Ringo sighed heavily while scanning the classroom for the third time in as many minutes. They spent the morning reviewing for Midterms, after which they were given practice tests. Her heavy mood was lightened when her gaze fell upon her Ace. "QJ? Could you come here for a moment?"
QJ nodded and closed his e-book before approaching. He stood wordlessly before the OP Guild Leader, patiently waiting for her to speak.
"You haven't done anything in the last ten minutes," Ringo observed. She had given the test at 1000 hours, which was thirty minutes ago.
QJ shrugged slightly. "I'm considering one of the problems."
Ringo fixed him with a deadpan expression. "You're done already."
"Yes," QJ admitted.
"Quit messing around and turn it in." Ringo watched him walk back to his desk. She was notified that the first test had been turned in a moment later.
QJ sat quietly for a few seconds before opening the scoring breakdown from the previous day's Guild war. Leah had sent it to him shortly before the start of the practice test.
[Guild War: Fora vs. Righteous Hand]
(Scoring breakdown)
Successful Deployment into Territory (1000 points)
Fora/ 1000 pts. Righteous Hand/ 0 pts.
Destruction of Structural Assets. (150 points)
Fora/ 1,725 pts. Righteous Hand/ 0 pts.
Death of a Guild Leader or Vice Leader. (200 points)
Fora/ 400 pts. Righteous Hand/ 0 pts.
Death of an Allied Commander. (200 points)
Fora/ 400 pts. Righteous Hand/ 0 pts.
Death of a Guild Member. (5 points Officer, 1 point member)
Fora/ 2,772 pts. Righteous Hand/ 188 pts.
Loot Acquired. (Based on assigned gold value 10 points/1k gold)
Fora/ 2,000 pts (Max Allowed). Righteous Hand/ 441 pts.
[Guild War Score] Fora (8,297) Righteous Hand (629 pts.)
QJ smirked at the final score before sending the results to Ringo. It would be a while before RH poked the bear again.
At the front of the class, Ringo received the Guild War scores with a wide smile. Their small group of four one-levels managed to outscore RH by themselves. "Change of plans, everyone."
The students looked up from their desks, most of them showing confusion. Although just a practice test, it mirrored the actual exam in difficulty. There were three sections, and an hour was allocated to complete each.
Ringo stood at the front of the class; they were the best group she'd ever seen come through the Academy. "QJ has completed the exam. Show of hands. Who'd be willing to bet that he Aced the practice test?"
Either by a show of unity or confidence, everyone raised their hands, except for QJ.
"Everyone? That makes this easier." Ringo cleared her throat before continuing. "I'll pick a random test from those who are finished and grade it. The Mid-term will be canceled if the random test score exceeds 95 percent.
Smiles erupted around the class, with Sato looking particularly relieved.
Ringo maintained a neutral expression and submitted the test for scoring. The result came back immediately, QJ: 100 percent. "Well done, QJ. Mid-terms are canceled, but let's get our extra duties done before we log into GnG."
The class erupted in cheers and applause. Sato wrapped QJ in a bear hug while their close friends gathered around. The noise was enough to bring Dessi to the door. The 3rd year instructor exchanged smiles with Ringo.
It had been Dessi who posed the question. Why are you testing this group? Not only have the freshmen entered GnG two years early, but they continually set new benchmarks with everything they do.
Ringo decided that Dessi was right. The purpose of the Exodus Academy wasn't to learn how to take tests.
A short while later, Breeze, Lotte, Sato, and QJ arrived at the stables. Scorch was penned between Viento and Starcress, Lotte and Sato's mounts.
QJ moved Scorch to the holding stall before grabbing a wheelbarrow. "I'll muck out the stalls if you grab a couple of bales."
Lotte nodded, knowing she was getting the better part of the deal. Sato was more than happy to work solo on the other side of her. "Hear anything back from Angel yet?"
QJ already had a pitchfork in his hand; digging deep into the fouled hay, he scooped it into the container. "Nothing yet, but that's a good thing. She'd have reported back if she was drawing a blank."
Sato paused in his work long enough to pop his head over the stall door. "Lunch after this? Or logging in?"
"Quick pool work with Lotte, then some lunch," QJ muttered a curse. "I swear, someone's been feeding my horse. He leaves twice as many 'gifts' as a regular horse."
"Maybe cuz he's fast?" Lotte suggested before laughing at her own words. "Never mind, that's dumb."
QJ didn't comment other than to wink at her. Within a few minutes, he started on Lotte's stall while she spread fresh hay in his. They were just finishing up when their favorite Chero arrived. Unfortunately, her mount was housed in a different stable.
Breeze flashed her roommates a million-dollar smile. "Lunch?"
Ra's full lips curved in a smile. "You see through his eyes?"
"Yes," Belle replied. Her blue eyes had darkened considerably, indicating she was using transference.
"Amazing," Ra stared at the black feline. It was tall enough to look directly into her eyes. After a moment, she glanced back toward the high elf woman. "Why don't you live at Briar Rose?"
Belle's pale features reddened slightly. "That's QJ's house."
"From what Robin says, Heroes don't sleep in our world." Ra spent hours quizzing the Songbird on Exodus, QJ's family, and the outside world.
"All set?" Robin returned from the impromptu dice game she started up with Alice and Kate, the casino's dealers. It was her idea to bring Ra to the casino to meet Belle.
"It was nice meeting you, Belle." Ra was surprised at how shy the high elf woman seemed.
Belle kept a hand on her Shadow Fiend as it followed Ra and Robin to the casino portal. "I take a day off every 4th day. Will you be staying at Briar Rose? We could visit on my next day off."
"Sometimes," Ra guessed. "I have responsibilities in Basara that require constant attention."
Robin paused on the portal. "Your presence is requested at the banquet tonight."
"What?" Belle was so surprised her transference dropped, returning her eyes to their original color.
"The three of us will be seated together." Robin's laugh echoed for a few seconds after she left.
Meanwhile, Lotte was just finishing her pool therapy. She leaned against QJ, her breath coming in gasps. "Thank you, QJ."
"Welcome," QJ slid out of the pool and grabbed her crutches before walking to the pool's shallow end. He waited while Lotte slid her forearms into the padded handles. "Can you get out on your own?"
Lotte nodded. "Yes, thanks.
[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]
Location: One Problem Keep
Time: 1300 hours
Server Population: 91,005 Your current level is 54.
[Guild Message of the Day] All 3rd years take the portal to Basara and report to Dessi. Officer Banquet at the Riley Home. 1900 hours, casual attire.
QJ stood next to Ringo at the podium while the two enjoyed pastries made by Dave the Baker. Within a few minutes, all of OP was seated.
[OP: QJ] Nothing pressing going on today. Here are the current server standings.
[Top Guild Level]
1) One Problem 50.8
2) Old Skool 46.2
3) Chupa Lupa 45
[Class Leaderboard]
Range Rider: Sexy Dexy-Lvl 47
Gunfighter: Oldman Crane-Lvl 52
Brave: Solo-Lvl 49
Tracker: Carlotti Hottie-Lvl 51
Shaman: Shonie-Lvl 51
Field Medic: Dessi-Lvl 50
Wrangler: Kingslayer QJ-Lvl 54
Scout: Sato-Lvl 50
Commanchero: Breeze-Lvl 50
Cavalry: Lil Jack-Lvl 49
Raider: Devil Woman-Lvl 48
Gambler: Luca-Lvl 48
[Top Five OverAll]
1) Kingslayer QJ
2) Old Man Crane
3) Carlotti Hottie
4) Shonie
5) Ringo
[OP: Ringo] Remember the Officer banquet tonight. Let me know if you are attending virtually or irl.
[OP: QJ] Doesn't matter which you choose. We only ask because of the seating chart.
[OP: Ringo] Anyone got anything for us?
[OP: QJ] I'll need a healer to help us with something.
[OP: Enju] I can come.
[OP: QJ] Perfect.
After the meeting, QJ quickly assembled a mini-raid.
Breeze: Tank
Lotte: DPS
Ringo: DPS
Sato: Scout
QJ: Pulls
Enju: Healer
[OP: QJ] We have to ride to Yaron; it's the only portal connection to Junebug.
[OP: Sato] Junebug? We're going to die.
QJ chuckled but didn't disagree. Despite the sweet-sounding name, Junebug was an outlaw town, and entry... came at a price.
[OP: Ringo] You know the requirement?
[OP: QJ] Yes. That's why I brought two slingers.
[OP: Lotte] What price?
[OP: Ringo] Gunfight to get in; one death allows you three entries.
[OP: QJ] Lotte will represent Breeze and me.
[OP: Ringo] Fine, Enju and Sato are with me.
[OP: Lotte] What if I lose?
[OP: QJ] The price is blood, yours or the person you face. It doesn't matter; we still get to go in.
Instead of looking worried, Lotte smiled confidently.
[OP: Lotte] No worries, leave it to me.
[OP: Ringo] Yep, make sure you stream this.
The group rode in single file, following a dirt road leading west to the bustling city of Yaron. After half an hour of riding, the town sprouted out of the desert landscape. Dozens of multi-leveled buildings showcased one of the wealthiest places in Maelstrom.
As they got closer, the brightly painted signs became readable.
[OP: Sato] These are all casinos?
[OP: QJ] Mostly... There is one General store, but that's it. No one comes to Yaron to shop.
[OP: Breeze] What's that tower thing?
At the town center, one building rose twice the height of the next tallest.
[OP: QJ] That's the brothel.
Ringo raised an eyebrow in doubt. She definitely would have heard of it if Yaron had such a thing.
[OP: Sato] Can we peek inside?
[OP: Ringo] I'm curious.
[OP: QJ] We don't have time.
QJ ignored the pleas of his group and rode straight to the town portal.
[OP: QJ] A quick rundown. Gunfights in Junebug are similar to the ones in Bizarro, but a hit anywhere on your person results in instant death.
[OP: Ringo] So if you miss, keep firing.
[OP: Lotte] Okay.
The group stepped onto GnG's only gateway to Junebug and winked out of sight. An instant later, the multi-leveled buildings of Yaron were replaced with hundreds of one-story shacks and huts, strewn haphazardly in no discernable pattern. A singular dirt road ran the length of the city, and hundreds of thieves, killers, bank robbers, and every other sort of miscreant lined either side of the street.
[OP: Sato] Holy crap... Can we go back to the brothel?
[OP: QJ] They are here to spectate and place bets.
"Welcome to Junebug." A table and chair were set up near the platform. A young woman in a white dress sipped iced tea from a glass, looking like she hadn't a care in the world. "Are you seeking entry?"
QJ nodded. The woman bore a striking resemblance to Iya, the beheaded Queen of Maelstrom. "Entry for six."
The woman stared at the group with dead gray eyes. "Are you prepared to pay the price?"
"Yes," QJ replied. "These two will cover our cost of entry."
Ringo and Lotte stepped forward.
[OP: Breeze] You two are like heroes! I want to be a slinger now.
"Acceptable," the dead-eyed woman said. "Are you going to make any wagers?"
QJ nodded. "One million credits on each of them to win."
Ringo turned suddenly and stared at her student.
[OP: Sato] Damn bruh...
"Wager accepted at 5 to 1 odds; the payout is five million credits if you win."
[OP: Ringo] What don't I know?
[OP: QJ] Just a money grab. If I didn't bet, the person you face would be a pushover. You'll face a decent ranker, .2 or so.
[OP: Lotte] My best is .23!
[OP: QJ] Perfect time for a new best.
[OP: Ringo] Is the opponent based on how much you bet?
[OP: QJ] Yep. Be thankful I didn't bet 10mil; otherwise, you'd face a .1 person.
The woman picked a small silver bell from her table and rang it; the entire town became graveyard quiet. "First contestant, step forward."
[OP: Lotte] Me.
Lotte stepped into the street, walking through the packed dirt to a suddenly lit circle.
[OP: QJ] When she rings the bell again, draw!
[OP: Lotte] Understood.
Lotte stood hatless in the street; her thumbs looped casually on her gunbelt while she scanned for movement. From the left side, a shirtless man with muscles bronzed by the sun made his way through the crowd. He wore a single gun tied low on his leg.
[OP: Ringo] He using a standard quickdraw setup.
[OP: Breeze] Can I keep him if he wins?
Lotte waited, noting that her opponent was handsome also. He had only stopped for a moment when the bell suddenly rang. A blur of movement followed by a loud bang resulted in the man falling face-first into the street.
The seated woman frowned at Lotte. "Lotte defeats Handsome Jack, .18 to .2. Payout is five million credits."
[System Message] Lotte, QJ, and Breeze have gained permanent access to Junebug.
The watching crowd roared to life, some cheering while others cursing the OP slinger.
Lotte rejoined the group, unable to contain her bright smile until a trade window from QJ opened up.
[OP: Lotte] You're splitting the take?
[OP: QJ] Of course, 50/50. Don't spend it all in one place.
"Second contestant, step forward."
Ringo drew her gun before easing it back into the holster. On hot days, leather could stick to the metal, slowing the draw.
Lotte frowned; she had forgotten to do that. Thankfully, it wasn't an issue.
By the time Ringo arrived in the lit circle, her opponent was ready. A wire-thin woman with sharp features and dark, angry eyes stared at the OP slinger. Her lips were curled in contempt.
"Going to put you down like the bitch y..." The bell ringing interrupted the monolog, and she died before touching her gun.
The seated woman didn't frown this time. "Ringo defeats Crazy Sue .15 to No Draw. Payout is five million credits."
[System Message] Ringo, Sato, and Enju have gained permanent access to Junebug.
[OP: Sato] Going to split any of that with me?
[OP: QJ] No. I'm going to buy a new truck.
QJ opened a trade window with Ringo and split the profits.
[OP: Ringo] Thanks for the business.
[OP: Breeze] That was awesome! Did we come here for a money grab?
[OP: QJ] Well... Not entirely. The Venture questline starts here. We need to talk to someone.
[OP: Lotte] That's the train heist?
[OP: Ringo] Do we have enough time?
QJ nodded and started walking toward the nearest saloon.
Thanks for reading.