After Dai returned to the Underworld, he immediately met with his old mentor. "Master Cerberus, I have returned." He greeted the green-haired three-headed dog warrior. Cerberus turned to glare at his old prestige. He growled at Dai and Dai just stared at him.
"You dare show your face after the disrespect you've shown me as a teenager!" He shouted at Dai. Dai knew that he was in the wrong back then. He didn't know any better when he was younger. He switched his gaze to the ground.
"I was wrong, Master. Forgive me or not, but I need training." Dai tells Cerberus. Cerberus huffed and he then softened his glare on Dai.
"Hmph! You were just a child rising through the ranks back then. Now, you are the Demon King." Cerberus praised Dai's achievements. "What more should I train you in?" He asked Dai. Dai gulped down his retort about him not being no-where Cerberus's level of power.
"I need to learn Demon King Mode." Dai tells Cerberus, who smiled through his three heads, showing multiple sharp fangs.
"You are aware of the training regime, is that right?" At Dai's nod, Cerberus smirked. "I will teach you more than just Demon King Mode. I will train you to use all modes of Beelzebub Mode." Cerberus announced to Dai. Dai shook down his fear as he trained with Cerberus as a young child. He knows how rough and tough Cerberus could get and he was ready for it this time around.
Cerberus rushed at Dai and Dai leaped into the air. He used his fire to attack Cerberus, but the three-headed dog warrior was able to brush his fire away. I knew that wasn't going to work. Dai thought, transforming into his half-dragon form. He punched Cerberus and while the attack did land, it didn't hurt as much as Cerberus thought it would and he knocked Dai away. "Come on, let loose on me, Dai!" He commanded his student. Dai did just that and he aimed a punch as Cerberus again. This time, the punch landed with some fire being the recoil damage that both Demons had suffered.
"Enough!" Dai shouted as he went back into his human form and he transformed into his Uranus Hellfire Mode. Cerberus was shocked at this because it meant that Dai had mastered Hellfire Mode.
"You've mastered Hellfire Mode." Cerberus was both shocked and proud at the same time. His student had finally mastered what he had trouble with when he was younger. Dai gave Cerberus a cocky smile and Cerberus allowed the cocky face to slide by this time as Dai was really shaping himself up as a King and a soldier. "Do you remember what I have told you, Dai?" He questioned. Dai then smiled. How could I ever forget that? He thought.
"I am a soldier alongside my men. If I ever abandon them, I am worse than the enemies that we've faced together." Dai recited what Cerberus taught him so many years ago. Cerberus nodded in appreciation of Dai not forgetting what he had taught him.
"Good, you haven't forgot it. I would have kicked your behind if you did." Cerberus threatened Dau lightly. Dai would have agreed with getting his butt kicked by his mentor if he ever forgot those words.