The feeling of being left out...
It was a first for Xu Mey and the rest of her friends. They had always been enormously close to one another. Sometimes to the point that they could even feel the heartache of the other one.
But for the very first time, it happened that one of them took the most important decision of his life and the rest were completely left out.
For the very first time, Xu Mey realized how much she despised this feeling of being left out. For her, her friends had always been the gems of her life and their friendship could be described as priceless... They were truly her most precious possession because they weren't just friends... They were like one family.
Since all of them were raging mad, they had to have a meeting and that too without Li Qiao.
Okay, so I wanted you guys to see how much petty and childish this group of friends can be. hehe
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Thank You!