52.94% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 108: Chapter 106: Discrimination, Secrets, and Lingerie

章節 108: Chapter 106: Discrimination, Secrets, and Lingerie

[Author's Pre-Chapter Note: Hello, everybody, I am BACK! It has been about 2 weeks since I moved into my new home and I'm still trying to get a bunch of official stuff taken care of while settling in and learning on my new job.

[Because of this as well as the approaching holidays, updates will still be slow, but I'll try to adjust to my new schedule while learning to manage my time as soon as I can so I can get back to regularly scheduled updates.

[Until then, please enjoy this latest chapter.]

After I made my decision and we head back to the inn with our fingers interlocked like the lovey-dovey newlyweds we are, I advised Ume through Telepathy to engage in conversation with her roommates for tonight if they seek her input on anything. As much as I want to learn more about the Demon King, even if Ume's research on that strange magic could help us with seeking that info, I'd rather she get along and get to know our party members, as part of my harem, as we'd be staying and living together while moving about. Once my business with the Demon King is finished, my next move would be to find a long-term base of operations, a.k.a. our new home for all of us to live together and have a place to come back to. That won't be until much later, though.

As we were walking, though, we noticed some demons giving vicious sneers and stink eyes our way. More of the guys, in particular, were directing them at me. I remember Ms. Carmen mentioning how some demons in Palocaesy aren't as friendly and accepting of letting humans into their territory as those in Dondegarm are. That seems to be holding water as I even overheard some passersby muttering discriminating things about me. The term 'Demongenerate' was even mentioned, and then words like degenerate, disgusting, and scum were aimed at not just me, but Ume as well. I guess they aren't for interracial relationships between humans and demons, either. I wonder if Lamias, Harpies and other all-female demon races relying on humans for procreation also deal with the same thing.

From how our hands were gripping each other tightly while still interlocked, neither of us need Telepathy to know that we want to cave their faces in, male and female alike, for speaking such mean things about our beloved.

Before one of us snapped, I directed us to the nearest alleyway and decided to cut our leisure walk short. I cast [Portal] to open a way right back into the inn's lobby. The noise filled with hate closed off behind us and is replaced by the silence of slow inactivity.

"Milord, Lady Umeiyon, I thought you were taking your time—" Mametama starts as she and Kenaka approach us before I hold up a hand to stop them.

"Can you give us a moment, please? [Soundproof]."

With a small bubble surrounding us, Ume starts off with her exploding vent of fury over what we had just experienced. She yells violent, gruesome threats that only a Dragon could pull off. I nod and sympathize with her feelings, and when she finally calms down, I remind her of how we can't cause too much trouble in cities, not only to not draw attention to ourselves but in a way that could harm us in the long-term. We can't initiate a fight in a public space and from the look of things, we can't really rely on eyewitness testimony to back us up, either. Even if we were the victims getting assaulted first and we fought to defend ourselves, I as well as Nyra could sense enough hostility in the public that they could possibly change the story to turn it against us.

The experience I gained with my rep as 'The Merciless Demon' back on Earth can back me up on how such a crazy outcome could be possible. The public, the entirety of society itself, can be a frightening opponent for anyone to take on if they don't have a shred of influence to go against the tide, especially if the people within such a thing are powerful demons that could overwhelm us within seconds. We haven't done anything for now, but if some of our actions were enough for the Demon King to change her mind about looking for me, we could be fighting a never-ending war of survival. Kisaki, as a fellow human, might have been involved with this as well, and despite that brawl earlier, she must be taking whatever measures necessary to keep herself from getting caught in the crossfire, which includes keeping her identity hidden from everyone around her, even Roll, her only other party member, and slave.

Realizing how bleak the situation was, we comforted ourselves with another embrace, taking in each other's warmth and calming scents to regain our senses of security. We said sweet nothings to one another, affirm our love, and promised that we won't let what anyone say get in the way of what we feel for each other as well as those in our group.

I asked Ume if she wanted to sleep with me anyway but she politely turned it down.

"We have to let others know about what happened while taking the chance to get closer. If this keeps up, we gotta have everybody be ready for the worst and support each other however we can."

Those were Ume's words and I couldn't agree with them more.

We decided to discuss what actions we should take over breakfast before heading out to discuss our dungeon crawl with Noire tomorrow. We also needed to find a time to discuss what we found from the Demon King's decree with the others while Sue was on her own.

With our plans set, we sealed it with a kiss before I deactivated the [Soundproof] spell.

"Is everything all right, Milord?"

"You two have been in that [Soundproof] spell for a good 5 minutes."

Mametama gives her question with a tone of concern before Kenaka points out how long we had been talking in the bubble. Considering how the rate of time in Raiza is vastly different from Earth's, 5 minutes was more of a good long while here than one may think.

"Yeah … we had to cut our walk short due to some stressful things happening on the way over. We'll go over them with you and the others in our rooms before we settle in for tonight," I answer for the both of us.

"Understood. I suppose this is it for now, Kenaka."

"Of course. Rest well, and be on your guard, Mametama."

"And I, to you."

<"Eeeh~? What's this~? Aren't you two usually at each other's throats~?"> Nyra asks in a teasing tone.

"Do not misunderstand. We were trying to go over battle strategies that match our fighting styles while getting caught up on what's been going on."

"Whatever nonsense you're thinking, we have no plans with each other besides mutual comrades on the field. You should know that better than anyone, Nyra."

Kenaka and Mametama give their respective claims to clear some kind of misunderstanding I'm not seeing.

<"I know~, I know~, I just can't let a chance for a good tease slide by.">

"Wait, what's going on here? Since when did you two have some sort of talk?" I ask.

"It's nothing for you to be concerned about, Milord. Right, Nyra?"

<"Of course~, of course~, nothin' at all~.">

That makes Ume and I even more confused as we tilt our heads to each other. Even Kenaka seems to not know what's going on, either. Since it seems like neither Mametama and Nyra are willing to talk further, we decide to drop it.

Ume and I bid each other goodnight with one last kiss before we split to our assigned rooms. Mametama walks alongside me while Kenaka does the same with Ume.

<"May I assume you'll be 'bonding' with your mates to vent whatever stresses you had before falling into slumber, Milord?"> Mametame asks through Telepathy. I feel like she worded it in a way that includes Kalline and Sue as well, even though they weren't officially my mates.

{… Does it bother you if I was sort of planning on it?}

<"We all need to find relief through some means, Milord. You are also a male, and I am a mature female. I will just stay out of your way while I keep watch on the surroundings from the inside until it's time to rest. You won't even know I'm there.">

When we get to the door, I kneel down with Mametama in her cub form still standing beside me. {You know, I'm not sure if I said this enough but I really do appreciate you and Kenaka looking out for the others when I'm not around, Mametama. Is there something I can do to reward you for your efforts?} I ask while making use of my maxed-out Petting skill to tactfully rub her in the right way. She raises her chin and body on the tips of her paws while straightening her tail before purring in delight.

<"Oooh~. Believe me, Milord, your food, words of praise, and petting treatment are plenty enough for me. Kenaka is also satisfied with how things are with him, all things considered. We were talking a little about that while you were gone, and we familiars can never lie directly to our masters.">

{Well … if you're happy with the way things are, I guess it's fine. I still need to see what you two are made of on the battlefield, too. Maybe we can do a little trial run in a bit of free time tomorrow.}

<"That would be lovely~. I'll be sure to not disappoint.">

With one last quick rub on her head, I get back up and knock on the door. "It's me. May I come in?"

"Th-Thou may!"

With Kalline's stuttering consent, I open the door and step inside. "I hope I'm not interrupting any … thing?" I trail off as my eyes fall on what's in front of me.

In the room are three very different women, all clad in white lingerie, but different designs for each of them.

Erizora's chest support was definitely taken into account with her camisole design. As her massive cleavage is comfortably cupped in the padding that really stands out to the eyes, the rest that drapes down is translucent and parts away from the middle until it stops around her hips. Her matching string panties are fully exposed, but turn her around and it turns out to be a thong with how much her buns of steel pop out to the viewer. With spaghetti straps holding it all together, Erizora's tailored lingerie was designed to emphasize not just her titanic breasts, but her chiseled abs, strong arms, sculpted thighs, and legs, all worthy to be replicated into a marble statue. As if resembling the Ogres as told of folktales from Japan, the entirety of her body underneath has turned to a light shade of red that I'm not familiar with during the day, with her face and pointy ears being especially flushed.

Kalline's unique white silk chemise would be best described as majestic. The laces on the trimmings plus the excellent support and prominence on her sizeable chest help give her 'human' upper-half great beauty as it goes down to where it joins together with her horse half. That's only part of the set seen from the front. What makes her design interesting are the garters that latch from that to the matching 'skirt' covering her horse half's derriere. It keeps the modesty of her womanhood maintained while exemplifying the appeal of the shiny coat of the horse half's dark brunette fur. It looks like the skirt could even move back using the garters to act as rails for a curtain. Even her lighter brunette horsetail is braided with a cute white ribbon tied into a bow at the end while the matching straight hair from her head falls down to her midback. Her human parts are also in a shade of red while her eyes couldn't look my way as she shyly pushed her fingers together. Erizora and Sue had to have helped her set this up because something like this couldn't be possible to put together on her own.

Finally, there is Sue's white teddy lingerie. It seems tailored like Erizora's and Kalline's lingerie, hugging her short and curvy figure perfectly while fully supporting the breasts that are too ridiculous to be put on her form, showing off every shape and contour of her body. It's also mostly backless to let her wings be free while there's a little indent at the bottom for her long and slender tail to rest on and move about comfortably. The fabric is a mixture of mesh and lace that's artistically designed to resemble flower vines, covering her privates all the while. There are even frills attached to the trimmings around her thighs into a sort of miniskirt, and with her matching thigh-high stockings, it's like Sue came out of a ballet on stage. Other than the necklaces she's still wearing that are currently hiding in her cleavage, with her short stature comfortably snug into the lingerie and her platinum pink hair down, giving off an air of innocent sexy cuteness, it's like she's proclaiming 'I'm a princess and I demand hugs!' of which I would most happily oblige under different circumstances.

At this time though, compared to Erizora and Kalline who are embarrassed from head to toe (or hoof?), Sue looks to be fretting over something like a kid realizing how much trouble they're in as she sits on the bed with her legs dangling over the edge.

Despite how curious and eager I am to see where the direction with all of the girls (sans Mametama being a cougar cub) in such fascinating lingerie would lead, how Sue's looking so guilty right now screeches whatever fantasies I was about to have to a stop.

<"Hubba, hubba, hubba! Did I actually ascend to heaven all of a sudden?!">

{Nyra, as much as I can agree with you, I think something's going on with Sue.}

<"Oh, yeah, you should totally get to the bottom of that, but compliment the girls on their lingerie, first. They really prettied themselves up for this occasion and Lili did an excellent job on the designs.">

Since Eugus was paying for the girls' lingerie as part of the deal from losing the duel with me, Lili must've gone all out on the designs last night. Even if it was for only the 4 girls in my party, if they were each tailored to their specific characteristics, I'm not sure if Lili being an Arachne helped, but I can't imagine how difficult it might be for only one person to pull it all off.

"Wow, you all look amazing," I say to start off.

"D-Do we really look that good?" Erizora asks.

"Yeah. Lili made them for you two, right? They look incredible. Do you like them?"

"Yes! Ms. Lili mentioned in a note included that she designed these with a theme in mind. I really feel like a female … one of Master's females, while I'm in this. Do you not agree, Kalline?" Erizora asks while smoothing the material of her lingerie.

"I was uncertain of how well this would turn out, but if 'tis to Master Jinma's liking …" Despite how shocked she was at my response at first, still not looking up and rotating herself away from me, she poorly tries to hide her bashful smile while getting lost in her thoughts. Even her braided tail rustled from how gleeful she is. Like curtains, her flicking tail moves enough to reveal where the 'skirt' of her lingerie parts and reveal her sex. I have a slight difficulty turning myself away and avoid taking a peek of what it looks like.

"Oh! Right! When Ms. Sue saw some of ours, she apparently went out on her own earlier to find lingerie matching the theme to fit the occasion, too!" Erizora continues. "I was honestly surprised she found something so great while in her size in such a short time! Ms. Sue, if I may, wherein Palocaesy did you even get that?"

"Huh? Oh, right. I just know my way around these things and spent a little more than usual to have it fitted at the last minute, is all. Size-fitting magic can really do wonders for a girl, you know?" Sue asks, but she isn't as enthused as the other two are.

"You look really great but is there something on your mind, Sue? You seem kind of down," I couldn't help but point it out.

"… I know this may not be the right time and mood but may I talk to you for a moment, Jinma?"

"Sure. Do you want it to be just the two of us?"

"No, they can stay. They can serve as our witnesses."

I look to the other three and their own mood has changed to something a little more serious than when I came in. They all nod their approval, knowing what it is that Sue wants to talk about.

Sue then silently urges me to sit on the bed with her that I oblige to. The others take their respective seats on the floor in front of us to make a semicircle. I patiently wait for her to start while she gathers herself, fidgeting, and loosening the stiff joints in her wings and tail.

"Before I start … just how much do you want others to know of your adventures? Your plans for the journey, and all that?" Sue asks.

"Probably the bare minimum, at best. I think I can tell someone what general direction I'm taking but nothing more than that unless I need to."

Sue looks down on the ground and droops a little. "That's what I thought. Over dinner, I … slipped up on where you and your party are going after you're done with Lady Krauss' quest. Julius and Roll were there with us, and I think a few other inn patrons who were nearby also heard it. They were really surprised, probably by the fact a human is going to the capital of the Demon-Kin's Territory, the place where the strongest of Demons gather. I think I may have put you in a difficult position with my big mouth. I'm just … really sorry I blabbed something so personal about you to others outside of this group."

Kenaka and Mametama have already filled me in on this ahead of time through Telepathy, of course, so I had a small opportunity to think it over somewhat.

"I mean … I didn't tell you to keep it a secret from anyone else so I'm partially to blame for that. Plus, I've been getting so much attention lately that it'd be difficult to keep anything discreet at this point. I'm sure it would've been out sooner or later."

"You're not mad?" she asks while looking up to me.

"Nah, it's gonna take a lot more than that to set me off, let alone hate you if that's what you're worried about. Even if you didn't realize it until afterward, I'm honestly a little happy you thought of me enough to apologize."

"So, you don't want me to go away, even if I might let something slip again?"

"I would appreciate it if you avoid that but I don't think it's enough for us to make you go away. We're not bothered by it, right?" I ask while turning to the three.

"Of course, not. As Master Jinma's servant, I will do whatever I can to make sure his safety as well his acquaintances' like thyself is assured, Sue. Thou hast my word."

"And I'll blow away anyone that tries to harm you two!"

"I will admit that I still have some concerns over you, but if Milord wishes it, then I will protect you like I would for him."

Kalline, Erizora, and Mametama give their respective comments for confirmation.

"If there's anything on your mind bothering you, you can come to me or any of the others in our party to talk about it, too. Whatever you don't want out in the open, it will only be kept between us. I can promise you that," I assure while rubbing Sue's head some more.

"… Jinma? May I hug you?"

"Whenever you want, Sue." {Though, she has hugged me without permission a few times already, so why change that now?}

After accepting Sue's request, she climbs and straddles on top of my lap as I'm sitting on the bed's edge and pulls herself into an intimate embrace, pressing her warm, soft cheek against my own with arms over my shoulder. I return the gesture with arms around her curvy waist, the fabric of her teddy lingerie thin enough for me to get a taste of the texture that is her skin with just the right amount of fat and muscle balanced together. I don't think I need to mention how much her larger than normal breasts are firmly sandwiched between us. Sue's wings flutter and her tail moves about to express delight.

I then feel something wet sliding between our cheeks while I hear a few sniffles.

"I know my approach was sudden when we first met this morning," she whispers in my ear with a slight crack in her voice, her embrace grows slightly tighter, "but this really has been the best day of my life, better than anything I could possibly imagine. There's nothing that could ever make me happier than how I'm spending this night with you. I really want you to know that, Jinma."

"I'm … happy to hear that." I'm not just taken aback by the words, but the genuineness as well. I'm not sure if it's a side-effect with my Intuition skill but I could sense great power, resolution, and emotion in her tone as she spoke. It honestly has me worried under these circumstances.

"Um … you learned about me very recently, from my duel with Eugus yesterday, right? I mean, putting my prior experience here aside, I just became an adventurer almost 3 days ago. Did I really make a big enough impact for you to imagine a scene like this in such a short time?"

"…" It sounds like she made a response, but it's so quiet despite how close she is to my ear that I couldn't make it out.

Before I could ask her to speak up clearly, Sue sniffles and wipes whatever was on her face after pulling back. She then gives her signature big smile like usual, but I can't help but feel there's a slight air of mischief to it. Like she's aware that what she just said was unintelligible but isn't willing to make it clearer for me. 'What did I say, I wonder?' That seemed like something she would say here at this moment.

{She was just fretting about being hated or forced to leave moments ago and now she turns around and becomes like this. Seriously, I just don't get this girl. Did you catch any of that, Nyra?}

<"Nope, but her feelings were genuine and I can still sense some subtle guilt looming over her. Guess we're gonna have to keep an eye on her, especially if she's got something to hide.">

"Well! I'm happy you're not mad at me but I do feel bad about spouting such personal information in public, so I want to make it up to you, Jinma," Sue then says as she spins herself around to where her back is against me with her wings spread out. "You're wanting to let off some more steam after all that action today, right? I could put my big mouth to better use for you if you catch my drift? I can already tell from how hard you are since I got on top."


"… Ah~♥."


<"Well, this just got hot all of a sudden.">

Sue fixes her seating to where my erection is directly against her underside as she straddles me, then takes both of my hands and firmly places them against her bountiful mounds, letting off a moan dripping with ecstasy in response. The others sitting in front of us are also shocked about this sudden change in development.

"How about it?" Sue asks while learning herself back, pushing me to where we lie on the bed while she's on top. She looks up, reaches for my hair to run her fingers through while the other reaches down to between her legs, not even minding the others in front of us who could see what's between them in full view. My hands are still firmly grasping her chest over the lingerie. "To make up for my blunder, you can play with my body however you like and you can drench me in as much cock juice as your hard meat can give. All I ask is to not be kissed on the lips and your dick doesn't get into my ass and pussy."

Despite my shock from her wording, I recall my old coworker, Kazumi, mentioning similar 'rules' when he made visits to strip clubs and soaplands over his time off, which were details that I never wanted to hear. I wonder if this was how he was 'serviced.'

"Is that … really all right? And why those limits in particular?"

"I'm saving those moments for the special moments in my life. I thought this over pretty thoroughly and came up with this in the end. I can think of something else if you're not satisfied with these conditions but I really want to do this for you, Jinma. It's the least I can do for you as your biggest fan."

Her hand then reaches further down between her legs until my crotch is in contact. Shocks run down my spine as she thoroughly caresses the throbbing bulge through my pants.

"Pleeeeease~, Jinmaaaaa~?" Sue then asks with upturned eyes. Even in this position, she somehow manages to make herself look so cute and innocent like a kitten scared of being abandoned in the streets.

I'm not even sure if I could consider myself a man if I decided to turn myself away from her. And so, another energetic night of my impactful sex life begins.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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