She's barely mindful of how the front legs of her horse lower body curl underneath her, getting as physically close to me as possible, before reaching to my throbbing erection while kissing me passionately.

Her skills in handling a sword and spear must be at play here. Her handjob, while it's a complete first for me, I realize how the 'handiwork' from my jerk-offs pales compared to hers in performance as I experience the incredible sensation of a woman's delicate, soft, and dexterous fingers on my hot cock. It's an even bigger surprise knowing how long Kalline had been using weapons, I half-expected some spots of callouses revealed from her palm or fingers. Whatever she did to make her hands maintain that baby-smooth texture, her gripping and twisting techniques on my own 'spear' are practically melting me from the treatment.

And that's just without lotion or lubricant … well, at this point I was already leaking with pre-cum again to remove that concern. Still, just think how out of the world the experience would be if I used one or the other.

"Good for you, Kalline."

"About damn time, really."

"… Hmm, if that comes to pass, I may be at a standstill after seeing a lone hand's capabilities."

Erizora, Sue, and Mametama make their subdued comments in the peanut gallery, but I barely registered it as Kalline was occupying my mind.

"Master Jinma … dost this please thee?" Kalline wheezes between kisses.

"It's incredible, Kalline. Your hands are so good, I'm already getting close to cumming again—"



Out of sheer desperation, Kalline violently grips on my erection like her life depended on it. I felt sympathy for her weapons if she ever gripped them this hard out of fright. Truthfully, I could go longer without cumming thanks to the Ejaculation Control skill, but I definitely felt the desire to cum rising, and I wanted to express to her how true that was. Her vice grip on my cock put all of that tension to a screeching halt, though.

"I-I am so sorry! Was that too much?!" Kalline exclaimed in panic.

I'm surprised that it didn't hurt as much as I thought, being the sensitive part of my body that it is. The tightness was there, but I wasn't in such agonizing pain to scream it out, far from it. It was a weird contrast of emotions, and for a moment, I was starting to understand where Erizora was coming from with her masochistic tendencies.

{Could it be my high defenses at work?}

<"I don't know, but now I want to step on your dick and see if what I just sensed wasn't my imagination,"> Nyra comments, albeit mischievously.

I quickly decide to not dwell on those feelings any further.

"I'm fine, Kalline. More importantly, what was up with that death grip? Something a matter?" I ask her.

"W-Well, it is just, if thou were to … cum, so soon, I wouldst rather thou do it … inside …"

A part of me wanted to tease her by clarifying that, but since this was her first time and she's doing it with someone so different from her, I could understand how anxious she is even without Nyra telling me with her mood-reading expertise. Being the serious one she is here, especially under these circumstances, I need to treat this the same way, especially for what I was about to face.

We take a moment to get off the bed and the girls help with undressing the rest of Kalline's lingerie, leaving both her human top-half and horse lower-half as bare as nature intended. Despite how nervous and embarrassed she is, there's a sort of majesty to her appearance, perhaps it's because of the glossy shine from the horse body's coat.

Kalline rests her naked human torso on the bed while her horse body stays standing on the floor, stepping awkwardly in place, while I stand behind her with my body just as bare, slightly breaking into sweat. The other girls are sitting on cushions as they wait for me to start my move. Erizora commented how my dick has gotten much bigger than she last saw it, which lead to the three of them whispering more about it.

A memory to the time I was at a zoo with Hyo-Chan when I was a kid rises in my mind. There was an area where people could ride a horse for one lap or two around a track with a zoo keeper guiding the animal along. At the time we were there, it looked like there was a newbie getting taught by their senpai how to manage and take care of the horses. The newbie made a mistake of standing right behind the horse and somehow agitated it enough to give him a good buck in the stomach. Hyo-chan and I saw it all just after Mom who was with us asked if either of us wanted to ride it. The both of us furiously shook our heads in response, me especially. It was later that day I learned how bad I was with animals, especially the larger ones. I won't go into detail now, but I will say it left a fair bit of trauma (though it wasn't even close to my severe phobia of heights) that lead me wanting to get myself strong enough to defend myself against such large adversaries.

One reason I was fine with all the animal-based demons in this world so far was because a part of their anatomies resembled humans and they looked to have a more predictable way of moving about because of their higher intellect, compared to regular animals that are more the opposite.

I had to remind myself a couple times that I wasn't standing behind a horse, but Kalline; that I would not get attacked like that newbie zookeeper if I'm as gentle to her as I have with the other girls (I may have a cheat ability that raises my defenses, but it was more out of insurance for my safety and I'd rather not be on the receiving end of attacks if I can); that I was about to put my dick in Kalline's pussy and not … well, you get the idea.

"I'm going to move your tail aside," I announce. I see Kalline nodding her head in confirmation and I make my move, taking the braided dark brunette tail by the base and shift it to the side.

As if parting a curtain and walking into a room, I'm suddenly blasted by a peculiar scent, a little sour with a touch of unique sweetness, my sense of smell heightened by the Werewolf's nose ability tells me that much at least. It's then I see a large, puffy, leathery-black vulva parted and blooming like a flower, revealing the brilliant pink insides of the vagina while clear fluids leak out, trailing down over a pea-sized bump. Having it all between a pair of large brown flanks makes this sight more surreal.

The anxiety I was feeling moments ago washes away, replaced with wonder and astonishment along with this mixture of sight and smell. I didn't realize I had gone limp from the nervousness as I feel my cock rising once more.

It is then that I would never look at a horse's butt the same way ever again.

"Wow … it really is kind of pretty."

"Please do not stare at it too much," Kalline practically begs to me. Her tail twitches in my hand, maybe it was out of embarrassment?

"Right, uh, I'm going to apply the contraceptive lube now. It will get pretty warm."

Once I found out where the right hole was, I cast [Contraception] and allow my free hand get covered by a thin coat of lube. I take one finger to start off and slowly push it into Kalline's horse pussy hole. It's almost like I stuck my finger in a heated sauna from how hot it felt, and now it's gripping and sucking me in with vigor. I let that force apply some lube for me before slipping in my second finger. I slowly twist them around to spread a good coat on her insides. Her entire ass shudders from my actions while her own juices leak out.

"Wow, you're really tight in here, Kalline. How are you feeling?"

"I-I'b never … felt so hot before," she muddled. "I can barely stand. Master Jinma, please, pick things up quickly."

"Okay, I think you're wet enough, now just a quick touch and slather … all right, I'm lubed up, too." With our genitals ready to go, I set the flared head of my hard cock against her soaking hot pussy. "I'm going to push it inside now. Try to relax, okay?"

"Okay …"

With a little push, my head pops right in, getting a squeal from Kalline before I feel the powerful grip of her steamy insides. I push myself further, easing into it, her pussy welcomes me, but has a difficult time pulling my cock inside while taking it all in. I can feel my cock getting overwhelmed by the heat and throbbing even harder in response, slightly swelling more to fill up her cunt and mold it into its shape. It's amazing as this was even hotter than after I applied the magic lube on my cock and balls. I keep myself from ejaculating, but the pressure around my dick is practically bringing me agony as I'm staggering at my peak. Kalline's loud, rising cries of pleasure has me looking at her Climax Gauge until then on accident to see that she was already close to coming, too.

For the both of us experiencing this unique pleasure for the first time in our lives, the mere act of penetration was enough for us to get to the climax. I look down and see I'm almost all the way in. I only need one last push.

"Kalline, I can't hold it in any longer! I'm gonna go for it the rest of the way!"

"Wait! I am not—"

With one last push, not only is my cock swallowed whole, I feel the head stopping at a wall of sorts, no, a smaller entrance? My tip just pushes past that hole while I feel something slightly rough above it. I felt this experience once or twice before. I was certain this was her g-spot.

Regardless, that push was enough for the both of us to go over the edge, Kalline cries at an even higher and more powerful pitch than her war cry in battle, the reacting insides gripping my cock were almost enough to rip it off, it swells up and releases its second ejaculation for the night. I couldn't even keep myself from grunting loud enough that one might mistake me from getting a powerful kick in the gut. Shot after shot, I pump my baby batter through the small hole the tip was peeking out. I'm certain my seed is heading straight to Kalline's womb. The build-up this time was even bigger than the last as I feel how much Kalline's hot honeypot gets quickly filled with my cum.

I get some notice screens scrolling down my vision, but I don't pay those much attention as the last of my load shoots out and I calm down from my high. I pull myself out just as Kalline comes down from hers. She slumps her horse body to the floor, my thick cum drips out from her pussy. Her human half slumps on the bed and she heaves breaths, all while drenched in sweat.

"Are you doing all right there?" I ask after I came to her side.

"I am fine … please forgive me for losing it so fast."

"Hey, you did great, and I thought your cunt was amazing, unlike anything I have ever experienced yet. What about you?"

"I thought thou were big for a human when I felt it with my hand, but I could not imagine … that we would be compatible enough to fill each other so well."

"Right? I was surprised, too."

"I could still feel thy cum inside me … it may be the lube, but I did not think I would feel so much warmer than usual."

"You wanna get filled up some more? I've still got plenty of energy … my cock's still very erect after pulling out." Unlike the previous times when it would go flaccid and I'd need to get it back up again after a few minutes, my cock is still just as strong as it went inside before the ejaculation. I may have received a new skill from that list of notices that lets me stay erect longer, even after my climax. I would have to look at them later.

Kalline giggles. "I need a breather before I can continue, and I am sure Erizora is dying to get a piece of the action now. Thou can humor her for some time and I will get back to thee if I can go again."

"Sounds good. Love ya, Kalline."

"And I, thee."

We then have a savoring kiss before I move on to the third and last of my girls in waiting, Erizora, who was making a mess on her cushion after she's been masturbating from who knows how long. Erizora's hands were coordinating around the lingerie to play on her pussy and one of her ginormous tits as I approach her. Sue was doing the same at her own seat with only stockings on her legs while Mametama followed her gaze at my bouncing, hard cock like a house cat with a toy.

From Erizora's blissful state and what I know of her so far, I switch gears and let a little of my sadistic self to come out and play. "Having fun there, Erizora?" I ask.


"Glad to hear … but I don't think I ever gave you permission to do that."

From my wording, Erizora's slap from reality sobered her up before she breaks into a cold sweat.

"You've been a little too relaxed in my party lately, Erizora. Pleasuring yourself without your owner's dick in a hole isn't how a sex toy like yourself should behave, is it? You're a disgrace to all the real sex toys I should give my time to properly. What do you have to say for yourself?"

<"Niiice~, I'm liking where this is going. Keep up the pressure,"> Nyra urges.

"I-I am so sorry, Master!" Erizora then goes straight to dogeza. "Your glorious cock seems to have grown far more extravagant than I remembered and I wanted it inside me so badly, I just couldn't help myself! Please forgive me for being a selfish, broken sex toy of a slave!"

I squat down, grip Erizora's hair, and pull her face up, revealing her expression to be flushed while trying not to smile, especially when her eyes locked on my dick right in front of her.

"You don't seem to be sorry in the slightest, and it's not just this case that has me questioning your loyalty as a slave."

"W-What else have I done wrong to you, Master?"

"Why you didn't tell me you had the [Shrink] null spell, for starters." That's been on my mind since I first saw it in action against those monsters on the way here. I figure this would be a good opportunity to bring it up.

"I-I was … embarrassed to have such a useless null spell, that it wouldn't serve you well for a great purpose. I thought it wasn't worth mentioning."

"But you just proved earlier today that [Shrink] can be a valuable null spell to have, didn't you? And there are many other things you can use it for." I then shove my erect cock right against her face. "Are you saying you haven't thought of shrinking yourself down to a size that can please this 'glorious cock?' To praise and offer prayer to this powerful dick like it truly deserves as it stands and looks down to you from above, granting you generous amounts of its potent, sure to impregnate seed as it rains down and coats every fiber of your being to show its favor?"

"I didn't even think of that! Master, are you a god?!"

<"From the recently gained skills I'm reading, you might as well be second to Goddess Obina's level of grandeur,"> Nyra comments.

"We'll go over whatever other skills and spells you foolishly thought are 'worthless' another time," I continue. "There is one other matter that needs mentioning. How are your tits after that battle with the monsters on the road earlier?"

"Oh, there's no need to worry about that, Master! Though I'm half human, my tits are as strong as an Ogre's should be!" As if to prove it, Erizora quickly takes off the dress of her lingerie with only her drenched panties remaining on her person. Her gigantic L cup-sized tits are open and bare in front of me, pea-sized nipples are erect and hard from arousal, and the large reddish-pink areolas surrounding them are in tip-top shape. Like the rest of her hard and muscular Ogre exterior, Erizora's bigger-than-bowling-ball-sized breasts exudes just as much power with their perkiness. How she pounds them with her fist and arm, left without even a hint of a bruise, emphasizes their strength further.

Even if they were injured, Ume and I have healing magic at high levels of mastery to heal those chest puppies back into good form, but …

"That won't do, Erizora," I say while furrowing my brow.

"Huh?" she responds.

"I may not know how you or others using the Body Slam skill walk away after such an impact, but you shouldn't recklessly attack and put yourself in greater risk of injury. What would we do if you couldn't get back up? Slave or not, you're a valuable member of our party, of my harem. If something terrible happened to you, I would be crushed. We may watch each other's backs for any attacks, but we are each responsible for the health of our own bodies, and we need to stay healthy whenever we can."

"… You're right. It would be shameful to have my master worry for me over my mishaps." Realizing how serious I was for this to not be part of the S&M play, Erizora then bows her head. "I apologize for my carelessness, and I will be more aware of my actions as I take your words to heart, Master."

"That is all I want you to take from this. That, and …"

Slipping back into my sadistic self, I reach for Erizora's exposed nipples, pinch, and stretch them hard towards me, eliciting a surprised squeal of pain and ecstasy from her.

"Your shamelessly erotic tits, your smugly toned ass, and every other part of your disgustingly ripped body are all mine to abuse and enjoy at my amusement," I continue before giving both of her nipples a tight twist, making her squeal even further. "If I see or catch wind of you using those bombastic weapons of yours against our enemies, or if you so much as let them have their way with your body, expect me to abuse it all tenfold to override it after I kill those bastards, so you and everyone else remember whose filthy plaything of a sex toy you belong to. Do you understand, Ero-zora?"

"YEEEEEEEESH! I UNDERSHTAND COMPLETELYYYYYY~♥♥♥!" Erizora screams in ecstatic pain while drool escapes from her smiling lips.

"Now, get on your back so I can fuck that filthy breast-pussy of yours."

"Yeeesh, Mashteeer~♥♥♥!"

From there, I tried to be as rough with Erizora as I could bring while not causing her serious harm. I think applying generous amounts of the magic lube helped ease some load off, especially when I performed paizuri on her breasts. Despite their ridiculous size, my cock was long enough for the head to poke out of the other side. Being the faithful sex toy slave that Erizora was, she at one point worked her lubed-up tit magic on my dick while she suckled on the head. Compared to Ume's when she first tried it, one could see how much Erizora trained this form of foreplay for that very moment, and the way their breasts pressed together to sandwich my penis were also distinguishable from each other, both on the tits' textures and the pressure applied.

I gave her a good amount of my cum down the gullet when my time to come for the third time came around. I applied my Potent Semen skill for good measure, giving her a temporary addiction for my seed to have it inside her, no matter where it would be. I made her beg me for it like the hungry cum dumpster slut that she was (her words not mine).

And so I did. For the fourth load, I had her work for it as she rode me, bouncing and piercing herself with my cock in her now savagely wrecked cunt first (which I could also get balls-deep inside her, and with my increased length and girth combined with her tightness, it was like I took her virginity all over again). Having her looming me enough that I could bite into and suck one of her tits like a hungry calf for milk after seeing them shake from above was also a good show. Then, I ram my cock right up her ass for the fifth load, which was tighter even with the lube. I had her in doggy-style for that while I used her dangling udders as handgrips for support, but not before I gave her ass cheeks a good spank. I made sure I filled her insides to the brim with cum at both times. I hashed one insult after another like she wanted me to as her sadistic slave owner until she lied on the floor like an overused sex doll with the grossest looking ahegao face one could imagine.

After that, Kalline came back with enough energy for more, and so I obliged. Sixth was down her throat (after using [Clean] on my cock first, since it was previously in Erizora's ass). Then there was the seventh, eighth, and ninth that went into her blackish horse cunt once more, filling her womb to the brim with cum like I was her special breeding stallion. I was getting strangely fonder experiencing this new set of genitals with each climax as I molded her insides to remember every nook and cranny of the fat cock penetrating it, but I reminded myself that this was only possible with Kalline as my partner and not someone … or something else before I got any strange ideas.

Speaking of strange, the weirdest thing out of all was that when I wanted to keep things rolling, my dick was a champ and didn't go flaccid once after my first time with Kalline. I didn't even feel sore.

<"I'll tell you about it later. Just keep fucking your sluts until you or both of them go to sleep,"> was what Nyra responded when I asked her what was going on partway through. Degrading names aside, I was all for it as long as she told me sometime within the next morning.

With my record of nine climaxes so far, we were all exhausted and ended up sleeping on the floor with Kalline's body acting as our convenient heat pack with none of us realizing it. I lost track of when Mametama and Sue fell asleep, or when I got so tired enough to black out, but that was probably the most eventful sex night I had yet.

The only thing I knew was that I really needed to even it out with Ume, Ren, and Tyvera when they sleep with me the next night before our dungeon crawl.

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

Also for those on this site, this story has reached a million views! Holy crap! Thanks a lot for giving this a shot and making it this far! I'll try to continue providing great content and not drag things along!

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