"Hello Sir and Madam welcome to the Adventurer's Association , how can I help you."
A well dressed lady with a brown ponytail and glasses stands before me, welcoming us with a smile.
Her uniform fitted with a tie, a clean moss green vest and neatly overlapping a white buttoned shirt, a classic combination. She looks to be very professional as she adjusts her black rimmed glasses.
"Hello Trisha,"
Reading the name on the tag pinned on the vest pocket,
"Me and my friend here would like to register as Adventurers with the Association."
"(Tch, newbies…) I see, is this your first time coming to our Association?"
Oi oi lady, I didn't miss that, what's with that character gap, you're supposed to be professional!
"Uh yes, it is our first time."
"Ok, first I will need your IDs please"
"Ah I do not have an ID, I lived deep in the forest since when I was a baby, I was hoping to register an ID here. My friend here has hers."
Daami hands over her ID on the desk, looks like she's acting slightly more normal now.
"Thank you, now for you, here is a form to complete. We need your name and general details, also our Association has a seperate card system that you can choose when completing this form. Most people have their ID card integrated with our Association's card when they register, so they only need one ID card in total."
"I see, Daami will you be getting the Association's card as well?"
Daami simply nods back.
Did this girl forget how to talk now?
"Understood, that will be 14 silver in total for registration fees, 5 silver is the cost per Association card and 2 silver per registee."
My mentor had given me some currency before I departed on my travels so I am not troubled with money. But looking at Daami…
Yeah she's definitely looking at me with upturned eyes…
Behave normally will you!
"I will be paying on her behalf, here is 14 silver."
I handed over the money as well as my completed form.
"Thank you, the cards will take a few minutes to prepare, we will call you over once ready. please wait in the lounge area for the time being. Also here is the entire list of the Association's regulations and policies you must follow as a member of the Association. I can't be bothered explaining it to you so please make sure you read it all. Have a nice day."
Handing me a sheet of paper full of text, the receptionist bids us well, more like hurrying us away…
"Ah um, before we go, could you tell us where to go to sell monster or animal parts?"
Daami finally spoke, she quickly asked the receptionist, except it looks like Trisha is a bit annoyed.
"Just go to past the end of the reception, make a right down the corridor past the Bar and you will see a bench and a windowed reception. The windowed reception will have staff you can talk to about it."
Oh she actually answered despite looking annoyed.
"Thank you."
"Hello young lady, what can I help you with."
A burly old man with short brown hair and a scruffy beard with streaks of grey speaks. He's clearly a retired adventurer or hunter given his body is like that, sitting behind the windowed reception welcoming Daami.
"I would like to sell some Horhog material please."
"Hoh? That's quite impressive lass, Horhogs are quite fearsome monsters, to take down one of those, you must be quite a skilled adventurer or hunter eh?"
Stop laughing with that stupid smile from being praised Daami! I did most of the work you know?
"Well then, please place all the materials you want to sell on the bench over there and I will be right out to inspect."
After Daami sold the material she received little pouch containing 5 gold and 40 silver, quite a sum of money.
We are now resting at a sofa in the lounging area inside the Association building while waiting for the cards to complete.
I decided to read through the policies while Daami plays with her pouch of gold.
She's totally going to lose it...
In summary, the Adventurer's Association has branches across the world with the headquarters in the free trade city of Raymington, in the Rayming Kingdom.
The Association is independent to all countries rulings however they abide by the basic rules in each nation they are within. And so as members of the Association we must also abide by the laws of each nation we are in.
Which is basically common sense, So as long as you have common sense you'll be fine.
As an Adventurer, we usually take activities from the quest board at the Association to complete tasks for customers, the Association is only a middle agent.
Everything is ranked by levels from 1 to 50.
The activities are also ranked and so you must be the same level or higher to complete the activity of that level.
Usually it takes 10+ activities per level to level to the next, but there are some cases with special circumstances.
There's even a monthly rank ladder listing the top Adventurers of the Association with 20 spots for a special level, 'Level X'. The spots changes each month, only the very best adventurers are allowed to be 'Level X', they are measured by their ability to complete activities, the amount of activities completed and general battle prowess. Of course rank 1 of the 20 is the strongest Adventurer of that month.
In case of parties, the party members' lowest level and highest level must be within 10 level difference and the activity level must be equal to the lowest member at least.
Parties are limited to 6 members, anymore will be considered a guild and follow a different system.
The guild system works similarly to parties except the level difference does not exist, for example a level 50 can be in the same guild as a level 1 but they cannot party together. Activities for guilds are special, the are often received by each guild leader from the Association's branch head or vice head directly.
The guild also have a quarterly ranking system. The current ranked 1 guild is "Steel Tempest", it is said they have members who often take 5-10 spots as 'Level X'.
Anyways all this probably doesn't have much to do with us, we are just level 1s and I mostly just want to travel around.
But after we get our cards, what should be do next?
While contemplating, Daami drops her pouch and it rolls under the sofa, now she's on all fours fishing for it…