[AU: Hey yall~ So this chapter is all gonna be narrative since it would wrap up the last volume and set up the start of the new volume! So this chapter is also gonna be much shorter since Imma split up my chapters to make them easier to read via webnovel, and also more frequent release dates! It's gonna get exciting again starting the next segment of this chapter! Promise!]
Third Person P.O.V.
Tony knew something was wrong, and the only thing he could do was regret. Regret he hadn't listened to Samuel about not letting Tom out. Regret that he had a better idea of where his enemy was, rather than where his own son was. Regret about relying on technology when his son was practically made of magic. Regret that he as a father, might lose his only son. And he was scared.
He knew something went wrong when his son didn't reply. And he knew the person who answered the call wasn't his son. Tom would never call him father, not since they became a real family. He had always been 'Dad'.
Tony didn't know what to do. His son's heart-rate was slowing indicating that he was in a state of unconsciousness. Yet, Tom's adrenaline levels and body temperature were far too high to be 'sleeping'. The GPS didn't work either despite using 8 commercial satellites, 2 government satellites, his private STARK satellites, and 3 confidential SHIELD satellites (that he hacked into).
Wherever Tom was, was blocking all tracking yet allowing communication. However, he couldn't even contact his son since given by his vitals, was most definitely unconscious and sick. Very very sick.
Samuel was communicating via Tony's fireplace with British Aurors who had been refusing to cooperate since it hasn't been 24 since the 'foreign' child went missing, and his case wasn't under their 'authority' to act on. They finally begun to 'cooperate' once they realized that the child was a son of a 'bigwig', which Tony found infuriating yet thankful for the 'privilege'.
The clock struck 5'o clock, and Tom's temperature was slowly decreasing yet Tony couldn't decide whether this was a good or bad thing. Finally, at 5:23pm a distress signal was sent from 'presumably' Tom's location along with his coordinates.
Samuel took no longer to view the coordinates, ask Tony for an interpretation into English, and apparated to the site. Tony was stuck in his manor now knowing where his son was but completely powerless to do anything. A no-maj cannot enter wizarding territory without the accompaniment of a magical, thus he had to wait until Samuel returns or until another magical was sent to him. This made him feel absolutely terrible.
When Samuel apparated to the location, he looked around and felt dread run down his spine after seeing no one. He took a step forward aiming to search around the area for clues and was startled when he felt his foot hit something soft yet heavy.
Anger and sadness flooded him when he was something the size of a human child lying down on the pavement. He could only say 'something', because its appearance was certainly not that of a human child. However, the thing's clothes were unmistakable. Samuel knew that this 'thing' was Tom, and he felt tears prick the borders of his eyes fearing that he was too late.
Samuel dropped to his knees and gently picked up 'Tom' then apparating to St. Mungo's. The entire process of running through the halls and shouting for a mediwitch was a blur in Samuel's mind. He felt lightheaded and he could barely feel his limbs. His ears felt blocked like he had just gotten off an airplane and the sounds around him were muffled yet reverberated in his head. He could barely process the moment when Tom was lifted off of his arms as the mediwitches took charge, and was left trembling in place in the hollow corridor.
Somehow, Samuel had enough mind in him to head back to Stark Manor and bring Tony here to be with his son. However, the adrenaline in his body had been depleted and he was too mentally unstable to apparate. Hence, Samuel took the knight bus hoping Tony would understand since he couldn't risk Tom waking up only to find Samuel and Tony splinched across Britain.
When Tony finally arrived at St. Mungo's he was furious. It took Samuel and a couple British aurors (who FINALLY arrived at the 'scene'), to hold him back and prevent him from taking Tom away to a muggle hospital. It took a lot of explaining, before Tony understood that the root of Tom's condition was magical, hence muggle healers would not be able to heal anything regardless of how advanced their technology was.
Other British aurors had also arrived at the site of appearance and were scouring the area for any traces of the criminal. The only thing Tony and Samuel could do, was wait.
Upon viewing their newest patient, the mediwitches were befuddled. At a glance, they already knew that they were dealing with a botched Polyjuice potion case. However, it was the degree to which the potion was 'botched' that they were left befuddled. The amount of ingredients they could sense from the young boy was astounding.
The sheer number of ingredients should have left the victim worse than dead. However, the amount of each type of ingredient was masterful and counteracted each other to a perfect degree – one that should have only been theoretically possible.
The most amazing thing they discovered was that all ingredients, such as bet wings and fluxweed, were readily available to be purchased in a simple beginner's potions kit. As all the ingredients in a beginner's kit were considered harmless, they could only be lead to believe that the person who could do this was a potions master. And a rather genius one at that.
The patient, a young boy by the name of 'Tom', was healthy and stable on the surface level. The botched potion had miraculously left the boy in a magically-induced coma away from acute dangers. However, they could not keep him like this for long. Once a single component metabolized or degraded in him, it could offset the entire balance of all the ingredients and place the boy in a permanent coma if not death. They couldn't even slow down this process by placing the boy in a state of stasis, since both magical and potion-induced stasis were too stimulatory for the boy's sensitive condition.
The mediwitches at St. Mungo's had to resort to calling a retired Hogwarts potions professor in order figure out how to deal with each contaminant together. The process to safely extract everything they could took days.
By the 6th day, Tom had been moved out of the ICU and into a private room to receive further treatment, but could not receive any visitors. By the 7th day, they had extracted nearly 85% of the contaminants in the boy, and the rest were deemed safer to let stay in the boy until they were naturally metabolized out of his body. And by the 9th day, the boy was deemed stable enough to receive family visitors in his ward.
The 8 days Tony stood outside Tom's 'operating room' only to retire at night at a nearby inn made him worse for wear. Samuel took it upon himself to toughen up and make sure Tony was at least eating. Samuel also called Pepper and Tony's other friends who were worried about both Tony and Tom, to assure them that both were out of danger and no other details could be disclosed until later on.
By the 13th day, Tom opened his eyes.