Once, mu Yuan came to New York, and his friends happened to be on leave. He was thinking about coming out for a drink, but mu Yuan said that he wanted to go see Xie jinghuan and rejected him. Later on, he mentioned it again, but mu Yuan still rejected.
Although he did not know why, Jack also knew that mu Yuan did not really want to come into contact with his circle of friends, just like how he did not really want to come into contact with ye Ling, Xie jinghuan, and the others. After that, he did not mention it again.
However, he could acutely sense that mu Yuan's reason for not being willing to interact with him was different from his. He really did not like it, and even ... Had a faint dislike.
After asking a few times, he didn't say anything, so Jack didn't ask anymore.
"Not really," Mu Yuan looked at him with a warm gaze."I'm trying to avoid suspicion."
"You're not avoiding suspicion now?"