"The thing is, I read from a book that antiques which are taken out from ancient graves are always covered in Yin. Once a human being touches it, he or she can be affected by the Yin. Sometimes, the person might have nightmares and can't sleep well. When it gets worse, the person's life could be in danger. Have you heard of it before?" Gu Ning asked.
Hearing that, the middle-aged man and the old man put on a serious face. "I've heard of it before, but I haven't seen it in person yet, so I don't know whether it's real or not."
"Do you feel cold when you touch this bronze tripod?" Gu Ning asked again, but it was with certainty.
Hearing that, they stiffened a little, and showed frightened expressions. They did feel cold when they touched this bronze tripod, but how could she know?
Is it true?
Thinking of what Gu Ning had just told them, they trembled in fear.