Mingling with the other centaurs wasn't hard to do, it just wasn't Hades's thing to do after training with the commander. "C'mon, Hades. Look alive!" Arios tells Hades. Hades ignored him. Hades was a black-haired and black-eyed man. His horse half was also black. Arios was a red-haired and green-eyed man. His horse half was red. They continued to walk throughout the city.
"I'm going back to see to my wife." Hades tells Arios. Arios still couldn't believe that Hades was married.
"Whoever married you must be a saint to put up with you." Arios says, laughing. Hades smiled at his best friend.
"You must be a saint as well. You put up with me on a daily basis like she does." Hades tells Arios, making Arios stop and think about what had Hades said.
"Oh yeah, that's right. We've been friends since we were foals." Arios says, remembering the easier times because their teenage years had hit, forcing them into the army. Arios didn't even want to be in the army, but if he was found to not be in the army and he was a male, he would have been put to death. Neither Arios nor Hades wanted that for Arios, so he decided to join the army and stay close to Hades.
"How is your wife?" Hades asked Arios. Arios gave Hades a cheeky smile.
"She's fine. Unfortunately, she can't get pregnant and the news had put a damper on her spirits because she wanted a baby." Arios reveals to Hades. Hades sighed. He knew what he was going to tell Arios to do. He turned to Arios. Arios have him a confused look.
"Run away with your wife." He commands him in a soft voice. Arios looked dumbstruck with his words.
"Wha-? Where would I go?" Arios asks Hades. Hades couldn't believe that he was going to say the name of the army that they are training to fight against.
"Go to the demon army and explain the Centaur Law." Hades ordered Arios. Hades turned away and he galloped away from Arios, leaving him to ponder his choices. Leaving Moconia would make me a deserter and my wife will be killed if I don't take her with me. Arios thought, wondering what to do now.
With Dai and the others, the training regime was going great for everyone involved. Dai could finally control Hellfire Mode and he was very pleased with himself. Dai had lost track of time, so they could have training for hours. "Everyone, stop training! We've been at it for hours." Yu announced to everyone involved in training. Hours? Dai thought in shock. He didn't feel tired, but he knew that when he breaks Hellfire Mode, he was going to faint. He sat down and leaned up against a tree and then he broke Hellfire Mode. Dai was exhausted. "My own husband and the Demon King is about to faint from exhaustion." Yu's voice sounded far away to Dai, but in truth, Yu was in front of Dai. Yu felt bad for Dai as he closed his eyes to rest.
Everyone went to sleep and Yu laid her head on Dai's chest and she fell asleep there. Everyone was at peace.