It has been a week and six days since the incident...
what incident you ask?
The new year's Incident.....
my mom got hit by a firework in her left leg I have never cried so hard since that incident.... but because of that My depression got worse....
I feel like my parents hate me..... I feel like I'm not enough....
my Two subjects in an exam got a fail.... the rest passed....
this Depression isn't helping me at all....
it makes me despise myself.. the thoughts.. they're loud... I can't take it anymore...
I died..
I jolt up awake with sweat, I look up the clock 5:25 am 'Might as well get up anyways' I thought as I got up and left my little sister to rest a little bit more..
As I got downstairs my father looks at me in surprise "Gising ka na?( your awake already?)" he asked as I nodded he gone back to cooking breakfast as I gone to the computer table and was greeted good morning by my mother I nod in reply then turned on my phone taking off the unnecessary notifications and watch the important ones as Time flies by My father instructed me to wake up my sister.
I got up and gone upstairs again and woke her up but her being such a lazy cute but she didn't get up is I sigh and gone downstairs "Ayaw niyang gumising (She doesn't wanna wake up)" I said as I gone to the dining table and started eating breakfast.. as my sister gone downstairs I was done, I got up and brushed my teeth and took a bath after that I saw my sister waiting for me to finish I chuckle at her cute actions and let her take her bath as I gone upstairs to change my clothes
as I finally arrive at Greenpark Cainta Village I was dropped of at my Lola's (Grandma's) home to wait, The school starts at 8:00 am for highschool so as I wait I read fanfics in my Lolo's (Grandad's) Ipad, as Time flies by it was 7:40 am I got up and started to walk to MJ tindahan ( idk) to buy some iced coffee Kopiko blanca It was the tindahan was just behind the school which was great as I started to enter the school I put my bag down the floor being greeted by no one as usual I walk to my locker getting the books I need "Health and TLE" I whispere and took it's notebooks to as I came back to the lobby I place my books next to my bag as our flag ceremony started...
as it ended I started walking back to my bags and took it with me as well as my books and got inside the classroom
"Ahahahaha Chinchang Good morning!" says the energetic yet sassy reham as usual
"This is gonna be a loong day..." I whispered
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