Anthon was shaking when he lifted Jia up into his arms. Though he never heard a sound from her, his heart broke to see her grimaced in so much pain.
Anthon had just placed her in the seat next to him when Jia squirmed in a concealed fear.
"Ton, I'm afraid we can't make it to the hospital. Just take me to the maternity clinic on the next block. My bag of water has ruptured already. Sorry for the mess. " She looked at the bloody water stain on the covers.
"Jia, hold on. Don't scare me. Why did you let Jim go when you're already expecting your delivery?
How he wished he could fly his car to skip the traffic jam. Jia was already crying silently. He watched her toss up every now and rubbing her lower back. Everytime they were caught up in an obstruction, he would help her rub her back.
This must be exactly how scared Jim was when she gave birth to Jian. How ironic it was to dream for a baby when the labor itself was frightening.