The door was slammed with the full force and locked before Bao came to threw a shopping bag at his sister. Juan caught the shopping bag with a frown.
"What's this? And why do you look like someone ruffled your feathers or something?" She was rummaging through the shopping bag as she went on, "Not that you don't always look this annoyed but... Right now, you look like you're ready to..."
"Should I throw you out of the room as well, dear sister?" He didn't even allow his sister to complete her sentence as she was forced to zip her lips and stay quiet.
She got a beautiful dress out of the shopping bag and grinned widely. "What's the occasion? Why am I getting a new dress?"
Bao pointed towards the connecting door that was between his and her room saying, "Juju, out!"
The lesson for today: Friendship can't be forced! Not even between kids. You need to have a connection.