His words made the guests and even Li Shi Ying, couldn't help but gulp nervously.
"Yes, it is. If the scroll isn't enough to be a proof, here are a few humans from the same sect as Lady Li's parents. They can testify" Yan Fenghuang waved her hand and three men immediately stepped forward. All of them then kneeled on the floor before doing a kowtow.
"Long live your majesty!" The three men shouted in unison. They kept banging their head to the floor since they were too afraid to not do so. This man in front of them was the emperor of the dragon race ah! To think that a dragon really did exist and all the human here actually was a dragon in disguise.
One wrong move and they would die without a body. That's for sure!
"Speak" the emperor waved his hand allowing the three humans to stop kowtowing. Only then the three of them raised their body but still remained kneeling. One of them who was apparently the one with most courage began to speak.
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