99.11% Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker / Chapter 111: Issue 111: The Amazing Web Part 25

章節 111: Issue 111: The Amazing Web Part 25

When they stepped back into the view of the campfire, Peter noticed everyone's surprised reaction at the return of one of their fellow heroes.

"Miles!" Pete jumped over and hugged him.

"Hey, Pete…" Miles smiled and hugged back.

"Holy crap, you're alive?" Laura shouted as she ran over and hugged him as well.

A few other friends crowded him and started welcoming him back.

May looked up with a curious expression, "Daddy? Who's this?"

Miles smiled at the little red head and picked her up, "You probably don't remember me because you were a toddler, but I'm a good friend of your parents. You used to call me Uncle Miles."

"He's like a little brother to me," Pete chuckled.

"Cool! Hey! Danielle! I have two dads and an uncle now! This just keeps getting better!" 

Luke chuckled, "Been a while…glad to see you're still kicking."

"You too, big man," Miles replied while they pounded their fists together.

"Come on, sit down. Tell us what you've been up to all this time," MJ pulled him over towards the fire and sat on a long log.

"We have smores!" Wade cheered.

They all waited for them to calm down when Miles started to explain.

"Venom and I found each other after the world went dark. In those early days, we kept each other alive, and for a while, it worked well. However, when Carnage got the jump on us and merged with me, I lost myself. The voices…their power was just too much to take."

"Why would the Symbiotes work for Apocalypse?" Doom asked as he crossed his arms.

"They worked for him because he told them what no one else knows, because of what he promised them, because of what he plans to do. He's looking for a way to shut down the EMP. That's why he kidnapped all those scientists. There's going to be a moment when the power comes back on, and he promised the Symbiotes a ship to get off planet when it happens."

Miles went on to explain what exactly happened. He told them about the corrupt Celestial that was sitting in the core of the planet. This much a few already knew thanks to Sue explaining what happened. However, they now knew that the EMP was keeping that Celestial shut off. If it was stopped and it woke back up, the Unmaker would swallow the entire Earth.

It was designed to eat black holes and stop Entropy, but after countless years of soaking in all that dark energy, it became twisted in its mission. It began eating entire solar systems and was eventually stopped by the Living Tribunal. Since the cosmic being could not destroy the Celestial, he chose to instead seal it in the center of the Earth.

"Are you saying all of this, the billions of deaths, the hell we live in…is because the Living Tribunal messed up!" Pete looked like he was ready to blow his top.

Everyone else felt the same. They all wanted to curse out the higher being until their voices were shot. However, they knew it wouldn't do any good. Not even Galactus would mess with the Living Tribunal.

"I swear, I think someone needs to replace him. What on earth made him think it was okay to seal that thing on a fully populated planet," Peter groaned as he wondered if he could somehow contact the One Above All and tell him his worker messed up big time.

"Well, nothing we can do about that idiot," Deadpool added, "Might as well enjoy what we still have. Anyone know any good campfire songs?"

Peter shook his head and jumped back inside the van and took a nap. He was wondering if his Vita-Glaive would be enough to slay the Celestial and free the world from this threat. If that didn't work, he could always make a new planet for them to relocate to.

The next morning, Miles had joined the party and were off, heading towards Paris at a steady pace.

When they arrived, they all disembarked and saw the monument of Apocalypse surrounded by tents and buildings. He had renovated the Louvre into his own private estate and had men moving back and forth while carrying building materials.

"Honey, I want you to wait inside for us to get back," Pete gave May a stern look.


"You too, Danielle. We'll be right back, I promise," Jessica kissed her daughter.

"Behave and stay with the dinosaur," Luke patted her head.

"Keep them safe and watch over the van," MJ kissed May on the forehead.

As they went to the second floor of the tour bus, Peter grabbed something from behind Wade's seat and closed the door behind him. 

"Stay here for a second," He strolled by them with a red and black painted sniper rifle.

"Hey! That's mine!" Deadpool shouted.

"What are you doing with a gun?" Pete asked.

"Killing Killgrave. The very moment he dies will be the perfect chance for us to strike. I imagine it'll be harder for Apocalypse to escape or have any kind of advantage once we free his slaves."

"Woah, this Spidey kills? I think I'm in love," Wade smirked.

"Your Peter has killed before. Aliens, monsters, animals, even an accidental death of a spy that was terminally ill, not to mention any vampires or werewolves you've killed since. Life is life."

Pete sighed because he knew that his younger-self was right. Killing Killgrave was the best choice they had. Not to mention, they didn't know if the Symbiotes could protect them since Apocalypse boosted his mutation to an entirely new level.

"Wait…I should take the shot," Jessica spoke up.

"Can you make it? Without a doubt, can you make this shot?" Peter lifted a brow.

Her silence was telling.

"Jess, let me do this for you. I'm not going to bloody your hands with that scum's life. Deadpool, this baby is your God Killer, right?"

"Yep! Vibranium casing, Adamantium tipped, extra gun powder for extra oomph, and a damn good scope too," Deadpool bragged.

"Good, should be enough to pierce the building once I add some runes," Peter said as he did just that.

Using Alchemy, he carved in magical runes that turned this weapon into a powerful rail gun that could withstand the massive force shooting it caused.

"Now you can call it a God Killer and it not be a boastful statement," Peter grinned before climbed up the tallest structure in the area, the arc de triomphe. 

Once he was on top of the Archway, he aimed down the sights and said, "Webster?"

"On it, sir. Locating biological signature… Match found… Highlighting target… Calculating trajectory, hit the crosshair on my go."

Peter breathed out and stilled his heart before his finger hovered over the trigger. If there was one human Peter could kill without remorse, it was the Blue Man.

Killgrave was his most hated villain in Marvel. This guy hurt innocent people whenever he got the chance, just for shits and giggles, and was responsible for some of the most heinous crimes Peter could think of. He raped his friends and used her as a tool, destroyed her start as a hero, brainwashed countless people and made their lives a living hell, and killed more than a few heroes throughout his crime sprees.

He may have let his version live due to wanting to keep his Jessica's hands clean, and today, he was going to spare her that pain again by taking his life. It would all come to an end at his hands. 

The very moment he lined up the shot, Killgrave started to move away from his current crowded location and out of the captives' line of fire.


Peter pulled the trigger and felt the kick back. However, with his strength and his ability to stick to any surface, it was barely a tickle. A red light pulsed at the front of the barrel while the bullet shot out and created several sonic booms before hitting the building and passing through it.

It traveled through several layers of concrete and stayed on course right up until it blew Killgrave's head off.

Seconds later, Cyclops' lasers tore through the building and explosions went off left and right. 

Peter opened a portal and shouted, "Avengers, let's kick Apocalypse's ass."

He hopped through the Portal to see the villain in question flying back towards them. Cyclops fired his beam full force on to the giant ancient mutant. Beside him were Reed Richards, Doctor Octopus, a weakened Magneto, She-Hulk, Captain America, and Riri Williams. 

However, there was also Dracula who didn't last more than a second as Blade snuck up behind him and cut his head off.

Peter looked around for his usual posy of empowered mutants he calls his horsemen but saw that no one was standing by his side.

The Spider-Hero walked towards him alongside the heroes that joined him and said, "Well...looks like that whole enslavement thing was a step down from your usual gig of tempting people."

Apocalypse took one look at him and growled as he deflected Scott's eye beam back at him. 

While Captain America shielded him, he stared down the visitor from another universe and said, "Interloper, you ruined quite a few of my plans. But no matter, I alone am enough to deal with the likes of all of you combined."

"It's a good thing I'm not alone," Peter shot out dozens more Symbiotes to the freed heroes.

He then pulled out his Vita-Glaive and held it over his shoulder, "So I take you haven't learned anything about me or my capabilities."

"If I had, do you think I'd be in this mess?" Apocalypse replied as he saw the small army of Symbiote wearing heroes.

The villain tried to attack with a sudden punch when Peter grabbed his hand. Fully enhancing it with his Chi combined with Hulk-Tier physical body, he caught the villain's hand and slid back several feet before being pushed through a building.

The other's wanted to help, but he sent them all a telepathic message to let him handle it.

Peter retracted his weapon and jumped into the air. He then hit the villain with a spinning back kick before Apocalypse punched the bottom of his heel. A clash erupted that was so powerful that it sent shockwaves across the entire Louvre.

The Spider-Hero was using everything he had. His Chi, the powerful body that he nurtured, spells that enhanced his physical capabilities, and Webster's extraordinary enhancing effects, with pure physical ability alone, he thought that he would be more than a match for this foe. 

However, Apocalypse was far stronger than he thought he would be. In the comics, this guy could take on and defeat people like the Hulk and Thor, so Peter had his work cut out for him.

The concussive force alone was enough to shatter every bone in his body, but it also grew back stronger.

Peter punched out with his fist and collided with the giant mutant. Once again, the space around them quaked like the earth near a volcanic eruption. Bone and muscle tore, kinetic energy was absorbed, and his body grew stronger in response.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, he was barely hanging on, but he didn't stop. Fire and determination burning in his eyes, he kept pushing forward.

A minute had passed, but it felt like weeks. Every attack pushed his body to the limits. His constant buzzing from his Spider-Senses was still firing off like the fourth of July. But Peter knew his opponent, knew him better than his foe knew himself.

He had challenged the pretend god to a test of strength, and a man of his standing would never back down from such a challenge, especially when he knew that he was stronger.

The second minute passed, and Peter's screams of pain had grown to mere grunts of discomfort.

The third minute passed, and Peter was feeling good enough to start cracking jokes.

"Hey, you know, your face reminds me of that singing bass toy, you know the one, right?"

Confused by the sudden insult, Apocalypse furrowed his brow and said, "You dare to insult this god."

"Here's a little song I wrote!" Peter punched out as hard as he could.

Their fists connected and destroyed the terrain around them, sending them both sliding back.

"I'm going to sing it, note by…" Peter kicked at his side, "NOTE!"

Apocalypse blocked and punched Peter in the head.

"You should worry, you shouldn't be happy, get angry now…" The blood dripped down Peter's forehead before it healed almost instantly.

"That's not how that song goes," Deadpool shouted.

 "I said I wrote it!" Peter shouted back as he ducked underneath a kick.

"That's plagiarism!" Deadpool loudly replied from the crowd watching everything go down.

Peter bobbed and weaved out of the ancient mutant's attacks while looking at Deadpool as he said, "No…it's parody…pa-ro-dy!"

"SILCENCE!" Apocalypse shouted as he started getting serious.

Peter saw the fist coming for his face and imagined his head popping off his shoulders. However, he braved forward and punched back with everything he had.

Another crater formed from their impact while Peter shot back almost a dozen miles.

Peter jumped back into the fray and the exchanged started once again. They fought for another minute while Peter cracked jokes every second that he got.

"Hey, are you naturally bald or do you shave. If it's the first, I might know a guy that can fix that for you." Peter took a blow that rattled his brain and shattered his skull.

"I know it must be hard getting a date when you look like…that," Peter used his elbow to rattle the villain's head, "But choosing suicide by spider isn't the option."

Apocalypse growled as his uppercut hit Spider-Man in the gut, launching him miles into the air.

Peter felt like his lung just tried to attempt a jail break. He swallowed down his pain and healed as webbed back to the ground while stomping out with both his feet. 

Apocalypse raised his arms to block and was sent crashing through the earth. The kinetic force from the blow sent them both into an underground cavern where there was a confused Logan staring at them both.

Apparently, he was being imprisoned here thanks Killgrave's command to never leave the tunnels.

He was just about to start digging out when the two came tumbling in.



Apocalypse punched Spider-Man in the back, cracking his spine as he was sent flying face first into the stone surface. The force shot him back above ground while Logan tried to jump on the villain.

The would-be God slapped the X-Man aside before jumping back through the ground.

The moment he surfaced, Peter was there waiting for him. He webbed the ground and some distant debris and ran back before slingshoting himself over at his foe. With his foot extended, his kick cracked one of Apocalypse's ribs and sent him flying through the street and into a pile of cars that hadn't moved since the EMP.

The two clashed fists once again when Peter realized that he was starting to catch up. His bones barely fractured this time.

Another minute of grueling combat, it suddenly became apparent that Peter was starting to actually fight back.

Blow for blow, he was matching Apocalypse and even started to win in a contest of strength.

Another minute passed, and Peter's Spider-Senses were no longer active. He was calm, felt stronger than ever, and smirked as he realized that he no longer needed any boosts to his raw strength. No Chi, no Symbiote, no enhancements of any kind, just the power of his physique alone was more than enough to overcome this threat.

"Hey, you slowing down in your old age?" Peter puched him in the gut, causing him to keel over.

He followed it up with four lightning-fast punches to his face, a jump kick to his neck, an elbow to the top of his skull, and a leaping side-kick to his gut.

Apocalypse couldn't believe he was losing. It didn't make any sense. He truly thought that no creature besides himself could evolve this rapidly.

"I've had enough of this!" Magic surrounded his fist as he punched out with everything he had.

Peter tanked the attack, but it knocked him hundreds of miles into the air.

"Holy crap he's strong with magic enhancements…but it's not like either of us agreed to play fair. I guess I should end this now," Peter thought as he went into Speedster mode and webbed himself back on the ground. 

With an instantaneous burst of speed, he appeared in front of the villain. Peter's hands moved faster than Apocalypse could see. He hadn't even noticed the sonic booms since they hadn't caught up yet.

Without a second thought, he stabbed the villain through the chest with the Vita-Glaive, lifting him off the ground before pinning him to a wall.

"You think this will sto…" Apocalypse suddenly coughed up a mouth full of blood and stared at his hands in pure shock.

"Yes, I know it can stop you. In fact, I know that it can kill you. You see this weapon piercing your heart? It was made to kill Celestials."

"Where did you get the Ne…"

"It's not the Necro-Sword, but a creation of my own. The funny thing is the Necro-Swords special ability allows it to wither all life away from those it cuts. My Vita-Glaive does something else, it steals away the vital energies of those I pierce with it."

Realization overcame the villain's expression as Peter smirked.


The Spider-Hero didn't listen. He absorbed the vital and mystical energies Apocalypse had amassed over his countless years of living. As he dried up like a raisin, Peter diverted his Chi into his core and gained the ability to amplify and evolve the powers of Mutants, and since he got it, that meant that Webster did too.

Lastly, the mystical and cosmic energy was absorbed into the Vita-Glaive, making it dozens of times stronger.

His body turned to ash before Peter looked at the others who were staring at him out of pure shock.


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