But where shall i go and what shall I do to get rid of them? A memory flashed through my mind. Of course! A cliff. I spotted one just about 5 minutes away from here if I walked.
Running through the mountain forest, I started calculating how much firepower I would need. Maybe 30? no. about 50 to be safe. Its all or nothing, if this doesn't work . . .
I stopped when I reached the cliff, looming over the end to see how sharp it was and I was glad at what I saw. This is better than what I had imagined. Just a mere 20 bombs might be enough to break the edge off, but better safe than sorry. I looked around for a big, thin, and flat rock. Spotting one under a nearby tree, I began Digging holes to bury the exploding fire crystals. After burying 8 of them in a straight line, I took out some rope from my bag and tied
20 pieces of exploding firecrystals a foot away from each other. leaving me with a stock of just 3 pieces left.
Tying one end of the rope to a large rock jutting out at the nearby edge on the right side of the cliff, I throw down the rest of the rope while holding onto the other end. Carefully making my way across the cliff by walking a foot away from the edge, I tightly knot the rope to a thin withering tree. I cast a quick disillusionment charm on the rope and ran back to where I last spotted the death eaters.
It didn't take long to find them, they were only a meter or so away from where they last stood. This is not good, they're suspicious, either they know where to find what it is they are looking for, or they're waiting for someone. Most likely me. All right, here goes nothing.
I pick up a few fruits and cast off the disillusionment charm. With an audible gasp I drop the fruits and run southward. Looking over my shoulder, I could see them all chasing after me. Good.
As I get closer to the cliff, I start preparing my next spell while dogging the curse and jinx spell that come from behind me. With one last step, I jump off the edge and apparated.
Appearing on a high branch on a tree not far from the edge. I watch them get closer. In one moment I had to blink a few times at the next scene.
One of the warewolves actually just jumped off! Just how stupid could they get? As soon as all of the members of their troop reached past the line of exploding crystals. I pointed my wand and conjured a stream of purple flames. One of my specialties.
Controlling the fire to go around the cliff's end. It spun around like a round blade as it set of all the bombs simultaneously. the sound and effects of 38 explosions merged into one was sharp and quick, violent and destructive.
The heat waves crash into me in torrents, but I could withstand it all. With a loud crack, the entire edge of the cliff broke off and fell. 1 second, 2 . . ., 5 seconds passed before I heard a large crash as the huge mass of land collided with the trees and soil down bellow.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding on to and jumped down onto solid ground. Quickening my pace, I retreated further in as I did not want to be anywhere near the edge of any land at the moment. I felt it was too. . . unstable. But, that was my fault I guess.
It didn't take long before my feet fell into place right before the doorstep of the little old cottage. So many things have already happened because of what was inside. Is it really worth it? If this is what happened now, then what would it cause in the hands of the golden trio? *sigh*
It doesn't matter, I never have a say in these types of things. With a creak, the old rusty door swung open but before I could set one foot inside. A burning sensation exploded on my back sending me flying 5 feet above ground, 10 feet forwards, causing me to loose my wand somewhere in the fire. With a loud crash, I landed right at the center of the formation, denting the rotting wooden boards bellow me.
The fire crawls on my skin, like a sentient serpent, and binds my hands and feet. Shoot, I was careless. I heard a click in the background, the death eater must have shut the door.
My vision clears up and focuses on the figure by door, Pettigrew. That manky traitor. I have no idea how he is still able to serve the dark lord. But how did he? . . . Of course! That milksop must have hid and separated from his group, that is the only plausible explanation for him to have survived. . . no, escaped from my trap.
"Draco Malfoy? What luck that you were the one I trapped. If I bring your head then he will definitely pardon me of all my faults. Be glad that you will be of some use to the world!"
He lifted his wand in an excruciatingly slow manner as if to mock me of my weakness and helplessness. A faint eerie green glow starts manifesting but I will not allow my life to end now! Not just yet! But I need something, anything to act as the victim in my place, or a shield that could redirect it, or maybe. . .
I scanned the room and immediately hatched a plan. I hope this works.
"Avada Kedav-!"
The door swings open and smacks the back of his head, causing him to go of balance and fall into one of the simmering cauldrons. Haha! It worked! An English wandless spell!
A green flash erupts from inside the cauldron and within seconds, The air surrounding it is being sucked in. A whistling sound echoes on the walls of the cottage as the cottage starts shaking. This is not good. I cant find my wand anywhere and the binding spell still hasn't worn off!
With all my breath I cry out in desperation at what is to come.
A silver barrier covers me just as a blinding flash explodes from the said cauldron and bathes the room in a shimmering white light. The blast of the explosion deafens my ears and disrupts my mind. I felt everything at once, the pressure of the explosion pounding on and burning my skin, I felt nauseous, disoriented, and in pain.
But I lost all of that with my last thought. 'Did the experiment fail?'
0 0 0
How long has it been since i entered this realm? Day or night, it doesn't exist. I neither get hungry nor tired. The only thing existing for me is boredom. Ever since I woke up after the flash of white light, I have been floating or . . . falling in this tube of dark neon colours. Have you ever seen a kaleidoscope? Well its a lot like that.
I've gone through every situation I could think of, about the what if's and what could have been's. I've replayed my life ever since I was a child over and over again in my head. Like a movie critique who is only allowed to watch one movie, I've memorized my whole life.
I know exactly what to do if I ever wake up in my mother's arms again, but will I ever have that chance? I'll never let the same mistakes happen again, I'll work myself like a slave to keep my family safe from that ligger's hands. I'll even do my best to help and become friends with that potter brat. I'll keep Uncle Severus from dying as well!
If I will be given a second chance at life, then I will use my knowledge of the future to its maximum extent. I will save every knut and sickle that my father will give me. I will search for whatever it is the dark lord entrusted to my father and hide it, so well that my father will not be able to find it and throw it away. I will only take it out when it is needed.
I will befriend that barmy house elf. Bobby was it? I can't remember it well. And I will have him help me go to diagon alley when my father isn't looking. I will also erase every single transaction note that will trace any dark objects to my father. (Erasing every single clue or connection of dark objects to the Malfoy family is just simply impossible; so that will do.)
And lastly, I will use the Malfoy name properly and diligently! If a child starts playing the game of politics, no one will be able to react until they realize that they have already been caught in palm of my hand! Trapped like little mice, any futile attempts to escape will just hasten the forthcoming of their downfall! Hahahahaha!
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... "
Huh?! what was that?
"Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies..."
"Who's there!"
"and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not..."
"I demand you show yourself!"
"and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives..."
"Do you not hear me?! Who are you! Impudent little-"
"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."
All around me, the dark neon colours start to merge and brighten more than a few shades. What's going on? I could fell the temperature rising, the air around me becomes thicker with each passing second and I feel as if I am being squeezed into a tube. Similar to the feeling that apparition gives but the process is slower.
I close my eyes and endure the nauseating feeling rising from my stomach. Why does this always happen to me?