"Manager look at Brent he is eating" Plea complained
"It's okay he can't gain weight" he responded
"Nyanyanya" Brent retorted and continue eating his hamburger.
On the other hand, the leader was getting the camera that is placed near his seat and starts on mc-ing "Tsa. So we are now in the car getting ready for the next destination. Aren't you curious?"
"Here we go again, his mc disease" Raliu commented.
"Tsa I can here our grandfather Raliu complaining" so Cairo turned the camera on Raliu's direction "So Raliubuji what can you say on the mission awhile ago?"
"Try to call me that again" Raliu warned
"Oohhh Raliubuji~~" Clod teased and raised his hand to cover his face and prevent the flying cushion hit his face. "Raliubuji don't you know how many of my fans will get mad at you when you ruin my face?" Clod said with his two brows arched together
"Oooh Raliubuji" Plea exclaimed "As expected from the old man" he clapped "You're not so precise" he continued
"You! Little bastard!" He blurts out
"Tooottttt~~ Shhh. Guys" Cairo said while talking to the camera "Everyone. This is you're Zen the Devil" then he shows Zen "He will erase the bad things you've heard"
Zen just glared at him and just get back on the book he's reading. In just a few minutes he uttered "crazy"
"What?!" Cairo yelled
"Cairo are you admitting that you are the crazy one he was talking about?" Kade butted in he just hate seeing his members yelling or were about to start a fight.
"Right! I am not that right?" He asked Kade seeking for a positive answer
"Don't know?" Kade said and just put earphones to escape
He glared at Kade who's sitting in front and just goes back to the camera "That's right? Hmm? I'm not the crazy one here. Right everyone?"
"Can't believe that we have a leader like him" Plea whispered
"I agree" Clod replied, "I think I should be the one" he added
Plea looked at him in disbelief "You?"
"Whyyy?~~" he wailed "What's wrong with me?" He asked
"Everything" Zen butt in
"What?!" Clod hissed
"One. Face" Zen commented "too small"
"You are just jealous because your face looks big next to mine" Clod replied while placing his hand to his face showing how small his face is.
"Two. Body" Kade added "too small"
"What do you want?! It's my charm!" Clod said
"Third. Your handwriting" Brent uttered "Even the doctors can't understa--"
"Stop! Stop! Brent, I guess you are not in the position to say that" Kade
"Yours is worst" Zen added
"No! No! My handwriting is unique!" He declared
"Because only you can understand it?" Cairo guessed
"No" Brent replied
"Aha! No, because even him, can't understand it!" Kade said it happily like a kid
"Right!" Cairo said while clapping his hand acknowledging his 10 years best friend answer "As expected!" He said and did their high five rituals.
"Teng! All wrong! It is vintage that is why it's unique!" Brent said.
"What?!" The members exclaimed
"What are you talking about?" Raliu questioned
"I think my handwriting is charming," he said and get a notebook from his bag "Like vintage" and showed it
"Yeah it's like a mystery from year thousand years ago" Plea commented
"No. Like my handwriting stopped improving at the age of 7. I aimed for it" he said while raising his both eyebrows and slightly shows a cunning smile "It is my character. It looks antique" he showed some of his notes "Its fun to write"
"Ehhh~," members said and just get back to their business.
Cairo starts once again talking to the camera "Everyone. There you heard the nonsense explanation on the mighty Brent that is totally bent. So we should name him as Bent Brent"
Zen just goes back looking on the books he's reading and take down some notes.
Clod stare on his notes and starting to admire this. "As expected Clod, you're the best!" He whispered
While Plea and the rest chose to rest to get ready for the next destination.
The manager that is with them the entire time driving can finally sigh at the moment. For he finally has peace but this didn't last long because they finally arrived at their destination.
"Tsaa" he exclaimed "We're here ready to get off," he said and unclasped his seatbelt "Raliu get up" he shakes Raliu that is sitting next to him.
"That fast? I am not yet in deep sleep" he complained
"Get up," Manager said and looked at Cairo "Get ready. Faster"
"Ahh!! I am just starting to fall asleep!" Plea whined
"The last person who will get to the destination will do the dishes!" Cairo declared and the members start to move faster.
"Excuse me my sweet leader," Brent said and forcibly make Cairo seat to make a way for him.
"Yah!" Cairo hissed.
"Me first," Zen said when he bumped Cairo purposely that made him fall "Sorry," he said teasingly and drift away
"Those ungrateful bastards" Cairo hissed and start to keep up with the pace of the running members towards the destination.
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