86% God succession system / Chapter 509: Warchief of the Dead

章節 509: Warchief of the Dead


Over and over again the veritable sea of people chanted up at Alex and the girls with a noticeable reverence in their eyes and voices. Compared to how the people of Tamriel reacted to him, it was a difference like heaven and hell.

"What is this!?!" Saya exclaimed in shock over the roar of voices, sometimes literally due to there being several animalistic people mixed in within both groups.

"They are the former people of the land of Azeroth. There they had separated into two factions that waged war against one another, the Alliance and the Horde. Though, there also appears to be a neutral faction..." Saying the last part to himself more than anyone else, Alex noticed numerous groups of people hurrying towards them as the finally reached the ground.

First to arrive was a party being led by an Orc that appeared fairly different from the orcs of Tamriel, larger in frame and stature with four tusks rising up from his lower jaw, and his black hair and beard tied into braids.

Next to him was a towering Tauren with white and red fur, and large menacing looking horns angled forward from the sides of his skull. Contrasting the Orc, his attire was more like the old Native American tribes that also contrasted the large hammer he wielded in his left han....hoof?

On the other side was a blue skinned troll, not like the larger and dim-witted trolls one would normally think of, but slender and humanoid with sharp eyes that scanned everything before him, with the long and curved tusks appearing to be the most incongruous thing about him.

With the three of them in the lead, they were followed by a group consisting of numerous figures that were shrouded in shadow, an elderly and scarred looking Blood Elf with long ears and white hair, a short and stumpy green goblin that possessed a wit and intelligence that the goblins Alex dealt with earlier didn't, a humanoid panda with his black hair tied back in a long braid, a female Nightborne Elf with darker skin than the elderly one, a female Tauren with a more slender figure and less pronounced horns than her male counterpart, a female Orc with brown skin instead of green, a female troll that was dressed in numerous ornaments and finery, a fox that stood upright similarly to a human(not to be confused with the Kitsune that we're 'humans' with fox-like features), and finally a humanoid dragon with red scales and wings.

Just as Alex was wondering how this meeting was going to go, he was surprised when the entire group bowed to him respectfully before the lead Orc declared, "On behalf of the entirety of the Horde I, Thrall, former Warchief of the Horde and now a part of the Horde Council, thank you great Liberator!"

As he said that Orc bowed before Alex yet again, prompting the entirety of the Horde to follow suit behind him.

Alex's surprise hadn't diminished in the slightest when the second group arrived as well from the other side.

"I see you beat us here Thrall! Well no matter, I intend to make clear the Alliance's gratitude to the great Liberator as well!" Said a human man dressed in thick and decorative armor, and had mid length blonde hair.

Following him was a trio of dwarves, two male and one female, a male gnome with pure white sideburns, mustache, and long bushy brows, a female Night Elf with dark blue skin, green hair, and glowing blue eyes, who was accompanied by a male Night Elf with light purple skin, lighter green hair and beard, and large antlers that rose up from his head, an ancient looking Draenei with a long white beard, a grey furred humanoid wolf resembling a werewolf, a female Pandaren, another female Void Elf with paler skin covered in blue tattoos with blonde hair, an older and grizzled human with numerous scars covering his face, a human woman with white hair tied into a braid, that had a single golden streak in it, and finally another Dracthyr that had blue scales this time.

And similarly to the Horde, the man in front bowed to Alex respectively, with every member of the Alliance following his lead, while saying,

"I, Anduin Wrynn, High King of the Alliance, thank the glorious Liberator on the behalf of the entire Alliance!"

A great cheer of agreement followed the High King's declaration, and Alex noticed numerous magic user types tap their staves against the ground before thousands of flower petals began to rain down upon them.

"Humph..." Thrall snorted at the display, but none of the Horde otherwise spoke.

And while Alex wanted to say something, he was once again cut off by yet ANOTHER group that came from right down the middle of both group, consisting of numerous Pandaren, and Dracthyr. They too bowed respectfully before Alex as one of the Pandaren said in soft voice,

"We of the Pandaren and Dracthyr people, who have largely remained neutral in the conflicts of the Horde and Alliance, also wish to thank the great Liberator for freeing us from the grip of the tyrannical Lich King."

Nodding his head back to them, Alex then said before anyone else could arrive to cut him off yet again, "Please, I'm no 'Liberator'. I am Alexander Morningstar, otherwise known as the Dragon Emperor. And it was my honor to assist the great people of Azeroth."

Alex's words and mannerisms surprised the representatives of the Horde and Alliance, as they ALL still felt chills when they recalled the way he had fought both before and after he freed the from the Lich King's control.

Not only had Alex managed to defeat the demonic being that had killed and enslaved them all to his will, but he had also defeated the various undead beings that the Lich King had also revived that had presented disastrous threats to both factions in the past. Threats so great, that they had been forced to work together despite their long standing animosity.

Then, to top things off, after killing the Lich King, Alex had also brought them all back so that they were no longer undead, but truly living once again. This likened him to a god in their eyes, a god of this new and strange world they had found themselves in.

Alex then gestured to the girls, and said,

"My wives and I are here to discuss the future of the people of Azeroth, if you all are willing."

""Of course!"" Anduin and Thrall said at the same time, making the duo look at each other, before they both turned towards the Pandaren and Dracthyr.

"Shall we use our pavilion?" The same Pandaren from earlier asked, before leading the way after Alex gave him an approving nod. The Pandaren and Dracthyr were neutral territory, so it was safest to use their area for their discussions.

And as Alex began making small talk with the representatives from both races to learn more about them, he missed the leaders of the various races sending messengers out with a few hushed words.

He wasn't the only one speaking to the people of Azeroth though, as several of the girls similarly spoke to some of them out of curiosity, with Saya being the first to stepped forward to ask more about them. While Saya was asking about the knowledge and advances of each race though, Rei walked up to one of the female elves and introduced herself, before the elf returned the favor.

"Greetings lady Rei. I am Alleria Windrunner, leader of the Void Elves." The woman said curtly yet politely, awing Rei at her grace and bearing. She then made herself ask Alleria,

"I'm sorry, but weren't you all undead when you arrived here? How are you all living now?"

Rei's question drew many sets of eyes onto her, as it was still a touchy subject for most of them, before the elderly elf who was with the Horde answered,

"It was the Liberator, the Dragon Emperor. After slaying the despicable Lich King, he graced us all by reviving every one of us under his control. We all truly owe him more than we could ever repay."

Even from the Alliance side there were several nods of agreement, as every one of them shuddered at the thought of remaining under the Lich King's control for what truly could've been an eternity. Though, after hearing they'd been brought back from undeath, Rei grumbled,

"But I thought Alex said he couldn't bring back the undead..." The words were barely out of her mouth before the man himself suddenly appeared before her, and lightly chopped her on the top of her head. "Ow!"

"I went easy, and you should learn to pay attention more often Rei. I said I couldn't bring back 'Them', not that I couldn't bring back the undead. They were empty shells that were reanimated by a disease or something, while these people were killed before their souls were forced back into their bodies, and they were brought back as undead with far more skill and power than Them because of it."

Rei just glared back at Alex with tears eyes at his words and actions, not caring about the little details regarding the undead.

By that point they had arrived at the main pavilion used by the Pandaren and Dracthyr where one of them said,

"We would offer the great Dragon Emperor some sort of refreshments, but...." Alex didn't need to hear anymore since it was fairly obvious the massive population around them was running short on supplies. Unlike the people of Tamriel, they didn't have anything since the dead didn't necessarily need to eat or drink, so they were just barely scraping by with what they could obtain from the emptied homes and businesses around them.

So, Alex just waved his hand and a majestic looking table appeared before them, ladened with piles of food and drink that he said while gesturing to them, "Help yourselves."

Though hesitant at first for not wanting to seem rude, soon all of them were digging into the food with differing levels of voraciousness. And as they ate, Alex stated as he conjured a chair to sit on,

"I'll also leave supplies for your different peoples before I leave, regardless of what the end decision is." That made the leaders recall the reason they had gathered to begin with, to discuss the fate of their future.

Immediately Thrall knelt before Alex, followed by the other members of the Horde Council, and declared,

"Our people value strength and honor above all else, and the Dragon Emperor has shown himself to possess both. We of the Horde would readily pledge our blades to the Dragon Emperor if he allows it!"

To call Alex surprised would be an understatement as he thought he'd have to try and convince them a little like he had the people of Tamriel. Yet that wasn't it, as Anduin similarly knelt alongside the rulers of the Alliance, and declared,

"I Anduin, High King of the Alliance, would readily pledge my sword to the Dragon Emperor if he would have me."

Following Anduin the rest of the kings and various leaders of the Alliance similarly pledge themselves to him, before the Pandaren and Dracthyr did as well.

Without even lifting a finger, Alex suddenly found himself the ruler of the people of Azeroth. Such a sudden development, that he couldn't help but to ask,

"Don't any of you wish to return home or something? Why readily bend the knee to me?"

Anduin looked up at his question, and said with a voice and expression full of bitterness,

"Of course we wish to return home, but unfortunately there is no home for us to return to..."

"Indeed..." Said the Night Elf with the antlers, Malfurion Stormrage.

"In his desire to conquer all of the people of Azeroth, the Lich King traveled far and wide across nearly every inch of our world. With his abilities he sapped the life force of all who were near him, wether it be creature or plant..."

The Tauren, Baine Bloodhoof, concluded, "when we were brought here from our world it was a dead wasteland... You need only to travel back the way we came from to see for yourself the desolate land left in the Lich King's wake."

Alex nodded slowly in understanding as he realized just how grave the situation was for the people of Azeroth. Even if they could return home, there was nothing left for them.

Nodding slowly in affirmation, Alex then told them,

"Regardless, this world is not my home either. I am merely visiting. The original people of this world have been nearly wiped out by a disease, a horrible disease that would reanimate those it killed, and drive them to attack the living in a ravenous and never ending need to feed.

"As a result the people of this world have been nearly wiped out, leaving hundreds of miles of land empty of living 'people' if one wished to settle there. And something tells me that none of you would have a problem dealing with a few walking corpses.

"Alternatively, if you truly wish to pledge yourselves to me, I will welcome you all in my home world of Asora. There is plenty of room, and we already house many people there from different races and backgrounds. However, if you choose to follow me, I will say there is no war in Asora. Once you set foot there, the Alliance and the Horde will exist no more."

For a moment no one had an immediate answer to Alex's offers, instead discussing amongst themselves to ensure everyone was in agreement, before Anduin declared, "We of the Alliance have agreed, and will accept the Dragon Emperor as our ruler if he will have us!"

Alex inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment, prompting another wave of kneeling as they officially became his subjects. And at that moment Thrall spoke up as he asked, "If there is no war, will our people still be able to test their strength and prowess in battle?"

Alex readily nodded as he told them, "even if there is no war there are still disagreements. These are settled through a type of war game we have called Rating Games, which are also held regularly for entertainment. Not only that, but Asora also encourages all to test their limits and push themselves as far as they can. Your people will have plenty of chances to prove themselves."

Thrall glanced back at his fellow council members when they heard what Alex had to say, all of which nodded in affirmation before they too knelt before him. "Then we of the Horde also accept the Dragon Emperor as our new Warchief!"

As Thrall declared so, the rest of the Horde roared out their agreement and approval for their new Warchief. Meanwhile the Pandaren and Dracthyr both also accepted Alex as their new ruler, truly uniting all of Azeroth for the first time in known history.

And once everyone settled down, and Alex went through the numerous notifications he had received of new titles and such, they settled down to hammer out the details to ensure as smooth of a transition as possible to Asoran life.

Firstly Alex produced a massive map of Asora so that he could point out possible locations for each group to settle, and layout their new homes for them. In general he let them pick the locations they wanted based off of their original homes on Azeroth, grassy plains for the Tauren, towering mountains for the dwarves and gnomes, jungles and swamps for trolls and so on.

The next task was going over the more important rules of Asora, namely their laws regarding conflicts and such. After that Alex also informed them that all of their youth would need to attend the Academy in order to properly learn everything they needed for a future in Asora, while all of the adults would need to attend similar classes as well.

A few more details involved discussing the numerous organizations that they could other join or create within Asora, such as the gnomes and dwarves being interested in their technology, as well as the ruling members of each race also joining Asora's own council. Needless to say they were relieved about being able to have an actual say regarding their people after moving.

By this point night had fallen as they began wrapping up the discussions, and Alex had informed them he would be returning after a few more days. It was then that a a chilling feminine voice drawled with traces of seductivness, "And what of me, great Dragon Emperor?"

The shift within the pavilion was instant as everyone aside from Alex's group and a select few became hostile, and Thrall growled as he turned and reached for his weapon, "Sylvanas..."

Standing there was an Elven woman with deathly pale blue skin, and whitish hair, who acted as if she weren't at all intimidated by the numerous weapons being pointed at her.

"What are you doing here Banshee?!" Baine Bloodhoof demanded angrily.

"Should I not come to greet our new Warchief? At least as one of his predecessors?"

Her comment earned her numerous glares from the rest of the gathered leaders, as none of them forgot how she had nearly doomed all of Azeroth to the control of the being known as the Jailer. Sylvanas herself may had been tricked by him, and helped them to defeat him, but that didn't excuse the things she had done for him up until that point.

She had been sentenced to freeing all of the souls trapped by the Jailer as the first step in penance for her crimes, but that had also made her the first target of the Lich king for obvious reasons.

Though it appeared things would break out into a fight, Alex waved down the other leaders and said,

"That's enough. I'll deal with Sylvanas myself." He then teleported the banshee away from them and to a certain location in another realm entirely, Oblivion.

Alex had obtained the authority the Daedric Prince's had over them when he consumed their souls/stole their powers, and he decided that Sylvanas could help him with an idea he had for them. Plus it got her out of the way for the time being.

"Warchief, I must warn you that Sylvanas is treachery incarnate. She cannot be trusted." Thrall told him. Alex however just smirked as he said,

"I thank you for your advice Thrall, but I don't trust Sylvanas. I may however have a use for her." Alex then gave them a look that said that was the end of the discussion, making the various kings and such curious as to what he had planned for the Dark Lady.

But whatever curiosity they had was squashed as Alex made to stand, and stated,

"I believe that is enough for one night. Tomorrow we'll move all of these people to the same location where I am staying in order to smooth the transition into Asora. Is there enough food and drink for your people's?"

"Of course your imperial majesty! You have been more than generous!" Anduin declared, recalling the rings Alex gave them during their discussions that were actually storage devices that were packed completely full of food. There was enough within them to feed all of their people for several days, which was saying something considering they numbered in the millions altogether.

Alex nodded in affirmation before saying, "Ok then, make sure your people are ready tomorrow."

Finished, Alex made to leave only for Thrall to call out suddenly, "Warchief! If I may, to properly show our gratitude and loyalty, I would like to prepare an offering for you."

Though Alex's immediately instinct was to reject the offering, he had learned to just let people do as they believed was best to avoid future issues. So, despite his initial reaction, he replied,

"I do not need an offering Thrall, much less one that could possibly make your people's situation even worse. If this is not a concern though, and you truly insist, then I will not refuse you." With Alex making it clear he would not accept an offering that worsened their situation, Thrall shook his head as he stated,

"Do not worry Warchief. I believe I have the perfect offering for your greatness!" After saying so, Thrall whistled shrilly and several orcs came forward at his command. Several FEMALE orcs.

Alex groaned internally as he realized what was happening, even as he remained neutral outside as Thrall stated,

"I can see the Warchief has a love for women, so I would like to offer several of our most beautiful women, along with my own daughter Rehze once she is of age!" The Orc appeared proud of himself for his offering when he finished speaking, while Alex just fought the urge to massage his temples. He then said as respectfully as possible,

"While I appreciate the gesture Thrall, I do not approve of having women gifted to me regardless of their wishes." Even as he said that Alex expected Thrall to state that the women DID want to be with him, which he wouldn't doubt due to the Orcs being a race that valued strength above all else.

But, before Thrall could say anything else, there was a snort on the Alliance side from the elf Rei had been speaking to earlier, Alleria.

"Nice try Thrall, but did you think that perhaps the Dragon Emperor didn't care for green skins like yourselves?" She sneered contemptuously, making the orcs that were present bristle with fury as they contemplated drawing their weapons. However Thrall surprised them all as he stated,

"I don't see any elves with him either Alleria. Maybe even he can't stand your kind's snobbish attitude!"

"Why you little!"

"I never!"

"How dare you!?"

Insults began flying as everyone began arguing with one another, at first over Alex's supposed preferences, but then about every small fault they could find about the other, all while Alex and his wives were ignored entirely.

"Time to go?" Saeko asked curiously.

"I wish. But if we left they'd probably end up killing each other or something..." Alex uttered tiredly, before stepping forward and declaring,


Instantly the arguing stopped as everyone turned to look at Alex in realization, before he stated,

"Since you ALL are going to take this so personally, I am going to DEMAND a tribute from BOTH sides! One hundred women of each faction, from various races! I will only accept the most beautiful maidens, all of which must be from high standing! Am I clear!?"

Slowly the various leaders nodded in understanding, to which Alex stated,

"Good! I'll expect them all to be chosen and prepared when I return tomorrow!"

With that said Alex instantly teleported himself and the girls back to their castle on the Takagi estate, where he finally released a prolonged and tired sigh.

"Haaa... That could've gone better..." Alex muttered to no one in particular, before Rika said snarkily,

"I know you said you liked 'collecting' women, but isn't that a little extreme?" Alex just looked at her tiredly as he said,

"Not really. If I demanded anything less then they'd be able to use it for another argument. There is a LOT of bad blood between those groups, and I'd rather not be the reason they create more." Even as he said that Alex realized he hadn't said anything about the more 'animalistic' people amongst the factions, namely the Tauren, Pandaren, and the Dracthyr, and the fox-like Vulpera. Not to mention the VERY short goblin and gnome women, who probably wouldn't even reach his waist in height.

Sighing in exasperation, Alex surprised Saya by grabbing her suddenly as he headed to the baths.

"Fuck it! I'll worry about all that tomorrow!" Alex declared, stripping himself and Saya instantly before opening the doors to the baths, wherein he found a veritable sea of naked flesh waiting for him from all of the women beguiled by his shrine maidens, along with a trio of faces that froze when they saw him enter.

"What are you three doing here?" Alex asked Yuriko, Kuriko, and Ichika.

(A.N. If any of you have specific characters or original characters you want added from WoW then feel free to comment them. Remember to include gender, race, appearance, and their class. Same with the people from Tamriel.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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