70.15% God succession system / Chapter 408: Pride

章節 408: Pride

As Alex spent the next few days relaxing with his children and wives, the entire world began to move due to the new status quo.

While Alex had said that he didn't intend to change much, that didn't mean that the current rulers of the world's factions could rest easy just yet since Alex said that he'd replace them if need be. Many of them had numerous skeletons in their closets that had built up over the centuries, and they needed to clean them out if they wanted to ensure not to end up on the Dragon Emperor's bad side.

At the same time they were also preparing to visit Asora to pay respect and tribute to their new emperor, as well as his family. Of course, given Alex's personality, the 'tribute' many of the gods were preparing was quite similar.

On Olympus all of the Olympian gods were gathered once again as they discussed their future under Asoran rule, until Zeus stated,

"Now our biggest priority is gaining our own representatives within Asora itself." The rest of the present gods became quiet when they heard this, as they all understood the importance of such a task.

While Alex technically already did have someone from the Olympian mythos amongst his personal entourage, Nyx was a goddess hostile towards Olympus and its residents, and would more than likely seek its destruction rather than helping them. That was why Zeus believed it was important they had someone there to 'properly' represent their interests, and make sure Alex never turned hostile towards them.

What he said next stunned them all as the thunder God said,

"Athena, Artemis." The two goddesses stood as their father called out their names, before he continued, "When we go to Asora, I will give the two of you to the Dragon Emperor to become his wives-"

Instantly the two goddesses, as well as several other Olympians, raised an uproar as they tried to protest Zeus's decision, however he immediately silenced them all as he roared,

"SILENCE!" With the sky literally booming with the sound of Zeus's voice, which shook the entire throne room, the ten other gods present quieted down until there was no noise besides the steady crackle of the great hearth, which Hestia quietly tended to. He then looked at each and every one of the gods present one by one, before continuing,

"Now, as I was saying, the two of you will be given to the Dragon Emperor to become his wives, and eventually maybe even bear his children. As an added bonus, Artemis will bring her huntresses with her to add to the Asoran population and might."


Again Artemis and Athena slammed their hands down on the great table before them all as the latter demanded,

"I thought you swore you would never force me to marry father! Or did you forget?!" Zeus cloud only sigh before responding to Athena's accusation,

"No I did not forget, but I did make that promise as the ruler of Olympus. While it is still technically under my control, I can not truthfully claim that I still rule it while under the control of the Dragon Emperor." Athena seethed at her father's reason for going back on his oath, but before she could say anything else, Artemis spoke up as she demanded,

"What about me?! I'm the literal goddess of chastity! My followers and I didn't preserve our virtue for centuries just for you to give it away like we're some common whores!" As both women began to argue against his ruling once more, Zeus again slammed his hand against the table while roaring,


Again the throne room fell silent at Zeus's voice and bloodlust as he glowered at his two daughters, until they silently sank back down into their seats. Even as the room silently waited for Zeus to continue, his glowering expression persisted until he eventually continued,

"I expected better from the two of you, especially you Athena as the goddess associated with wisdom." While confused, neither of the goddesses said anything as Zeus continued,

"Athena is the goddess that has the most experience in matters of politics, meaning she is the best candidate to try and prevent the Dragon Emperor from making any decisions that would negatively affect Olympus. Meanwhile Artemis and her huntresses have the sharpest eyes, ears, and instincts in all of Olympus. There are none more suited for the task of protecting the interests of Olympus from within the Dragon Emperor's own court."

As much as they didn't want to admit it, it was hard for Athena and Artemis not to agree with their father's logic, except for the part where they had to marry the Dragon Emperor of course. However, with Zeus's piercing glare and menacing aura bearing down on them, neither goddess could muster the will to further defy his order. Seeing this, Zeus sat back down with a grunt before he added,

"Now then, until we travel to Asora the two of you will train with Hera and Aphrodite in order to learn how to properly behave in the bedroom once you're married to the Dragon Emperor." When they heard that both goddesses showed an undisguised look of disgust, as most of the Olympian gods were still angry with the goddess of love for her actions during the battle against Alex.

This prompted several glances towards the place where Aphrodite usually sat when they had their meetings, except that she wasn't there. While no one had cared earlier, now that she was relevant to the conversation several gods couldn't help but wonder where Aphrodite was.


At that moment, within a hidden chamber somewhere on Olympus, a number of giant one-eyed humanoid figures were stripped naked while eagerly stroking their massive cocks. In front of them was two more of their brethren that were similarly naked, but unlike the rest they weren't stroking themselves.

Instead, one had a pair of dainty little ankles gripped in each of his massive hands that he kept lifted and spread, giving him the perfect angle to thrust his massive cock into the woman's incredibly tight and pleasurable cunt. The other one meanwhile had each of the woman's wrists held within his grip, as he mimicked his companion in making sure he too had the perfect angle, to shove his cock into the woman's mouth and down her throat while his balls repeatedly slapped her in the face.

The 'unfortunate' woman was of course none other than the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, who many would still claim was still the most beautiful woman that existed, even as they watched both her stomach and throat repeatedly inflate from the truly gargantuan cocks that were currently filling both.

For several minutes the room was filled only with the sounds of the unintelligible grunting of the cyclopses, and the wet squelching of Aphrodite's cunt and throat as both were brutally fucked by the monstrous duo, until they both let out thunderous groans as they climaxed. True to their monster natures, both cyclopses pumped gallons of cum into Aphrodite's body as they climaxed, causing her belly to inflate dangerously due to the amount of fluid that was quickly filling her.

True to HER role as a goddess associated with sex though, Aphrodite's body quickly began to absorb the semen inside her until there wasn't even a single drop left, let alone a single drop that leaked from either of her used holes. Unfortunately for Aphrodite though, both of her partners were completely spent as they just barely managed to pull out of her and make their way over to the side, before collapsing in exhaustion.

"What do you two think you're doing?! I still haven't cum yet!" Aphrodite roared in frustration, to which the two cyclopses could only reply,

"Too tired..."

"Rest now..."

Aphrodite snorted in disgust at the duo as they promptly closed their singular eye and went to sleep, annoyed that they were tired after only cumming seven times apiece.

"Useless trash..." She swore as another figure entered her mind, someone she instinctively KNEW wouldn't leave her dissatisfied.


"Stop it!" Aphrodite exclaimed to herself after slapping herself in the face, cursing herself once again for thinking of Alex.

Ever since that day she had been unable to get the Dragon Emperor out of her head for more than a few moments, instead she compared him to the dozens of people she had 'devoured' since then, both men and women. That brought her to the second thing wrong with her, no matter what(or who) she did, Aphrodite was unable to cum.

At first she had simply called on a few of her favorite 'toys' to move on from the rejection she received from Alex, but she quickly realized that there was something very wrong with her.

Now several days had passed, and throughout that time Aphrodite had summoned an ever increasing number of lovers to her private chambers, yet no matter how many she had, or how much they pleasured her, she was unable to cum or get Alex out of her head. That wasn't going to stop her from trying though.

Looking the rest of the gathered cyclopses up and down, Aphrodite's gaze eventually settled on the one that had the largest cock amongst them.

"Get on my fucking bed!" Aphrodite practically growled at the cyclops, who quickly moved to do as she said as he laid back onto the bed behind her.

His back had barely hit the blankets below when Aphrodite was readily climbing on top of him and positioning herself above his towering cock, which was bigger round than even the thickest part of her arm, and was so long that there was no way it would possibly fit inside any other 'normal' woman.

That didn't stop her though.

Without even the slightest hint of hesitation, Aphrodite slammed her hips down to take the entire monster cock inside her eager snatch all at once, filling her with ecstasy despite the fact that she couldn't cum. Immediately the goddess began to buck and rock her hips regardless of the worrying bulge in her belly from the massive cock inside her, as she desperately fought to make herself climax on it.

Knowing that it would still take more than just that one cyclops though, Aphrodite cast a quick look behind her where the rest of them were eagerly waiting their turn, until she found the second biggest cock amongst them.

"Cum here." She said seductively to the cyclops, who shuffled forward excitedly as the goddess leaned forward, and spread her asscheeks to present her tiny puckered sphincter to it.

Not at all concerned with if its giant cock would even fit in the tiny puckered hole, especially with another one already in the front, the cyclops eagerly pressed the head of its cock against Aphrodite's back door, before slamming itself inside her until it was balls deep, making the goddess scream in pleasure. Even with all of this though Aphrodite couldn't cum, and even as both cyclopses seemed to determine to destroy her insides her mind couldn't help but wonder to Alex, and how expertly he made sure to pleasure her even as he fought the rest of the Olympians....


Meanwhile, in the north, another meeting of the gods had just concluded, and now the entire northern pantheon was enjoying a boisterous feast as music played and women served them.

"HAHAHAHA! WHO'S GOING TO FILL MY GOBLET NEXT LADIES?!" Odin cried from his place at the head of the table, before several beautiful northern women eagerly came forward to fill the chieftain god's cup.

"He's really hamming it up, isn't he?" Vidar said while shaking his head, recalling the days when the girls would flee from his father in fear due to his old age, and creepy attitude. Odin was still creepy, that much was true, but thanks to a certain someone he now looked over a thousand years younger, meaning that the girls didn't react the way they had previously towards him.

While before Odin had been hunched over, covered in loose wrinkly skin, had long almost white hair and beard, and looked incredibly frail and feeble due to his old age. Now however the All-father sat up straight with pride and dignity not seen in him for centuries, his long white beard and hair noticeably darker and trimmed down to give him a more rugged look, and his skinny feeble looking limbs were now covered in a noticeable layer of muscle.

If they hadn't known better, all of the northern gods within the hall would've thought that Odin was different person entirely now, but all it took was a single glance to know that he was the same perverted geezer they all knew. Of course, Vidar and his oldest brother Baldur had something else to occupy their attention.

"I got beaten....by a little bunny girl...?" Next to them Thor was still hung up on how easily Shia had beaten him, taking him out of the battle until he recovered enough to deliver their final strike against Alex. While his two brothers were about to try and comfort him, a new voice suddenly said,

"You're lucky that's all you got from her. She's called the 'Berserker Bunny' for a reason you know." Everyone who heard the voice immediately turned and saw a certain silver haired individual slowly walking towards them, his two companions flanking him on either side.

"VALI! Come to feast with your family for once?!" Odin cried out excitedly, making Vali's brow twitch as he turned his attention to his adoptive father. He had never put much interest in Odin adopting him after the charges of him joining the Chaos Brigade were dropped, but the Norse pantheon seemed to have welcomed him with open arms judging by how warmly he was always welcomed by them, despite his cold attitude.

Odin however then glanced at Arthur and Bikou on either side of him, and asked with disappointment a second later,

"You didn't bring your wife and daughter with you?" Vali scowled at Odin's inquiry, and retorted,

"Aiko would probably faint if I brought her somewhere like this, and there's no way in hell I'm bringing my daughter around such a rowdy and careless bunch." His words were met with a series of boos due to his adoptive family looking forward to seeing little Lilith, however Vali ignored them as he instead asked Odin this time,

"How're you liking having your youth back again." Any dissatisfaction Odin might've felt at Aiko and Lilith not being there vanished on the spot as he happily said,

"I love it! I haven't felt this good in centuries, and as you can see the ladies can't keep their hands off of me! You're truly the best son a man could ask for!" Odin then began to laugh boisterously as his goblet was again filled with more mead, leaving Vali to roll his eyes as numerous Norsemen began to thank him for helping them prepare for the battle against Alex, not that it helped their chances by much, if at all.

Of course Vali had been the one to restore Odin to his youth and convince the northern gods to rally the other factions to face Alex all at the same time, considering the alternative was watching them all being toyed with like the Olympians one at a time. A fact that Baldur seemed to acknowledge as he then said,

"I shudder to think of what we would have gone through if you didn't convince us to attack when we did." While it was true that all Norsemen enjoyed battling strong opponents, it was a different matter entirely if it was a one humiliating sided slaughter, especially if Alex acted the same as when he faced the Olympians.

Of course, besides Vali and Arthur there was one other person who wasn't enjoying the feast, as she glared at the All Father silently. Her angry gaze didn't leave the older god even as someone else sat down beside her at the long table, and said cheerily,

"You know, for a Norse woman you seem a lot less spirited than everyone else here. Perhaps I can help with that?" The woman turned her attention towards the man who had sat next to her, the monkey youkai Bikou that had arrived with Vali, and flashed him a disarming smile.

"Is that so?" Every word that came from the woman's lips were like honey as Bikou found himself entranced, his mind dulling as she until she said something that immediately snapped him back to reality.

"Even if I'm to be betrothed to the Dragon Emperor?" In an instant Bikou paled as he uttered in disbelief,

"Wait...what...?" The woman narrowed her eyes in anger as she said,

"I am Freya, and I will be given to the Dragon Emperor as a part of our 'offerings' to him, along with a hundred barrels of the best mead Asgard has to offer..." Bikou's face turned even paler when he learned exactly who the woman was, none other than the Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, battle, and death. And if there was one type of being that Bikou didn't want to mess with, it was beings that had a direct authority over death itself.

Quickly excusing himself, Bikou left Freya alone as she again directed a glare towards Odin, who pointedly ignored her as he enjoyed the feast as much as he could.

(A.N. For the record Hades didn't have any authority over 'Death', he RULED over the dead.)


As the world around them began to move in its own ways, two dragons were standing in the middle of a barren stretch of land in the Underworld, while dozens of other dragons gathered around them to spectate what was about to happen next.

"Are you sure you want to do this Tiamat?" Bova asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice, making Tiamat smirk as she remarked,

"I'm surprised Bova, usually a dragon would relish the chance to test their strength against a worthy opponent. Or perhaps you've grown so strong, that no longer applies to even me?" The surrounding dragons whipped up a frenzy of talk and murmuring at her words, making Bova sigh as he withheld his own remark that this just seemed much more troublesome than a typical sparring match. Tiamat then took advantage of Bova's silence as she continued seriously,

"Besides, while it was true that we didn't fight for more than a couple minutes, the fact remains that you did manage to stand your ground against three of the Dragon Kings by yourself. You can't blame all of us for wanting to see just how powerful you've actually become, son of Tannin." While numerous other dragons around them uttered their agreements, Bova's father, Tannin himself, watched on silently as he detected the telltale signs of anger and irritation in his son's expression.

While Bova did in fact love and respect his father, there was also a large amount of resentment due to the way people treated him. Growing up all he had heard was that he was just like his father, which made him proud when he was a child, but soon became a curse as he grew older.

No matter how strong he was or what opponents he beat, all anyone said was that he was 'his father's son', and any credit for his feats would go to Tannin instead. Soon Bova began to act out, earning himself his reputation as a delinquent as the fights he started became increasingly frequent.

It was only after joining Alex that Bova began to enjoy fighting again, as Alex credited himself with his feats, not his father. Of course, he wasn't only satisfied with the strength he had then.

Not only was Bova constantly training himself nonstop, but was soon also taken under the wing of Dragon God herself, Ophis. On top of even that, Bova even went and challenged each of the seven Great Labyrinths of Tortus during their time there, instead of just the few that would benefit him the most.

Now with strength and an arsenal of new abilities that he's been cultivating nonstop, Bova was ready to carve a new name for himself in this world from the ground up, even if he had to start with a powerful dragon like Tiamat to do so.

Taking to the skies above them, Bova called down to her

"Come on then if you're so eager to fight! Just don't be surprised at the outcome!" Her draconic maw curling up into a smile, Tiamat quickly took off after him as she prepared to fight.

For a moment the two western dragons hovered there in the sky as they analyzed each other, one sleek and slender while covered in azure-blue scales, while the other was thick and rippling with muscle, his powerful wings creating a steady beat as they flapped in the air.

Bova simply hovered in the air as he waited for Tiamat to make the first move, knowing she would be more agile than him, and that if he tried to attack first she could just turn their match into a game of cat and mouse to tire him out. Tiamat was similarly scrutinizing Bova as she prepared to attack, but was hesitating to do so due to the fact Bova wasn't defending himself at all.

As the microseconds slowly ticked by, Tiamat was becoming increasingly confused due to all of the openings that Bova was leaving for her in his defense, as if he wasn't going to bother defending himself at all. During the brief time they fought against each other during the battle, all Bova showed them was his ability to breath magma, an amazing and enviable ability to be sure, but it didn't explain his apparent lack of regard for defense to her right then and there. The only thing she could think of for this was that Bova must have also gained some ability that made him impervious to most physical attacks.

Tiamat snorted when she recalled all of the dragons she'd fought over the centuries that possessed similar abilities, wether their scales were so hard they were practically impenetrable, or they had some kind of barrier type ability. Each and every time though she had completely shattered any confidence they had in their defensive abilities, all with nothing but her own claws and strength.

Confident in doing so once again, Tiamat charged Bova as her fastest speed as she disappeared from the other dragons point of view. Contrary to her expectations though, no barrier formed around Bova as she approached, and his scales didn't even resist her claws as they pierced him, and they instead dug into his flesh like it was warm butter.

Without stopping to try and figure out why this was the case, Tiamat instead allowed her momentum to carry her as she dragged her claws through Bova's vulnerable belly, from the base of his neck, down towards his groin. The entire time Tiamat felt Bova's burning hot blood splatter her back and wings as she tore him open, confusing her even more as she thought she was in fact damaging him, which wasn't an issue due to the stockpile of Phoenix Tears and other restorative treasures she had built up over the centuries.

None of them would be needed however, which Tiamat only realized when she blew past him and turned around.

Despite the long gash that appeared to be 'bleeding' profusely along the underside of his body, Bova was still completely calm as Tiamat, and the surrounding dragons, realized that the fluid-like substance dripping from his 'wound' wasn't blood at all.

"Is that.....lava...?" Tiamat questioned with an incredulous tone, before glancing at her own claws and back to see that the former had been heated until they were a nice cherry red, while the latter was splattered with what she assumed had been blood from Bova, but she now realized was actually drops of magma. Even more shocking was when Bova's 'wound' began to rapidly close before their very eyes, without Bova apparently even doing anything or using anything to make it do so.

"What are you?" Tiamat questioned with equal parts awe and uneasiness, to which Bova answered casually,

"One of the world's my liege is interested in is home to things called 'Devil Fruits', mysterious fruits that can grant those who eat them an ability from a wide range of possibilities. Though we hadn't visited it, my liege was still able to acquire one of these fruits before offering it to whomever wanted it, the 'Magu Magu no Mi'. This particular fruit grants whomever eats it the ability to not only create and control magma, but it also turns their body into magma itself, granting them a limited form of invincibility against the majority of physical attacks."

As Bova stopped speaking the dragons around them began to buzz with this new info, several of which found it hard to believe even after seeing the proof for themselves. Tiamat however glared angrily at Bova when he finished speaking, and demanded,

"So you were GIVEN power from an outside source? What about your pride as a dragon?" Bova frowned when he heard that, before declaring proudly,

"My pride as a dragon is meaningless compared to my pride as a vassal of the Dragon Emperor! If I am unable to serve or defend my lord or his family because of my own pride, then I do not deserve the faith he placed in me when he accepted me to begin with!" Bova then punctuated his declaration by spreading his wings and intensifying his aura while releasing a mighty roar, cowing the rest of the dragons around them as his aura bore down onto Tiamat.

Realizing that the fight was about to resume, Tiamat was able to just barely ready herself before Bova's figure slammed into her at a speed that easily matched her own. His claws pierced her scales and flesh as he locked onto her to prevent her from getting away, while her own claws sunk into his flesh once again, only to be trapped as he hardened his magmatic body around them.

Trapped within Bova's clutches, Tiamat could do nothing as he then started dragging her down towards the ground below them at breakneck speeds. Unknown to her, Bova also took the chance while she couldn't get away to cast Gravity magic onto her, making each of her limbs, including her tail and wings, noticeably heavier to prevent her from moving as she wished.

On top of that Tiamat's increased weight meant that they were hurtling towards the ground at a faster and faster pace, until Bova suddenly disappeared and she was slammed into the earth below.


The entire area shook with the weight and force that Tiamat impacted the ground with, which also created a giant crater beneath and around her. Then, while Tiamat was still recovering from the impact and unable to move due to the Gravity magic he cast on her, Bova took in a deep breath above her before releasing it as a great plume of lava that quickly filled the crater around Tiamat.

"HIYAAAAAAAA!" Tiamat shrieked as she was submerged in the burning magma, while it wasn't destroying her like it would most other living creatures, Tiamat was still in a great deal of pain from the magma burning her scales.

For several minutes Tiamat thrashed in the thick molten liquid, while growing increasingly hindered due to how heavy her body was, and the magma growing thicker with each passing second as it rapidly cooled around her, until her thrashing began to slowly calm down. Eventually, the surface of the blackened pool of magma was eerily calm as Tiamat seemed to stop moving entirely within it.


The earth suddenly shook as Tiamat's form broke through the surface of the magmatic pool despite the Gravity magic still affecting her, spraying semi-molten globules everywhere as a mighty roar escaped her maw.

She then directed a fierce gaze in Bova's direction, before opening her maw once more and unleashing a brilliant azure blue inferno that gushed forward, turning anything it touched to ash as it rushed towards Bova.

(A.N. I originally wanted to write the entirety of Bova's fight with Tiamat to finish this chapter, but I was unable to do so because every time I sat down to write the last several days I would suddenly have to get up to do something. So I decided to just leave their fight here so I can post the chapter.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

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