A voice of a young man rang throughout the silent forest which immediately made the people in that place to unconsciously turn their head towards the direction of the source.
Li Shi Ying too looked at the source of the voice and she saw a young man, maybe the same age as Chen, came running toward their place, bringing a group of people with him.
All of the people behind the young man wore armor and rode on low-level spiritual beasts.
"B-brother?" Huo Baili jumped out from behind the rock as she ran to the young man she called 'brother'.
Huo Baili immediately hugged the young man which was no doubt her older brother, Huo Zhuangli.
"You...your brother was very worried when you suddenly disappeared you know? Are you alright?" Huo Zhuangli really pampered his little sister to the point that he could be called as a sis-con.
Daily Mini Chapter
LSY: hubby what is green-white-green-white-green-white?
LAZ: ....matcha ice cream?
LSY: nope. It's you in your dragon form rollin down the snowy hill!
LAZ: -_- I won't do something silly like that!
The promised chapter I'll send the second extra 2 hours from now
Click "I'm Filming Variety Shows In Apocalypses" in my profile~