By the time the car arrived at Ji Nuan's place, the rain had already stopped. The ground was covered in puddles.
With a few steps, they would be covered in mud. As it wasn't very convenient to cross the street, Ji Nuan decided to head to the nearest night market. She found a small restaurant and treated Mr. Vinse to a meal.
Although it was a simple restaurant, thankfully, the environment and food were clean. The taste was also simple and heartwarming.
"Previously, I heard from Xiao Ba that you're a good cook, and you often prepare your own meals at home. I wonder if I'll have the opportunity to taste your cooking in the future?" Mr. Vinse watched her with a gentle expression. It wasn't his first time having a meal with Ji Nuan, but he would always put his cutlery down early to focus on watching the way she ate.