When Xi Yueliang finally woke up it was a day later. She already knew what had happened. She sobbed bitterly, tears pouring down her cheeks. After a half an hour of crying she was interrupted by the door to her room opening. She held her breathe trying hard to stop crying. Taiyang walked into the room. He froze immediately, a darkness spread over his face.
"Who told you?" he asked coldly.
Yueliang's eyes opened wide, she shook violently from the tears, she realized her nightmare was real. Her parents were really dead. She recalled their goodbyes in her dream, their sad expressions, their broken demeanor. It was all real. She puked over the side of her bed, unable to breathe properly, Yueliang sat on her bed clutching her chest in agony . Her beautiful face was filled with pain and regret. She was hyperventilating and suffocating at the same time, and then, she fainted.
The stars came together to mend the moons broken heart. But to no avail, a heart can only be fixed by the one that broke it. Now, the pure and innocent moon had been tainted, by, herself.....
Taiyang walked into Yueliang's room. He didn't wanna tell her the truth. His dark grey eyes were looking deeeply into air. No matter how he looked at it Yueliang would be heartbroken. As he opened the door he heard the sounding of sobbing. He immediately walked in and closed the door. Yueliang was crying so hard that she was shivering.
"Who told you?" he asked seriously.
With this those 3 words Yueliang looked as if she was having a seizure. Her body was shaking violently and she was clutching her chest, her whole face read contorted on pain. She puked, but she hadn't eaten anything for the whole day. She held her stomach as she breathed very unsteadly. Plop. She fainted. Taiyang ran to her, calling the doctors immediately.
When Yueliang woke up she didn't cry, even after she had been awake for a few hours, free just started bitterly in space.
Taiyang didn't want to see her, not without a remedy for a broken heart. Sadly, he didn't have one.
Yueliang stood up and walked or the room, she recognized the mansion as Taiyang's. She walked toward his study her heart drumming in her ears.
She knocked in the door....
"Come in", Taiyang's voice was raspy and painful to listen to, unlike his usual melody of a voice.
Yueliang bopened the door, when she saw Taiyang she looked to her feet.
"Yang", she said softly.
Taiyang felt his heart lunge toward his throat.
"Ying". He whispered, half shocked half in aww, his voice like music to her ears.
She walk toward him and hugged him gently.
"Yang, I know what happened, but don't worry, it's okay, it's not your fault and I don't blame anyone except the person that did it...." she rambled on and on, her voice choking a little. Taiyang lifted her face and kissed her for head gently.
The moon was lifeless. She felt that she had lost everything, the sun, the wind the rain and.... Even the moon, she had lost herself, she walked aimlessly around the earth. While the knew sun followed her. Creating night and day for the humans.